diff --git a/app/controllers/boards_controller.rb b/app/controllers/boards_controller.rb
index 434ea4470..62f39c04e 100644
--- a/app/controllers/boards_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/boards_controller.rb
@@ -90,65 +90,66 @@ class BoardsController < ApplicationController
+    sort_init 'updated_on', 'desc'
+    sort_update 'created_on' => "#{Message.table_name}.created_on",
+                'replies' => "#{Message.table_name}.replies_count",
+                'updated_on' => "COALESCE(last_replies_messages.created_on, #{Message.table_name}.created_on)"
+    @topic_count = @board ? @board.topics.count : 0
+    if @project
+      @topic_pages = Paginator.new @topic_count, per_page_option, params['page']
+      #现在发布帖子的时候置顶功能已经没有了。所以取消这个置顶排序 #{Message.table_name}.sticky DESC,
+      @topics = @board.topics.
+          reorder("#{Message.table_name}.created_on desc").
+          includes(:last_reply).
+          limit(@topic_pages.per_page).
+          offset(@topic_pages.offset).
+          preload(:author, {:last_reply => :author}).
+          all
+    elsif @course
+      #
+      # board_topics =  @board ? @board.topics.reorder("#{Message.table_name}.sticky DESC, #{Message.table_name}.created_on desc").
+      #     includes(:last_reply).
+      #     # limit(@topic_pages.per_page).
+      #     # offset(@topic_pages.offset).
+      #
+      #     preload(:author, {:last_reply => :author}).
+      #     all : []
+      # @topics = paginateHelper board_topics,10
+      if (@board)
+        limit = 10;
+        #pageno = params[:page];
+        #if(pageno == nil || pageno=='')
+        #   dw_topic = nil;
+        #  if( params[:parent_id]!=nil && params[:parent_id]!='' )
+        #    dw_topic = @board.topics.where(id:params[:parent_id]).first();
+        #  end
+        #  if( dw_topic != nil )
+        #    dw_count = @board.topics.where('(sticky>?) or (sticky=? and created_on>?)',dw_topic.sticky,dw_topic.sticky,dw_topic.created_on).count();
+        #    dw_count = dw_count+1;
+        #    pageno = dw_count%10==0 ? (dw_count/limit) : (dw_count/limit+1)
+        #  end
+        #end
+        #if(pageno == nil || pageno=='')
+        #  pageno=1;
+        #end
+        @topic_count = @board.topics.count();
+        @topic_pages = (params[:page] ? params[:page].to_i + 1 : 0) *10
+        @topics = @board.topics.reorder("#{Message.table_name}.sticky DESC, #{Message.table_name}.created_on desc").
+            limit(limit).offset(@topic_pages).includes(:last_reply).
+            preload(:author, {:last_reply => :author}).all();
+      else
+        @topics = [];
+      end
+    end
+    @message = Message.new(:board => @board)
+    #modify by nwb
     respond_to do |format|
       format.html {
-        sort_init 'updated_on', 'desc'
-        sort_update 'created_on' => "#{Message.table_name}.created_on",
-                    'replies' => "#{Message.table_name}.replies_count",
-                    'updated_on' => "COALESCE(last_replies_messages.created_on, #{Message.table_name}.created_on)"
-        @topic_count = @board ? @board.topics.count : 0
-        if @project
-          @topic_pages = Paginator.new @topic_count, per_page_option, params['page']
-          #现在发布帖子的时候置顶功能已经没有了。所以取消这个置顶排序 #{Message.table_name}.sticky DESC,
-          @topics =  @board.topics.
-              reorder("#{Message.table_name}.created_on desc").
-              includes(:last_reply).
-              limit(@topic_pages.per_page).
-              offset(@topic_pages.offset).
-              preload(:author, {:last_reply => :author}).
-              all
-        elsif @course
-          #
-          # board_topics =  @board ? @board.topics.reorder("#{Message.table_name}.sticky DESC, #{Message.table_name}.created_on desc").
-          #     includes(:last_reply).
-          #     # limit(@topic_pages.per_page).
-          #     # offset(@topic_pages.offset).
-          #
-          #     preload(:author, {:last_reply => :author}).
