2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Performance.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
2018-02-22 02:25:11 +08:00
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
2018-02-22 02:25:11 +08:00
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2018-02-22 02:25:11 +08:00
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
2019-02-18 07:41:16 +08:00
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
#include "fdbserver/TesterInterface.h"
2018-10-20 01:30:13 +08:00
#include "fdbserver/workloads/workloads.h"
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
#include "fdbserver/QuietDatabase.h"
#include "fdbserver/ClusterRecruitmentInterface.h"
2018-08-11 06:18:24 +08:00
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
struct PerformanceWorkload : TestWorkload {
Value probeWorkload;
Standalone< VectorRef<KeyValueRef> > savedOptions;
vector<PerfMetric> metrics;
vector<TesterInterface> testers;
PerfMetric latencyBaseline, latencySaturation;
PerfMetric maxAchievedTPS;
PerformanceWorkload( WorkloadContext const& wcx ) : TestWorkload(wcx)
probeWorkload = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("probeWorkload"), LiteralStringRef("ReadWrite") );
// "Consume" all options and save for later tests
for(int i=0; i < options.size(); i++) {
if( options[i].value.size() ) {
savedOptions.push_back_deep( savedOptions.arena(), KeyValueRef( options[i].key, options[i].value ) );
printf("saved option (%d): '%s'='%s'\n", i, printable( options[i].key ).c_str(), printable( options[i].value ).c_str() );
options[i].value = LiteralStringRef("");
printf( "saved %d options\n", savedOptions.size() );
virtual std::string description() { return "PerformanceTestWorkload"; }
virtual Future<Void> setup( Database const& cx ) {
if( !clientId )
return _setup( cx, this );
return Void();
virtual Future<Void> start( Database const& cx ) {
if( !clientId )
return _start( cx, this );
return Void();
virtual Future<bool> check( Database const& cx ) {
return true;
virtual void getMetrics( vector<PerfMetric>& m ) {
for(int i=0; i < metrics.size(); i++)
m.push_back( metrics[i] );
if( !clientId ) {
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Baseline Latency (average, ms)", latencyBaseline.value(), false ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Saturation Transactions/sec", maxAchievedTPS.value(), false ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Saturation Median Latency (average, ms)", latencySaturation.value(), false ) );
Standalone< VectorRef< VectorRef< KeyValueRef >>> getOpts( double transactionsPerSecond ) {
Standalone<VectorRef< KeyValueRef >> options;
Standalone< VectorRef< VectorRef< KeyValueRef > > > opts;
options.arena(), KeyValueRef( LiteralStringRef("testName"), probeWorkload ) );
options.arena(), KeyValueRef( LiteralStringRef("transactionsPerSecond"), format("%f", transactionsPerSecond) ) );
for(int i=0; i < savedOptions.size(); i++) {
options.push_back_deep( options.arena(), savedOptions[i] );
printf("option [%d]: '%s'='%s'\n", i, printable( savedOptions[i].key ).c_str(), printable( savedOptions[i].value ).c_str() );
opts.push_back_deep( opts.arena(), options );
return opts;
void logOptions( Standalone< VectorRef< VectorRef< KeyValueRef > > > options ) {
TraceEvent start("PerformaceSetupStarting");
for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < options[i].size(); j++) {
2018-06-09 04:57:00 +08:00
start.detail(format("Option-%d-%d", i, j).c_str(),
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
printable( options[i][j].key ) + "=" + printable( options[i][j].value ) );
//FIXME: does not use testers which are recruited on workers
ACTOR Future<vector<TesterInterface>> getTesters( PerformanceWorkload *self) {
state vector<std::pair<WorkerInterface, ProcessClass>> workers;
loop {
choose {
2017-10-25 06:16:34 +08:00
