trivial: rename arch_split -> arch-split

Unifying the tag between Github labels, docs, and so on will make it
less confusing to grep for and deal with.

Signed-off-by: Rafal Kolanski <>
This commit is contained in:
Rafal Kolanski 2024-07-24 11:23:08 +10:00 committed by Rafal Kolanski
parent 423e5d44e7
commit 0875edf96a
320 changed files with 754 additions and 754 deletions

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@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ theory Retype_R
imports VSpace_R
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma placeNewObject_def2:
"placeNewObject ptr val gb = createObjects' ptr 1 (injectKO val) gb"
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ architecture. If we saw such a reference in a generic theory, we would
immediately recognise that something was wrong.
The convention is that in architecture-specific theories, we initially
give *all* types, constants and lemmas with the architecture-specific
give *all* types, constants and lemmas the architecture-specific
`arch_global_naming` scheme. Then, in generic theories, we use
*requalification* to selectively extract just those types, constants and
facts which are expected to exist on all architectures.
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ available unqualified until the end of the context block. Indeed, in this case,
the only purpose of the anonymous context block is to limit the scope of this
Note: It is critical to the success of arch_split that we *never* interpret the
Note: It is critical to the success of arch-split that we *never* interpret the
Arch locale, *except* inside an appropriate context block.
In a generic theory, we typically only interpret the Arch locale to keep
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ will only ever look at the heap, so this proof will always work.
There are some considerations when using this strategy:
1. We use the Arch locale without a `global_naming`, as its performance better
1. We use the Arch locale without `global_naming`, as its performance is better
than entering the Arch locale and proving the lemma there. This means its
qualified name will be `Arch.valid_arch_cap_pspaceI`, but this is acceptable
@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ The workflow:
intra-theory dependencies" above.
- Look in the generic theory for a block of the form
`context Arch begin (* FIXME: arch_split *) ... end`.
`context Arch begin (* FIXME: arch-split *) ... end`.
- These indicate things that we've previously classified as belonging in an
arch-specific theory.
@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ The workflow:
- Look for subsequent breakage in the generic theory.
- If this is in a subsequent Arch block (`context Arch begin (* FIXME:
arch_split *) ... end`), just move that block.
arch-split *) ... end`), just move that block.
- Otherwise, if it's not obvious what to do, have a conversation with someone.
We'll add more tips here as the process becomes clearer.

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@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ declare arch_get_sanitise_register_info_inv[Ipc_AC_assms]
context is_extended begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context is_extended begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma list_integ_lift_in_ipc[Ipc_AC_assms]:
assumes li:

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory ExampleSystem
imports ArchAccess_AC
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
nat_to_bl :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool list option"

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory ExampleSystem
imports ArchAccess_AC
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
nat_to_bl :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool list option"

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory Syscall_S
imports Separation
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma syscall_bisim:
assumes bs:

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@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ end
Init_C' :: "unit observable \<Rightarrow> cstate global_state set"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
definition "Init_C \<equiv> \<lambda>((tc,s),m,e). Init_C' ((tc, truncate_state s),m,e)"
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ lemma cint_rel_to_H:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"cstate_to_machine_H s \<equiv>
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ lemma carch_state_to_H_correct:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma tcb_queue_rel_unique:
"hp NULL = None \<Longrightarrow>

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ begin
unbundle l4v_word_context
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch unmapPageTable
for gsMaxObjectSize[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (gsMaxObjectSize s)"

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ qed
(* end holding area *)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
(* Short-hand for unfolding cumbersome machine constants *)
(* FIXME MOVE these should be in refine, and the _eq forms should NOT be declared [simp]! *)

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ theory DetWP
imports "Lib.DetWPLib" "CBaseRefine.Include_C"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma det_wp_doMachineOp [wp]:
"det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) f \<Longrightarrow> det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) (doMachineOp f)"

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setCTE_obj_at'_queued:
"\<lbrace>obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P (tcbQueued tcb)) t\<rbrace> setCTE p v \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P (tcbQueued tcb)) t\<rbrace>"

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ theory Fastpath_Defs
imports ArchMove_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"fastpaths sysc \<equiv> case sysc of