-          #     all : []
-          # @topics = paginateHelper board_topics,10
-          if( @board )
-            limit = 10;
-            pageno = params[:page];
-            if(pageno == nil || pageno=='')
-              dw_topic = nil;
-              if( params[:parent_id]!=nil && params[:parent_id]!='' )
-                dw_topic = @board.topics.where(id:params[:parent_id]).first();
-              end
-              if( dw_topic != nil )
-                dw_count = @board.topics.where('(sticky>?) or (sticky=? and created_on>?)',dw_topic.sticky,dw_topic.sticky,dw_topic.created_on).count();
-                dw_count = dw_count+1;
-                pageno = dw_count%10==0 ? (dw_count/limit) : (dw_count/limit+1)
-              end
-            end
-            if(pageno == nil || pageno=='')
-              pageno=1;
-            end
-            @topic_count = @board.topics.count();
-            @topic_pages = Paginator.new @topic_count, limit, pageno
-            @topics = @board.topics.reorder("#{Message.table_name}.sticky DESC, #{Message.table_name}.created_on desc").
-                            limit(limit).offset(@topic_pages.offset).includes(:last_reply).
-                            preload(:author, {:last_reply => :author}).all();
-          else
-            @topics = [];
-          end
-        end
-        @message = Message.new(:board => @board)
-        #modify by nwb
         if @project
           render :action => 'show', :layout => 'base_projects'
         elsif @course
@@ -158,10 +159,10 @@ class BoardsController < ApplicationController
       format.atom {
         @messages = @board.messages.
-          reorder('created_on DESC').
-          includes(:author, :board).
-          limit(Setting.feeds_limit.to_i).
-          all
+            reorder('created_on DESC').
+            includes(:author, :board).
+            limit(Setting.feeds_limit.to_i).
+            all
         if @project
           render_feed(@messages, :title => "#{@project}: #{@board}")
         elsif @course
diff --git a/app/views/boards/_course_show.html.erb b/app/views/boards/_course_show.html.erb
index 1dd8c655a..871aa7e39 100644
--- a/app/views/boards/_course_show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/boards/_course_show.html.erb
@@ -17,18 +17,9 @@
-<div class="homepageRight mt0 ml10">
-  <div class="homepageRightBanner">
-    <div class="NewsBannerName">
-      <% if User.current.language == "zh"%>
-          <%= h @board.name %>
-      <% else %>
-          <%= l(:project_module_boards) %>
-      <% end %>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <% @topics.each do |topic| if @topics %>
+  <% if topics%>
+      <% topics.each do |topic| %>
               function expand_reply(container, btnid) {
                   var target = $(container);
@@ -77,15 +68,14 @@
               <%= render :partial => 'users/course_message', :locals => {:activity => topic, :user_activity_id => topic.id} %>
           <% end %>
       <% end %>
-  <% end %>
-  <!-- <%# if course_activities.count == 10 %>
-      <div id="show_more_course_activities" class="loadMore mt10 f_grey">展开更多<%#= link_to "", course_activity_path(@course.id, :type => type, :page => page), :id => "more_course_activities_link", :remote => "true", :class => "none" %></div>
-  <%# end %>
+      <% if topics.count == 10 %>
+          <div id="show_more_course_topic" class="loadMore mt10 f_grey">展开更多<%= link_to "", boards_topic_path(@board, :course_id => @board.course.id ,:page => page), :id => "more_topic_link", :remote => "true", :class => "none" %></div>
+      <% end %>
+  <% end%>
   <script type="text/javascript">
-      $("#show_more_course_activities").mouseover(function () {
-          $("#more_course_activities_link").click();
+      $("#show_more_course_topic").mouseover(function () {
+          $("#more_topic_link").click();
-  </script>-->
\ No newline at end of file
+  </script>
diff --git a/app/views/boards/show.html.erb b/app/views/boards/show.html.erb
index a9c0e9101..6005f9258 100644
--- a/app/views/boards/show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/boards/show.html.erb
@@ -30,11 +30,20 @@
 <%= javascript_include_tag "/assets/kindeditor/kindeditor",'/assets/kindeditor/pasteimg'  %>
 <%#= javascript_include_tag "/assets/kindeditor/kindeditor-min" %>
-<% if @project %>
+  <% if @project %>
     <%= render :partial => 'project_show', locals: {project: @project} %>
-<% elsif @course %>
-    <%= render :partial => 'course_show', locals: {course: @course} %>
-<% end %>
+  <% elsif @course %>
+    <div class="homepageRight mt0 ml10">
+      <div class="homepageRightBanner">
+        <div class="NewsBannerName">
+          课程讨论区
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <%= render :partial => 'course_show', :locals => {:topics => @topics, :page => 0} %>
+    </div>
+    <% end %>
 <script type="text/javascript">//侧导航
