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2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <fstream>
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h"
#include "fdbrpc/simulator.h"
#include "fdbclient/FailureMonitorClient.h"
#include "fdbclient/DatabaseContext.h"
#include "TesterInterface.h"
#include "WorkerInterface.h"
#include "fdbclient/ClusterInterface.h"
#include "Knobs.h"
#include "ClusterRecruitmentInterface.h"
#include "fdbserver/CoordinationInterface.h"
#include "fdbmonitor/SimpleIni.h"
#include "fdbrpc/"
#include "fdbrpc/TLSConnection.h"
#include "fdbclient/ManagementAPI.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.h"
#include "fdbclient/BackupAgent.h"
#ifndef WIN32
#include "versions.h"
#undef max
#undef min
extern bool buggifyActivated;
extern "C" int g_expect_full_pointermap;
extern const char* getHGVersion();
const int PROCESS_START_TIME = 4;
const int MACHINE_REBOOT_TIME = 10;
bool destructed = false;
static const char* certBytes =
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
"-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
template <class T>
T simulate( const T& in ) {
BinaryWriter writer(AssumeVersion(currentProtocolVersion));
writer << in;
BinaryReader reader( writer.getData(), writer.getLength(), AssumeVersion(currentProtocolVersion) );
T out;
reader >> out;
return out;
static void simInitTLS() {
Reference<TLSOptions> options( new TLSOptions );
options->set_cert_data( certBytes );
options->set_key_data( certBytes );
ACTOR Future<Void> runBackup( Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> connFile ) {
state std::vector<Future<Void>> agentFutures;
while (g_simulator.backupAgents == ISimulator::WaitForType) {
Void _ = wait(delay(1.0));
if (g_simulator.backupAgents == ISimulator::BackupToFile) {
Reference<Cluster> cluster = Cluster::createCluster(connFile, -1);
Database cx = cluster->createDatabase(LiteralStringRef("DB")).get();
state FileBackupAgent fileAgent;
state double backupPollDelay = 1.0 / CLIENT_KNOBS->BACKUP_AGGREGATE_POLL_RATE;
agentFutures.push_back(, &backupPollDelay, CLIENT_KNOBS->SIM_BACKUP_TASKS_PER_AGENT));
while (g_simulator.backupAgents == ISimulator::BackupToFile) {
Void _ = wait(delay(1.0));
for(auto it : agentFutures) {
else if (g_simulator.backupAgents == ISimulator::BackupToDB) {
Reference<Cluster> cluster = Cluster::createCluster(connFile, -1);
Database cx = cluster->createDatabase(LiteralStringRef("DB")).get();
Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> extraFile(new ClusterConnectionFile(*g_simulator.extraDB));
Reference<Cluster> extraCluster = Cluster::createCluster(extraFile, -1);
state Database extraDB = extraCluster->createDatabase(LiteralStringRef("DB")).get();
TraceEvent("StartingBackupAgents").detail("connFile", connFile->getConnectionString().toString()).detail("extraString", extraFile->getConnectionString().toString());
state DatabaseBackupAgent dbAgent = DatabaseBackupAgent(cx);
state DatabaseBackupAgent extraAgent = DatabaseBackupAgent(extraDB);
state double dr1PollDelay = 1.0 / CLIENT_KNOBS->BACKUP_AGGREGATE_POLL_RATE;
state double dr2PollDelay = 1.0 / CLIENT_KNOBS->BACKUP_AGGREGATE_POLL_RATE;
agentFutures.push_back(, &dr1PollDelay, CLIENT_KNOBS->SIM_BACKUP_TASKS_PER_AGENT));
agentFutures.push_back(, &dr2PollDelay, CLIENT_KNOBS->SIM_BACKUP_TASKS_PER_AGENT));
while (g_simulator.backupAgents == ISimulator::BackupToDB) {
Void _ = wait(delay(1.0));
for(auto it : agentFutures) {
Void _= wait(Future<Void>(Never()));
throw internal_error();
// SOMEDAY: when a process can be rebooted in isolation from the other on that machine,
// a loop{} will be needed around the waiting on simulatedFDBD(). For now this simply
// takes care of house-keeping such as context switching and file closing.
