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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Project: Fast Azimuthal Integration
# https://github.com/silx-kit/pyFAI
# Copyright (C) 2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
# Principal author: Jérôme Kieffer (Jerome.Kieffer@ESRF.eu)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
""" Full pixel Splitting implemented using Sparse-matrix Dense-Vector
multiplication, sparse matrix represented using the CompressedSparseROw.
__author__ = "Jerome Kieffer"
__contact__ = "Jerome.kieffer@esrf.fr"
__date__ = "02/02/2017"
__status__ = "stable"
__license__ = "GPLv3+"
import cython
import os
import sys
from cython.parallel import prange
from libc.string cimport memset
import numpy
cimport numpy
from libc.math cimport fabs, floor
from libc.stdio cimport printf
from fastcrc import crc32
from zlib import crc32
include "regrid_common.pxi"
cdef struct Function:
double slope
double intersect
cdef double area4(double a0, double a1, double b0, double b1, double c0, double c1, double d0, double d1) nogil:
Calculate the area of the ABCD quadrilataire with corners:
:return: area, i.e. 1/2 * (AC ^ BD)
return 0.5 * fabs(((c0 - a0) * (d1 - b1)) - ((c1 - a1) * (d0 - b0)))
cdef double integrate( double A0, double B0, Function AB) nogil:
integrates the line defined by AB, from A0 to B0
param A0: first limit
param B0: second limit
param AB: struct with the slope and point of intersection of the line
if A0==B0:
return 0.0
return AB.slope*(B0*B0 - A0*A0)*0.5 + AB.intersect*(B0-A0)
class HistoLUT1dFullSplit(object):
Now uses CSR (Compressed Sparse raw) with main attributes:
* nnz: number of non zero elements
* data: coefficient of the matrix in a 1D vector of float64
* indices: Column index position for the data (same size as
* indptr: row pointer indicates the start of a given row. len nrow+1
Nota: nnz = indptr[-1]
def __init__(self,
numpy.ndarray pos not None,
int bins=100,
:param pos: 3D or 4D array with the coordinates of each pixel point
:param bins: number of output bins, 100 by default
:param pos0Range: minimum and maximum of the 2th range
:param pos1Range: minimum and maximum of the chi range
:param mask: array (of int8) with masked pixels with 1 (0=not masked)
:param allow_pos0_neg: enforce the q<0 is usually not possible
:param unit: can be 2th_deg or r_nm^-1 ...
# self.padding = int(padding)
if pos.ndim>3: #create a view
pos = pos.reshape((-1,4,2))
assert pos.shape[1] == 4
assert pos.shape[2] == 2
assert pos.ndim == 3
self.pos = pos
self.size = pos.shape[0]
self.bins = bins
self.lut_size = 0
self.allow_pos0_neg = allow_pos0_neg
if mask is not None:
assert mask.size == self.size
self.check_mask = True
self.cmask = numpy.ascontiguousarray(mask.ravel(), dtype=numpy.int8)
if mask_checksum:
self.mask_checksum = mask_checksum
self.mask_checksum = crc32(mask)
self.check_mask = False
self.mask_checksum = None
self.data = self.nnz = self.indices = self.indptr = None
self.pos0Range = pos0Range
self.pos1Range = pos1Range
self.outPos = numpy.linspace(self.pos0_min+0.5*self.delta, self.pos0_maxin-0.5*self.delta, self.bins)
self.lut_checksum = crc32(self.data)
self.lut_nbytes = sum([i.nbytes for i in self.lut])
def calc_lut(self):
cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 3] cpos = numpy.ascontiguousarray(self.pos,dtype=numpy.float64)
cdef numpy.int8_t[:] cmask
cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32_t, ndim = 1] outMax = numpy.zeros(self.bins, dtype=numpy.int32)
cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32_t, ndim = 1] indptr = numpy.zeros(self.bins+1, dtype=numpy.int32)
