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2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbrpc/ContinuousSample.h"
#include "fdbclient/"
#include "fdbserver/"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
struct FileSystemWorkload : TestWorkload {
int actorCount, writeActorCount, fileCount, pathMinChars, pathCharRange, serverCount, userIDCount;
double testDuration, transactionsPerSecond, deletedFilesRatio;
bool discardEdgeMeasurements, performingWrites, loggingQueries;
std::string operationName;
vector<Future<Void>> clients;
PerfIntCounter queries, writes;
ContinuousSample<double> latencies;
ContinuousSample<double> writeLatencies;
class FileSystemOp {
virtual Future<Optional<Version>> run( FileSystemWorkload *self, Transaction* tr ) = 0;
virtual const char *name() = 0;
virtual ~FileSystemOp() {}
FileSystemWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx)
: TestWorkload(wcx),
latencies( 2500 ), writeLatencies( 1000 ), queries("Queries"), writes("Latency")
testDuration = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("testDuration"), 10.0 );
transactionsPerSecond = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("transactionsPerSecond"), 5000.0 ) / clientCount;
double allowedLatency = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("allowedLatency"), 0.250 );
actorCount = transactionsPerSecond * allowedLatency;
fileCount = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("fileCount"), 100000 );
pathMinChars = std::max( getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("pathMinChars"), 32 ), 8 );
pathCharRange = std::max( getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("pathMaxChars"), 128 ), pathMinChars ) - pathMinChars;
discardEdgeMeasurements = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("discardEdgeMeasurements"), true );
deletedFilesRatio = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("deletedFilesRatio"), 0.01 );
serverCount = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("serverCount"), 32 );
userIDCount = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("userIDCount"), std::max( 100, fileCount / 3000 ) );
operationName = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("operationName"), LiteralStringRef("modificationQuery") ).toString();
performingWrites = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("performingWrites"), false );
writeActorCount = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("writeActorCount"), 4 );
loggingQueries = getOption( options, LiteralStringRef("loggingQueries"), false );
virtual std::string description() { return "ReadWrite"; }
virtual Future<Void> setup( Database const& cx ) {
return nodeSetup( cx, this );
virtual Future<Void> start( Database const& cx ) {
return _start( cx, this );
virtual Future<bool> check( Database const& cx ) {
return true;
virtual void getMetrics( vector<PerfMetric>& m ) {
double duration = testDuration * (discardEdgeMeasurements ? 0.75 : 1.0);
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Measured Duration", duration, true ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Transactions/sec", queries.getValue() / duration, false ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Writes/sec", writes.getValue() / duration, false ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Mean Latency (ms)", 1000 * latencies.mean(), true ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Median Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * latencies.median(), true ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "90% Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * latencies.percentile( 0.90 ), true ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "98% Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * latencies.percentile( 0.98 ), true ) );
m.push_back( PerfMetric( "Median Write Latency (ms, averaged)", 1000 * writeLatencies.median(), true ) );
Key keyForFileID( uint64_t id ) { return StringRef( format( "/files/id/%016llx", id ) ); }
void initializeFile( Transaction *tr, FileSystemWorkload *self, uint64_t id ) {
Key key = self->keyForFileID( id );
int pathLen = self->pathMinChars + deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, self->pathCharRange);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
std::string path = "";
for(int i=0; i<pathLen; i+=4)
path += format( format( "%%0%dx", std::min( pathLen - i, 4 ) ).c_str(), deterministicRandom()->randomInt( 0, 0xFFFF ) );
uint64_t userID = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, self->userIDCount);
int serverID = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, self->serverCount);
bool deleted = deterministicRandom()->random01() < self->deletedFilesRatio;
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double time = now();
tr->set( key, path );
std::string keyStr(key.toString());
tr->set( keyStr + "/size", format( "%d", deterministicRandom()->randomInt( 0, 2 << 30 ) ) );
tr->set( keyStr + "/server", format( "%d", deterministicRandom()->randomInt( 0, self->serverCount ) ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
tr->set( keyStr + "/deleted", deleted ? LiteralStringRef("1") : LiteralStringRef("0") );
tr->set( keyStr + "/server", format( "%d", serverID ) );
tr->set( keyStr + "/created", doubleToTestKey( time ) );
tr->set( keyStr + "/lastupdated", doubleToTestKey( time ) );
tr->set( keyStr + "/userid", format( "%016llx", userID ) );
if( deleted )
tr->set( format( "/files/server/%08x/deleted/%016llx", serverID, id ), doubleToTestKey( time ) );
tr->set( format( "/files/user/%016llx/updated/%016llx/%016llx", userID, *(uint64_t*)&time, id ), path );
tr->set( format( "/files/user/%016llx/path/", userID ) + path, format( "%016llx", id ) );
// This index was not specified in the original test: it removes duplicated paths
tr->set( "/files/path/" + path, format( "%016llx", id ) );
ACTOR Future<Void> setupRange( Database cx, FileSystemWorkload* self, int begin, int end ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
while (true) {
try {
Optional<Value> f = wait( tr.get( self->keyForFileID( begin ) ) );
if (f.present()) break; // The transaction already completed!