ACTOR Future<ISimulator::KillType> simulatedFDBDRebooter(
Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> connFile,
uint32_t ip,
bool useSSL,
uint16_t port,
LocalityData localities,
ProcessClass processClass,
std::string* dataFolder,
std::string* coordFolder,
std::string baseFolder,
ClusterConnectionString connStr,
bool useSeedFile,
bool runBackupAgents)
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo *simProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state UID randomId = g_nondeterministic_random->randomUniqueID();
state int cycles = 0;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
loop {
cycles ++;
TraceEvent("SimulatedFDBDWait").detail("Cycles", cycles).detail("RandomId", randomId)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detail("ProcessAddress", NetworkAddress(ip, port, true, false))
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detail("waitTime", waitTime).detail("Port", port);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Void _ = wait( delay( waitTime ) );
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo *process = g_simulator.newProcess( "Server", ip, port, localities, processClass, dataFolder->c_str(), coordFolder->c_str() );
Void _ = wait( g_simulator.onProcess(process, TaskDefaultYield) ); // Now switch execution to the process on which we will run
state Future<ISimulator::KillType> onShutdown = process->onShutdown();
try {
TraceEvent("SimulatedRebooterStarting", localities.zoneId()).detail("Cycles", cycles).detail("RandomId", randomId)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detailext("DataHall", localities.dataHallId())
.detail("ProcessAddress", process->address.toString())
.detail("ProcessExcluded", process->excluded)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detail("UsingSSL", useSSL);
TraceEvent("ProgramStart").detail("Cycles", cycles)
.detail("SourceVersion", getHGVersion())
.detail("Version", FDB_VT_VERSION)
.detail("PackageName", FDB_VT_PACKAGE_NAME)
.detail("DataFolder", *dataFolder)
.detail("ConnectionString", connFile ? connFile->getConnectionString().toString() : "")
.detailf("ActualTime", "%lld", DEBUG_DETERMINISM ? 0 : time(NULL))
.detail("CommandLine", "fdbserver -r simulation")
.detail("BuggifyEnabled", buggifyActivated)
.detail("Simulated", true)
try {
//SOMEDAY: test lower memory limits, without making them too small and causing the database to stop making progress
NetworkAddress n(ip, port, true, useSSL);
Future<Void> listen = FlowTransport::transport().bind( n, n );
Future<Void> fd = fdbd( connFile, localities, processClass, *dataFolder, *coordFolder, 500e6, "", "");
Future<Void> backup = runBackupAgents ? runBackup(connFile) : Future<Void>(Never());
Void _ = wait(listen || fd || success(onShutdown) || backup);
} catch (Error& e) {
// If in simulation, if we make it here with an error other than io_timeout but enASIOTimedOut is set then somewhere an io_timeout was converted to a different error.
if(g_network->isSimulated() && e.code() != error_code_io_timeout && (bool)g_network->global(INetwork::enASIOTimedOut))
TraceEvent(SevError, "IOTimeoutErrorSuppressed").detail("ErrorCode", e.code()).backtrace();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if (onShutdown.isReady() && onShutdown.isError()) throw onShutdown.getError();
if(e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled)
printf("SimulatedFDBDTerminated: %s\n", e.what());
ASSERT( destructed || g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == process ); // simulatedFDBD catch called on different process
TraceEvent(e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled || e.code() == error_code_file_not_found || destructed ? SevInfo : SevError, "SimulatedFDBDTerminated", localities.zoneId()).error(e, true);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("SimulatedFDBDDone", localities.zoneId()).detail("Cycles", cycles).detail("RandomId", randomId)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detail("ProcessAddress", process->address)
.detail("ProcessExcluded", process->excluded)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detail("KillType", onShutdown.isReady() ? onShutdown.get() : ISimulator::None);
if (!onShutdown.isReady())
onShutdown = ISimulator::InjectFaults;
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(destructed ? SevInfo : SevError, "SimulatedFDBDRebooterError", localities.zoneId()).error(e, true);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
onShutdown = e;
ASSERT( destructed || g_simulator.getCurrentProcess() == process );
if( !process->shutdownSignal.isSet() && !destructed ) {
process->rebooting = true;
Void _ = wait( g_simulator.onProcess( simProcess ) );
Void _ = wait(delay(0.00001 + FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_BUGGIFIED_DELAY)); // One last chance for the process to clean up?