cdef double pos0_min=0, pos0_max=0, pos0_maxin=0, pos1_min=0, pos1_max=0, pos1_maxin=0
cdef double max0, min0
cdef double areaPixel=0, delta=0
cdef double A0=0, B0=0, C0=0, D0=0, A1=0, B1=0, C1=0, D1=0
cdef double A_lim=0, B_lim=0, C_lim=0, D_lim=0
cdef double oneOverArea=0, partialArea=0, tmp=0
cdef Function AB, BC, CD, DA
cdef int bins, i=0, idx=0, bin=0, bin0_max=0, bin0_min=0, pixel_bins=0, k=0, size=0
cdef bint check_pos1=False, check_mask=False
bins = self.bins
if self.pos0Range is not None and len(self.pos0Range) > 1:
self.pos0_min = min(self.pos0Range)
self.pos0_maxin = max(self.pos0Range)
self.pos0_min = self.pos[:, :, 0].min()
self.pos0_maxin = self.pos[:, :, 0].max()
self.pos0_max = self.pos0_maxin * (1 + numpy.finfo(numpy.float64).eps)
if self.pos1Range is not None and len(self.pos1Range) > 1:
self.pos1_min = min(self.pos1Range)
self.pos1_maxin = max(self.pos1Range)
self.check_pos1 = True
self.pos1_min = self.pos[:, :, 1].min()
self.pos1_maxin = self.pos[:, :, 1].max()
self.pos1_max = self.pos1_maxin * (1 + numpy.finfo(numpy.float64).eps)
self.delta = (self.pos0_max - self.pos0_min) / (< double > (bins))
pos0_min = self.pos0_min
pos0_max = self.pos0_max
pos1_min = self.pos1_min
pos1_max = self.pos1_max
delta = self.delta
size = self.size
check_mask = self.check_mask
if check_mask:
cmask = self.cmask
with nogil:
for idx in range(size):
if (check_mask) and (cmask[idx]):
A0 = get_bin_number(< double > cpos[idx, 0, 0], pos0_min, delta)
A1 = < double > cpos[idx, 0, 1]
B0 = get_bin_number(< double > cpos[idx, 1, 0], pos0_min, delta)
B1 = < double > cpos[idx, 1, 1]
C0 = get_bin_number(< double > cpos[idx, 2, 0], pos0_min, delta)
C1 = < double > cpos[idx, 2, 1]
D0 = get_bin_number(< double > cpos[idx, 3, 0], pos0_min, delta)
D1 = < double > cpos[idx, 3, 1]
min0 = min(A0, B0, C0, D0)
max0 = max(A0, B0, C0, D0)
if (max0<0) or (min0 >=bins):
if check_pos1:
if (max(A1, B1, C1, D1) < pos1_min) or (min(A1, B1, C1, D1) > pos1_maxin):
bin0_min = < int > floor(min0)
bin0_max = < int > floor(max0)
for bin in range(bin0_min, bin0_max+1):
outMax[bin] += 1
indptr[1:] = outMax.cumsum()
self.indptr = indptr
cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32_t, ndim = 1] indices = numpy.zeros(indptr[bins], dtype=numpy.int32)
cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] data = numpy.zeros(indptr[bins], dtype=numpy.float64)
cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32_t, ndim = 1] areas = numpy.zeros(indptr[bins], dtype=numpy.float32)
#just recycle the outMax array
memset(&outMax[0], 0, bins * sizeof(numpy.int32_t))
with nogil:
for idx in range(size):
if (check_mask) and (cmask[idx]):
A0 = get_bin_number(< double > cpos[idx, 0, 0], pos0_min, delta)
A1 = < double > cpos[idx, 0, 1]
B0 = get_bin_number(< double > cpos[idx, 1, 0], pos0_min, delta)
B1 = < double > cpos[idx, 1, 1]
C0 = get_bin_number(< double > cpos[idx, 2, 0], pos0_min, delta)
C1 = < double > cpos[idx, 2, 1]
D0 = get_bin_number(< double > cpos[idx, 3, 0], pos0_min, delta)
D1 = < double > cpos[idx, 3, 1]
min0 = min(A0, B0, C0, D0)
max0 = max(A0, B0, C0, D0)
if (max0<0) or (min0 >=bins):
if check_pos1:
if (max(A1, B1, C1, D1) < pos1_min) or (min(A1, B1, C1, D1) > pos1_maxin):
bin0_min = < int > floor(min0)
bin0_max = < int > floor(max0)
if bin0_min == bin0_max:
#All pixel is within a single bin
k = outMax[bin0_min]
indices[indptr[bin0_min]+k] = idx
data[indptr[bin0_min]+k] = 1.0
areas[indptr[bin0_min]+k] = -1.0
outMax[bin0_min] += 1 #k+1
else: #else we have pixel spliting.
