Reset the page on Rust

Replace outdated information with a link to the rust-sel4 repository.

Signed-off-by: Nick Spinale <>
This commit is contained in:
Nick Spinale 2024-06-21 09:25:09 +00:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent 4a75e42528
commit fdb96bc445
1 changed files with 2 additions and 130 deletions

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@ -4,135 +4,7 @@ redirect_from:
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 seL4 Project a Series of LF Projects, LLC.
# Rust
The rust support that this page talks about is no longer supported.
### Description:
This page relates to using cargo based rust modules
in userspace on seL4 utilizing the existing build system. It focuses on
Interoperability between existing c based libraries and applications and
working with CAmkES. For rust only projects on seL4 see
[the robigalia project](
### Setup:
In addition to the typical sel4 build prerequisites you
also need to have rust installed. This is achieved by the following:
# This installs multirust from here:
curl -sf | sh
# This will install cargo and rustc using the current nightly version
multirust update nightly
# This will set the default cargo and rustc paths to the nightly version
multirust default nightly
Additionally, if you want to use rust-bindgen (a helpful tool that
generates rust bindings from c header files, such as bindings to camkes
generated functions) you need to have libclang installed.
### Sample projects:
There is currently a sample project
that demonstrates this functionality.
The following commands get a sample camkes hello world app written in
rust and runs it on qemu. It assumes that rust is installed correctly.
Note: the last rust nightly version this was specifically tested on is:
nightly-2016-06-01. Since then, the build-system and structure of the
upstream Rust compiler has changed, and **is no longer compatible with
our Rust infrastructure**. Please continue to use this older nightly
version until the project has been updated on our end, in the near
# This just gets all of the sources
repo init -u
repo sync
# Configuration for arm kzm (so we can use qemu)
# helloworld app: make rust-helloworld-kzm_defconfig
# keyvalue app: make rust-keyvalue-kzm_defconfig
make rust-helloworld-kzm_defconfig
# Build and run on qemu
make qemu-arm
### Build Dependencies:
In addition to the existing
[seL4 dependencies and CAmkES dependencies](/HostDependencies), the following dependencies are required:
- cargo and rustc: These are the rust build tool and compiler, they
should be installed with
([]( is still in beta,
and the build system has only been tested with multirust but should still be fine as long as rustc and cargo work)
- Cmake >= 3.5.2
The following features also require extra dependencies, however the
particular features are not required to build applications that don't
use the features:
- libclang: A dependency of rust-bindgen to generate rust bindings
from C header files.
- linux-libc-dev:i386: Provides glibc headers for building libstd
on x86.
### Build overview:
Two features have been added to the seL4 build
system (seL4_tools):
- The ability to use cargo projects as libraries or apps with other
C based libraries or apps on seL4. The cargo project just needs to
have a staticlib crate-type. To use rust projects as libraries
that can be used by other C libraries or apps, the make file just
needs to be
#This library uses a rust cargo project to generate it's lib*.a file
RUST_TARGET := libbtreemap.a
# Header files/directories this library provides
# The file is specified directly, as btreemap.h is generated by the rust task
HDRFILES := ${SOURCE_DIR}/include/generated/btreemap.h
include $(SEL4_COMMON)/
To use a cargo project as part of a camkes app component, in the
application's Makefile, `COMPONENTNAME_RUST` needs to be set to the cargo
lib name.
For a non camkes application, to use a cargo project in an app then the
settings are the same as for a library: `RUST_TARGET := libcratename.a`.
- The second feature of the build system, is that it cross compiles
the core rust libraries for the the target architecture. Currently
it builds std and all required libraries. Most of std won't work
(things that rely on muslc syscalls that are not supported
on seL4). using `#![no_std]` should allow the project to just
use core libraries and use extra libraries (such as
collections, alloc) explicitly as needed. rust_sysroot is a make
rule that needs to be added to the Kbuild file of any module that
uses rust. Additionally, libcompiler-rt needs to be added to any
applications that use cargo projects directly or indirectly.
## Known issues:
- Currently rely on a modified libmuslc with a hacked in global
tls struct in order for rust printf functionality to work.
- Camkes apps are really bloated when they use rust. \~8 Mb of
binary per app that uses rust it seems. This is likely related
to a camkes linking issue.
- Most libstd functionality doesn't actually work due to lack of
syscall implementation in muslc on sel4. If concerned about this
it may be better to use `#![no_std]` and explicitly use
libcore, libcollections, liballoc, etc because they are more
likely to work.
- No way of knowing at compile time which libstd functions don't
have underlying muslc implementations.
Support for the Rust programming language in seL4 userspace can be found in the [seL4/rust-sel4 repository on GitHub](