os: linux dist: xenial language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.4" - "3.5" - "3.6" - "3.7" addons: apt: packages: - libhdf5-dev - gfortran - libatlas-base-dev #For OpenCL: - ocl-icd-libopencl1 - opencl-headers - libnuma1 - ocl-icd-dev - ocl-icd-opencl-dev # command to install dependencies before_install: - "if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-'linux'} = 'linux' ]; then . ./ci/before_install-linux.sh; fi" # - "if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-'linux'} = 'osx' ]; then . ./ci/travis/before_install-osx.sh; fi" install: - "python ci/info_platform.py" - "pip install --upgrade pip" - "pip install --upgrade numpy" - "pip install --upgrade cython mako pybind11" - "pip install --upgrade h5py " - "pip install --upgrade -r ci/requirements_travis.txt" - "python ci/info_platform.py" - "python setup.py build" - "python setup.py bdist_wheel" - "pip install --pre --no-index --find-links dist/ pyFAI" # command to run tests script: - "python run_tests.py -m" - "python ./run_tests.py -m --installed"