
269 lines
9.2 KiB

import json
import sqlite3
import uuid
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import pytest
from openai import AzureOpenAI
import autogen.runtime_logging
from autogen.logger.logger_utils import get_current_ts, to_dict
"messages": [
"content": "You are roleplaying a high school student strugling with linear algebra. Regardless how well the teacher explains things to you, you just don't quite get it. Keep your questions short.",
"role": "system"
"content": "Can you explain the difference between eigenvalues and singular values again?",
"role": "assistant"
"content": "Certainly!\\n\\nEigenvalues are associated with square matrices. They are the scalars, \\u03bb, that satisfy the equation\\n\\nA*x = \\u03bb*x\\n\\nwhere A is a square matrix, x is a nonzero vector (the eigenvector), and \\u03bb is the eigenvalue. The eigenvalue equation shows how the vector x is stretched or shrunk by the matrix A.\\n\\nSingular values, on the other hand, are associated with any m x n matrix, whether square or rectangular. They come from the matrix's singular value decomposition (SVD) and are the square roots of the non-negative eigenvalues of the matrix A*A^T or A^T*A (where A^T is the transpose of A). Singular values, denoted often by \\u03c3, represent the magnitude of the principal axes of the data's distribution and are always non-negative.\\n\\nTo sum up, eigenvalues relate to how a matrix scales vectors (specific to square matrices), while singular values give a measure of how a matrix stretches space (applicable to all matrices).",
"role": "user"
"model": "gpt-4"
"id": "chatcmpl-8k57oSg1fz2JwpMcEOWMqUvwjf0cb",
"choices": [
"finish_reason": "stop",
"index": 0,
"logprobs": null,
"message": {
"content": "Oh, wait, I don't think I completely understand the concept of matrix multiplication. Could you break down how you multiply two matrices together?",
"role": "assistant",
"function_call": null,
"tool_calls": null
"created": 1705993480,
"model": "gpt-4",
"object": "chat.completion",
"system_fingerprint": "fp_6d044fb900",
"usage": {
"completion_tokens": 28,
"prompt_tokens": 274,
"total_tokens": 302
def db_connection():
autogen.runtime_logging.start(config={"dbname": ":memory:"})
con = autogen.runtime_logging.get_connection()
con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
yield con
def get_sample_chat_completion(response):
return {
"invocation_id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
"client_id": 140609438577184,
"wrapper_id": 140610167717744,
"response": response,
"is_cached": 0,
"cost": 0.347,
"start_time": get_current_ts(),
"response, expected_logged_response",
(None, {"response": None}),
("error in response", {"response": "error in response"}),
def test_log_completion(response, expected_logged_response, db_connection):
cur = db_connection.cursor()
sample_completion = get_sample_chat_completion(response)
query = """
SELECT invocation_id, client_id, wrapper_id, request, response, is_cached,
cost, start_time FROM chat_completions
for row in cur.execute(query):
assert row["invocation_id"] == sample_completion["invocation_id"]
assert row["client_id"] == sample_completion["client_id"]
assert row["wrapper_id"] == sample_completion["wrapper_id"]
assert json.loads(row["request"]) == sample_completion["request"]
assert json.loads(row["response"]) == expected_logged_response
assert row["is_cached"] == sample_completion["is_cached"]
assert row["cost"] == sample_completion["cost"]
assert row["start_time"] == sample_completion["start_time"]
def test_log_new_agent(db_connection):
from autogen import AssistantAgent
cur = db_connection.cursor()
agent_name = "some_assistant"
config_list = [{"model": "gpt-4", "api_key": "some_key"}]
agent = AssistantAgent(agent_name, llm_config={"config_list": config_list})
init_args = {"foo": "bar", "baz": {"other_key": "other_val"}, "a": None}
autogen.runtime_logging.log_new_agent(agent, init_args)
query = """
SELECT session_id, name, class, init_args FROM agents
for row in cur.execute(query):
assert (
row["session_id"] and str(uuid.UUID(row["session_id"], version=4)) == row["session_id"]
), "session id is not valid uuid"
assert row["name"] == agent_name
assert row["class"] == "AssistantAgent"
assert row["init_args"] == json.dumps(init_args)
def test_log_oai_wrapper(db_connection):
from autogen import OpenAIWrapper
cur = db_connection.cursor()
llm_config = {"config_list": [{"model": "gpt-4", "api_key": "some_key", "base_url": "some url"}]}
init_args = {"llm_config": llm_config, "base_config": {}}
wrapper = OpenAIWrapper(**llm_config)
autogen.runtime_logging.log_new_wrapper(wrapper, init_args)
query = """
SELECT session_id, init_args FROM oai_wrappers
for row in cur.execute(query):
assert (
row["session_id"] and str(uuid.UUID(row["session_id"], version=4)) == row["session_id"]
), "session id is not valid uuid"
saved_init_args = json.loads(row["init_args"])
assert "config_list" in saved_init_args
assert "api_key" not in saved_init_args["config_list"][0]
assert "base_url" not in saved_init_args["config_list"][0]
assert "base_config" in saved_init_args
def test_log_oai_client(db_connection):
cur = db_connection.cursor()
openai_config = {
"api_key": "some_key",
"api_version": "2024-02-15-preview",
"azure_deployment": "gpt-4",
"azure_endpoint": "",
client = AzureOpenAI(**openai_config)
autogen.runtime_logging.log_new_client(client, Mock(), openai_config)
query = """
SELECT session_id, init_args, class FROM oai_clients
for row in cur.execute(query):
assert (
row["session_id"] and str(uuid.UUID(row["session_id"], version=4)) == row["session_id"]
), "session id is not valid uuid"
assert row["class"] == "AzureOpenAI"
saved_init_args = json.loads(row["init_args"])
assert "api_version" in saved_init_args
assert "api_key" not in saved_init_args
def test_to_dict():
from autogen import Agent
agent1 = autogen.ConversableAgent(
default_auto_reply="This is alice speaking.",
agent2 = autogen.ConversableAgent(
default_auto_reply="This is bob speaking.",
function_map={"test_func": lambda x: x},
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
self.a = 1.234
self.b = "some string"
self.c = {"some_key": [7, 8, 9]}
self.d = None
self.test_function = lambda x, y: x + y
self.extra_key = "remove this key"
class Bar(object):
def init(self):
def build(self):
self.foo_val = [Foo()]
self.o = {"key_1": None, "key_2": [{"nested_key_1": ["nested_val_1", "nested_val_2"]}]}
self.agents = [agent1, agent2]
self.first_agent = agent1
bar = Bar()
expected_foo_val_field = [
"a": 1.234,
"b": "some string",
"c": {"some_key": [7, 8, 9]},
"d": None,
"test_function": "self.test_function = lambda x, y: x + y",
expected_o_field = {"key_2": [{"nested_key_1": ["nested_val_1", "nested_val_2"]}]}
result = to_dict(bar, exclude=("key_1", "extra_key"), no_recursive=(Agent))
assert result["foo_val"] == expected_foo_val_field
assert result["o"] == expected_o_field
assert len(result["agents"]) == 2
for agent in result["agents"]:
assert "autogen.agentchat.conversable_agent.ConversableAgent" in agent
assert "autogen.agentchat.conversable_agent.ConversableAgent" in result["first_agent"]
def test_logging_exception_will_not_crash_only_print_error(mock_logger_error, db_connection):
sample_completion = get_sample_chat_completion(SAMPLE_CHAT_REQUEST)
sample_completion["is_cached"] = {"foo": "bar"}
args, _ = mock_logger_error.call_args
error_message = args[0]
assert error_message.startswith("[sqlite logger]Error running query with query")