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SOSP 2023 Artifact Submission

We thank the artifact evaluators who have volunteered to do one of the toughest jobs out there!



  • Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory (or you can use Qemu mode for simulation)
  • CPU Core >= 20


  • docker: we build the OS within a given docker
  • qemu-system-x86: use qemu mode to boot the OS
  • ipmitool: for interacting with the real machine (with kernel loaded)
  • expect: for interacting with the real machine
  • python3: for parsing and drawing
    • requirements: matplotlib, pandas, numpy, seaborn

Building TreeSLS OS

Use ./ to build everything at first.

Kernel Parameters

Different tests require different flags in kernel/sls_config.cmake. But we will give a script in each test to automatically set these parameters and build the kernel!

The meaning of each flag is given below:

  1. Basic configuration

    • SLS_RESTORE: restore from the last checkpoint if set; else start with an empty OS.
    • SLS_EXT_SYNC: enable external synchrony.
    • SLS_HYBRID_MEM: enable hybrid method to checkpoint memory pages; else fall back to CoW method during runtime.
  2. Report details

    • SLS_REPORT_CKPT: report checkpoint information
    • SLS_REPORT_RESTORE: report restore information
    • SLS_REPORT_HYBRID: report information of hybrid method
  3. Special tests

    • SLS_SPECIAL_OMIT_PF: omit triggering page fault related to checkpoint
    • SLS_SPECIAL_OMIT_MEMCPY: omit to copy page-faulted pages related to checkpoint
    • SLS_SPECIAL_OMIT_BENCHMARK: omit tracking benchmarks

User App Parameters

Also, you can selectively choose whether to build each application by setting the ON flag in user/config.cmake.

chcore_config(CHCORE_DEMOS_REDIS BOOL ON "Build redis?")
chcore_config(CHCORE_DEMOS_MEMCACHED BOOL ON "Build memcached?")
chcore_config(CHCORE_DEMOS_MEMCACHETEST BOOL ON "Build memcache test?")
chcore_config(CHCORE_DEMOS_SQLITE BOOL ON "Build SQLite3?")
chcore_config(CHCORE_DEMOS_LEVELDB BOOL ON "Build LevelDB?")
chcore_config(CHCORE_DEMOS_YCSB BOOL ON "Build YCSB-C?")
chcore_config(CHCORE_DEMOS_PHOENIX BOOL ON "Build Phoenix?")
chcore_config(CHCORE_DEMOS_ROCKSDB BOOL ON "Build RocksDB?")

Knowledge Before Testing!

Please replace basedir in artificial_evaluation/config.exp and artificial_evaluation/ (you should modify both)

We will give scripts of each test (*.sh files) in subdirs in artificial_evaluation/.

Test Mode

You can use QEMU or IPMI mode. Switch the mode by setting mode in artificial_evaluation/config.exp and artificial_evaluation/ (you should modify both). We recommend you use the IPMI mode since QEMU's simulation of NVM is quite different from the real cases.

More information about using the IPMI mode!

To run with the IPMI mode, you should:

  1. Build the os image (currently, no building) and load the build/treesls.iso file (or the provided images/treesls-*.iso) to the iDRAC platform.


  2. Boot the os with a grub entry:

    menuentry 'treesls' {
        insmod (hd0,gpt1)/efi/boot/x86_64-efi/multiboot2.mod
        multiboot2 (cd0)/boot/kernel.img

    or manually use:

    > insmod (hd0,gpt1)/efi/boot/x86_64-efi/multiboot2.mod
    > multiboot2 (cd0)/boot/kernel.img
    > boot

    To install the multiboot2.mod, you should:

    sudo apt/yum install grub-efi
    sudo cp -r /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/
  3. Wait a minute and interact with the os by ipmitool.

Evaluating the Artifact

In most cases, the workflow of running each test is:

  1. Load
    • If you directly use the provided images:
      • in IPMI mode: load images/treesls*.iso, the special iso name is listed in each test.
      • in QEMU mode: use images/treesls*.iso to replace build/treesls.iso.
    • If you want to build the image:
      • use setup*.sh in each subdir to set kernel flags and build the image.
      • in IPMI mode: load the build/treesls.iso image to boot it.
      • in QEMU mode: do nothing
  2. Run: use test*.sh to run the test and the logs are stored in artificial_evaluation/logs/<mode>/
  3. Parse the logs: use table*.sh or fig*.sh to parsing the data and generate results (*.jpg or *.csv) in artificial_evaluation/<subdir>/result/

There are some problems that might occur during the testing:

  1. Building image failed: currently, we build with ./chbuild build, if any conflict occurs, you can build with ./ or ./chbuild clean first.
  2. IPMI connection failed: currently, BMC sometimes close unexpectedly, and our retry scripts sometimes still can not handle everything well, so a manual re-test is needed.

NOTE: We recommend you run all tests with artificial_evaluation/ together and run tests with other required setups separately!

0. Functionality

We use QEMU mode to test the functionality, that is, whether our programs can restart with the same working flow as the time it crashes.