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ lemma setCTE_tcbContext:
apply (rule setObject_cte_obj_at_tcb', simp_all)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setThreadState_tcbContext:
"setThreadState st tptr \<lbrace>obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P ((atcbContextGet o tcbArch) tcb)) t\<rbrace>"

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@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ lemma decodeCNodeInvocation_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemmas setCTE_def3 = setCTE_def2[THEN eq_reflection]

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"replyFromKernel_success_empty thread \<equiv> do
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ lemma ccap_relation_reply_helpers:
cap_reply_cap_lift_def word_size
elim!: ccap_relationE)
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: fupdate simplification issues for 2D arrays *)
abbreviation "syscallMessageC \<equiv> kernel_all_global_addresses.fault_messages.[unat MessageID_Syscall]"
lemmas syscallMessageC_def = kernel_all_substitute.fault_messages_def
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ lemma syscallMessage_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"handleArchFaultReply' f sender receiver tag \<equiv>
@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@ lemma setMR_ccorres_dc:
(* FIXME: move *)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch setMR
for valid_pspace'[wp]: "valid_pspace'"
crunch setMR

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@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ lemma partial_overwrite_fun_upd:
apply (clarsimp split: if_split)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma get_tcb_state_regs_ko_at':
"ko_at' ko p s \<Longrightarrow> get_tcb_state_regs (ksPSpace s p)
@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ lemma bind_assoc:
= do x \<leftarrow> m; y \<leftarrow> f x; g y od"
by (rule bind_assoc)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setObject_modify_assert:
"\<lbrakk> updateObject v = updateObject_default v \<rbrakk>

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@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ lemma heap_to_user_data_in_user_mem'[simp]:
apply simp+
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setObject_asidpool_gs[wp]:
"setObject ptr (vcpu::asidpool) \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (gsMaxObjectSize s)\<rbrace>"

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ lemma zero_le_sint: "\<lbrakk> 0 \<le> (a :: machine_word); a < 0x80000000000000
apply simp
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma map_option_byte_to_word_heap:
assumes disj: "\<And>(off :: 9 word) x. x<8 \<Longrightarrow> p + ucast off * 8 + x \<notin> S " (*9=page table index*)
@ -7833,7 +7833,7 @@ lemma APIType_capBits_min:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma createNewCaps_1_gsCNodes_p:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s p) \<and> p \<noteq> ptr\<rbrace> createNewCaps newType ptr 1 n dev\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (gsCNodes s p)\<rbrace>"

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
section "vm rights"

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ begin
instance tcb :: no_vcpu by intro_classes auto
(*FIXME: arch_split: move up?*)
(*FIXME: arch-split: move up?*)
context Arch begin
context begin global_naming global

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ theory StateRelation_C
imports Wellformed_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"lifth p s \<equiv> the (clift (t_hrs_' s) p)"
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ text \<open>
which can subsequently be instantiated for
@{text kernel_all_global_addresses} as well as @{text kernel_all_substitute}.
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch_split*)
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch-split*)
fixes armKSKernelVSpace_C :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> arm_vspace_region_use"
locale kernel = kernel_all_substitute + state_rel
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ definition carch_state_relation :: "Arch.kernel_state \<Rightarrow> globals \<Ri
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cmachine_state_relation :: "machine_state \<Rightarrow> globals \<Rightarrow> bool"
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ where
((\<not> (d \<le> maxDomain \<and> i < l2BitmapSize))
\<longrightarrow> abitmap2 (d, i) = 0)"
end (* interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*) *)
end (* interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*) *)
region_is_bytes' :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> heap_typ_desc \<Rightarrow> bool"

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@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ imports
StoreWord_C DetWP
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
context kernel_m begin
abbreviation "msgRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.msgRegisters"
lemmas msgRegistersC_def = kernel_all_substitute.msgRegisters_def
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
declare word_neq_0_conv[simp del]
@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ lemma getSyscallArg_ccorres_foo:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma invocation_eq_use_type:
"\<lbrakk> value \<equiv> (value' :: 32 signed word);

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch replyFromKernel
for sch_act_wf[wp]: "\<lambda>s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s"

