
456 lines
18 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Project: Fast Azimuthal Integration
# Copyright (C) 2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
# Principal author: Jérôme Kieffer (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
__authors__ = ["Jerome Kieffer"]
__contact__ = ""
__date__ = "02/02/2017"
__status__ = "stable"
__license__ = "GPLv3+"
__status__ = "Broken: histogram don't work in parallel as easily !!!"
import cython
cimport numpy
import numpy
from cython.parallel import prange
from libc.math cimport floor, fabs
include "regrid_common.pxi"
def histoBBox1d(numpy.ndarray weights not None,
numpy.ndarray pos0 not None,
numpy.ndarray delta_pos0 not None,
long bins=100,
Calculates histogram of pos0 (tth) weighted by weights
Splitting is done on the pixel's bounding box like fit2D
:param weights: array with intensities
:param pos0: 1D array with pos0: tth or q_vect
:param delta_pos0: 1D array with delta pos0: max center-corner distance
:param pos1: 1D array with pos1: chi
:param delta_pos1: 1D array with max pos1: max center-corner distance, unused !
:param bins: number of output bins
:param pos0Range: minimum and maximum of the 2th range
:param pos1Range: minimum and maximum of the chi range
:param dummy: value for bins without pixels & value of "no good" pixels
:param delta_dummy: precision of dummy value
:param mask: array (of int8) with masked pixels with 1 (0=not masked)
:param dark: array (of float32) with dark noise to be subtracted (or None)
:param flat: array (of float32) with flat image (including solid angle correctons or not...)
:return: 2theta, I, weighted histogram, unweighted histogram
cdef ssize_t size = weights.size
assert pos0.size == size
assert delta_pos0.size == size
assert bins > 1
ssize_t bin0_max, bin0_min, bin = 0, i, idx
float data, deltaR, deltaL, deltaA,p1, epsilon = 1e-10, cdummy = 0, ddummy = 0
float pos0_min, pos0_max, pos0_maxin, pos1_min, pos1_max, pos1_maxin, min0, max0, fbin0_min, fbin0_max
bint check_pos1 = 0, check_mask = 0, check_dummy = 0, do_dark = 0, do_flat=0
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] cdata = numpy.ascontiguousarray(weights.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] cpos0, dpos0, cpos1, dpos1,cpos0_lower, cpos0_upper, cdark, cflat
cpos0 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(pos0.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
dpos0 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(delta_pos0.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] outData = numpy.zeros(bins, dtype=numpy.float64)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] outCount = numpy.zeros(bins, dtype=numpy.float64)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] outMerge = numpy.zeros(bins, dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] outPos = numpy.zeros(bins, dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.int8_t, ndim = 1] cmask
if mask is not None:
assert mask.size == size
check_mask = 1
cmask = numpy.ascontiguousarray(mask.ravel(), dtype=numpy.int8)
if (dummy is not None) and delta_dummy is not None:
check_dummy = 1
cdummy = float(dummy)
ddummy = float(delta_dummy)
elif (dummy is not None):
cdummy = float(dummy)
cdummy = 0.0
if dark is not None:
