order results

This commit is contained in:
artpaul 2017-04-18 00:30:14 +05:00
parent 51d2ffc654
commit d259c0ea24
1 changed files with 3 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.drop_column;
CREATE TABLE test.drop_column (d Date, num Int64, str String) ENGINE = MergeTree(d, d, 8192);
insert into test.drop_column values ('2016-12-12', 1, 'a');
insert into test.drop_column values ('2016-11-12', 2, 'b');
insert into test.drop_column values ('2016-12-12', 1, 'a'), ('2016-11-12', 2, 'b');
SELECT num, str FROM test.drop_column;
SELECT num, str FROM test.drop_column ORDER BY num;
alter table test.drop_column drop column num from partition '201612';
SELECT num, str FROM test.drop_column;
SELECT num, str FROM test.drop_column ORDER BY num;
DROP TABLE test.drop_column;