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ lemma doMachineOp_sched:
apply fastforce
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch restart
for curThread[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksCurThread s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps)
@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ lemma Arch_performTransfer_ccorres:
apply simp+
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
abbreviation "frameRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.frameRegisters"
lemmas frameRegistersC_def = kernel_all_substitute.frameRegisters_def
abbreviation "gpRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.gpRegisters"

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ autocorres
c_locale = kernel_all_substitute
] "../c/build/$L4V_ARCH/kernel_all.c_pp"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma ccorres_name_pre_C:
"(\<And>s. s \<in> P' \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf P {s} hs f g)

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
(* Takes an address and ensures it can be given to a function expecting a canonical address.
Canonical addresses on 64-bit machines aren't really 64-bit, due to bus sizes. Hence, structures
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ record cte_CL =
cap_CL :: cap_CL
cteMDBNode_CL :: mdb_node_CL
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cte_lift :: "cte_C \<rightharpoonup> cte_CL"

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@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ end
Init_C' :: "unit observable \<Rightarrow> cstate global_state set"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
definition "Init_C \<equiv> \<lambda>((tc,s),m,e). Init_C' ((tc, truncate_state s),m,e)"
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ lemma cint_rel_to_H:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"cstate_to_machine_H s \<equiv>
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ lemma (in kernel_m) carch_state_to_H_correct:
apply (fastforce simp: valid_asid_table'_def)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma tcb_queue_rel_unique:
"hp NULL = None \<Longrightarrow>

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ theory Arch_C
imports Recycle_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch unmapPageTable
for ctes_of[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ctes_of s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps)

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
(* Rule previously in the simpset, now not. *)
declare ptr_add_def' [simp]

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory DetWP
imports "Lib.DetWPLib" "CBaseRefine.Include_C"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma det_wp_doMachineOp [wp]:
"det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) f \<Longrightarrow> det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) (doMachineOp f)"

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setCTE_obj_at'_queued:
"\<lbrace>obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P (tcbQueued tcb)) t\<rbrace> setCTE p v \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P (tcbQueued tcb)) t\<rbrace>"

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ theory Fastpath_Defs
imports ArchMove_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"fastpaths sysc \<equiv> case sysc of

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ lemma setCTE_tcbContext:
apply (rule setObject_cte_obj_at_tcb', simp_all)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setThreadState_tcbContext:
"setThreadState st tptr \<lbrace>obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P ((atcbContextGet o tcbArch) tcb)) t\<rbrace>"

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@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ lemma offset_xf_for_sequence:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch invalidateHWASIDEntry
for pde_mappings'[wp]: "valid_pde_mappings'"
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ lemma invalidateASIDEntry_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch invalidateASIDEntry
for obj_at'[wp]: "obj_at' P p"
crunch flushSpace

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@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@ lemma decodeCNodeInvocation_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setCTE_sch_act_wf[wp]:
"\<lbrace> \<lambda>s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s \<rbrace>

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"replyFromKernel_success_empty thread \<equiv> do
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ lemma ccap_relation_reply_helpers:
cap_reply_cap_lift_def word_size
elim!: ccap_relationE)
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: fupdate simplification issues for 2D arrays *)
abbreviation "syscallMessageC \<equiv> kernel_all_global_addresses.fault_messages.[unat MessageID_Syscall]"
lemmas syscallMessageC_def = kernel_all_substitute.fault_messages_def
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ lemma syscallMessage_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"handleArchFaultReply' f sender receiver tag \<equiv> do
@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ lemma setMR_ccorres_dc:
(* FIXME: move *)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch setMR
for valid_pspace'[wp]: "valid_pspace'"
crunch setMR

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ theory IsolatedThreadAction
imports ArchMove_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
datatype tcb_state_regs =
TCBStateRegs (tsrState : thread_state) (tsrContext : "MachineTypes.register \<Rightarrow> machine_word")
@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ lemma bind_assoc:
= do x \<leftarrow> m; y \<leftarrow> f x; g y od"
by (rule bind_assoc)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setObject_modify_assert:
"\<lbrakk> updateObject v = updateObject_default v \<rbrakk>