g_simulator.destroyProcess( process ); // Leak memory here; the process may be used in other parts of the simulation
auto shutdownResult = onShutdown.get();
TraceEvent("SimulatedFDBDShutdown", localities.zoneId()).detail("Cycles", cycles).detail("RandomId", randomId)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detail("ProcessAddress", process->address)
.detail("ProcessExcluded", process->excluded)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detail("KillType", shutdownResult);
if( shutdownResult < ISimulator::RebootProcessAndDelete ) {
TraceEvent("SimulatedFDBDLowerReboot", localities.zoneId()).detail("Cycles", cycles).detail("RandomId", randomId)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detail("ProcessAddress", process->address)
.detail("ProcessExcluded", process->excluded)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detail("KillType", shutdownResult);
return onShutdown.get();
if( onShutdown.get() == ISimulator::RebootProcessAndDelete ) {
TraceEvent("SimulatedFDBDRebootAndDelete", localities.zoneId()).detail("Cycles", cycles).detail("RandomId", randomId)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detail("ProcessAddress", process->address)
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detail("KillType", shutdownResult);
*coordFolder = joinPath(baseFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
*dataFolder = joinPath(baseFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
platform::createDirectory( *dataFolder );
if(!useSeedFile) {
writeFile(joinPath(*dataFolder, "fdb.cluster"), connStr.toString());
connFile = Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>( new ClusterConnectionFile( joinPath( *dataFolder, "fdb.cluster" )));
else {
connFile = Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>( new ClusterConnectionFile( joinPath( *dataFolder, "fdb.cluster" ), connStr.toString() ) );
else {
TraceEvent("SimulatedFDBDJustRepeat", localities.zoneId()).detail("Cycles", cycles).detail("RandomId", randomId)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detail("ProcessAddress", process->address)
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detail("KillType", shutdownResult);
std::string describe(bool const& val) {
return val ? "true" : "false";
std::string describe(int const& val) {
return format("%d", val);
// Since a datacenter kill is considered to be the same as killing a machine, files cannot be swapped across datacenters
std::map< Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > > availableFolders;
// process count is no longer needed because it is now the length of the vector of ip's, because it was one ip per process
ACTOR Future<Void> simulatedMachine(
ClusterConnectionString connStr,
std::vector<uint32_t> ips,
bool sslEnabled,
LocalityData localities,
ProcessClass processClass,
std::string baseFolder,
bool restarting,
bool useSeedFile,
bool runBackupAgents)
state int bootCount = 0;
state std::vector<std::string> myFolders;
state std::vector<std::string> coordFolders;
try {
CSimpleIni ini;
ini.LoadFile(joinPath(baseFolder, "restartInfo.ini").c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < ips.size(); i++) {
if (restarting) {
myFolders.push_back( ini.GetValue(printable(localities.zoneId()).c_str(), format("%d", i).c_str(), joinPath(baseFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString()).c_str()) );
if(i == 0) {
std::string coordinationFolder = ini.GetValue(printable(localities.zoneId()).c_str(), "coordinationFolder", "");
coordinationFolder = ini.GetValue(printable(localities.zoneId()).c_str(), format("c%d", i).c_str(), joinPath(baseFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString()).c_str());
} else {
coordFolders.push_back( ini.GetValue(printable(localities.zoneId()).c_str(), format("c%d", i).c_str(), joinPath(baseFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString()).c_str()) );
else {
coordFolders.push_back( joinPath(baseFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString()) );
std::string thisFolder = g_random->randomUniqueID().toString();
myFolders.push_back( joinPath(baseFolder, thisFolder ) );
platform::createDirectory( myFolders[i] );
if (!useSeedFile)
writeFile(joinPath(myFolders[i], "fdb.cluster"), connStr.toString());
loop {
state std::vector< Future<ISimulator::KillType> > processes;
for( int i = 0; i < ips.size(); i++ ) {
std::string path = joinPath(myFolders[i], "fdb.cluster");
Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> clusterFile(useSeedFile ? new ClusterConnectionFile(path, connStr.toString()) : new ClusterConnectionFile(path));
processes.push_back(simulatedFDBDRebooter(clusterFile, ips[i], sslEnabled, i + 1, localities, processClass, &myFolders[i], &coordFolders[i], baseFolder, connStr, useSeedFile, runBackupAgents));
TEST( bootCount >= 1 ); // Simulated machine rebooted
TEST( bootCount >= 2 ); // Simulated machine rebooted twice
TEST( bootCount >= 3 ); // Simulated machine rebooted three times
.detail("Folder0", myFolders[0])
.detail("CFolder0", coordFolders[0])
.detail("MachineIPs", toIPVectorString(ips))
.detail("SSL", sslEnabled)
.detail("processes", processes.size())
.detail("bootCount", bootCount)
.detail("ProcessClass", processClass.toString())
.detail("Restarting", restarting)
.detail("UseSeedFile", useSeedFile)
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detailext("DataHall", localities.dataHallId())
.detail("Locality", localities.toString());
Void _ = wait( waitForAll( processes ) );
.detail("Folder0", myFolders[0])
.detail("CFolder0", coordFolders[0])
.detail("MachineIPs", toIPVectorString(ips))
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detailext("DataHall", localities.dataHallId());
//Kill all open files, which may cause them to write invalid data.