AB.intersect= A1 - AB.slope*A0
BC.intersect= B1 - BC.slope*B0
CD.intersect= C1 - CD.slope*C0
DA.intersect= D1 - DA.slope*D0
areaPixel = area4(A0, A1, B0, B1, C0, C1, D0, D1)
oneOverPixelArea = 1.0 / areaPixel
partialArea2 = 0.0
for bin in range(bin0_min, bin0_max+1):
A_lim = (A0<=bin)*(A0<=(bin+1))*bin + (A0>bin)*(A0<=(bin+1))*A0 + (A0>bin)*(A0>(bin+1))*(bin+1)
B_lim = (B0<=bin)*(B0<=(bin+1))*bin + (B0>bin)*(B0<=(bin+1))*B0 + (B0>bin)*(B0>(bin+1))*(bin+1)
C_lim = (C0<=bin)*(C0<=(bin+1))*bin + (C0>bin)*(C0<=(bin+1))*C0 + (C0>bin)*(C0>(bin+1))*(bin+1)
D_lim = (D0<=bin)*(D0<=(bin+1))*bin + (D0>bin)*(D0<=(bin+1))*D0 + (D0>bin)*(D0>(bin+1))*(bin+1)
partialArea = integrate(A_lim, B_lim, AB)
partialArea += integrate(B_lim, C_lim, BC)
partialArea += integrate(C_lim, D_lim, CD)
partialArea += integrate(D_lim, A_lim, DA)
tmp = fabs(partialArea) * oneOverPixelArea
k = outMax[bin]
indices[indptr[bin]+k] = idx
data[indptr[bin]+k] = tmp
areas[indptr[bin]+k] = fabs(partialArea)
outMax[bin] += 1 #k+1
self.data = data
self.indices = indices
self.outMax = outMax
self.areas = areas
def integrate(self, weights, dummy=None, delta_dummy=None, dark=None, flat=None, solidAngle=None, polarization=None):
Actually perform the integration which in this case looks more like a matrix-vector product
:param weights: input image
:type weights: ndarray
:param dummy: value for dead pixels (optional)
:type dummy: float
:param delta_dummy: precision for dead-pixel value in dynamic masking
:type delta_dummy: float
:param dark: array with the dark-current value to be subtracted (if any)
:type dark: ndarray
:param flat: array with the dark-current value to be divided by (if any)
:type flat: ndarray
:param solidAngle: array with the solid angle of each pixel to be divided by (if any)
:type solidAngle: ndarray
:param polarization: array with the polarization correction values to be divided by (if any)
:type polarization: ndarray
:return: positions, pattern, weighted_histogram and unweighted_histogram
:rtype: 4-tuple of ndarrays
cdef numpy.int32_t i=0, j=0, idx=0, bins=self.bins, size=self.size
cdef double sum_data=0.0, sum_count=0.0, epsilon=1e-10
cdef double data=0, coef=0, cdummy=0, cddummy=0
cdef bint do_dummy=False, do_dark=False, do_flat=False, do_polarization=False, do_solidAngle=False
cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] outData = numpy.zeros(self.bins, dtype=numpy.float64)
cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] outCount = numpy.zeros(self.bins, dtype=numpy.float64)
cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] outMerge = numpy.zeros(self.bins, dtype=numpy.float64)
cdef double[:] ccoef = self.data, cdata, tdata, cflat, cdark, csolidAngle, cpolarization
cdef numpy.int32_t[:] indices = self.indices, indptr = self.indptr
assert size == weights.size
if dummy is not None:
do_dummy = True
cdummy = <double>float(dummy)
if delta_dummy is None:
cddummy = <double>0.0
cddummy = <double>float(delta_dummy)
if flat is not None:
do_flat = True
assert flat.size == size
cflat = numpy.ascontiguousarray(flat.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
if dark is not None:
do_dark = True
assert dark.size == size
cdark = numpy.ascontiguousarray(dark.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
if solidAngle is not None:
do_solidAngle = True
assert solidAngle.size == size
csolidAngle = numpy.ascontiguousarray(solidAngle.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
if polarization is not None:
do_polarization = True
assert polarization.size == size
cpolarization = numpy.ascontiguousarray(polarization.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
if (do_dark + do_flat + do_polarization + do_solidAngle):
tdata = numpy.ascontiguousarray(weights.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
cdata = numpy.zeros(size,dtype=numpy.float64)
if do_dummy:
for i in prange(size, nogil=True, schedule="static"):
data = tdata[i]
if ((cddummy!=0) and (fabs(data-cdummy) > cddummy)) or ((cddummy==0) and (data!=cdummy)):
#Nota: -= and /= operatore are seen as reduction in cython parallel.