for(int n=begin; n<end; n++)
self->initializeFile( &tr, self, n );
wait( tr.commit() );
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} catch (Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
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return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> nodeSetup( Database cx, FileSystemWorkload* self ) {
state int i;
state vector<int> order;
state int nodesToSetUp = self->fileCount / self->clientCount + 1;
state int startingNode = nodesToSetUp * self->clientId;
state int batchCount = 5;
for(int o=0; o<=nodesToSetUp / batchCount; o++) order.push_back(o*batchCount);
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for(i=0; i<order.size(); ) {
vector<Future<Void>> fs;
for(int j=0; j<100 && i<order.size(); j++) {
fs.push_back( self->setupRange(
cx, self, startingNode + order[i], std::min(startingNode+order[i]+batchCount, nodesToSetUp * (self->clientId+1)) ) );
wait( waitForAll(fs) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("FileSetupOK").detail("ClientIdx", self->clientId).detail("ClientCount", self->clientCount)
.detail("StartingFile", startingNode).detail("FilesToSetUp", nodesToSetUp);
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> _start( Database cx, FileSystemWorkload *self ) {
state FileSystemOp *operation;
if( self->operationName == "deletionQuery" )
operation = new ServerDeletionCountQuery();
operation = new RecentModificationQuery();
wait( timeout( self->operationClient( cx, self, operation, 0.01 ), 1.0, Void() ) );
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if( self->performingWrites ) {
for(int c=0; c<self->writeActorCount; c++) {
self->clients.push_back( timeout( self->writeClient( cx, self ), self->testDuration, Void() ) );
for(int c=0; c<self->actorCount; c++) {
self->clients.push_back( timeout(
self->operationClient( cx, self, operation, self->actorCount / self->transactionsPerSecond ),
self->testDuration, Void() ) );
wait( waitForAll( self->clients ) );
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wait( delay( 0.01 ) ); // Make sure the deletion happens after actor cancellation
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delete operation;
return Void();
bool shouldRecord( double clientBegin ) {
double n = now();
return !discardEdgeMeasurements ||
(n > (clientBegin + testDuration * 0.125) && n < (clientBegin + testDuration * 0.875));
ACTOR Future<Void> operationClient(
Database cx, FileSystemWorkload *self, FileSystemOp *operation, double delay )
state double clientBegin = now();
state double lastTime = now();
loop {
wait( poisson( &lastTime, delay ) );
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state double tstart = now();
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
Optional<Version> ver = wait( operation->run( self, &tr ) );
if( ver.present() )
} catch (Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if( self->shouldRecord( clientBegin ) ) {
double latency = now() - tstart;
self->latencies.addSample( latency );
static int testKeyToInt( const KeyRef& p ) {
int x = 0;
sscanf( p.toString().c_str(), "%d", &x );
return x;
ACTOR Future<Void> writeClient(
Database cx, FileSystemWorkload *self )
state double clientBegin = now();
loop {
state int fileID = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, self->fileCount);
state bool isDeleting = deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.25;
state int size = isDeleting ? 0 : deterministicRandom()->randomInt( 0, 2 << 30 );
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state std::string keyStr = self->keyForFileID( fileID ).toString();
state double tstart = now();
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