auto& machineCache = g_simulator.getMachineById(localities.zoneId())->openFiles;
//Copy the file pointers to a vector because the map may be modified while we are killing files
std::vector<AsyncFileNonDurable*> files;
for(auto fileItr = machineCache.begin(); fileItr != machineCache.end(); ++fileItr) {
ASSERT( fileItr->second.isReady() );
files.push_back( (AsyncFileNonDurable*)fileItr->second.get().getPtr() );
std::vector<Future<Void>> killFutures;
for(auto fileItr = files.begin(); fileItr != files.end(); ++fileItr)
Void _ = wait( waitForAll( killFutures ) );
state std::set<std::string> filenames;
state std::string closingStr;
auto& machineCache = g_simulator.getMachineById(localities.zoneId())->openFiles;
for( auto it : machineCache ) {
filenames.insert( it.first );
closingStr += it.first + ", ";
ASSERT( it.second.isReady() && !it.second.isError() );
.detail("Folder0", myFolders[0])
.detail("CFolder0", coordFolders[0])
.detail("MachineIPs", toIPVectorString(ips))
.detail("Closing", closingStr)
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detailext("DataHall", localities.dataHallId());
ISimulator::MachineInfo* machine = g_simulator.getMachineById(localities.zoneId());
machine->closingFiles = filenames;
// During a reboot:
// The process is expected to close all files and be inactive in zero time, but not necessarily
// without delay(0)-equivalents, so delay(0) a few times waiting for it to achieve that goal.
// After an injected fault:
// The process is expected to shut down eventually, but not necessarily instantly. Wait up to 60 seconds.
state int shutdownDelayCount = 0;
state double backoff = 0;
loop {
auto& machineCache = g_simulator.getMachineById(localities.zoneId())->closingFiles;
if( !machineCache.empty() ) {
std::string openFiles;
int i = 0;
for( auto it = machineCache.begin(); it != machineCache.end() && i < 5; ++it ) {
openFiles += *it + ", ";
TraceEvent("MachineFilesOpen").detail("PAddr", toIPVectorString(ips)).detail("OpenFiles", openFiles);
} else
if( shutdownDelayCount++ >= 50 ) { // Worker doesn't shut down instantly on reboot
TraceEvent(SevError, "SimulatedFDBDFilesCheck")
.detail("PAddrs", toIPVectorString(ips))
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detailext("DataHall", localities.dataHallId());
ASSERT( false );
Void _ = wait( delay( backoff ) );
backoff = std::min( backoff + 1.0, 6.0 );
.detail("ProcessAddress", toIPVectorString(ips))
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detailext("DataHall", localities.dataHallId());
// SOMEDAY: when processes can be rebooted, this check will be needed
//ASSERT( this machine is rebooting );
// Since processes can end with different codes, take the highest (least severe) to detmine what to do
state ISimulator::KillType killType = processes[0].get();
for( int i = 1; i < ips.size(); i++ )
killType = std::max( processes[i].get(), killType );
TEST( true ); // Simulated machine has been rebooted
state bool swap = killType == ISimulator::Reboot && BUGGIFY_WITH_PROB(0.75) && g_simulator.canSwapToMachine( localities.zoneId() );
if( swap )
availableFolders[localities.dcId()].push_back( myFolders );
auto rebootTime = g_random->random01() * MACHINE_REBOOT_TIME;
.detail("Swap", swap)
.detail("KillType", killType)
.detail("RebootTime", rebootTime)
.detailext("ZoneId", localities.zoneId())
.detailext("DataHall", localities.dataHallId())
.detail("MachineIPs", toIPVectorString(ips));
Void _ = wait( delay( rebootTime ) );
if( swap ) {
auto& avail = availableFolders[localities.dcId()];
int i = g_random->randomInt(0, avail.size());
if( i != avail.size() - 1 )
std::swap( avail[i], avail.back() );
auto toRebootFrom = avail.back();
if( myFolders != toRebootFrom ) {
TEST( true ); // Simulated machine swapped data folders
.detail("OldFolder0", myFolders[0]).detail("NewFolder0", toRebootFrom[0])
.detail("MachineIPs", toIPVectorString(ips));
myFolders = toRebootFrom;
if(!useSeedFile) {
for(auto f : toRebootFrom) {
if(!fileExists(joinPath(f, "fdb.cluster"))) {
writeFile(joinPath(f, "fdb.cluster"), connStr.toString());
} else if( killType == ISimulator::RebootAndDelete ) {
for( int i = 0; i < ips.size(); i++ ) {
coordFolders[i] = joinPath(baseFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
myFolders[i] = joinPath(baseFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
platform::createDirectory( myFolders[i] );
if(!useSeedFile) {
writeFile(joinPath(myFolders[i], "fdb.cluster"), connStr.toString());
TEST( true ); // Simulated machine rebooted with data loss
//this machine is rebooting = false;
} catch( Error &e ) {
#include "fdbclient/MonitorLeader.h"
