Starfleet offers an easy way to quickly build event-driven, distributed, scalable, resilient AI agent systems. Agents are developed by using the [Actor model]( Each agent has events that it cares about and can process. Each agent may also emit events.
You can build and run your agent system locally and easily move to a distributed system in the cloud when you are ready.
The SDK comes with built-in agents that you can use as starting points. You can also use your own agents built from scratch, and use the Starfleet SDK to integrate them with other systems or to scale them into the cloud.
- When you are ready you can use 'azd' or GH Actions to deploy your agent system to the cloud
You may want to leverage more prescriptive agent behavior contracts, and in addition to the pub/sub model agents Starfleet also offers request/response message system base agents that implement different approaches to agent behavior, including layering request/response patterns on top of the event-driven model. For an example of this see the ChatAgents in the Python examples.
We are admittedly in the early stages of development, but we are excited to share our progress with you. We are looking for feedback and contributions to help shape the future of this project. Your best place to start is in the samples directories for [python]( and [.NET](
- [Python Examples]( for examples of how to use the Python package and multi-agent patterns.