state double time = now();
if( isDeleting ) {
state Optional<Value> deleted = wait( tr.get( StringRef( keyStr + "/deleted") ) );
ASSERT( deleted.present() );
Optional<Value> serverStr = wait( tr.get( StringRef(keyStr + "/server") ) );
ASSERT( serverStr.present() );
int serverID = testKeyToInt( serverStr.get() );
if( deleted.get().toString() == "1" ) {
tr.set( keyStr + "/deleted", LiteralStringRef("0") );
tr.clear( format( "/files/server/%08x/deleted/%016llx", serverID, fileID ) );
} else {
tr.set( keyStr + "/deleted", LiteralStringRef("1") );
tr.set( format( "/files/server/%08x/deleted/%016llx", serverID, fileID ), doubleToTestKey( time ) );
} else {
tr.set( keyStr + "/size", format( "%d", size ) );
tr.set( keyStr + "/lastupdated", doubleToTestKey( time ) );
wait( tr.commit() );
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} catch (Error& e) {
wait( tr.onError(e) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if( self->shouldRecord( clientBegin ) ) {
self->writeLatencies.addSample( now() - tstart );
ACTOR Future<Optional<Version>> modificationQuery( FileSystemWorkload *self, Transaction *tr ) {
state uint64_t userID = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, self->userIDCount);
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state std::string base = format("/files/user/%016llx", userID);
if( self->loggingQueries )
TraceEvent("UserQuery").detail("UserID", userID).detail("PathBase", base);
Key keyEnd(base + "/updated0");
Standalone<RangeResultRef> val = wait( tr->getRange(
firstGreaterOrEqual( keyEnd ) - 10, firstGreaterOrEqual( keyEnd ), 10 ) );
Key keyBegin(base + "/updated/");
for(int i=val.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if( val[i].key.startsWith( keyBegin ) && self->loggingQueries ) {
TraceEvent("UserQueryResults").detail("UserID", userID)
.detail("PathBase", base).detail("LastModified", printable( val[i].key.substr(54) ));
return Optional<Version>(Version(0));
ACTOR Future<Optional<Version>> deletionQuery( FileSystemWorkload *self, Transaction *tr ) {
state uint64_t serverID = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, self->serverCount);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state std::string base = format("/files/server/%08x/deleted", serverID);
if( self->loggingQueries )
TraceEvent("DeletionQuery").detail("ServerID", serverID).detail("PathBase", base);
state Key keyBegin(base + "/");
state Key keyEnd(base + "0");
state KeySelectorRef begin = firstGreaterThan( keyBegin );
state KeySelectorRef end = firstGreaterOrEqual( keyEnd );
state int transfered = 1000;
state int transferSize = 1000;
state uint64_t deletedFiles = 0;
while( transfered == transferSize ) {
Standalone<RangeResultRef> val = wait( tr->getRange( begin, end, transferSize ) );
transfered = val.size();
deletedFiles += transfered;
begin = begin + transfered;
if( self->loggingQueries ) {
TraceEvent("DeletionQueryResults").detail("ServerID", serverID)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
.detail("PathBase", base).detail("DeletedFiles", deletedFiles);
return Optional<Version>(Version(0));
class RecentModificationQuery : public FileSystemOp {
virtual Future<Optional<Version>> run( FileSystemWorkload *self, Transaction* tr ) {
return self->modificationQuery( self, tr );
virtual const char* name() { return "RecentUserModifications"; }
class ServerDeletionCountQuery : public FileSystemOp {
virtual Future<Optional<Version>> run( FileSystemWorkload *self, Transaction* tr ) {
return self->deletionQuery( self, tr );
virtual const char* name() { return "ServerDeletions"; }
WorkloadFactory<FileSystemWorkload> FileSystemWorkloadFactory("FileSystem");