if do_dark:
data = data - cdark[i]
if do_flat:
data = data / cflat[i]
if do_polarization:
data = data / cpolarization[i]
if do_solidAngle:
data = data / csolidAngle[i]
else: #set all dummy_like values to cdummy. simplifies further processing
for i in prange(size, nogil=True, schedule="static"):
data = tdata[i]
if do_dark:
data = data - cdark[i]
if do_flat:
data = data / cflat[i]
if do_polarization:
data = data / cpolarization[i]
if do_solidAngle:
data = data / csolidAngle[i]
if do_dummy:
tdata = numpy.ascontiguousarray(weights.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
cdata = numpy.zeros(size,dtype=numpy.float64)
for i in prange(size, nogil=True, schedule="static"):
data = tdata[i]
if ((cddummy!=0) and (fabs(data-cdummy) > cddummy)) or ((cddummy==0) and (data!=cdummy)):
cdata = numpy.ascontiguousarray(weights.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
for i in prange(bins, nogil=True, schedule="guided"):
sum_data = 0.0
sum_count = 0.0
for j in range(indptr[i],indptr[i+1]):
idx = indices[j]
coef = ccoef[j]
if coef == 0.0:
data = cdata[idx]
if do_dummy and data==cdummy:
sum_data = sum_data + coef * data
sum_count = sum_count + coef
outData[i] += sum_data
outCount[i] += sum_count
if sum_count > epsilon:
outMerge[i] += sum_data / sum_count
outMerge[i] += cdummy
return self.outPos, outMerge, outData, outCount
# Bidimensionnal regrouping
#class HistoBBox2d(object):
#def __init__(self,
#@param pos0: 1D array with pos0: tth or q_vect
#@param delta_pos0: 1D array with delta pos0: max center-corner distance
#@param pos1: 1D array with pos1: chi
#@param delta_pos1: 1D array with max pos1: max center-corner distance, unused !
#@param bins: number of output bins (tth=100, chi=36 by default)
#@param pos0Range: minimum and maximum of the 2th range
#@param pos1Range: minimum and maximum of the chi range
#@param mask: array (of int8) with masked pixels with 1 (0=not masked)
#@param allow_pos0_neg: enforce the q<0 is usually not possible
#@param chiDiscAtPi: boolean; by default the chi_range is in the range ]-pi,pi[ set to 0 to have the range ]0,2pi[
#cdef int i, size, bin0, bin1
#self.size = pos0.size
#assert delta_pos0.size == self.size
#assert pos1.size == self.size
#assert delta_pos1.size == self.size
#self.chiDiscAtPi = 1 if chiDiscAtPi else 0
#self.allow_pos0_neg = allow_pos0_neg
#bins0, bins1 = tuple(bins)
#bins0 = bins1 = bins
#if bins0 <= 0:
#bins0 = 1
#if bins1 <= 0:
#bins1 = 1
#self.bins = (int(bins0),int(bins1))
#self.lut_size = 0
#if mask is not None:
#assert mask.size == self.size
#self.check_mask = True
#self.cmask = numpy.ascontiguousarray(mask.ravel(), dtype=numpy.int8)
#if mask_checksum:
#self.mask_checksum = mask_checksum
#self.mask_checksum = crc32(mask)
#self.check_mask = False
#self.mask_checksum = None
#self.data = self.nnz = self.indices = self.indptr = None
#self.cpos0 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(pos0.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#self.dpos0 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(delta_pos0.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#self.cpos0_sup = numpy.empty_like(self.cpos0)
#self.cpos0_inf = numpy.empty_like(self.cpos0)
#self.pos0Range = pos0Range
#self.pos1Range = pos1Range
#self.cpos1 = numpy.ascontiguousarray((pos1).ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#self.dpos1 = numpy.ascontiguousarray((delta_pos1).ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#self.cpos1_sup = numpy.empty_like(self.cpos1)
#self.cpos1_inf = numpy.empty_like(self.cpos1)
#self.calc_boundaries(pos0Range, pos1Range)
#self.delta0 = (self.pos0_max - self.pos0_min) / float(bins0)
#self.delta1 = (self.pos1_max - self.pos1_min) / float(bins1)
#self.lut_max_idx = self.calc_lut()
#self.outPos0 = numpy.linspace(self.pos0_min+0.5*self.delta0, self.pos0_maxin-0.5*self.delta0, bins0)
#self.outPos1 = numpy.linspace(self.pos1_min+0.5*self.delta1, self.pos1_maxin-0.5*self.delta1, bins1)
#self.lut_checksum = crc32(self.data)
