forked from OSSInnovation/mindspore
Remove debug drawing and printing to boost compile performance; re-opt after python pass to boost training; fix NewParameter tensor clone
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class Pattern : public Base {
string unique_name() const { return unique_name_; }
vector<PatternPtr> inputs() { return inputs_; }
virtual void reset() {}
static void reset_gid() { g_id_ = 0; }
static int g_id_;
@ -213,7 +214,6 @@ class NewParameter : public Pattern {
explicit NewParameter(string para_name, tensor::TensorPtr default_tensor, bool requires_grad, bool layerwise_parallel)
: para_name_(para_name), requires_grad_(requires_grad), layerwise_parallel_(layerwise_parallel) {
unique_name_ = std::to_string(g_id_++) + "NewParameter_" + para_name;
// clone input tensor
default_tensor_ = std::make_shared<tensor::Tensor>(*default_tensor.get());
built_ = false;
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class MatchResult {
MatchResult() {}
~MatchResult() = default;
void add_entry(PatternPtr pattern, AnfNodePtr node) { match_result_[pattern] = node; }
PatternNodeMap _result() { return match_result_; }
PatternNodeMap &_result() { return match_result_; }
AnfNodePtr get_node(const PatternPtr &pattern);
void merge(const MatchResultPtr &other_result);
void clear() { match_result_.clear(); }
@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
#include "pipeline/jit/resource.h"
#include "frontend/optimizer/py_pass_manager.h"
#include "utils/info.h"
#include "debug/anf_ir_dump.h"
#include "debug/draw.h"
namespace mindspore {
namespace opt {
@ -42,29 +40,6 @@ AnfNodePtr BuildTarget(const PatternPtr &pattern, const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph
void ReflectParamBackToPython(const AnfNodePtr ¶m, string param_name, tensor::TensorPtr default_input,
bool requires_grad, bool layerwise_parallel);
std::string GetNodeRepr(AnfNodePtr node) {
if (node != nullptr) {
if (node->isa<CNode>()) {
std::string repr = "(";
auto const &inputs = node->cast<CNodePtr>()->inputs();
for (auto &input : inputs) {
repr += " ";
repr += GetNodeRepr(input);
repr += " ";
repr += ")";
return repr;
if (node->isa<Parameter>()) {
return "[Parameter]" + node->ToString();
} else if (node->isa<ValueNode>()) {
return "[Value]" + GetValueNode(node)->ToString();
return node->ToString();
return "";
bool IsTraversable(const AnfNodePtr &node) {
if (node == nullptr) {
return false;
@ -215,23 +190,6 @@ AnfNodePtr BuildTarget(const PatternPtr &pattern, const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph
return new_node;
void DrawNode(string name, AnfNodePtr node) {
auto context_ptr = MsContext::GetInstance();
bool save_graphs = context_ptr->get_param<bool>(MS_CTX_SAVE_GRAPHS_FLAG);
auto save_graphs_path = context_ptr->get_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_SAVE_GRAPHS_PATH);
if (save_graphs_path.empty()) {
save_graphs_path = ".";
auto new_func_graph = std::make_shared<FuncGraph>();
new_func_graph->set_output(node, true);
if (save_graphs) {
auto ir_dump_path = save_graphs_path + "/" + name + ".ir";
auto dot_dump_path = save_graphs_path + "/" + name + ".dot";
DumpIR(ir_dump_path, new_func_graph);
draw::Draw(dot_dump_path, new_func_graph);
void ReflectParamBackToPython(const AnfNodePtr ¶m, string param_name, tensor::TensorPtr default_input,
bool requires_grad, bool layerwise_parallel) {
// 1. Get current cell object
@ -241,12 +199,15 @@ void ReflectParamBackToPython(const AnfNodePtr ¶m, string param_name, tensor
if (py::isinstance<py::none>(top_cell)) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Failed to get top cell from resource.";
// 2. New a Parameter object with the above-specified args
// 2. Clone default_input tensor
auto default_tensor = std::make_shared<tensor::Tensor>(default_input->data_type(), default_input->shape_c(),
default_input->data_c(), (size_t)default_input->Size());