ACTOR Future<Void> restartSimulatedSystem(vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseFolder,
int* pTesterCount, Optional<ClusterConnectionString> *pConnString) {
CSimpleIni ini;
ini.LoadFile(joinPath(baseFolder, "restartInfo.ini").c_str());
// allows multiple ipAddr entries
try {
int dataCenters = atoi(ini.GetValue("META", "dataCenters"));
int killableMachines = atoi(ini.GetValue("META", "killableMachines"));
int machineCount = atoi(ini.GetValue("META", "machineCount"));
int machinesNeededForProgress = atoi(ini.GetValue("META", "machinesNeededForProgress"));
int processesPerMachine = atoi(ini.GetValue("META", "processesPerMachine"));
int desiredCoordinators = atoi(ini.GetValue("META", "desiredCoordinators"));
int testerCount = atoi(ini.GetValue("META", "testerCount"));
ClusterConnectionString conn(ini.GetValue("META", "connectionString"));
*pConnString = conn;
*pTesterCount = testerCount;
bool usingSSL = conn.toString().find(":tls") != std::string::npos;
int useSeedForMachine = g_random->randomInt(0, machineCount);
for( int i = 0; i < machineCount; i++) {
Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> dcUID;
std::string zoneIdString = ini.GetValue("META", format("%d", i).c_str());
Standalone<StringRef> zoneId = StringRef(zoneIdString);
std::string dcUIDini = ini.GetValue(zoneIdString.c_str(), "dcUID");
if (!dcUIDini.empty()) dcUID = StringRef(dcUIDini);
ProcessClass processClass = ProcessClass((ProcessClass::ClassType)atoi(ini.GetValue(zoneIdString.c_str(), "mClass")), ProcessClass::CommandLineSource);
std::vector<uint32_t> ipAddrs;
int processes = atoi(ini.GetValue(zoneIdString.c_str(), "processes"));
auto ip = ini.GetValue(zoneIdString.c_str(), "ipAddr");
if( ip == NULL ) {
for (int i = 0; i < processes; i++){
ipAddrs.push_back(strtoul(ini.GetValue(zoneIdString.c_str(), format("ipAddr%d", i).c_str()), NULL, 10));
else {
// old way
ipAddrs.push_back(strtoul(ip, NULL, 10));
for (int i = 1; i < processes; i++){
ipAddrs.push_back(ipAddrs.back() + 1);
LocalityData localities(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), zoneId, zoneId, dcUID);
localities.set(LiteralStringRef("data_hall"), dcUID);
systemActors->push_back( reportErrors( simulatedMachine(
conn, ipAddrs, usingSSL, localities, processClass, baseFolder, true, i == useSeedForMachine, false ),
processClass == ProcessClass::TesterClass ? "SimulatedTesterMachine" : "SimulatedMachine") );
g_simulator.killableMachines = killableMachines;
g_simulator.neededDatacenters = dataCenters;
g_simulator.maxCoordinatorsInDatacenter = ((desiredCoordinators-1)/dataCenters) + 1;
g_simulator.killableDatacenters = 0;
g_simulator.machinesNeededForProgress = machinesNeededForProgress;
g_simulator.desiredCoordinators = desiredCoordinators;
g_simulator.processesPerMachine = processesPerMachine;
catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "restartSimulationError").error(e);
.detail("killableMachines", g_simulator.killableMachines)
.detail("neededDatacenters", g_simulator.neededDatacenters)
.detail("killableDatacenters", g_simulator.killableDatacenters)
.detail("machinesNeededForProgress", g_simulator.machinesNeededForProgress)
.detail("maxCoordinatorsInDatacenter", g_simulator.maxCoordinatorsInDatacenter)
.detail("desiredCoordinators", g_simulator.desiredCoordinators)
.detail("processesPerMachine", g_simulator.processesPerMachine);
Void _ = wait(delay(1.0));
return Void();
std::string randomConfiguration( int physicalDatacenters ) {
int r = std::min(g_random->randomInt(0, 6), 3);
// r = 1; //ahm
// See also random configuration choices in ConfigureDatabase workload
std::string startingConfig = "new";
if (r == 0) {
TEST( true ); // Simulated cluster using custom redundancy mode
int storage_replicas = g_random->randomInt(1,5);
startingConfig += " storage_replicas:=" + format("%d", storage_replicas);
startingConfig += " storage_quorum:=" + format("%d", storage_replicas);
int log_replicas = g_random->randomInt(1,5);
startingConfig += " log_replicas:=" + format("%d", log_replicas);
int log_anti_quorum = g_random->randomInt(0, log_replicas);
startingConfig += " log_anti_quorum:=" + format("%d", log_anti_quorum);
startingConfig += " replica_datacenters:=1";
startingConfig += " min_replica_datacenters:=1";
else if (r == 1) {
TEST( true ); // Simulated cluster running in single redundancy mode
startingConfig += " single";
else if( r == 2 ) {
TEST( true ); // Simulated cluster running in double redundancy mode
startingConfig += " double";
else if( r == 3 ) {
if( physicalDatacenters == 1 ) {
TEST( true ); // Simulated cluster running in triple redundancy mode
startingConfig += " triple";
else if( physicalDatacenters == 2 ) {
TEST( true ); // Simulated cluster running in 2 datacenter mode
