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* AsyncFileWriteChecker.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
2022-03-22 04:36:23 +08:00
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbrpc/IAsyncFile.h"
#include "flow/crc32c.h"
#include <memcheck.h>
class AsyncFileWriteChecker : public IAsyncFile, public ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileWriteChecker> {
void addref() override { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileWriteChecker>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ReferenceCounted<AsyncFileWriteChecker>::delref(); }
// For read() and write(), the data buffer must remain valid until the future is ready
Future<int> read(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {
return map(m_f->read(data, length, offset), [=](int r) {
updateChecksumHistory(false, offset, r, (uint8_t*)data);
return r;
Future<Void> readZeroCopy(void** data, int* length, int64_t offset) override {
return map(m_f->readZeroCopy(data, length, offset), [=](Void r) {
updateChecksumHistory(false, offset, *length, (uint8_t*)data);
return r;
Future<Void> write(void const* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {
updateChecksumHistory(true, offset, length, (uint8_t*)data);
return m_f->write(data, length, offset);
Future<Void> truncate(int64_t size) override {
return map(m_f->truncate(size), [=](Void r) {
// Truncate the page checksum history if it is in use
if ((size / checksumHistoryPageSize) < checksumHistory.size()) {
int oldCapacity = checksumHistory.capacity();
checksumHistory.resize(size / checksumHistoryPageSize);
checksumHistoryBudget.get() -= (checksumHistory.capacity() - oldCapacity);
return r;
Future<Void> sync() override { return m_f->sync(); }
Future<Void> flush() override { return m_f->flush(); }
2020-08-20 08:32:11 +08:00
Future<int64_t> size() const override { return m_f->size(); }
std::string getFilename() const override { return m_f->getFilename(); }
void releaseZeroCopy(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) override {
return m_f->releaseZeroCopy(data, length, offset);
2020-08-20 08:32:11 +08:00
int64_t debugFD() const override { return m_f->debugFD(); }
AsyncFileWriteChecker(Reference<IAsyncFile> f) : m_f(f) {
// Initialize the static history budget the first time (and only the first time) a file is opened.
if (!checksumHistoryBudget.present()) {
// Adjust the budget by the initial capacity of history, which should be 0 but maybe not for some
// implementations.
checksumHistoryBudget.get() -= checksumHistory.capacity();
~AsyncFileWriteChecker() override { checksumHistoryBudget.get() += checksumHistory.capacity(); }
Reference<IAsyncFile> m_f;
struct WriteInfo {
WriteInfo() : checksum(0), timestamp(0) {}
uint32_t checksum;
uint32_t timestamp;
std::vector<WriteInfo> checksumHistory;
// This is the most page checksum history blocks we will use across all files.
static Optional<int> checksumHistoryBudget;
static int checksumHistoryPageSize;
// Update or check checksum(s) in history for any full pages covered by this operation
void updateChecksumHistory(bool write, int64_t offset, int len, uint8_t* buf) {
// Check or set each full block in the the range
int page = offset / checksumHistoryPageSize; // First page number
int slack = offset % checksumHistoryPageSize; // Bytes after most recent page boundary
uint8_t* start = buf; // Position in buffer to start checking from
// If offset is not page-aligned, move to next page and adjust start
if (slack != 0) {
start += (checksumHistoryPageSize - slack);
int pageEnd = (offset + len) / checksumHistoryPageSize; // Last page plus 1
// Make sure history is large enough or limit pageEnd
if (checksumHistory.size() < pageEnd) {
if (checksumHistoryBudget.get() > 0) {
// Resize history and update budget based on capacity change
auto initialCapacity = checksumHistory.capacity();
checksumHistory.resize(checksumHistory.size() +
std::min<int>(checksumHistoryBudget.get(), pageEnd - checksumHistory.size()));
checksumHistoryBudget.get() -= (checksumHistory.capacity() - initialCapacity);
// Limit pageEnd to end of history, which works whether or not all of the desired
// history slots were allocated.
pageEnd = checksumHistory.size();
while (page < pageEnd) {
uint32_t checksum = crc32c_append(0xab12fd93, start, checksumHistoryPageSize);
WriteInfo& history = checksumHistory[page];
// printf("%d %d %u %u\n", write, page, checksum, history.checksum);
// It's possible we'll read or write a page where not all of the data is defined, but the checksum of the
// page is still valid
VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED_IF_ADDRESSABLE(&checksum, sizeof(uint32_t));
// For writes, just update the stored sum
if (write) {
history.timestamp = (uint32_t)now();
history.checksum = checksum;
} else {
if (history.checksum != 0 && history.checksum != checksum) {
// For reads, verify the stored sum if it is not 0. If it fails, clear it.
TraceEvent(SevError, "AsyncFileLostWriteDetected")
.detail("Filename", m_f->getFilename())
.detail("PageNumber", page)
.detail("ChecksumOfPage", checksum)
.detail("ChecksumHistory", history.checksum)
.detail("LastWriteTime", history.timestamp);
history.checksum = 0;
start += checksumHistoryPageSize;