// 3. New a Parameter object with the above-specified args
py::object parameter_class = py::module::import(PARAMETER_MODULE).attr(PARAMETER_CLASS);
py::object new_parameter = parameter_class(default_input, param_name, requires_grad, layerwise_parallel);
// 3. Add the new python Parameter object to Cell's _params atttributes
py::object new_parameter = parameter_class(default_tensor, param_name, requires_grad, layerwise_parallel);
// 4. Add the new python Parameter object to Cell's _params atttributes
top_cell.attr(SET_PARAM)(param_name, new_parameter);
// 4. Set default_param for param_node
// 5. Set default_param for param_node
ValuePtr param_value = nullptr;
bool converted = parse::ConvertData(new_parameter, ¶m_value, false);
if (!converted) {
@ -282,11 +243,9 @@ void Reset(PatternPtr pattern) {
AnfNodePtr PythonPass::Run(const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph, const AnfNodePtr &node, const MatchResultPtr &res) {
auto match_res = src_pattern_->match(node);
if (match_res != nullptr) {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Matched pattern: " + src_pattern_->unique_name() + " node : " + internal::GetNodeRepr(node);
auto new_node = internal::BuildTarget(dst_pattern_, func_graph, res);
MS_LOG(WARNING) << "To be replaced node: " + internal::GetNodeRepr(new_node) + "\n";
return new_node;
@ -303,7 +262,6 @@ bool PythonPass::Run(const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph, const MatchResultPtr &res)
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Expect NewParameter pattern for target if src pattern is null.";
auto para_name = new_para_pattern->para_name() + new_para_pattern->unique_name();
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Adding New parameter : " + para_name;
auto para_node = std::make_shared<Parameter>(func_graph);
@ -321,7 +279,7 @@ bool PythonPass::Run(const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph, const MatchResultPtr &res)
// Reflect back to Cell._params
internal::ReflectParamBackToPython(para_node, para_name, default_value, new_para_pattern->requires_grad(),
MS_LOG(WARNING) << "Adding parameter: " + para_node->ToString() + " parameter name:" + para_node->name();
MS_LOG(WARNING) << "[Gen]Adding parameter: " + para_node->ToString() + " parameter name:" + para_node->name();
return true;
FuncGraphManagerPtr manager = func_graph->manager();
@ -334,7 +292,6 @@ bool PythonPass::Run(const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph, const MatchResultPtr &res)
for (auto &node : graph_nodes_sorted) {
AnfNodePtr new_node = Run(func_graph, node, res);
if (new_node != nullptr && new_node != node) {
internal::DrawNode(dst_pattern_->unique_name(), new_node);
(void)manager->Replace(node, new_node);
changes = true;
@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ REGISTER_PYBIND_DEFINE(
.def("registe", &PyPassManager::Registe, "Registe python pass")
.def("unregiste", &PyPassManager::Unregiste, "Delete Python Pass")
.def("gen_new_parameter", &PyPassManager::GenNewParameter, "Generate new parameter")
.def("set_renorm", &PyPassManager::SetRenorm, "Set whether or not to do renorm after modified graph");
.def("set_renorm", &PyPassManager::SetRenorm, "Set whether or not to do renorm after modified graph")
.def("set_reopt", &PyPassManager::SetReOpt, "Set whether or not to do optimization after modified graph");
} // namespace python_pass
} // namespace opt
@ -60,13 +60,19 @@ class PyPassManager {
MatchResultPtr GetMatchResult() { return res_; }
void SetRenorm(bool should_renorm) { should_renorm_ = should_renorm; }
bool ShouldRenorm() { return should_renorm_; }
void SetReOpt(bool should_reopt) { should_reopt_ = should_reopt; }
bool ShouldReOpt() { return should_reopt_; }
void SetResource(pipeline::ResourcePtr resource) { resource_ = resource; }
pipeline::ResourcePtr GetResource() { return resource_; }
void ClearRes();
void ClearPipelineRes() { resource_ = nullptr; }