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory PSpace_C
imports Ctac_lemmas_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setObject_obj_at_pre:
"\<lbrakk> updateObject ko = updateObject_default ko;

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@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ lemma heap_to_user_data_in_user_mem'[simp]:
apply simp+
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch invalidateTLBByASID
for pde_mappings'[wp]: "valid_pde_mappings'"

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ theory Refine_C
imports Init_C Fastpath_Equiv Fastpath_C CToCRefine
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch handleVMFault
for ksQ[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksReadyQueues s)"
(ignore: getFAR getDFSR getIFSR)

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ declare word_neq_0_conv [simp del]
instance cte_C :: array_outer_max_size
by intro_classes simp
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma map_option_byte_to_word_heap:
assumes disj: "\<And>(off :: 10 word) x. x<4 \<Longrightarrow> p + ucast off * 4 + x \<notin> S "
@ -4141,7 +4141,7 @@ lemma placeNewObject_pde:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma dom_disj_union:
@ -6356,7 +6356,7 @@ lemma APIType_capBits_min:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma createNewCaps_1_gsCNodes_p:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s p) \<and> p \<noteq> ptr\<rbrace> createNewCaps newType ptr 1 n dev\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (gsCNodes s p)\<rbrace>"

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
section "ctes"

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ theory Schedule_C
imports Tcb_C Detype_C
(*FIXME: arch_split: move up?*)
(*FIXME: arch-split: move up?*)
context Arch begin
context begin global_naming global

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory StateRelation_C
imports Wellformed_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"lifth p s \<equiv> the (clift (t_hrs_' s) p)"
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ text \<open>
which can subsequently be instantiated for
@{text kernel_all_global_addresses} as well as @{text kernel_all_substitute}.
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch_split*)
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch-split*)
fixes armKSKernelVSpace_C :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> arm_vspace_region_use"
locale kernel = kernel_all_substitute + state_rel
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ where
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cmachine_state_relation :: "machine_state \<Rightarrow> globals \<Rightarrow> bool"

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@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ imports
StoreWord_C DetWP
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
context kernel_m begin
abbreviation "msgRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.msgRegisters"
lemmas msgRegistersC_def = kernel_all_substitute.msgRegisters_def
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
declare word_neq_0_conv[simp del]
@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ lemma getSyscallArg_ccorres_foo:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma invocation_eq_use_type:
"\<lbrakk> value \<equiv> (value' :: 32 signed word);

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch replyFromKernel
for sch_act_wf[wp]: "\<lambda>s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s"

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ lemma doMachineOp_sched:
apply fastforce
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch restart
for curThread[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksCurThread s)"
@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ lemma Arch_performTransfer_ccorres:
apply simp+
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
abbreviation "frameRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.frameRegisters"
lemmas frameRegistersC_def = kernel_all_substitute.frameRegisters_def
abbreviation "gpRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.gpRegisters"

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@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ lemma rf_sr_armKSNextASID:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch invalidateASID
for armKSNextASID[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (armKSNextASID (ksArchState s))"
@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@ lemma doFlush_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch setVMRootForFlush
for gsMaxObjectSize[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (gsMaxObjectSize s)"
(wp: crunch_wps)
@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ lemma flushPage_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch flushPage
for no_0_obj'[wp]: "no_0_obj'"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cte_Ptr :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> cte_C ptr" where "cte_Ptr == Ptr"
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ record cte_CL =
cap_CL :: cap_CL
cteMDBNode_CL :: mdb_node_CL
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cte_lift :: "cte_C \<rightharpoonup> cte_CL"

View File

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ end
Init_C' :: "unit observable \<Rightarrow> cstate global_state set"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
definition "Init_C \<equiv> \<lambda>((tc,s),m,e). Init_C' ((tc, truncate_state s),m,e)"
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ lemma (in kernel_m) carch_state_to_H_correct:
apply (fastforce simp: valid_asid_table'_def)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma tcb_queue_rel_unique:
"hp NULL = None \<Longrightarrow>

