root 4e85071055 redundant codes clean 2020-09-22 17:08:09 +08:00
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README.md update links for README 2020-09-19 18:43:35 +08:00
eval.py delete redundant codes 2020-09-17 17:44:36 +08:00
train.py delete redundant codes 2020-09-17 17:44:36 +08:00



LSTM Description

This example is for LSTM model training and evaluation.

Paper: Andrew L. Maas, Raymond E. Daly, Peter T. Pham, Dan Huang, Andrew Y. Ng, Christopher Potts. Learning Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. 2011

Model Architecture

LSTM contains embeding, encoder and decoder modules. Encoder module consists of LSTM layer. Decoder module consists of fully-connection layer.


Environment Requirements

Quick Start

  • runing on GPU

    # run training example
    bash run_train_gpu.sh 0 ./aclimdb ./glove_dir
    # run evaluation example
    bash run_eval_gpu.sh 0 ./aclimdb ./glove_dir lstm-20_390.ckpt
  • runing on CPU

    # run training example
    bash run_train_cpu.sh ./aclimdb ./glove_dir
    # run evaluation example
    bash run_eval_cpu.sh ./aclimdb ./glove_dir lstm-20_390.ckpt

Script Description

Script and Sample Code

├── lstm
    ├── README.md               # descriptions about LSTM
    ├── script
    │   ├── run_eval_gpu.sh     # shell script for evaluation on GPU
    │   ├── run_eval_cpu.sh     # shell script for evaluation on CPU
    │   ├── run_train_gpu.sh    # shell script for training on GPU
    │   └── run_train_cpu.sh    # shell script for training on CPU
    ├── src
    │   ├── config.py           # parameter configuration
    │   ├── dataset.py          # dataset preprocess
    │   ├── imdb.py             # imdb dataset read script
    │   └── lstm.py             # Sentiment model
    ├── eval.py                 # evaluation script on both GPU and CPU
    └── train.py                # training script on both GPU and CPU

Script Parameters

Training Script Parameters

usage: train.py  [-h] [--preprocess {true, false}] [--aclimdb_path ACLIMDB_PATH]
                 [--glove_path GLOVE_PATH] [--preprocess_path PREPROCESS_PATH]
                 [--ckpt_path CKPT_PATH] [--pre_trained PRE_TRAINING]
                 [--device_target {GPU, CPU}]

Mindspore LSTM Example

  -h, --help                          # show this help message and exit
  --preprocess {true, false}          # whether to preprocess data.
  --aclimdb_path ACLIMDB_PATH         # path where the dataset is stored.
  --glove_path GLOVE_PATH             # path where the GloVe is stored.
  --preprocess_path PREPROCESS_PATH   # path where the pre-process data is stored.
  --ckpt_path CKPT_PATH               # the path to save the checkpoint file.
  --pre_trained                       # the pretrained checkpoint file path.
  --device_target                     # the target device to run, support "GPU", "CPU". Default: "GPU".

Running Options

    num_classes                   # classes num
    learning_rate                 # value of learning rate
    momentum                      # value of momentum
    num_epochs                    # epoch size
    batch_size                    # batch size of input dataset
    embed_size                    # the size of each embedding vector
    num_hiddens                   # number of features of hidden layer
    num_layers                    # number of layers of stacked LSTM
    bidirectional                 # specifies whether it is a bidirectional LSTM
    save_checkpoint_steps         # steps for saving checkpoint files

Network Parameters

Dataset Preparation

  • Download the dataset aclImdb_v1.

Unzip the aclImdb_v1 dataset to any path you want and the folder structure should be as follows:

├── train  # train dataset
└── test   # infer dataset
  • Download the GloVe file.

Unzip the glove.6B.zip to any path you want and the folder structure should be as follows:

├── glove.6B.100d.txt
├── glove.6B.200d.txt
├── glove.6B.300d.txt    # we will use this one later.
└── glove.6B.50d.txt

Adding a new line at the beginning of the file which named glove.6B.300d.txt. It means reading a total of 400,000 words, each represented by a 300-latitude word vector.

400000    300

Training Process

  • Set options in config.py, including learning rate and network hyperparameters.

  • runing on GPU

    Run sh run_train_gpu.sh for training.

    bash run_train_gpu.sh 0 ./aclimdb ./glove_dir

    The above shell script will run distribute training in the background. You will get the loss value as following:

    # grep "loss is " log.txt
    epoch: 1 step: 390, loss is 0.6003723
    epcoh: 2 step: 390, loss is 0.35312173
  • runing on CPU

    Run sh run_train_cpu.sh for training.

    bash run_train_cpu.sh ./aclimdb ./glove_dir

    The above shell script will train in the background. You will get the loss value as following:

    # grep "loss is " log.txt
    epoch: 1 step: 390, loss is 0.6003723
    epcoh: 2 step: 390, loss is 0.35312173

Evaluation Process

  • evaluation on GPU

    Run bash run_eval_gpu.sh for evaluation.

    bash run_eval_gpu.sh 0 ./aclimdb ./glove_dir lstm-20_390.ckpt
  • evaluation on CPU

    Run bash run_eval_cpu.sh for evaluation.

    bash run_eval_cpu.sh ./aclimdb ./glove_dir lstm-20_390.ckpt

Model Description


Training Performance

Parameters LSTM (GPU) LSTM (CPU)
Resource Tesla V100-SMX2-16GB Ubuntu X86-i7-8565U-16GB
uploaded Date 08/06/2020 (month/day/year) 08/06/2020 (month/day/year)
MindSpore Version 0.6.0-beta 0.6.0-beta
Dataset aclimdb_v1 aclimdb_v1
Training Parameters epoch=20, batch_size=64 epoch=20, batch_size=64
Optimizer Momentum Momentum
Loss Function Softmax Cross Entropy Softmax Cross Entropy
Speed 1022 (1pcs) 20
Loss 0.12 0.12
Params (M) 6.45 6.45
Checkpoint for inference 292.9M (.ckpt file) 292.9M (.ckpt file)
Scripts lstm script lstm script

Evaluation Performance

Parameters LSTM (GPU) LSTM (CPU)
Resource Tesla V100-SMX2-16GB Ubuntu X86-i7-8565U-16GB
uploaded Date 08/06/2020 (month/day/year) 08/06/2020 (month/day/year)
MindSpore Version 0.6.0-beta 0.6.0-beta
Dataset aclimdb_v1 aclimdb_v1
batch_size 64 64
Accuracy 84% 83%

Description of Random Situation

There are three random situations:

  • Shuffle of the dataset.
  • Initialization of some model weights.

ModelZoo Homepage

Please check the official homepage.