startingConfig += " two_datacenter";
else if( physicalDatacenters == 3 ) {
TEST( true ); // Simulated cluster running in 3 data-hall mode
startingConfig += " three_data_hall";
else {
ASSERT( false );
if (g_random->random01() < 0.25) startingConfig += " logs=" + format("%d", g_random->randomInt(1,7));
if (g_random->random01() < 0.25) startingConfig += " proxies=" + format("%d", g_random->randomInt(1,7));
if (g_random->random01() < 0.25) startingConfig += " resolvers=" + format("%d", g_random->randomInt(1,7));
startingConfig += g_random->random01() < 0.5 ? " ssd" : " memory";
return startingConfig;
void setupSimulatedSystem( vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseFolder,
int* pTesterCount, Optional<ClusterConnectionString> *pConnString,
Standalone<StringRef> *pStartingConfiguration, int extraDB)
int dataCenters = g_random->randomInt( 1, 4 );
// SOMEDAY: this does not test multi-interface configurations
std::string startingConfigString = randomConfiguration(dataCenters);
std::map<std::string,std::string> startingConfigMap;
ASSERT( buildConfiguration( startingConfigString, startingConfigMap ) == ConfigurationResult::SUCCESS );
DatabaseConfiguration startingConfig;
for(auto kv : startingConfigMap) startingConfig.set( kv.first, kv.second );
g_simulator.storagePolicy = startingConfig.storagePolicy;
g_simulator.tLogPolicy = startingConfig.tLogPolicy;
g_simulator.tLogWriteAntiQuorum = startingConfig.tLogWriteAntiQuorum;
TraceEvent("simulatorConfig").detail("tLogPolicy", g_simulator.tLogPolicy->info()).detail("storagePolicy", g_simulator.storagePolicy->info()).detail("tLogWriteAntiQuorum", g_simulator.tLogWriteAntiQuorum).detail("ConfigString", startingConfigString);
int machineCount = g_random->randomInt( std::max( 2+dataCenters, startingConfig.minMachinesRequired() ), extraDB ? 6 : 10 );
// half the time, when we have more than 4 machines that are not the first in their dataCenter, assign classes
bool assignClasses = machineCount - dataCenters > 4 && g_random->random01() < 0.5;
int processesPerMachine = g_random->randomInt(1, (extraDB ? 14 : 28)/machineCount + 2 );
// Use SSL half the time
bool sslEnabled = g_random->random01() < 0.05;
TEST( sslEnabled ); // SSL enabled
TEST( !sslEnabled ); // SSL disabled
// Pick coordination processes.
int coordinatorCount = BUGGIFY ? g_random->randomInt(1, machineCount+1) : std::min( machineCount, startingConfig.maxMachineFailuresTolerated()*2 + 1 );
vector<NetworkAddress> coordinatorAddresses;
for( int dc = 0; dc < dataCenters; dc++ ) {
int machines = machineCount / dataCenters + (dc < machineCount % dataCenters); // add remainder of machines to first datacenter
int dcCoordinators = coordinatorCount / dataCenters + (dc < coordinatorCount%dataCenters);
for(int m = 0; m < dcCoordinators; m++) {
uint32_t ip = 2<<24 | dc<<16 | 1<<8 | m;
coordinatorAddresses.push_back(NetworkAddress(ip, 1, true, sslEnabled));
TraceEvent("SelectedCoordinator").detail("Address", coordinatorAddresses.back());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
for(int i = 0; i < (coordinatorAddresses.size()/2)+1; i++) {
TraceEvent("ProtectCoordinator").detail("Address", coordinatorAddresses[i]).detail("Coordinators", describe(coordinatorAddresses)).backtrace();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ASSERT( coordinatorAddresses.size() == coordinatorCount );
ClusterConnectionString conn(coordinatorAddresses, LiteralStringRef("TestCluster:0"));
g_simulator.extraDB = extraDB ? new ClusterConnectionString(coordinatorAddresses, ((extraDB==1 && BUGGIFY) ? LiteralStringRef("TestCluster:0") : LiteralStringRef("ExtraCluster:0"))) : NULL;
*pConnString = conn;
TraceEvent("SimulatedConnectionString").detail("String", conn.toString()).detail("ConfigString", startingConfigString);
int assignedMachines = 0, nonVersatileMachines = 0;
for( int dc = 0; dc < dataCenters; dc++ ) {
Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> dcUID;
if ((dc > 0) || (g_random->random01() > 0.01)) dcUID = StringRef(format("%d", dc));
std::vector<UID> machineIdentities;
int machines = machineCount / dataCenters + (dc < machineCount % dataCenters); // add remainder of machines to first datacenter
int dcCoordinators = coordinatorCount / dataCenters + (dc < coordinatorCount%dataCenters);
printf("Datacenter %d: %d/%d machines, %d/%d coordinators\n", dc, machines, machineCount, dcCoordinators, coordinatorCount);
ASSERT( dcCoordinators <= machines );
int useSeedForMachine = g_random->randomInt(0, machines);
for( int machine = 0; machine < machines; machine++ ) {
Standalone<StringRef> zoneId(g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