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ begin
unbundle l4v_word_context
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch unmapPageTable
for ctes_of[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ctes_of s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
declare word_neq_0_conv [simp del]

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory DetWP
imports "Lib.DetWPLib" "CBaseRefine.Include_C"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma det_wp_doMachineOp [wp]:
"det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) f \<Longrightarrow> det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) (doMachineOp f)"

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setCTE_obj_at'_queued:
"\<lbrace>obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P (tcbQueued tcb)) t\<rbrace> setCTE p v \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P (tcbQueued tcb)) t\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ theory Fastpath_Defs
imports ArchMove_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"fastpaths sysc \<equiv> case sysc of

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ lemma setCTE_tcbContext:
apply (rule setObject_cte_obj_at_tcb', simp_all)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setThreadState_tcbContext:
"setThreadState st tptr \<lbrace>obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. P ((atcbContextGet o tcbArch) tcb)) t\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ lemma offset_xf_for_sequence:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch invalidateHWASIDEntry
for pde_mappings'[wp]: "valid_pde_mappings'"
@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ lemma invalidateASIDEntry_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch invalidateASIDEntry
for obj_at'[wp]: "obj_at' P p"
crunch flushSpace

View File

@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ lemma decodeCNodeInvocation_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemmas setCTE_def3 = setCTE_def2[THEN eq_reflection]

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"replyFromKernel_success_empty thread \<equiv> do
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ lemma ccap_relation_reply_helpers:
cap_reply_cap_lift_def word_size
elim!: ccap_relationE)
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: fupdate simplification issues for 2D arrays *)
abbreviation "syscallMessageC \<equiv> kernel_all_global_addresses.fault_messages.[unat MessageID_Syscall]"
lemmas syscallMessageC_def = kernel_all_substitute.fault_messages_def
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ lemma syscallMessage_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"handleArchFaultReply' f sender receiver tag \<equiv>
@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ lemma setMR_ccorres_dc:
(* FIXME: move *)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch setMR
for valid_pspace'[wp]: "valid_pspace'"
crunch setMR

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ theory IsolatedThreadAction
imports ArchMove_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
datatype tcb_state_regs =
TCBStateRegs (tsrState : thread_state) (tsrContext : "MachineTypes.register \<Rightarrow> machine_word")
@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ lemma bind_assoc:
= do x \<leftarrow> m; y \<leftarrow> f x; g y od"
by (rule bind_assoc)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setObject_modify_assert:
"\<lbrakk> updateObject v = updateObject_default v \<rbrakk>

View File

@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ lemma heap_to_user_data_in_user_mem'[simp]:
apply simp+
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch invalidateTLBByASID
for pde_mappings'[wp]: "valid_pde_mappings'"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ instance cte_C :: array_outer_max_size
instance virq_C :: array_inner_packed
by intro_classes simp
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma map_option_byte_to_word_heap:
@ -4713,7 +4713,7 @@ lemma placeNewObject_pde:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma dom_disj_union:
@ -7691,7 +7691,7 @@ lemma APIType_capBits_min:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma createNewCaps_1_gsCNodes_p:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s p) \<and> p \<noteq> ptr\<rbrace> createNewCaps newType ptr 1 n dev\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (gsCNodes s p)\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
section "ctes"

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ begin
instance tcb :: no_vcpu by intro_classes auto
(*FIXME: arch_split: move up?*)
(*FIXME: arch-split: move up?*)
context Arch begin
context begin global_naming global

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory StateRelation_C
imports Wellformed_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"lifth p s \<equiv> the (clift (t_hrs_' s) p)"
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ text \<open>
which can subsequently be instantiated for
@{text kernel_all_global_addresses} as well as @{text kernel_all_substitute}.
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch_split*)
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch-split*)
fixes armKSKernelVSpace_C :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> arm_vspace_region_use"
locale kernel = kernel_all_substitute + state_rel
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ where
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cmachine_state_relation :: "machine_state \<Rightarrow> globals \<Rightarrow> bool"
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ where
((\<not> (d \<le> maxDomain \<and> i < l2BitmapSize))
\<longrightarrow> abitmap2 (d, i) = 0)"
end (* interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*) *)
end (* interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*) *)
region_is_bytes' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> heap_typ_desc \<Rightarrow> bool"