void ClearPipelineRes() {
resource_ = nullptr;
bool should_renorm_ = true;
bool should_reopt_ = true;
MatchResultPtr res_;
pipeline::ResourcePtr resource_;
static std::unordered_map<Phase, PassGroupPtr> phase_to_group_;
@ -451,35 +451,55 @@ bool RemoveValueNodeDuplicationsAction(const ResourcePtr &res) {
bool ValidateAction(const ResourcePtr &res) { return ValidatePass(res); }
void ActionPyStub(const ResourcePtr &res, opt::python_pass::Phase phase) {
bool ActionPyStub(const ResourcePtr &res, opt::python_pass::Phase phase) {
auto ppm = opt::python_pass::PyPassManager::GetInstance();
if (!ppm->GetPassGroup(phase)->Run(res->func_graph())) {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "No match.\n";
} else if (phase == opt::python_pass::Phase::OPT && opt::python_pass::PyPassManager::GetInstance()->ShouldRenorm()) {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Entered PyStub Renorm";
// Renomalize
FuncGraphPtr func_graph = res->func_graph();
abstract::AbstractBasePtrList args_spec;
auto parameters = func_graph->parameters();
(void)std::transform(parameters.begin(), parameters.end(), std::back_inserter(args_spec),
[](const AnfNodePtr &p) -> AbstractBasePtr { return p->abstract(); });
FuncGraphPtr new_fg = Renormalize(res, func_graph, args_spec);
return ppm->GetPassGroup(phase)->Run(res->func_graph());
bool ResolveActionPyStub(const ResourcePtr &res) {
ActionPyStub(res, opt::python_pass::Phase::RESOLVE);
bool ResolveActionPyStub(const ResourcePtr &res) { return true || ActionPyStub(res, opt::python_pass::Phase::RESOLVE); }
bool OptActionVmPyStub(const ResourcePtr &res) {
if (ActionPyStub(res, opt::python_pass::Phase::OPT)) {
if (opt::python_pass::PyPassManager::GetInstance()->ShouldRenorm()) {
// Renomalize
FuncGraphPtr func_graph = res->func_graph();
abstract::AbstractBasePtrList args_spec;
auto parameters = func_graph->parameters();
(void)std::transform(parameters.begin(), parameters.end(), std::back_inserter(args_spec),
[](const AnfNodePtr &p) -> AbstractBasePtr { return p->abstract(); });
FuncGraphPtr new_fg = Renormalize(res, func_graph, args_spec);
if (opt::python_pass::PyPassManager::GetInstance()->ShouldReOpt()) {
return VmOptimizeAction(res);
return true;
bool OptActionPyStub(const ResourcePtr &res) {
ActionPyStub(res, opt::python_pass::Phase::OPT);
bool OptActionGePyStub(const ResourcePtr &res) {
if (ActionPyStub(res, opt::python_pass::Phase::OPT)) {
if (opt::python_pass::PyPassManager::GetInstance()->ShouldRenorm()) {
// Renomalize
FuncGraphPtr func_graph = res->func_graph();
abstract::AbstractBasePtrList args_spec;
auto parameters = func_graph->parameters();
(void)std::transform(parameters.begin(), parameters.end(), std::back_inserter(args_spec),
[](const AnfNodePtr &p) -> AbstractBasePtr { return p->abstract(); });
FuncGraphPtr new_fg = Renormalize(res, func_graph, args_spec);
if (opt::python_pass::PyPassManager::GetInstance()->ShouldReOpt()) {
return GeOptimizeAction(res);
return true;
@ -510,7 +530,7 @@ std::vector<ActionItem> GePipeline() {
// optimize
actions.emplace_back(std::make_pair("optimize", GeOptimizeAction));
// Add opt-stage python pass stub
actions.emplace_back(std::make_pair("py_opt", OptActionPyStub));
actions.emplace_back(std::make_pair("py_opt", OptActionGePyStub));
actions.emplace_back(std::make_pair("remove_value_node_duplications", RemoveValueNodeDuplicationsAction));
actions.emplace_back(std::make_pair("validate", ValidateAction));
return actions;
@ -523,7 +543,7 @@ std::vector<ActionItem> VmPipeline() {
actions.emplace_back(std::make_pair("optimize", VmOptimizeAction));
// Add opt-stage python pass stub
actions.emplace_back(std::make_pair("py_opt", OptActionPyStub));
actions.emplace_back(std::make_pair("py_opt", OptActionVmPyStub));
actions.emplace_back(std::make_pair("validate", ValidateAction));
@ -12,13 +12,15 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Top-level reference to python pass."""