//Choose a machine class
ProcessClass processClass = ProcessClass(ProcessClass::UnsetClass, ProcessClass::CommandLineSource);
if(assignClasses) {
if(assignedMachines < 4)
processClass = ProcessClass((ProcessClass::ClassType) g_random->randomInt(0, 2), ProcessClass::CommandLineSource); //Unset or Storage
else if(assignedMachines == 4)
processClass = ProcessClass((ProcessClass::ClassType) (g_random->randomInt(0, 2) * ProcessClass::ResolutionClass), ProcessClass::CommandLineSource); //Unset or Resolution
processClass = ProcessClass((ProcessClass::ClassType) g_random->randomInt(0, 3), ProcessClass::CommandLineSource); //Unset, Storage, or Transaction
if (processClass == ProcessClass::ResolutionClass) // *can't* be assigned to other roles, even in an emergency
std::vector<uint32_t> ips;
for (int i = 0; i < processesPerMachine; i++){
ips.push_back(2 << 24 | dc << 16 | g_random->randomInt(1, i+2) << 8 | machine);
// check the sslEnablementMap using only one ip(
LocalityData localities(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), zoneId, zoneId, dcUID);
localities.set(LiteralStringRef("data_hall"), dcUID);
systemActors->push_back(reportErrors(simulatedMachine(conn, ips, sslEnabled,
localities, processClass, baseFolder, false, machine == useSeedForMachine, true ), "SimulatedMachine"));
if (extraDB) {
std::vector<uint32_t> extraIps;
for (int i = 0; i < processesPerMachine; i++){
extraIps.push_back(4 << 24 | dc << 16 | g_random->randomInt(1, i + 2) << 8 | machine);
Standalone<StringRef> newZoneId = Standalone<StringRef>(g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
LocalityData localities(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), newZoneId, newZoneId, dcUID);
localities.set(LiteralStringRef("data_hall"), dcUID);
systemActors->push_back(reportErrors(simulatedMachine(*g_simulator.extraDB, extraIps, sslEnabled,
processClass, baseFolder, false, machine == useSeedForMachine, false ), "SimulatedMachine"));
g_simulator.desiredCoordinators = coordinatorCount;
g_simulator.killableMachines = startingConfig.maxMachineFailuresTolerated();
g_simulator.neededDatacenters = startingConfig.minDataCenters;
g_simulator.killableDatacenters = startingConfig.minDataCenters - 1;
g_simulator.physicalDatacenters = dataCenters;
g_simulator.maxCoordinatorsInDatacenter = ((coordinatorCount-1)/dataCenters) + 1;
g_simulator.machinesNeededForProgress = startingConfig.minMachinesRequired() + nonVersatileMachines;
g_simulator.processesPerMachine = processesPerMachine;
.detail("killableMachines", g_simulator.killableMachines)
.detail("neededDatacenters", g_simulator.neededDatacenters)
.detail("killableDatacenters", g_simulator.killableDatacenters)
.detail("machinesNeededForProgress", g_simulator.machinesNeededForProgress)
.detail("maxCoordinatorsInDatacenter", g_simulator.maxCoordinatorsInDatacenter)
.detail("desiredCoordinators", g_simulator.desiredCoordinators)
.detail("processesPerMachine", g_simulator.processesPerMachine);
// SOMEDAY: add locality for testers to simulate network topology
// FIXME: Start workers with tester class instead, at least sometimes run tests with the testers-only flag
int testerCount = *pTesterCount = g_random->randomInt(4, 9);
int useSeedForMachine = g_random->randomInt(0, testerCount);
for(int i=0; i<testerCount; i++) {
std::vector<uint32_t> ips;
ips.push_back(0x03040301 + i);
Standalone<StringRef> newZoneId = Standalone<StringRef>(g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
LocalityData localities(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), newZoneId, newZoneId, Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>());
systemActors->push_back( reportErrors( simulatedMachine(
conn, ips, sslEnabled,
localities, ProcessClass(ProcessClass::TesterClass, ProcessClass::CommandLineSource),
baseFolder, false, i == useSeedForMachine, false ),
"SimulatedTesterMachine") );
/*int testerCount = g_random->randomInt(4, 9);
for(int i=0; i<testerCount; i++)
g_simulator.asNewProcess("TestWorker", 0x03040301 + i, LocalityData(g_random->randomUniqueID().toString(), Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>()), [&] {
vector<Future<Void>> v;
Reference<AsyncVar<ClusterControllerFullInterface>> cc( new AsyncVar<ClusterControllerFullInterface> );
Reference<AsyncVar<ClusterInterface>> ci( new AsyncVar<ClusterInterface> );
v.push_back( monitorLeader( coordinators, cc ) );
v.push_back( extractClusterInterface(cc,ci) );
v.push_back( failureMonitorClient( ci ) );
v.push_back( testerServer( cc ) );
systemActors->push_back( waitForAll(v) );
*pStartingConfiguration = startingConfigString;
// save some state that we only need when restarting the simulator.
