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2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* RangeMap.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include <boost/range.hpp>
#include "flow/IndexedSet.h"
using boost::iterator_range;
template <class Key>
class RangeMapRange {
Key begin, end;
RangeMapRange( Key const& begin, Key const& end ) : begin(begin), end(end) {}
template <class Key>
RangeMapRange<Key> rangeMapRange( Key const& begin, Key const& end ) { return RangeMapRange<Key>(begin,end); }
template <class Metric>
struct ConstantMetric {
template<typename pair_type>
Metric operator()(pair_type const& p) const { return Metric(1); }
template <class Metric>
struct KeyBytesMetric {
template<typename pair_type>
Metric operator()(pair_type const& p) const { return Metric(p.key.size() + sizeof(pair_type)); }
template <class Metric>
struct ValueBytesMetric {
template<typename pair_type>
Metric operator()(pair_type const& p) const { return Metric(p.value.size() + sizeof(pair_type)); }
template <class Metric>
struct KeyValueBytesMetric {
template<typename pair_type>
Metric operator()(pair_type const& p) const { return Metric(p.key.size() + p.value.size() + sizeof(pair_type)); }
template <class Key, class Val, class Range = RangeMapRange<Key>, class Metric = int, class MetricFunc = ConstantMetric<Metric>>
class RangeMap {
typedef MapPair<Key,Val> pair_type;
//Applications may decrement an iterator before ranges begin, or increment after ranges end, but once in this state cannot do further incrementing or decrementing
class Iterator {
Iterator() {} // singular
Iterator( typename Map<Key,Val,pair_type,Metric>::iterator it ) : it(it) {}
Key const& begin() { return it->key; }
Key const& end() { auto j = it; ++j; return j->key; }
Range range() { return Range(begin(),end()); }
Val& value() {
//ASSERT( it->key != allKeys.end );
return it->value;
void operator ++() { ++it; }
void operator --() { it.decrementNonEnd(); }
bool operator ==(Iterator const& r) const { return it ==; }
bool operator !=(Iterator const& r) const { return it !=; }
// operator* and -> return this
Iterator& operator*() { return *this; }
Iterator* operator->() { return this; }
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef Iterator value_type;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef Iterator* pointer;
typedef Iterator& reference;
typename Map<Key,Val,pair_type,Metric>::iterator it;
typedef iterator_range<Iterator> Ranges;
explicit RangeMap(Key endKey, Val v=Val(), MetricFunc m = MetricFunc()) : mf(m) {
Key beginKey = Key();
pair_type beginPair(beginKey, v);
map.insert(beginPair, true, mf(beginPair));
pair_type endPair(endKey, Val());
map.insert(endPair, true, mf(endPair));
Val const& operator[]( const Key& k ) { return rangeContaining(k).value(); }
Ranges ranges() { return Ranges( Iterator(map.begin()), Iterator(map.lastItem()) ); }
Ranges intersectingRanges( const Range& r ) { return Ranges(rangeContaining(r.begin), Iterator(map.lower_bound(r.end))); }
// containedRanges() will return all ranges that are fully contained by the passed range (note that a range fully contains itself)
Ranges containedRanges( const Range& r ) {
auto s = Iterator( map.lower_bound( r.begin ) );
if ( s.begin() >= r.end ) return Ranges(s,s);
return Ranges(s, rangeContaining(r.end));
template <class ComparableToKey>
Iterator rangeContaining( const ComparableToKey& k ) {
return Iterator(map.lastLessOrEqual(k));
// Returns the range containing a key infinitesimally before k, or the first range if k==Key()
template <class ComparableToKey>
Iterator rangeContainingKeyBefore( const ComparableToKey& k ) {
Iterator i = map.lower_bound(k);
if ( !i->begin().size() ) return i;
return i;
Iterator lastItem() {
auto i = map.lastItem();
return Iterator(i);
int size() const { return map.size() - 1; } // We always have one range bounded by two entries
Iterator randomRange() {
return Iterator( map.index( g_random->randomInt(0, map.size()-1) ) );
Iterator nthRange(int n) { return Iterator(map.index(n)); }
bool allEqual( const Range& r, const Val& v );
template <class ComparableToKey>
void coalesce( const ComparableToKey& k );
void coalesce( const Range& k );
void validateCoalesced();
void operator=(RangeMap&& r) noexcept(true) { map = std::move(; }
//void clear( const Val& value ) { ranges.clear(); ranges.insert(std::make_pair(Key(),value)); }
void insert( const Range& keys, const Val& value );
Map<Key,Val,pair_type,Metric> map;
const MetricFunc mf;
template <class Key, class Val, class Range, class Metric, class MetricFunc>
template <class ComparableToKey>
void RangeMap<Key,Val,Range,Metric,MetricFunc>::coalesce( const ComparableToKey& k ) {
auto begin = map.lastLessOrEqual(k);
auto end = begin;
const Val& compareVal = begin->value;
ASSERT( begin != map.end() );
while( begin != map.begin() && begin->value == compareVal )
while( end != map.lastItem() && end->value == compareVal )
if( begin->value != compareVal ) {
if( begin == end ) return;
map.erase(begin, end);
template <class Key, class Val, class Range, class Metric, class MetricFunc>
void RangeMap<Key,Val,Range,Metric,MetricFunc>::coalesce( const Range& k ) {
auto it = map.lastLessOrEqual(k.begin);
Val* lastVal = &it->value;
if( it == map.end() )
bool doCheck = true;
while( it != map.lastItem() && doCheck ) {
doCheck = it->key < k.end;
if( it->value == *lastVal ) {
doCheck = true;
auto begin = it;
map.erase(begin, it);
else {
lastVal = &it->value;
template <class Key, class Val, class Range, class Metric, class MetricFunc>
void RangeMap<Key,Val,Range,Metric,MetricFunc>::validateCoalesced() {
auto it = map.begin();
Val* lastVal = &it->value;
auto end = map.lastItem();
for( ; it != end; ++it ) {
ASSERT( it->value != *lastVal );
lastVal = &it->value;
template <class Key, class Val, class Range, class Metric, class MetricFunc>
bool RangeMap<Key,Val,Range,Metric,MetricFunc>::allEqual( const Range& keys, const Val& val ) {
auto r = intersectingRanges(keys);
for(auto i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i)
if (i.value() != val)
return false;
return true;
template <class Key, class Val, class Range, class Metric, class MetricFunc>
void RangeMap<Key,Val,Range,Metric,MetricFunc>::insert( const Range& keys, const Val& value ) {
if(keys.begin == keys.end)
auto end = map.lower_bound( keys.end );
if( end->key != keys.end ) {
const Val& valueAfterRange = end->value;
pair_type endPair(keys.end, valueAfterRange);
end = map.insert(endPair, true, mf(endPair));
auto begin = map.lower_bound( keys.begin );
map.erase(begin, end);
pair_type beginPair(keys.begin, value);
map.insert(beginPair, true, mf(beginPair));