mirror of https://github.com/silx-kit/pyFAI.git
281 lines
8.9 KiB
281 lines
8.9 KiB
import time
import logging
import numpy
import fabio
import pyFAI.distortion
halfFrelon = "LaB6_0020.edf"
splineFile = "halfccd.spline"
fit2d_cor = "halfccd.fit2d.edf"
from pyFAI.test.utilstest import UtilsTest
fit2dFile = UtilsTest.getimage(fit2d_cor)
halfFrelon = UtilsTest.getimage(halfFrelon)
splineFile = UtilsTest.getimage(splineFile)
det = pyFAI.detectors.FReLoN(splineFile)
img = fabio.open(halfFrelon).data
# det.binning = 5, 8
dis = pyFAI.distortion.Distortion(det, det.shape, resize=False,
mask=numpy.zeros(det.shape, "int8"))
pos = dis.calc_pos(False)
import pyFAI.ext._distortion
t0 = time.time()
ref = pyFAI.ext._distortion.calc_CSR(pos, det.shape, dis.calc_size(), (8, 8))
t1 = time.time()
obt = pyFAI.ext._distortion.calc_sparse(pos, det.shape, (8, 8))
t2 = time.time()
print("ref", t1 - t0, "new", t2 - t1)
dis = pyFAI.distortion.Distortion(det)
ref = pyFAI.ext._distortion.Distortion(det)
p = ref.calc_LUT()
q = dis.calc_LUT()
delta = (dis.lut["idx"] - ref.LUT["idx"])
bad = 1.0 * dis.lut.size / (delta == 0).sum() - 1
def compact_CSR(data, indices, indptr):
print("Compact CSR...")
new_data = []
new_indices = []
print(" was size %.3fMB" % (sum([i.nbytes for i in (data, indices, indptr)]) / 1e6))
for i in range(len(indptr) - 1):
start = indptr[i]
stop = indptr[i + 1]
tmp_data = data[start:stop]
tmp_indices = indices[start:stop]
valid = (tmp_data > 0)
new_indptr = numpy.zeros_like(indptr)
new_indptr[1:] = numpy.array([i.size for i in new_indices]).cumsum()
lut = numpy.hstack(new_data), numpy.hstack(new_indices), new_indptr
print(" new size %.3fMB" % (sum([i.nbytes for i in (lut)]) / 1e6))
return lut
def compact_LUT(lut):
print("Compact LUT...")
print(" was size %.3fMB" % (lut.nbytes / 1e6))
pos = (lut["coef"] > 0)
cnt = pos.sum(axis=-1)
new_lut = numpy.recarray((lut.shape[0], cnt.max()), dtype=lut.dtype)
for i in range(lut.shape[0]):
m = numpy.zeros(lut.shape[0], dtype=bool)
m[i] = True
m = numpy.atleast_2d(m)
new_lut[i, :cnt[i]] = lut[numpy.logical_and(pos, (m.T))]
print(" new size %.3fMB" % (lut.nbytes / 1e6))
return lut
from math import floor, ceil, fabs
def calc_area(I1, I2, slope, intercept):
"Calculate the area between I1 and I2 of a line with a given slope & intercept"
return 0.5 * (I2 - I1) * (slope * (I2 + I1) + 2 * intercept)
def integrate(box, start, stop, slope, intercept):
"""Integrate in a box a line between start and stop, line defined by its slope & intercept
:param box: buffer
if start < stop: # positive contribution
P = ceil(start)
dP = P - start
if P > stop: # start and stop are in the same unit
A = calc_area(start, stop, slope, intercept)
if A != 0.0:
AA = fabs(A)
sign = A / AA
dA = (stop - start) # always positive
h = 0
while AA > 0:
if dA > AA:
dA = AA
AA = -1
box[int(floor(start)), h] += sign * dA
AA -= dA
h += 1
if dP > 0:
A = calc_area(start, P, slope, intercept)
if A != 0:
AA = fabs(A)
sign = A / AA
h = 0
dA = dP
while AA > 0:
if dA > AA:
dA = AA
AA = -1
box[int(floor(P)) - 1, h] += sign * dA
AA -= dA
h += 1
# subsection P1->Pn
for i in range(int(floor(P)), int(floor(stop))):