#def calc_boundaries(self, pos0Range, pos1Range):
#cdef int size = self.cpos0.size
#cdef bint check_mask = self.check_mask
#cdef numpy.int8_t[:] cmask
#cdef float[:] cpos0, dpos0, cpos0_sup, cpos0_inf
#cdef float[:] cpos1, dpos1, cpos1_sup, cpos1_inf,
#cdef float upper0, lower0, pos0_max, pos0_min, c0, d0
#cdef float upper1, lower1, pos1_max, pos1_min, c1, d1
#cdef bint allow_pos0_neg=self.allow_pos0_neg
#cdef bint chiDiscAtPi = self.chiDiscAtPi
#cpos0_sup = self.cpos0_sup
#cpos0_inf = self.cpos0_inf
#cpos0 = self.cpos0
#dpos0 = self.dpos0
#cpos1_sup = self.cpos1_sup
#cpos1_inf = self.cpos1_inf
#cpos1 = self.cpos1
#dpos1 = self.dpos1
#if check_mask:
#cmask = self.cmask
#with nogil:
#for idx in range(size):
#c0 = cpos0[idx]
#d0 = dpos0[idx]
#lower0 = c0 - d0
#upper0 = c0 + d0
#c1 = cpos1[idx]
#d1 = dpos1[idx]
#lower1 = c1 - d1
#upper1 = c1 + d1
#if not allow_pos0_neg and lower0<0:
#if upper1 > (2-chiDiscAtPi)*pi:
#upper1 = (2-chiDiscAtPi)*pi
#if lower1 < (-chiDiscAtPi)*pi:
#lower1 = (-chiDiscAtPi)*pi
#cpos0_sup[idx] = upper0
#cpos0_inf[idx] = lower0
#cpos1_sup[idx] = upper1
#cpos1_inf[idx] = lower1
#if not (check_mask and cmask[idx]):
#if upper0>pos0_max:
#pos0_max = upper0
#if lower0<pos0_min:
#pos0_min = lower0
#if upper1>pos1_max:
#pos1_max = upper1
#if lower1<pos1_min:
#pos1_min = lower1
#if pos0Range is not None and len(pos0Range) > 1:
#self.pos0_min = min(pos0Range)
#self.pos0_maxin = max(pos0Range)
#self.pos0_min = pos0_min
#self.pos0_maxin = pos0_max
#if pos1Range is not None and len(pos1Range) > 1:
#self.pos1_min = min(pos1Range)
#self.pos1_maxin = max(pos1Range)
#self.pos1_min = pos1_min
#self.pos1_maxin = pos1_max
#if (not allow_pos0_neg) and self.pos0_min < 0:
#self.pos0_min = 0
#self.pos0_max = self.pos0_maxin * EPS32
#self.cpos0_sup = cpos0_sup
#self.cpos0_inf = cpos0_inf
#self.pos1_max = self.pos1_maxin * EPS32
#self.cpos1_sup = cpos1_sup
#self.cpos1_inf = cpos1_inf
#def calc_lut(self):
#'calculate the max number of elements in the LUT and populate it'
#cdef float delta0=self.delta0, pos0_min=self.pos0_min, min0, max0, fbin0_min, fbin0_max
#cdef float delta1=self.delta1, pos1_min=self.pos1_min, min1, max1, fbin1_min, fbin1_max
#cdef int bin0_min, bin0_max, bins0 = self.bins[0]
#cdef int bin1_min, bin1_max, bins1 = self.bins[1]
#cdef numpy.int32_t k, idx, lut_size, i, j, size=self.size
#cdef bint check_mask
#cdef float[:] cpos0_sup = self.cpos0_sup
#cdef float[:] cpos0_inf = self.cpos0_inf
#cdef float[:] cpos1_inf = self.cpos1_inf
#cdef float[:] cpos1_sup = self.cpos1_sup
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32_t, ndim = 2] outMax = numpy.zeros((bins0,bins1), dtype=numpy.int32)
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32_t, ndim = 1] indptr = numpy.zeros((bins0*bins1)+1, dtype=numpy.int32)
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32_t, ndim = 1] indices
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] data
#cdef numpy.int8_t[:] cmask
#if self.check_mask:
#cmask = self.cmask
#check_mask = True
#check_mask = False
#with nogil:
#for idx in range(size):
#if (check_mask) and (cmask[idx]):
#min0 = cpos0_inf[idx]
#max0 = cpos0_sup[idx]
#min1 = cpos1_inf[idx]
#max1 = cpos1_sup[idx]
#bin0_min = < int > get_bin_number(min0, pos0_min, delta0)
#bin0_max = < int > get_bin_number(max0, pos0_min, delta0)
#bin1_min = < int > get_bin_number(min1, pos1_min, delta1)
#bin1_max = < int > get_bin_number(max1, pos1_min, delta1)
#if (bin0_max < 0) or (bin0_min >= bins0) or (bin1_max < 0) or (bin1_min >= bins1):
#if bin0_max >= bins0 :
#bin0_max = bins0 - 1
#if bin0_min < 0:
#bin0_min = 0
#if bin1_max >= bins1 :
#bin1_max = bins1 - 1
#if bin1_min < 0:
#bin1_min = 0
#for i in range(bin0_min, bin0_max+1):
#for j in range(bin1_min , bin1_max+1):
#outMax[i, j] += 1
#self.nnz = outMax.sum()
#indptr[1:] = outMax.cumsum()
#self.indptr = indptr
## self.lut_size = lut_size = outMax.max()
##just recycle the outMax array
##outMax = numpy.zeros((bins0,bins1), dtype=numpy.int32)
#memset(&outMax[0,0], 0, bins0*bins1*sizeof(numpy.int32_t))