assert dark.size == size
do_dark = 1
cdark = numpy.ascontiguousarray(dark.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
if flat is not None:
assert flat.size == size
cflat = numpy.ascontiguousarray(flat.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
cpos0_lower = numpy.empty(size, dtype=numpy.float32)
cpos0_upper = numpy.empty(size, dtype=numpy.float32)
cpos0_upper = cpos0 + dpos0
pos0_max = cpos0_upper.max()
cpos0_lower = cpos0 - dpos0
pos0_min = cpos0_lower.min()
if pos0Range is not None and len(pos0Range) > 1:
pos0_min = min(pos0Range)
pos0_maxin = max(pos0Range)
pos0_maxin = pos0_max
if pos0_min < 0:
pos0_min = 0
pos0_max = pos0_maxin * (1.0 + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps)
if pos1Range is not None and len(pos1Range) > 1:
assert pos1.size == size
assert delta_pos1.size == size
check_pos1 = 1
cpos1 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(pos1.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
dpos1 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(delta_pos1.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
pos1_min = min(pos1Range)
pos1_maxin = max(pos1Range)
pos1_max = pos1_maxin * (1 + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps)
cdef float delta = (pos0_max - pos0_min) / (< float > (bins))
with nogil:
for i in prange(bins):
outPos[i] += pos0_min + (0.5 +< float > i) * delta
for idx in prange(size):
if (check_mask) and (cmask[idx]):
data = cdata[idx]
if check_dummy and (fabs(data-cdummy)<=ddummy):
min0 = cpos0_lower[idx]
max0 = cpos0_upper[idx]
if check_pos1 and (((cpos1[idx]+dpos1[idx]) < pos1_min) or ((cpos1[idx]-dpos1[idx]) > pos1_max)):
fbin0_min = get_bin_number(min0, pos0_min, delta)
fbin0_max = get_bin_number(max0, pos0_min, delta)
bin0_min = < long > floor(fbin0_min)
bin0_max = < long > floor(fbin0_max)
if (bin0_max<0) or (bin0_min>=bins):
if bin0_max>=bins:
if bin0_min<0:
if do_dark:
data = data-cdark[idx]
if do_flat:
data = data-cflat[idx]
if bin0_min == bin0_max:
# All pixel is within a single bin
outCount[bin0_min] += 1.0
outData[bin0_min] += data
# we have pixel spliting.
deltaA = 1.0 / (fbin0_max - fbin0_min)
deltaL = < float > (bin0_min + 1) - fbin0_min
deltaR = fbin0_max - (< float > bin0_max)
outCount[bin0_min] += (deltaA * deltaL)
outData[bin0_min] += (data * deltaA * deltaL)
outCount[bin0_max] += (deltaA * deltaR)
outData[bin0_max] += (data * deltaA * deltaR)
if bin0_min + 1 < bin0_max:
for i in range(bin0_min + 1, bin0_max):
outCount[i] += deltaA
outData[i] += (data * deltaA)
for i in prange(bins):
if outCount[i] > epsilon:
outMerge[i] += (outData[i] / outCount[i])
outMerge[i] += cdummy
return outPos, outMerge, outData, outCount
def histoBBox2d(numpy.ndarray weights not None,
numpy.ndarray pos0 not None,
numpy.ndarray delta_pos0 not None,
numpy.ndarray pos1 not None,
numpy.ndarray delta_pos1 not None,
bins=(100, 36),
Calculate 2D histogram of pos0(tth),pos1(chi) weighted by weights
Splitting is done on the pixel's bounding box like fit2D
:param weights: array with intensities
:param pos0: 1D array with pos0: tth or q_vect
:param delta_pos0: 1D array with delta pos0: max center-corner distance
:param pos1: 1D array with pos1: chi
:param delta_pos1: 1D array with max pos1: max center-corner distance, unused !