from .python_pass_register import registe_pass, unregiste_pass, gen_new_parameter, cancel_new_parameter, set_renorm
"""Reference for python pass registration."""
from .python_pass_register import registe_pass, unregiste_pass, gen_new_parameter, cancel_new_parameter, set_renorm,\
__all__ = [
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ __all__ = [
class PyPassManager(PyPassManager_):
@ -75,6 +76,11 @@ class PyPassManager(PyPassManager_):
raise TypeError(f"Expect should_renorm to be a bool, got {should_renorm}")
def set_reopt(self, do_reopt):
if not isinstance(do_reopt, bool):
raise TypeError(f"Expect do_reopt to be a bool, got {do_reopt}")
def registe_pass(run_only_once=False):
Registe python pass to specified pipeline phase which would be used in compilation.
@ -164,3 +170,17 @@ def set_renorm(should_renorm):
ppm = PyPassManager()
def set_reopt(do_reopt):
Set whether or not to do optimization after modified graph in python pass(es).
do_reopt(bool): whether or not to do optimization after modified graph in python pass(es).
This interface is mainly intended for testing modifying graph without worrying about its validity. Turn off
renormalization may BREAK the network.
ppm = PyPassManager()
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from mindspore import context
from mindspore.common.tensor import Tensor
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.graph_utils.python_pass import registe_pass, unregiste_pass, set_renorm, gen_new_parameter,\
cancel_new_parameter, set_reopt
from mindspore.common.api import _generate_pip_args
from mindspore._c_expression import generate_key, Executor_
from mindspore.graph_utils.graph_pattern import OneOf, Prim, Call, NoneOf, Any, NewTensor, NewParameter, Imm
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ def test_softmax_relu():
def softmax_relu_pass():
x = Any()
pattern = Call(P.Softmax(), inputs=[x])
target = Call(P.ReLU(), inputs=[x])
pattern = Call(P.Softmax(), [x])
target = Call(P.ReLU(), [x])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(2)
@ -59,6 +59,23 @@ def test_softmax_relu():
assert "ReLU" in transformed_repr
assert "Softmax" not in transformed_repr
def test_prim():
inputs = Tensor(np.ones([42]), mindspore.float16)
softmax_model = nn.Softmax()
def softmax_relu_pass():
x = Any()
sigmoid_softmax_pattern = Prim([P.Sigmoid(), P.Softmax()])
pattern = Call(sigmoid_softmax_pattern, [x])
target = Call(P.ReLU(), [x])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(3)
assert "ReLU" in transformed_repr
assert "Softmax" not in transformed_repr
def test_softmax_relu_sigmoid():
Use python pass to transform from Softmax(x) to ReLU(Sigmoid(x)).
@ -73,11 +90,11 @@ def test_softmax_relu_sigmoid():
def softmax_relu_pass():
x = Any()
softmax_pattern = Prim(P.Softmax())
pattern = Call(softmax_pattern, inputs=[x])
pattern = Call(softmax_pattern, [x])
sigmoid_pattern = Prim(P.Sigmoid())
call_sigmoid = Call(sigmoid_pattern, [x])
relu_pattern = Prim(P.ReLU())
target = Call(relu_pattern, inputs=[call_sigmoid])
target = Call(relu_pattern, [call_sigmoid])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(3)
@ -98,13 +115,13 @@ def test_isin_pattern_0():
def softmax_relu_pass():
x = Any()
softmax_pattern = Prim(P.Softmax())
call_softmax = Call(softmax_pattern, inputs=[x])
call_softmax = Call(softmax_pattern, [x])
relu_pattern = Prim(P.ReLU())
call_relu = Call(relu_pattern, inputs=[x])
call_relu = Call(relu_pattern, [x])
pattern = OneOf([call_softmax, call_relu])
relu6_pattern = Prim(P.ReLU6())
target = Call(relu6_pattern, inputs=[x])
target = Call(relu6_pattern, [x])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(2)