#lut_nbytes = self.nnz * (sizeof(numpy.float64_t)+sizeof(numpy.int32_t)) + bins0*bins1*sizeof(numpy.int32_t)
#if (os.name == "posix") and ("SC_PAGE_SIZE" in os.sysconf_names) and ("SC_PHYS_PAGES" in os.sysconf_names):
#memsize = os.sysconf("SC_PAGE_SIZE")*os.sysconf("SC_PHYS_PAGES")
#if memsize < lut_nbytes:
#raise MemoryError("CSR Matrix is %.3fGB whereas the memory of the system is only %s"%(lut_nbytes, memsize))
##else hope we have enough memory
#data = numpy.zeros(self.nnz,dtype=numpy.float64)
#indices = numpy.zeros(self.nnz,dtype=numpy.int32)
## lut = numpy.recarray(shape=(bins0, bins1, lut_size),dtype=[("idx",numpy.int32),("coef",numpy.float64)])
## memset(&lut[0,0,0], 0, lut_nbytes)
#with nogil:
#for idx in range(size):
#if (check_mask) and cmask[idx]:
#min0 = cpos0_inf[idx]
#max0 = cpos0_sup[idx]
#min1 = cpos1_inf[idx]
#max1 = cpos1_sup[idx]
#fbin0_min = get_bin_number(min0, pos0_min, delta0)
#fbin0_max = get_bin_number(max0, pos0_min, delta0)
#fbin1_min = get_bin_number(min1, pos1_min, delta1)
#fbin1_max = get_bin_number(max1, pos1_min, delta1)
#bin0_min = <int> fbin0_min
#bin0_max = <int> fbin0_max
#bin1_min = <int> fbin1_min
#bin1_max = <int> fbin1_max
#if (bin0_max < 0) or (bin0_min >= bins0) or (bin1_max < 0) or (bin1_min >= bins1):
#if bin0_max >= bins0 :
#bin0_max = bins0 - 1
#if bin0_min < 0:
#bin0_min = 0
#if bin1_max >= bins1 :
#bin1_max = bins1 - 1
#if bin1_min < 0:
#bin1_min = 0
#if bin0_min == bin0_max:
#if bin1_min == bin1_max:
##All pixel is within a single bin
#k = outMax[bin0_min, bin1_min]
#indices[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = onef
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_min, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_min, k].coef = onef
#outMax[bin0_min, bin1_min]= k+1
##spread on more than 2 bins
#deltaD = (< float > (bin1_min + 1)) - fbin1_min
#deltaU = fbin1_max - ( bin1_max)
#deltaA = 1.0 / (fbin1_max - fbin1_min)
#k = outMax[bin0_min, bin1_min]
#indices[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = deltaA * deltaD
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_min, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_min, k].coef = deltaA * deltaD
#outMax[bin0_min, bin1_min] = k + 1
#k = outMax[bin0_min, bin1_max]
#indices[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_max]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_max]+k] = deltaA * deltaU
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_max, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_max, k].coef = deltaA * deltaU
#outMax[bin0_min, bin1_max] = k + 1
#for j in range(bin1_min + 1, bin1_max):
#k = outMax[bin0_min, j]
#indices[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+j]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+j]+k] = deltaA
## lut[bin0_min, j, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_min, j, k].coef = deltaA
#outMax[bin0_min, j] = k + 1
#else: #spread on more than 2 bins in dim 0
#if bin1_min == bin1_max:
##All pixel fall on 1 bins in dim 1
#deltaA = 1.0 / (fbin0_max - fbin0_min)
#deltaL = (< float > (bin0_min + 1)) - fbin0_min
#k = outMax[bin0_min, bin1_min]
#indices[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = deltaA * deltaL
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_min, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_min, k].coef = deltaA * deltaL
#outMax[bin0_min, bin1_min] = k+1
#deltaR = fbin0_max - (< float > bin0_max)
#k = outMax[bin0_max, bin1_min]
#indices[indptr[bin0_max*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_max*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = deltaA * deltaR
## lut[bin0_max, bin1_min, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_max, bin1_min, k].coef = deltaA * deltaR
#outMax[bin0_max, bin1_min] = k + 1
#for i in range(bin0_min + 1, bin0_max):
#k = outMax[i, bin1_min]
#indices[indptr[i*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[i*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = deltaA