:param bins: number of output bins (tth=100, chi=36 by default)
:param pos0Range: minimum and maximum of the 2th range
:param pos1Range: minimum and maximum of the chi range
:param dummy: value for bins without pixels & value of "no good" pixels
:param delta_dummy: precision of dummy value
:param mask: array (of int8) with masked pixels with 1 (0=not masked)
:return: I, edges0, edges1, weighted histogram(2D), unweighted histogram (2D)
cdef long bins0, bins1, i, j, idx
cdef long size = weights.size
assert pos0.size == size
assert pos1.size == size
assert delta_pos0.size == size
assert delta_pos1.size == size
bins0, bins1 = tuple(bins)
bins0 = bins1 = < long > bins
if bins0 <= 0:
bins0 = 1
if bins1 <= 0:
bins1 = 1
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] cdata = numpy.ascontiguousarray(weights.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] cpos0 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(pos0.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] dpos0 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(delta_pos0.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] cpos1 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(pos1.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] dpos1 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(delta_pos1.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] cpos0_upper = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] cpos0_lower = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 2] outData = numpy.zeros((bins0, bins1), dtype=numpy.float64)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 2] outCount = numpy.zeros((bins0, bins1), dtype=numpy.float64)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 2] outMerge = numpy.zeros((bins0, bins1), dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] edges0 = numpy.zeros(bins0, dtype=numpy.float32)
numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] edges1 = numpy.zeros(bins1, dtype=numpy.float32)
float min0, max0, min1, max1, deltaR, deltaL, deltaU, deltaD, deltaA, tmp, delta0, delta1
float pos0_min, pos0_max, pos1_min, pos1_max, pos0_maxin, pos1_maxin
float fbin0_min, fbin0_max, fbin1_min, fbin1_max, data, epsilon = 1e-10, cdummy, ddummy
long bin0_max, bin0_min, bin1_max, bin1_min
int check_mask = 0, check_dummy = 0
numpy.ndarray[numpy.int8_t, ndim = 1] cmask
if mask is not None:
assert mask.size == size
check_mask = 1
cmask = numpy.ascontiguousarray(mask.ravel(), dtype=numpy.int8)
if (dummy is not None) and delta_dummy is not None:
check_dummy = 1
cdummy = float(dummy)
ddummy = float(delta_dummy)
elif (dummy is not None):
cdummy = float(dummy)
pos0_min = cpos0[0]
pos0_max = cpos0[0]
with nogil:
for idx in range(size):
min0 = cpos0[idx] - dpos0[idx]
max0 = cpos0[idx] + dpos0[idx]
cpos0_upper[idx] = max0
cpos0_lower[idx] = min0
if max0 > pos0_max:
pos0_max = max0
if min0 < pos0_min:
pos0_min = min0
if (pos0Range is not None) and (len(pos0Range) == 2):
pos0_min = min(pos0Range)
pos0_maxin = max(pos0Range)
pos0_min = pos0_min
pos0_maxin = pos0_max
if pos0_min < 0:
pos0_min = 0
pos0_max = pos0_maxin * (1 + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps)
if (pos1Range is not None) and (len(pos1Range) == 2):
pos1_min = min(pos1Range)
pos1_maxin = max(pos1Range)
pos1_min = cpos1.min()
pos1_maxin = cpos1.max()
pos1_max = pos1_maxin * (1 + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps)
delta0 = (pos0_max - pos0_min) / (< float > (bins0))
delta1 = (pos1_max - pos1_min) / (< float > (bins1))
with nogil:
for i in range(bins0):
edges0[i] = pos0_min + (0.5 + i) * delta0