when( vector<std::pair<WorkerInterface, ProcessClass>> w = wait( brokenPromiseToNever( self->dbInfo->get().clusterInterface.getWorkers.getReply( GetWorkersRequest( GetWorkersRequest::TESTER_CLASS_ONLY | GetWorkersRequest::NON_EXCLUDED_PROCESSES_ONLY ) ) ) ) ) {
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workers = w;
2018-08-11 04:57:10 +08:00
when( wait( self->dbInfo->onChange() ) ) {}
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vector<TesterInterface> ts;
for(int i=0; i<workers.size(); i++)
return ts;
ACTOR Future<Void> _setup( Database cx, PerformanceWorkload *self ) {
state Standalone< VectorRef< VectorRef< KeyValueRef > > > options = self->getOpts( 1000.0 );
self->logOptions( options );
vector<TesterInterface> testers = wait( self->getTesters( self ) );
self->testers = testers;
TestSpec spec( LiteralStringRef("PerformanceSetup"), false, false );
spec.options = options;
spec.phases = TestWorkload::SETUP;
2018-08-17 01:24:12 +08:00
DistributedTestResults results = wait( runWorkload( cx, testers, spec ) );
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return Void();
PerfMetric getNamedMetric( std::string name, vector<PerfMetric> metrics ) {
for(int i=0; i < metrics.size(); i++) {
if( metrics[i].name() == name ) {
return metrics[i];
return PerfMetric();
ACTOR Future<Void> getSaturation( Database cx, PerformanceWorkload *self ) {
state double tps = 400;
state bool reported = false;
state bool retry = false;
state double multiplier = 2.0;
loop {
Standalone< VectorRef< VectorRef< KeyValueRef > > > options = self->getOpts( tps );
TraceEvent start("PerformaceProbeStarting");
start.detail("RateTarget", tps);
for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < options[i].size(); j++) {
2018-06-09 04:57:00 +08:00
start.detail(format("Option-%d-%d", i, j).c_str(),
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
printable( options[i][j].key ) + "=" + printable( options[i][j].value ) );
state DistributedTestResults results;
try {
TestSpec spec( LiteralStringRef("PerformanceRun"), false, false );
spec.phases = TestWorkload::EXECUTION | TestWorkload::METRICS;
spec.options = options;
2018-08-17 01:24:12 +08:00
DistributedTestResults r = wait( runWorkload( cx, self->testers, spec ) );
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results = r;
} catch(Error& e) {
2018-08-02 05:30:57 +08:00
TraceEvent("PerformanceRunError").error(e, true).detail("Workload", printable(self->probeWorkload));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
PerfMetric tpsMetric = self->getNamedMetric( "Transactions/sec", results.metrics );
PerfMetric latencyMetric = self->getNamedMetric( "Median Latency (ms, averaged)", results.metrics );
logMetrics( results.metrics );
if( !reported || self->latencyBaseline.value() > latencyMetric.value() )
self->latencyBaseline = latencyMetric;
if( !reported || self->maxAchievedTPS.value() < tpsMetric.value() ) {
self->maxAchievedTPS = tpsMetric;
self->latencySaturation = latencyMetric;
self->metrics = results.metrics;
reported = true;
TraceEvent evt("PerformanceProbeComplete");
evt.detail("RateTarget", tps).detail("AchievedRate", tpsMetric.value())
.detail("Multiplier", multiplier).detail("Retry", retry);
if( tpsMetric.value() < (tps * .95) - 100 ) {
evt.detail("LimitReached", 1);
if( !retry ) {
retry = true;
else if( multiplier < 2.0 ) {
evt.detail("Saturation", "final");
return Void();
else {
tps /= 2;
multiplier = 1.189;
retry = false;
} else {
retry = false;
tps *= retry ? 1.0 : multiplier;
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> _start( Database cx, PerformanceWorkload *self ) {
2018-08-11 04:57:10 +08:00
wait( self->getSaturation( cx, self ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("PerformanceSaturation").detail("SaturationRate", self->maxAchievedTPS.value())
.detail("SaturationLatency", self->latencySaturation.value());
return Void();
WorkloadFactory<PerformanceWorkload> PerformanceWorkloadFactory("Performance");