You should:

  1. use start.exp to start the program, we test the ping-pong program by default, we can test whatever you like by replacing send -- "test_crash_counter.bin & \r" in the script.
  2. during the running of the program, you can use 'CTRL-A + X' to stop the QEMU (crash the program).
  3. now you can use restore.exp to restart from the latest checkpoint and check the output.

1. Checkpoint/Restore Details (Table 2 & 3, Figure 9)

This test reports the checkpoint/restore details as well as other configurations like app size and object count.

1.1 ckpt details

  1. run ./ and load build/treesls.iso (or load images/treesls-ckpt.iso)
  2. use ./ to run each benchmark with the checkpoint log reported
  3. run ./ and ./

1.2 restore details

  1. run ./ and load (or load images/treesls-restore.iso)
  2. use ./ to run each benchmark with the restore log reported
  3. run ./

1.3 object count as well as size

  1. run ./ or cp images/treesls-mem-size.iso build/treesls.iso (no need to load, size calculated in QEMU mode)
  2. use ./test_ckpt_size.exp to calculate the memory size
  3. run ./

2. Hybrid memory checkpoint method (Table 4 & Figure 10)

Information in Table 4 is together tested with Test 1 (results are generated by 1-ckpt-restore-details/ You can just run to get the result.

Figure 10 requires 4 different setups:

  1. +ckpt:
    • build with ./ or use images/treesls-plusckpt.iso
    • run ./
  2. +pf:
    • build with ./ or use images/treesls-pluspf.iso
    • run ./
  3. +memcpy:
    • build with ./ or use images/treesls-plusmemcpy.iso
    • run ./
  4. base and hybrid: base can be tested with any setup (as no checkpoint here), we put it with hybrid setup.
    • build with ./ or use images/treesls-plusmemcpy.isoimages/treesls-base.iso`
    • run ./ (recommended to run this together with other tests based on the same image by artificial_evaluation/

After all, run

3. External Synchrony Support (Figure 12)

  1. build with ./ (or use images/treesls-base.iso) and run ./ (recommended to run by artificial_evaluation/
  2. build with ./ (or use images/treesls-ext.iso) and run ./

After all, run ./

Note: The following tests (4, 5, 6) can both run with the base image (use ./ in any subdir or use images/treesls-base.iso). We recommend you run with artificial_evaluation/ together!

4. Memcached (Figure 11)

  1. run ./
  2. run ./

5. Redis-YCSB (Figure 13)

  1. run treesls tests: enter 5-redis-ycsb and run ./
  2. run linux tests
    • run on the same machine where treesls is loaded to
    • enter 5-linux-redis-ycsb
    • update the git submodule and use ./ to prepare everything
    • run ./
    • copy the subdirs in 5-linux-redis-ycsb/logs/ to artificial_evaluation/logs/<mode>/ycsb/
  3. run ./

6. RocksDB-Prefix_dist (Figure 14)

  1. and run ./
  2. run Rocksdb test provided by Aurora (, scripts are given in 6-aurora-rocksdb/
  3. copy logs of Aurora (by default, in /aurora-data/) to artificial_evaluation/logs/<mode>/rocksdb/
  4. run ./

Estimated Resources

Space are consumed within the microkernel.

Test Estimated Time Details
1/ ~24 min ~3 min per workload, 8 workloads
1/ ~18 min ~3 min per workload, 6 workloads
1/ ~21 min ~3 min per workload, 7 workloads
2/test_*.sh ~1 hour (~12 min * 5 configurations) ~3 minutes per workload, 4 workloads, 5 configurations
3/ + ~9 min (ext-sync) + 12 min (base) ~3 min per workload, 3 configurations (ext-sync) + 4 configurations (base)
4/ ~15 min ~3 min per test, 5 configurations
5/ ~32 min ~4 min per test, 4 * 2 configurations
6/ ~6 min ~3 min per test, 2 configurations

Common Q&A

Q. Changing the CPU number

A. Currenly we hard code the CPU number. To change it, you can:

  • Open the file kernel/arch/x86_64/boot/CMakeLists.txt. Change line 36 -smp XXX with a new value.
  • Open the file /kernel/include/arch/x86_64/plat/intel/machine.h. Change line 4 #define PLAT_CPU_NUM XXX to half the value used above. For example, if using -smp 20, change it to #define PLAT_CPU_NUM 10. (we use half of the cores to use a single NUMA on the server).

Q. QEMU bug:

[INFO] General Protection Fault
[INFO] Faulting Address: 0x0
[INFO] Current thread 0
[INFO] Trap from 0xffffffffc011338b EC 0 Trap No. 13
[INFO] DS 0x0, CS 0x10, RSP 0xffffffffc0109030, SS 0x18
[INFO] rax: 0x706b0, rdx: 0x80010031, rdi: 0xffffffffca14aa80
[INFO] rcx: 0x65

A. We have also encountered this bug on Ubuntu 22.04. The issue stems from QEMU having problems with emulating the CPU's PCID feature support on this particular version, thus leading to a General Protection Fault bug. You can try running it on a machine with a different operating system installed. We have successfully boot it on some machines with Debian and Fedora.