View File

@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ imports
StoreWord_C DetWP
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
context kernel_m begin
abbreviation "msgRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.msgRegisters"
lemmas msgRegistersC_def = kernel_all_substitute.msgRegisters_def
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
declare word_neq_0_conv[simp del]
@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ lemma getSyscallArg_ccorres_foo:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma invocation_eq_use_type:
"\<lbrakk> value \<equiv> (value' :: 32 signed word);

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch replyFromKernel
for sch_act_wf[wp]: "\<lambda>s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s"

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ lemma doMachineOp_sched:
apply fastforce
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch restart
for curThread[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksCurThread s)"
@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ lemma Arch_performTransfer_ccorres:
apply simp+
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
abbreviation "frameRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.frameRegisters"
lemmas frameRegistersC_def = kernel_all_substitute.frameRegisters_def
abbreviation "gpRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.gpRegisters"

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ theory VSpace_C
imports TcbAcc_C CSpace_C PSpace_C TcbQueue_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma ccorres_name_pre_C:
"(\<And>s. s \<in> P' \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf P {s} hs f g)
@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ lemma rf_sr_armKSNextASID:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch invalidateASID
for armKSNextASID[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (armKSNextASID (ksArchState s))"
@ -2727,7 +2727,7 @@ lemma doFlush_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch setVMRootForFlush
for gsMaxObjectSize[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (gsMaxObjectSize s)"
(wp: crunch_wps)
@ -3041,7 +3041,7 @@ lemmas unfold_checkMapping_return
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch flushPage
for no_0_obj'[wp]: "no_0_obj'"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cte_Ptr :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> cte_C ptr" where "cte_Ptr == Ptr"
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ record cte_CL =
cap_CL :: cap_CL
cteMDBNode_CL :: mdb_node_CL
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cte_lift :: "cte_C \<rightharpoonup> cte_CL"

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ end
Init_C' :: "unit observable \<Rightarrow> cstate global_state set"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
definition "Init_C \<equiv> \<lambda>((tc,s),m,e). Init_C' ((tc, truncate_state s),m,e)"
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ lemma carch_state_to_H_correct:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma tcb_queue_rel_unique:
"hp NULL = None \<Longrightarrow>

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ begin
unbundle l4v_word_context
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch unmapPageTable
for gsMaxObjectSize[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (gsMaxObjectSize s)"

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
(* Short-hand for unfolding cumbersome machine constants *)
(* FIXME MOVE these should be in refine, and the _eq forms should NOT be declared [simp]! *)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ theory DetWP
imports "Lib.DetWPLib" "CBaseRefine.Include_C"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma det_wp_doMachineOp [wp]:
"det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) f \<Longrightarrow> det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) (doMachineOp f)"

View File

@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ lemma decodeCNodeInvocation_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemmas setCTE_def3 = setCTE_def2[THEN eq_reflection]

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"replyFromKernel_success_empty thread \<equiv> do
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ lemma ccap_relation_reply_helpers:
cap_reply_cap_lift_def word_size
elim!: ccap_relationE)
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: fupdate simplification issues for 2D arrays *)
abbreviation "syscallMessageC \<equiv> kernel_all_global_addresses.fault_messages.[unat MessageID_Syscall]"
lemmas syscallMessageC_def = kernel_all_substitute.fault_messages_def
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ lemma syscallMessage_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"handleArchFaultReply' f sender receiver tag \<equiv> do
@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ lemma setMR_ccorres_dc:
(* FIXME: move *)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch setMR
for valid_pspace'[wp]: "valid_pspace'"
crunch setMR

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@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ lemmas setNotification_tcb = set_ntfn_tcb_obj_at'
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setObject_modify:
fixes v :: "'a :: pspace_storable" shows
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ lemma partial_overwrite_fun_upd:
apply (clarsimp split: if_split)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma get_tcb_state_regs_ko_at':
"ko_at' ko p s \<Longrightarrow> get_tcb_state_regs (ksPSpace s p)
@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ lemma bind_assoc:
= do x \<leftarrow> m; y \<leftarrow> f x; g y od"
by (rule bind_assoc)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setObject_modify_assert:
"\<lbrakk> updateObject v = updateObject_default v \<rbrakk>