A = calc_area(i, i + 1, slope, intercept)
if A != 0:
AA = fabs(A)
sign = A / AA
h = 0
dA = 1.0
while AA > 0:
if dA > AA:
dA = AA
AA = -1
box[i , h] += sign * dA
AA -= dA
h += 1
# Section Pn->B
P = floor(stop)
dP = stop - P
if dP > 0:
A = calc_area(P, stop, slope, intercept)
if A != 0:
AA = fabs(A)
sign = A / AA
h = 0
dA = fabs(dP)
while AA > 0:
if dA > AA:
dA = AA
AA = -1
box[int(floor(P)), h] += sign * dA
AA -= dA
h += 1
elif start > stop: # negative contribution. Nota if start==stop: no contribution
P = floor(start)
if stop > P: # start and stop are in the same unit
A = calc_area(start, stop, slope, intercept)
if A != 0:
AA = fabs(A)
sign = A / AA
dA = (start - stop) # always positive
h = 0
while AA > 0:
if dA > AA:
dA = AA
AA = -1
box[int(floor(start)), h] += sign * dA
AA -= dA
h += 1
dP = P - start
if dP < 0:
A = calc_area(start, P, slope, intercept)
if A != 0:
AA = fabs(A)
sign = A / AA
h = 0
dA = fabs(dP)
while AA > 0:
if dA > AA:
dA = AA
AA = -1
box[int(floor(P)), h] += sign * dA
AA -= dA
h += 1
# subsection P1->Pn
for i in range(int(start), int(ceil(stop)), -1):
A = calc_area(i, i - 1, slope, intercept)
if A != 0:
AA = fabs(A)
sign = A / AA
h = 0
dA = 1
while AA > 0:
if dA > AA:
dA = AA
AA = -1
box[i - 1, h] += sign * dA
AA -= dA
h += 1
# Section Pn->B
P = ceil(stop)
dP = stop - P
if dP < 0:
A = calc_area(P, stop, slope, intercept)
if A != 0:
AA = fabs(A)
sign = A / AA
h = 0
dA = fabs(dP)
while AA > 0:
if dA > AA:
dA = AA
AA = -1
box[int(floor(stop)), h] += sign * dA
AA -= dA
h += 1
A0, B0, C0, D0 = 0, 0, 0, 0
A1, B1, C1, D1 = 0, 0, 0, 0
offset0 = int(floor(min(A0, B0, C0, D0)))
offset1 = int(floor(min(A1, B1, C1, D1)))
box_size0 = int(ceil(max(A0, B0, C0, D0))) - offset0
box_size1 = int(ceil(max(A1, B1, C1, D1))) - offset1
A0 -= offset0
A1 -= offset1
B0 -= offset0
B1 -= offset1
C0 -= offset0
C1 -= offset1
D0 -= offset0
D1 -= offset1
if B0 != A0:
pAB = (B1 - A1) / (B0 - A0)
cAB = A1 - pAB * A0
pAB = cAB = 0.0
if C0 != B0:
pBC = (C1 - B1) / (C0 - B0)
cBC = B1 - pBC * B0
pBC = cBC = 0.0
if D0 != C0:
pCD = (D1 - C1) / (D0 - C0)
cCD = C1 - pCD * C0
pCD = cCD = 0.0
if A0 != D0:
pDA = (A1 - D1) / (A0 - D0)
cDA = D1 - pDA * D0
pDA = cDA = 0.0
aera = 0.5 * ((C0 - A0) * (D1 - B1) - (C1 - A1) * (D0 - B0))
buffer = numpy.zeros((3, 3))
integrate(buffer, B0, A0, pAB, cAB)
integrate(buffer, C0, B0, pBC, cBC)
integrate(buffer, D0, C0, pCD, cCD)
integrate(buffer, A0, D0, pDA, cDA)
print(aera, buffer.sum())
cmp = compact_CSR(*ref)
print("max error on indexptr %s" % abs(obt[2] - cmp[2]).max())
print("max error on indices %s" % abs(obt[1] - cmp[1]).max())
print("max error on data %s" % abs(obt[1] - cmp[1]).max())
print("*" * 80)
t0 = time.time()
ref = _distortion.calc_LUT(pos, det.shape, dis.calc_size(), (8, 8))
t1 = time.time()
obt = _distortion.calc_sparse(pos, det.shape, (8, 8), format="LUT")
t2 = time.time()
print("ref", t1 - t0, "new", t2 - t1)
print(ref.shape, obt.shape)
# cmp = compact_LUT(obt)
# print("max error on index %s" % abs(obt["idx"] - cmp["idx"]).max())
# print("max error on coef %s" % abs(obt["coef"] - cmp["coef"]).max())
if __name__ == "__main__":
from IPython import embed