for i in range(bins1):
edges1[i] = pos1_min + (0.5 + i) * delta1
for idx in range(size):
if (check_mask) and cmask[idx]:
data = cdata[idx]
if (check_dummy) and (fabs(data-cdummy)<=ddummy):
data = cdata[idx]
min0 = cpos0_lower[idx]
max0 = cpos0_upper[idx]
min1 = cpos1[idx] - dpos1[idx]
max1 = cpos1[idx] + dpos1[idx]
if (max0 < pos0_min) or (max1 < pos1_min) or (min0 > pos0_maxin) or (min1 > pos1_maxin) :
if min0 < pos0_min:
min0 = pos0_min
if min1 < pos1_min:
min1 = pos1_min
if max0 > pos0_maxin:
max0 = pos0_maxin
if max1 > pos1_maxin:
max1 = pos1_maxin
fbin0_min = get_bin_number(min0, pos0_min, delta0)
fbin0_max = get_bin_number(max0, pos0_min, delta0)
fbin1_min = get_bin_number(min1, pos1_min, delta1)
fbin1_max = get_bin_number(max1, pos1_min, delta1)
bin0_min = < long > floor(fbin0_min)
bin0_max = < long > floor(fbin0_max)
bin1_min = < long > floor(fbin1_min)
bin1_max = < long > floor(fbin1_max)
if bin0_min == bin0_max:
if bin1_min == bin1_max:
# All pixel is within a single bin
outCount[bin0_min, bin1_min] += 1.0
outData[bin0_min, bin1_min] += data
# spread on more than 2 bins
deltaD = (< float > (bin1_min + 1)) - fbin1_min
deltaU = fbin1_max - ( bin1_max)
deltaA = 1.0 / (fbin1_max - fbin1_min)
outCount[bin0_min, bin1_min] += deltaA * deltaD
outData[bin0_min, bin1_min] += data * deltaA * deltaD
outCount[bin0_min, bin1_max] += deltaA * deltaU
outData[bin0_min, bin1_max] += data * deltaA * deltaU
for j in range(bin1_min + 1, bin1_max):
outCount[bin0_min, j] += deltaA
outData[bin0_min, j] += data * deltaA
# spread on more than 2 bins in dim 0
if bin1_min == bin1_max:
# All pixel fall on 1 bins in dim 1
deltaA = 1.0 / (fbin0_max - fbin0_min)
deltaL = (< float > (bin0_min + 1)) - fbin0_min
outCount[bin0_min, bin1_min] += deltaA * deltaL
outData[bin0_min, bin1_min] += data * deltaA * deltaL
deltaR = fbin0_max - (< float > bin0_max)
outCount[bin0_max, bin1_min] += deltaA * deltaR
outData[bin0_max, bin1_min] += data * deltaA * deltaR
for i in range(bin0_min + 1, bin0_max):
outCount[i, bin1_min] += deltaA
outData[i, bin1_min] += data * deltaA
# spread on n pix in dim0 and m pixel in dim1:
deltaL = (< float > (bin0_min + 1)) - fbin0_min
deltaR = fbin0_max - (< float > bin0_max)
deltaD = (< float > (bin1_min + 1)) - fbin1_min
deltaU = fbin1_max - (< float > bin1_max)
deltaA = 1.0 / ((fbin0_max - fbin0_min) * (fbin1_max - fbin1_min))
outCount[bin0_min, bin1_min] += deltaA * deltaL * deltaD
outData[bin0_min, bin1_min] += data * deltaA * deltaL * deltaD
outCount[bin0_min, bin1_max] += deltaA * deltaL * deltaU
outData[bin0_min, bin1_max] += data * deltaA * deltaL * deltaU
outCount[bin0_max, bin1_min] += deltaA * deltaR * deltaD
outData[bin0_max, bin1_min] += data * deltaA * deltaR * deltaD
outCount[bin0_max, bin1_max] += deltaA * deltaR * deltaU
outData[bin0_max, bin1_max] += data * deltaA * deltaR * deltaU
for i in range(bin0_min + 1, bin0_max):
outCount[i, bin1_min] += deltaA * deltaD
outData[i, bin1_min] += data * deltaA * deltaD
for j in range(bin1_min + 1, bin1_max):
outCount[i, j] += deltaA
outData[i, j] += data * deltaA
outCount[i, bin1_max] += deltaA * deltaU
outData[i, bin1_max] += data * deltaA * deltaU
for j in range(bin1_min + 1, bin1_max):
outCount[bin0_min, j] += deltaA * deltaL
outData[bin0_min, j] += data * deltaA * deltaL
outCount[bin0_max, j] += deltaA * deltaR
outData[bin0_max, j] += data * deltaA * deltaR
for i in range(bins0):
for j in range(bins1):
if outCount[i, j] > epsilon:
outMerge[i, j] = <float> (outData[i, j] / outCount[i, j])
outMerge[i, j] = cdummy
return outMerge.T, edges0, edges1, outData.T, outCount.T