mirror of https://github.com/microsoft/autogen.git
442 lines
18 KiB
442 lines
18 KiB
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import uuid
import venv
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from autogen.agentchat.conversable_agent import ConversableAgent
from autogen.code_utils import WIN32, decide_use_docker, is_docker_running
from autogen.coding.base import CodeBlock, CodeExecutor
from autogen.coding.docker_commandline_code_executor import DockerCommandLineCodeExecutor
from autogen.coding.factory import CodeExecutorFactory
from autogen.coding.local_commandline_code_executor import LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
from conftest import MOCK_OPEN_AI_API_KEY, skip_docker # noqa: E402
if skip_docker or not is_docker_running() or not decide_use_docker(use_docker=None):
skip_docker_test = True
classes_to_test = [LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor]
skip_docker_test = False
classes_to_test = [LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor, DockerCommandLineCodeExecutor]
UNIX_SHELLS = ["bash", "sh", "shell"]
WINDOWS_SHELLS = ["ps1", "pwsh", "powershell"]
PYTHON_VARIANTS = ["python", "Python", "py"]
"lang, should_execute",
("python", False), # Python should not execute
("bash", False), # Bash should execute
("html", False), # HTML should not execute
("javascript", False), # JavaScript should not execute
def test_execution_policy_enforcement(lang, should_execute):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
executor = LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor(
execution_policies={"python": False, "bash": False, "html": False, "javascript": False, "css": False},
code = "print('Hello, world!')" if lang == "python" else "echo 'Hello, world!'"
code_block = CodeBlock(code=code, language=lang)
result = executor.execute_code_blocks([code_block])
if should_execute:
assert "Hello, world!" in result.output, f"Expected execution for {lang}, but it didn't execute."
assert "Hello, world!" not in result.output, f"Expected no execution for {lang}, but it executed."
# Ensure files are saved regardless of execution
assert result.code_file is not None, f"Expected code file to be saved for {lang}, but it wasn't."
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
def test_is_code_executor(cls) -> None:
assert isinstance(cls, CodeExecutor)
def test_create_local() -> None:
config = {"executor": "commandline-local"}
executor = CodeExecutorFactory.create(config)
assert isinstance(executor, LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor)
config = {"executor": LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor()}
executor = CodeExecutorFactory.create(config)
assert executor is config["executor"]
reason="docker is not running or requested to skip docker tests",
def test_create_docker() -> None:
config = {"executor": DockerCommandLineCodeExecutor()}
executor = CodeExecutorFactory.create(config)
assert executor is config["executor"]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
def test_commandline_executor_init(cls) -> None:
executor = cls(timeout=10, work_dir=".")
assert executor.timeout == 10 and str(executor.work_dir) == "."
# Try invalid working directory.
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
executor = cls(timeout=111, work_dir="/invalid/directory")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("py_variant", PYTHON_VARIANTS)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
def test_commandline_executor_execute_code(cls, py_variant) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
executor = cls(work_dir=temp_dir)
_test_execute_code(py_variant, executor=executor)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("py_variant", PYTHON_VARIANTS)
def _test_execute_code(py_variant, executor: CodeExecutor) -> None:
# Test single code block.
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="import sys; print('hello world!')", language=py_variant)]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == 0 and "hello world!" in code_result.output and code_result.code_file is not None
# Test multiple code blocks.
code_blocks = [
CodeBlock(code="import sys; print('hello world!')", language=py_variant),
CodeBlock(code="a = 100 + 100; print(a)", language=py_variant),
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert (
code_result.exit_code == 0
and "hello world!" in code_result.output
and "200" in code_result.output
and code_result.code_file is not None
# Test bash script.
if sys.platform not in ["win32"]:
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="echo 'hello world!'", language="bash")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == 0 and "hello world!" in code_result.output and code_result.code_file is not None
# Test running code.
file_lines = ["import sys", "print('hello world!')", "a = 100 + 100", "print(a)"]
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="\n".join(file_lines), language=py_variant)]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert (
code_result.exit_code == 0
and "hello world!" in code_result.output
and "200" in code_result.output
and code_result.code_file is not None
# Check saved code file.
with open(code_result.code_file) as f:
code_lines = f.readlines()
for file_line, code_line in zip(file_lines, code_lines):
assert file_line.strip() == code_line.strip()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
def test_local_commandline_code_executor_save_files(cls) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
executor = cls(work_dir=temp_dir)
_test_save_files(executor, save_file_only=False)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
def test_local_commandline_code_executor_save_files_only(cls) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
# Using execution_policies to specify that no languages should execute
executor = cls(
execution_policies={"python": False, "bash": False, "javascript": False, "html": False, "css": False},
_test_save_files(executor, save_file_only=True)
def _test_save_files(executor: CodeExecutor, save_file_only: bool) -> None:
def _check_output(code_result: CodeBlock, expected_output: str) -> None:
if save_file_only:
return expected_output not in code_result.output
return expected_output in code_result.output
# Test executable code block.
# Test saving to a given filename, Python.
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="# filename: test.py\nimport sys; print('hello world!')", language="python")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert (
code_result.exit_code == 0 and _check_output(code_result, "hello world!") and code_result.code_file is not None
assert os.path.basename(code_result.code_file) == "test.py"
# Test saving to a given filename without "filename" prefix, Python.
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="# test.py\nimport sys; print('hello world!')", language="python")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert (
code_result.exit_code == 0 and _check_output(code_result, "hello world!") and code_result.code_file is not None
assert os.path.basename(code_result.code_file) == "test.py"
# Test non-executable code block.
# Test saving to a given filename, Javascript.
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="// filename: test.js\nconsole.log('hello world!')", language="javascript")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == 0 and "hello world!" not in code_result.output and code_result.code_file is not None
assert os.path.basename(code_result.code_file) == "test.js"
# Test saving to a given filename without "filename" prefix, Javascript.
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="// test.js\nconsole.log('hello world!')", language="javascript")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == 0 and "hello world!" not in code_result.output and code_result.code_file is not None
assert os.path.basename(code_result.code_file) == "test.js"
# Test saving to a given filename, CSS.
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="/* filename: test.css */\nh1 { color: red; }", language="css")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == 0 and "hello world!" not in code_result.output and code_result.code_file is not None
assert os.path.basename(code_result.code_file) == "test.css"
# Test saving to a given filename without "filename" prefix, CSS.
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="/* test.css */\nh1 { color: red; }", language="css")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == 0 and "hello world!" not in code_result.output and code_result.code_file is not None
assert os.path.basename(code_result.code_file) == "test.css"
# Test saving to a given filename, HTML.
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="<!-- filename: test.html -->\n<h1>hello world!</h1>", language="html")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == 0 and "hello world!" not in code_result.output and code_result.code_file is not None
assert os.path.basename(code_result.code_file) == "test.html"
# Test saving to a given filename without "filename" prefix, HTML.
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="<!-- test.html -->\n<h1>hello world!</h1>", language="html")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == 0 and "hello world!" not in code_result.output and code_result.code_file is not None
assert os.path.basename(code_result.code_file) == "test.html"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
def test_commandline_code_executor_timeout(cls) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
executor = cls(timeout=1, work_dir=temp_dir)
def _test_timeout(executor: CodeExecutor) -> None:
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code="import time; time.sleep(10); print('hello world!')", language="python")]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code and "Timeout" in code_result.output
def test_local_commandline_code_executor_restart() -> None:
executor = LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor()
# This is kind of hard to test because each exec is a new env
reason="docker is not running or requested to skip docker tests",
def test_docker_commandline_code_executor_restart() -> None:
with DockerCommandLineCodeExecutor() as executor:
result = executor.execute_code_blocks([CodeBlock(code="echo $HOME", language="sh")])
assert result.exit_code == 0
result = executor.execute_code_blocks([CodeBlock(code="echo $HOME", language="sh")])
assert result.exit_code == 0
reason="docker is not running or requested to skip docker tests",
def test_policy_override():
default_policy = DockerCommandLineCodeExecutor.DEFAULT_EXECUTION_POLICY
custom_policy = {
"python": False,
"javascript": True,
executor = DockerCommandLineCodeExecutor(execution_policies=custom_policy)
assert not executor.execution_policies["python"], "Python execution should be disabled"
assert executor.execution_policies["javascript"], "JavaScript execution should be enabled"
for lang, should_execute in default_policy.items():
if lang not in custom_policy:
assert executor.execution_policies[lang] == should_execute, f"Policy for {lang} should not be changed"
assert set(executor.execution_policies.keys()) == set(
), "Execution policies should only contain known languages"
def _test_restart(executor: CodeExecutor) -> None:
# Check warning.
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=r".*No action is taken."):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
def test_commandline_executor_conversable_agent_code_execution(cls) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
executor = cls(work_dir=temp_dir)
with pytest.MonkeyPatch.context() as mp:
def _test_conversable_agent_code_execution(executor: CodeExecutor) -> None:
agent = ConversableAgent(
code_execution_config={"executor": executor},
assert agent.code_executor is executor
message = """
print("hello extract code")
reply = agent.generate_reply(
[{"role": "user", "content": message}],
sender=ConversableAgent("user", llm_config=False, code_execution_config=False),
assert "hello extract code" in reply # type: ignore[operator]
# Test cases for dangerous commands that should be caught by the sanitizer
"lang, code, expected_message",
("bash", "rm -rf /", "Use of 'rm -rf' command is not allowed."),
("bash", "mv myFile /dev/null", "Moving files to /dev/null is not allowed."),
("bash", "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda", "Use of 'dd' command is not allowed."),
("bash", "echo Hello > /dev/sda", "Overwriting disk blocks directly is not allowed."),
("bash", ":(){ :|:& };:", "Fork bombs are not allowed."),
def test_dangerous_commands(lang, code, expected_message):
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor.sanitize_command(lang, code)
assert expected_message in str(
), f"Expected message '{expected_message}' not found in '{str(exc_info.value)}'"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
def test_invalid_relative_path(cls) -> None:
executor = cls()
code = """# filename: /tmp/test.py
print("hello world")
result = executor.execute_code_blocks([CodeBlock(code=code, language="python")])
assert result.exit_code == 1 and "Filename is not in the workspace" in result.output
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
def test_valid_relative_path(cls) -> None:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
temp_dir = Path(temp_dir)
executor = cls(work_dir=temp_dir)
code = """# filename: test.py
print("hello world")
result = executor.execute_code_blocks([CodeBlock(code=code, language="python")])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert "hello world" in result.output
assert "test.py" in result.code_file
assert (temp_dir / "test.py").resolve() == Path(result.code_file).resolve()
assert (temp_dir / "test.py").exists()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", classes_to_test)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lang", WINDOWS_SHELLS + UNIX_SHELLS)
def test_silent_pip_install(cls, lang: str) -> None:
# Ensure that the shell is supported.
lang = "ps1" if lang in ["powershell", "pwsh"] else lang
if sys.platform in ["win32"] and lang in UNIX_SHELLS:
pytest.skip("Linux shells are not supported on Windows.")
elif sys.platform not in ["win32"] and lang in WINDOWS_SHELLS:
pytest.skip("Windows shells are not supported on Unix.")
error_exit_code = 0 if sys.platform in ["win32"] else 1
executor = cls(timeout=600)
code = "pip install matplotlib numpy"
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code=code, language=lang)]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == 0 and code_result.output.strip() == ""
none_existing_package = uuid.uuid4().hex
code = f"pip install matplotlib_{none_existing_package}"
code_blocks = [CodeBlock(code=code, language=lang)]
code_result = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert code_result.exit_code == error_exit_code and "ERROR: " in code_result.output
def test_local_executor_with_custom_python_env():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
env_builder = venv.EnvBuilder(with_pip=True)
env_builder_context = env_builder.ensure_directories(temp_dir)
executor = LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor(work_dir=temp_dir, virtual_env_context=env_builder_context)
code_blocks = [
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1871549/how-to-determine-if-python-is-running-inside-a-virtualenv
CodeBlock(code="import sys; print(sys.prefix != sys.base_prefix)", language="python"),
execution = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert execution.exit_code == 0
assert execution.output.strip() == "True"
def test_local_executor_with_custom_python_env_in_local_relative_path():
relative_folder_path = "temp_folder"
if not os.path.isdir(relative_folder_path):
venv_path = os.path.join(relative_folder_path, ".venv")
env_builder = venv.EnvBuilder(with_pip=True)
env_builder_context = env_builder.ensure_directories(venv_path)
executor = LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor(work_dir=relative_folder_path, virtual_env_context=env_builder_context)
code_blocks = [
CodeBlock(code="import sys; print(sys.executable)", language="python"),
execution = executor.execute_code_blocks(code_blocks)
assert execution.exit_code == 0
# Check if the expected venv is used
bin_path = os.path.abspath(env_builder_context.bin_path)
assert Path(execution.output.strip()).parent.samefile(bin_path)
if os.path.isdir(relative_folder_path):