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@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ lemma heap_to_user_data_in_user_mem'[simp]:
apply simp+
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch deleteASIDPool
for gsMaxObjectSize[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (gsMaxObjectSize s)"
(wp: crunch_wps getObject_inv loadObject_default_inv

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch handleVMFault
for ksQ[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksReadyQueues s)"

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ lemma zero_le_sint: "\<lbrakk> 0 \<le> (a :: machine_word); a < 0x80000000000000
apply simp
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma map_option_byte_to_word_heap:
assumes disj: "\<And>(off :: 9 word) x. x<8 \<Longrightarrow> p + ucast off * 8 + x \<notin> S " (*9=page table index*)
@ -6797,7 +6797,7 @@ lemma APIType_capBits_min:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma createNewCaps_1_gsCNodes_p:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s p) \<and> p \<noteq> ptr\<rbrace> createNewCaps newType ptr 1 n dev\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (gsCNodes s p)\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
section "vm rights"

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ theory Schedule_C
imports Tcb_C Detype_C
(*FIXME: arch_split: move up?*)
(*FIXME: arch-split: move up?*)
context Arch begin
context begin global_naming global

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ theory StateRelation_C
imports Wellformed_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"lifth p s \<equiv> the (clift (t_hrs_' s) p)"
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ text \<open>
which can subsequently be instantiated for
@{text kernel_all_global_addresses} as well as @{text kernel_all_substitute}.
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch_split*)
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch-split*)
fixes riscvKSKernelVSpace_C :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> riscvvspace_region_use"
locale kernel = kernel_all_substitute + state_rel
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ where
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cmachine_state_relation :: "machine_state \<Rightarrow> globals \<Rightarrow> bool"
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ where
((\<not> (d \<le> maxDomain \<and> i < l2BitmapSize))
\<longrightarrow> abitmap2 (d, i) = 0)"
end (* interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*) *)
end (* interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*) *)
region_is_bytes' :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> heap_typ_desc \<Rightarrow> bool"

View File

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ imports
StoreWord_C DetWP
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
context kernel_m begin
abbreviation "msgRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.msgRegisters"
lemmas msgRegistersC_def = kernel_all_substitute.msgRegisters_def
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
declare word_neq_0_conv[simp del]
@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ lemma getSyscallArg_ccorres_foo:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma invocation_eq_use_type:
"\<lbrakk> value \<equiv> (value' :: 32 signed word);

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch replyFromKernel
for sch_act_wf[wp]: "\<lambda>s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s"

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ lemma doMachineOp_sched:
apply fastforce
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch restart
for curThread[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksCurThread s)"
@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ lemma Arch_performTransfer_ccorres:
apply simp+
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
abbreviation "frameRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.frameRegisters"
lemmas frameRegistersC_def = kernel_all_substitute.frameRegisters_def
abbreviation "gpRegistersC \<equiv> kernel_all_substitute.gpRegisters"

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ autocorres
c_locale = kernel_all_substitute
] "../c/build/$L4V_ARCH/kernel_all.c_pp"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma ccorres_name_pre_C:
"(\<And>s. s \<in> P' \<Longrightarrow> ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf arrel axf P {s} hs f g)

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cte_Ptr :: "word64 \<Rightarrow> cte_C ptr" where "cte_Ptr == Ptr"
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ record cte_CL =
cap_CL :: cap_CL
cteMDBNode_CL :: mdb_node_CL
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cte_lift :: "cte_C \<rightharpoonup> cte_CL"

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ end
Init_C' :: "unit observable \<Rightarrow> cstate global_state set"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
definition "Init_C \<equiv> \<lambda>((tc,s),m,e). Init_C' ((tc, truncate_state s),m,e)"
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ lemma carch_state_to_H_correct:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma tcb_queue_rel_unique:
"hp NULL = None \<Longrightarrow>