## lut[i, bin1_min ,k].idx = idx
## lut[i, bin1_min, k].coef = deltaA
#outMax[i, bin1_min] = k + 1
##spread on n pix in dim0 and m pixel in dim1:
#deltaL = (< float > (bin0_min + 1)) - fbin0_min
#deltaR = fbin0_max - (< float > bin0_max)
#deltaD = (< float > (bin1_min + 1)) - fbin1_min
#deltaU = fbin1_max - (< float > bin1_max)
#deltaA = 1.0 / ((fbin0_max - fbin0_min) * (fbin1_max - fbin1_min))
#k = outMax[bin0_min, bin1_min]
#indices[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = deltaA * deltaL * deltaD
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_min ,k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_min, k].coef = deltaA * deltaL * deltaD
#outMax[bin0_min, bin1_min] = k + 1
#k = outMax[bin0_min, bin1_max]
#indices[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_max]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+bin1_max]+k] = deltaA * deltaL * deltaU
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_max, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_min, bin1_max, k].coef = deltaA * deltaL * deltaU
#outMax[bin0_min, bin1_max] = k + 1
#k = outMax[bin0_max, bin1_min]
#indices[indptr[bin0_max*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_max*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = deltaA * deltaR * deltaD
## lut[bin0_max, bin1_min, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_max, bin1_min, k].coef = deltaA * deltaR * deltaD
#outMax[bin0_max, bin1_min] = k + 1
#k = outMax[bin0_max, bin1_max]
#indices[indptr[bin0_max*bins1+bin1_max]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_max*bins1+bin1_max]+k] = deltaA * deltaR * deltaU
## lut[bin0_max, bin1_max, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_max, bin1_max, k].coef = deltaA * deltaR * deltaU
#outMax[bin0_max, bin1_max] = k + 1
#for i in range(bin0_min + 1, bin0_max):
#k = outMax[i, bin1_min]
#indices[indptr[i*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[i*bins1+bin1_min]+k] = deltaA * deltaD
## lut[i, bin1_min, k].idx = idx
## lut[i, bin1_min, k].coef = deltaA * deltaD
#outMax[i, bin1_min] = k + 1
#for j in range(bin1_min + 1, bin1_max):
#k = outMax[i, j]
#indices[indptr[i*bins1+j]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[i*bins1+j]+k] = deltaA
## lut[i, j, k].idx = idx
## lut[i, j, k].coef = deltaA
#outMax[i, j] = k + 1
#k = outMax[i, bin1_max]
#indices[indptr[i*bins1+bin1_max]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[i*bins1+bin1_max]+k] = deltaA * deltaU
## lut[i, bin1_max, k].idx = idx
## lut[i, bin1_max, k].coef = deltaA * deltaU
#outMax[i, bin1_max] = k + 1
#for j in range(bin1_min + 1, bin1_max):
#k = outMax[bin0_min, j]
#indices[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+j]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_min*bins1+j]+k] = deltaA * deltaL
## lut[bin0_min, j, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_min, j, k].coef = deltaA * deltaL
#outMax[bin0_min, j] = k + 1
#k = outMax[bin0_max, j]
#indices[indptr[bin0_max*bins1+j]+k] = idx
#data[indptr[bin0_max*bins1+j]+k] = deltaA * deltaR
## lut[bin0_max, j, k].idx = idx
## lut[bin0_max, j, k].coef = deltaA * deltaR
#outMax[bin0_max, j] = k + 1
#self.data = data
#self.indices = indices
#return outMax
#def integrate(self, weights, dummy=None, delta_dummy=None, dark=None, flat=None, solidAngle=None, polarization=None):
#Actually perform the 2D integration which in this case looks more like a matrix-vector product
#@param weights: input image
#@type weights: ndarray
#@param dummy: value for dead pixels (optional)
#@type dummy: float
#@param delta_dummy: precision for dead-pixel value in dynamic masking
#@type delta_dummy: float
#@param dark: array with the dark-current value to be subtracted (if any)
#@type dark: ndarray
#@param flat: array with the dark-current value to be divided by (if any)
#@type flat: ndarray
#@param solidAngle: array with the solid angle of each pixel to be divided by (if any)
#@type solidAngle: ndarray