@ -122,13 +139,13 @@ def test_isin_pattern_1():
def softmax_neg_pass():
x = Any()
softmax_pattern = Prim(P.Softmax())
call_softmax = Call(softmax_pattern, inputs=[x])
call_softmax = Call(softmax_pattern, [x])
relu_pattern = Prim(P.ReLU())
call_relu = Call(relu_pattern, inputs=[x])
call_relu = Call(relu_pattern, [x])
pattern = OneOf([call_softmax, call_relu])
neg_ops = Prim(P.Neg())
target = Call(neg_ops, inputs=[pattern])
target = Call(neg_ops, [pattern])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(4)
@ -141,6 +158,7 @@ def test_isnot_pattern_0():
Case: IsNot pass failed to match
class ConvBN(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(ConvBN, self).__init__()
@ -166,8 +184,8 @@ def test_isnot_pattern_0():
conv2d_prim = Prim("Conv2D")
conv2d = Call(conv2d_prim)
pattern_0 = NoneOf(conv2d)
pattern = Call(P.BatchNorm(), inputs=[pattern_0])
target = Call(P.ReLU6(), inputs=[pattern_0])
pattern = Call(P.BatchNorm(), [pattern_0])
target = Call(P.ReLU6(), [pattern_0])
return pattern, target
@ -202,9 +220,9 @@ def test_isnot_pattern_1():
matmul = Prim("MatMul")
pattern_0 = NoneOf(matmul)
softmax = P.Softmax()
pattern = Call(softmax, inputs=[pattern_0])
pattern = Call(softmax, [pattern_0])
relu6 = P.ReLU6()
target = Call(relu6, inputs=[pattern_0])
target = Call(relu6, [pattern_0])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(5)
@ -217,17 +235,18 @@ def test_newtensor_pattern():
Test NewTensor pattern in the target
inputs = Tensor(np.ones([42]), mindspore.float16)
softmax_model = nn.Softmax()
def softmax_addn_pass():
x = Any()
pattern = Call(P.Softmax(), inputs=[x])
pattern = Call(P.Softmax(), [x])
weight_tensor = Tensor(np.zeros([42]), mindspore.float16)
new_weight = NewTensor(weight_tensor)
target = Call(P.AddN(), inputs=[x, new_weight])
target = Call(P.AddN(), [x, new_weight])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(2)
@ -242,17 +261,19 @@ def test_newparameter_pattern():
inputs = Tensor(np.ones([42]), mindspore.float16)
softmax_model = nn.Softmax()
def softmax_addn_pass():
x = Any()
pattern = Call(P.Softmax(), inputs=[x])
pattern = Call(P.Softmax(), [x])
default_tensor0 = Tensor(np.ones((4, 4)), mindspore.float32)
default_tensor1 = Tensor(np.ones((4, 4)), mindspore.float32)
new_para_0 = NewParameter("Merlin", default_tensor0)
new_para_1 = NewParameter("Arthur", default_tensor1)
target_0 = Call(P.MatMul(), inputs=[new_para_0, new_para_1])
target = Call("make_tuple", inputs=[target_0])
target_0 = Call(P.MatMul(), [new_para_0, new_para_1])
target = Call("make_tuple", [target_0])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(5)
@ -267,13 +288,15 @@ def test_imm_target():
inputs = Tensor(np.ones([42]), mindspore.float16)
softmax_model = nn.Softmax()
def softmax_pass():
x = Any()
pattern = Call(P.Softmax(), inputs=[x])
pattern = Call(P.Softmax(), [x])
imm = Imm(0)
target_0 = Call("make_tuple", inputs=[pattern])
target = Call("tuple_getitem", inputs=[target_0, imm])
target_0 = Call("make_tuple", [pattern])
target = Call("tuple_getitem", [target_0, imm])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(5)
@ -290,14 +313,16 @@ def test_gen_new_parameter():
default_tensor = Tensor(np.ones((4, 4)), mindspore.float32)
new_para = NewParameter("Merlin", default_tensor)
def softmax_make_tuple_pass():
x = Any()
softmax = P.Softmax()
pattern = Call(softmax, inputs=[x])
pattern = Call(softmax, [x])
target = Call("make_tuple", inputs=[pattern, new_para])
target = Call("make_tuple", [pattern, new_para])
return pattern, target
transformed_repr = get_func_graph(softmax_model, inputs).get_return().expanded_str(5)
assert "Merlin" in transformed_repr
Reference in New Issue