
45 lines
984 B
Executable File

## Copyright (C) 2000, University of Karlsruhe
## Filename: countlines
## Description: Count number of lines in C files, not including
## comments and blank line.
## Author: Espen Skoglund <esk@ira.uka.de>
## $Id: countlines,v 1.1 2000/01/26 15:37:51 skoglund Exp $
my @files = @ARGV;
## Slurp whole files
undef $/;
foreach $file ( @files ) {
open( SRCFILE, $file ) || die "open($file): $!\n";
my $fc = <SRCFILE>;
close SRCFILE;
## Remove comments.
$fc =~ s!/\*.*?\*/!!gs;
$fc =~ s!//.*$!!mg;
## Remove blank lines
$fc =~ s/^\s*\n//mg;
my $num = $fc =~ s/\n/\n/g;
printf("%-40s %5d\n", $file.":", $num);
$tot += $num;
print "-"x(40+6), "\n";
printf("%-40s %5d\n", "Total:", $tot);