#@param polarization: array with the polarization correction values to be divided by (if any)
#@type polarization: ndarray
#@return: I(2d), edges0(1d), edges1(1d), weighted histogram(2d), unweighted histogram (2d)
#@rtype: 5-tuple of ndarrays
#cdef int i=0, j=0, idx=0, bins0=self.bins[0], bins1=self.bins[1], bins=bins0*bins1, size=self.size
#cdef double sum_data=0.0, sum_count=0.0, epsilon=1e-10
#cdef float data=0, coef=0, cdummy=0, cddummy=0
#cdef bint do_dummy=False, do_dark=False, do_flat=False, do_polarization=False, do_solidAngle=False
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 2] outData = numpy.zeros(self.bins, dtype=numpy.float64)
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 2] outCount = numpy.zeros(self.bins, dtype=numpy.float64)
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 2] outMerge = numpy.zeros(self.bins, dtype=numpy.float64)
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] outData_1d = outData.ravel()
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] outCount_1d = outCount.ravel()
#cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64_t, ndim = 1] outMerge_1d = outMerge.ravel()
#cdef float[:] ccoef = self.data, cdata, tdata, cflat, cdark, csolidAngle, cpolarization
#cdef numpy.int32_t[:] indices = self.indices, indptr = self.indptr
#assert size == weights.size
#if dummy is not None:
#do_dummy = True
#cdummy = <float>float(dummy)
#if delta_dummy is None:
#cddummy = <float>0.0
#cddummy = <float>float(delta_dummy)
#if flat is not None:
#do_flat = True
#assert flat.size == size
#cflat = numpy.ascontiguousarray(flat.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#if dark is not None:
#do_dark = True
#assert dark.size == size
#cdark = numpy.ascontiguousarray(dark.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#if solidAngle is not None:
#do_solidAngle = True
#assert solidAngle.size == size
#csolidAngle = numpy.ascontiguousarray(solidAngle.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#if polarization is not None:
#do_polarization = True
#assert polarization.size == size
#cpolarization = numpy.ascontiguousarray(polarization.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#if (do_dark + do_flat + do_polarization + do_solidAngle):
#tdata = numpy.ascontiguousarray(weights.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#cdata = numpy.zeros(size,dtype=numpy.float64)
#if do_dummy:
#for i in prange(size, nogil=True, schedule="static"):
#data = tdata[i]
#if ((cddummy!=0) and (fabs(data-cdummy) > cddummy)) or ((cddummy==0) and (data!=cdummy)):
##Nota: -= and /= operatore are seen as reduction in cython parallel.
#if do_dark:
#data = data - cdark[i]
#if do_flat:
#data = data / cflat[i]
#if do_polarization:
#data = data / cpolarization[i]
#if do_solidAngle:
#data = data / csolidAngle[i]
#else: #set all dummy_like values to cdummy. simplifies further processing
#for i in prange(size, nogil=True, schedule="static"):
#data = tdata[i]
#if do_dark:
#data = data - cdark[i]
#if do_flat:
#data = data / cflat[i]
#if do_polarization:
#data = data / cpolarization[i]
#if do_solidAngle:
#data = data / csolidAngle[i]
#if do_dummy:
#tdata = numpy.ascontiguousarray(weights.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#cdata = numpy.zeros(size,dtype=numpy.float64)
#for i in prange(size, nogil=True, schedule="static"):
#data = tdata[i]
#if ((cddummy!=0) and (fabs(data-cdummy) > cddummy)) or ((cddummy==0) and (data!=cdummy)):
#cdata = numpy.ascontiguousarray(weights.ravel(), dtype=numpy.float64)
#for i in prange(bins, nogil=True, schedule="guided"):
#sum_data = 0.0
#sum_count = 0.0
#for j in range(indptr[i],indptr[i+1]):
#idx = indices[j]
#coef = ccoef[j]
#data = cdata[idx]
#if do_dummy and data==cdummy:
#sum_data = sum_data + coef * data
#sum_count = sum_count + coef
#outData_1d[i] += sum_data
#outCount_1d[i] += sum_count
#if sum_count > epsilon:
#outMerge_1d[i] += sum_data / sum_count
#outMerge_1d[i] += cdummy
#return outMerge.T, self.outPos0, self.outPos1, outData.T, outCount.T