g_simulator.connectionString = conn.toString();
g_simulator.testerCount = testerCount;
.detail("KillableMachines", g_simulator.killableMachines)
.detail("DataCenters", dataCenters)
.detail("NeededDataCenters", g_simulator.neededDatacenters)
.detail("ServerMachineCount", machineCount)
.detail("ServersNeededForProgress", g_simulator.machinesNeededForProgress)
.detail("ProcessesPerServer", processesPerMachine)
.detail("SSLEnabled", sslEnabled)
.detail("ClassesAssigned", assignClasses)
.detail("StartingConfiguration", pStartingConfiguration->toString())
//.detail("TesterCount", testerCount)
/*Void _ = wait( DatabaseContext::configureDatabase( *pZookeeper, ClusterInterface::DEFAULT, mode ) );
Void _ = wait( DatabaseContext::configureDatabase( *pZookeeper, ClusterInterface::ALL, mode ) );*/
int checkExtraDB(const char *testFile) {
std::ifstream ifs;, std::ifstream::in);
if (!ifs.good())
return 0;
std::string cline;
while (ifs.good()) {
getline(ifs, cline);
std::string line = removeWhitespace(std::string(cline));
if (!line.size() || line.find(';') == 0)
size_t found = line.find('=');
if (found == std::string::npos)
// hmmm, not good
std::string attrib = removeWhitespace(line.substr(0, found));
std::string value = removeWhitespace(line.substr(found + 1));
if (attrib == "extraDB") {
int v = 0;
sscanf( value.c_str(), "%d", &v );
return v;
return 0;
ACTOR void setupAndRun(std::string dataFolder, const char *testFile, bool rebooting ) {
state vector<Future<Void>> systemActors;
state Optional<ClusterConnectionString> connFile;
state Standalone<StringRef> startingConfiguration;
state int testerCount = 1;
state int extraDB = checkExtraDB(testFile);
Void _ = wait( g_simulator.onProcess( g_simulator.newProcess(
"TestSystem", 0x01010101, 1, LocalityData(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), Standalone<StringRef>(g_random->randomUniqueID().toString()), Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>()), ProcessClass(ProcessClass::TesterClass, ProcessClass::CommandLineSource), "", "" ), TaskDefaultYield ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TEST(true); // Simulation start
try {
//systemActors.push_back( startSystemMonitor(dataFolder) );
if (rebooting) {
Void _ = wait( timeoutError( restartSimulatedSystem( &systemActors, dataFolder, &testerCount, &connFile), 100.0 ) );
else {
g_expect_full_pointermap = 1;
setupSimulatedSystem( &systemActors, dataFolder, &testerCount, &connFile, &startingConfiguration, extraDB );
Void _ = wait( delay(1.0) ); // FIXME: WHY!!! //wait for machines to boot
std::string clusterFileDir = joinPath( dataFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString() );
platform::createDirectory( clusterFileDir );
writeFile(joinPath(clusterFileDir, "fdb.cluster"), connFile.get().toString());
Void _ = wait(timeoutError(runTests(Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>(new ClusterConnectionFile(joinPath(clusterFileDir, "fdb.cluster"))), TEST_TYPE_FROM_FILE, TEST_ON_TESTERS, testerCount, testFile, startingConfiguration), buggifyActivated ? 36000.0 : 5400.0));
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "setupAndRunError").error(e);
destructed = true;