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ begin
unbundle l4v_word_context
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch unmapPageTable, unmapPageDirectory, unmapPDPT
for gsMaxObjectSize[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (gsMaxObjectSize s)"

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
(* Short-hand for unfolding cumbersome machine constants *)

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory DetWP
imports "Lib.DetWPLib" "CBaseRefine.Include_C"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma det_wp_doMachineOp [wp]:
"det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) f \<Longrightarrow> det_wp (\<lambda>_. P) (doMachineOp f)"

View File

@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ lemma decodeCNodeInvocation_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemmas setCTE_def3 = setCTE_def2[THEN eq_reflection]

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"replyFromKernel_success_empty thread \<equiv> do
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ lemma ccap_relation_reply_helpers:
cap_reply_cap_lift_def word_size
elim!: ccap_relationE)
(*FIXME: arch_split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: arch-split: C kernel names hidden by Haskell names *)
(*FIXME: fupdate simplification issues for 2D arrays *)
abbreviation "syscallMessageC \<equiv> kernel_all_global_addresses.fault_messages.[unat MessageID_Syscall]"
lemmas syscallMessageC_def = kernel_all_substitute.fault_messages_def
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ lemma syscallMessage_ccorres:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"handleArchFaultReply' f sender receiver tag \<equiv> do
@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ lemma setMR_ccorres_dc:
(* FIXME: move *)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch setMR
for valid_pspace'[wp]: "valid_pspace'"
crunch setMR

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ lemmas setNotification_tcb = set_ntfn_tcb_obj_at'
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setObject_modify:
fixes v :: "'a :: pspace_storable" shows
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ lemma partial_overwrite_fun_upd:
apply (clarsimp split: if_split)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma get_tcb_state_regs_ko_at':
"ko_at' ko p s \<Longrightarrow> get_tcb_state_regs (ksPSpace s p)
@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ lemma bind_assoc:
= do x \<leftarrow> m; y \<leftarrow> f x; g y od"
by (rule bind_assoc)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma setObject_modify_assert:
"\<lbrakk> updateObject v = updateObject_default v \<rbrakk>

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@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ lemma heap_to_user_data_in_user_mem'[simp]:
apply simp+
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch deleteASIDPool
for gsMaxObjectSize[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (gsMaxObjectSize s)"
(wp: crunch_wps getObject_inv loadObject_default_inv

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
crunch handleVMFault
for ksQ[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksReadyQueues s)"

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ lemma zero_le_sint: "\<lbrakk> 0 \<le> (a :: machine_word); a < 0x80000000000000
apply simp
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma map_option_byte_to_word_heap:
assumes disj: "\<And>(off :: 9 word) x. x<8 \<Longrightarrow> p + ucast off * 8 + x \<notin> S " (*9=page table index*)
@ -7908,7 +7908,7 @@ lemma APIType_capBits_min:
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
lemma createNewCaps_1_gsCNodes_p:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s p) \<and> p \<noteq> ptr\<rbrace> createNewCaps newType ptr 1 n dev\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (gsCNodes s p)\<rbrace>"

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ imports
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
section "ctes"

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ theory Schedule_C
imports Tcb_C Detype_C
(*FIXME: arch_split: move up?*)
(*FIXME: arch-split: move up?*)
context Arch begin
context begin global_naming global

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ theory StateRelation_C
imports Wellformed_C
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
"lifth p s \<equiv> the (clift (t_hrs_' s) p)"
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ text \<open>
which can subsequently be instantiated for
@{text kernel_all_global_addresses} as well as @{text kernel_all_substitute}.
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch_split*)
locale state_rel = Arch + substitute_pre + (*FIXME: arch-split*)
fixes x64KSKernelVSpace_C :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> x64vspace_region_use"
locale kernel = kernel_all_substitute + state_rel
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ where
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*)
cmachine_state_relation :: "machine_state \<Rightarrow> globals \<Rightarrow> bool"
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ where
((\<not> (d \<le> maxDomain \<and> i < l2BitmapSize))
\<longrightarrow> abitmap2 (d, i) = 0)"
end (* interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*) *)
end (* interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch-split*) *)
region_is_bytes' :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> heap_typ_desc \<Rightarrow> bool"

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