diff --git a/app/views/boards/show.js.erb b/app/views/boards/show.js.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd5fa4688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/boards/show.js.erb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+$("#show_more_course_topic").replaceWith("<%= escape_javascript( render :partial =>  'boards/course_show',:locals => {:topics => @topics, :page => @page} )%>");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/messages/_course_show.html.erb b/app/views/messages/_course_show.html.erb
index 6106ee912..14ef0afdb 100644
--- a/app/views/messages/_course_show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/messages/_course_show.html.erb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-<%= javascript_include_tag "/assets/kindeditor/kindeditor",'/assets/kindeditor/pasteimg',"init_activity_KindEditor","forum" %>
-<style type="text/css">
+<%= javascript_include_tag "/assets/kindeditor/kindeditor",'/assets/kindeditor/pasteimg',"init_activity_KindEditor" %>
+<!--<style type="text/css">
     div.ke-toolbar{display:none;width:400px;border:none;background:none;padding:0px 0px;}
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
     div.ke-toolbar .ke-outline{border:none;}
     .ke-inline-block{display: none;}
 <script type="text/javascript">
@@ -83,7 +83,12 @@
       <div class="cl"></div>
       <div class="postDetailCreater">
-        <%= link_to @topic.author.name, user_path(@topic.author), :class => "linkBlue2", :target=> "_blank"%></div>
+        <% if @topic.try(:author).try(:realname) == ' ' %>
+            <%= link_to @topic.try(:author), user_path(@topic.author,:host=>Setting.host_user), :class => "linkBlue2", :target=> "_blank" %>
+        <% else %>
+            <%= link_to @topic.try(:author).try(:realname), user_path(@topic.author,:host=>Setting.host_user), :class => "linkBlue2", :target=> "_blank" %>
+        <% end %>
+      </div>
       <div class="postDetailDate mb5"><%= format_date( @topic.created_on)%></div>
       <div class="cl"></div>
       <div class="memo-content upload_img break_word" style="word-break: break-all; word-wrap:break-word;margin-bottom: 0px !important;" >
@@ -115,8 +120,33 @@
               <%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(reply.author), :width => 33,:height => 33), user_path(reply.author) %>
             <div class="homepagePostReplyDes">
-              <div class="homepagePostReplyPublisher"><a href="<%=user_path(reply.author)%>" class="newsBlue mr10 f14"><%= reply.author.name%></a><%=  format_date(reply.created_on) %></div>
+              <div class="homepagePostReplyPublisher">
+                <% if reply.try(:author).try(:realname) == ' ' %>
+                    <%= link_to reply.try(:author), user_path(reply.author_id,:host=>Setting.host_user), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14" %>
+                <% else %>
+                    <%= link_to reply.try(:author).try(:realname), user_path(reply.author_id,:host=>Setting.host_user), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14" %>
+                <% end %>
+              </div>
               <div class="homepagePostReplyContent"><%= reply.content.html_safe%></div>
+              <div style="margin-top: -7px; margin-bottom: 5px">
+                <%=  format_date(reply.created_on) %>
+                <%= link_to(
+                            l(:button_reply),
+                            {:action => 'quote', :id => reply},
+                            :remote => true,
+                            :method => 'get',
+                            :class => 'fr newsBlue',
+                            :title => l(:button_reply)) if !@topic.locked? && authorize_for('messages', 'reply') %>
+                <%= link_to(
+                            l(:button_delete),
+                            {:action => 'destroy', :id => reply},
+                            :method => :post,
+                            :class => 'fr newsGrey mr10',
+                            :data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
+                            :title => l(:button_delete)
+                    ) if reply.course_destroyable_by?(User.current) %>
+              </div>
+              <p id="reply_message_<%= reply.id%>"></p>
             <div class="cl"></div>
@@ -125,22 +155,37 @@
   <% end %>
     <div class="cl"></div>
-    <div class="homepagePostReplyContainer borderBottomNone minHeight48">
-      <div class="homepagePostReplyPortrait mr15 imageFuzzy" id="reply_image_<%= @topic.id%>"><%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(User.current), :width => "33", :height => "33"), user_path(User.current), :alt => "用户头像" %></div>
+    <div class="talkWrapMsg" nhname="about_talk_reply">
+      <em class="talkWrapArrow"></em>
+      <div class="cl"></div>
+      <div class="talkConIpt ml5 mb10" id="reply<%= @topic.id %>">
+        <% if !@topic.locked? && authorize_for_course('messages', 'reply') %>
+              <%= form_for @reply, :as => :reply, :url => {:action => 'reply', :id => @topic}, :html => {:multipart => true, :id => 'message_form'} do |f| %>
+                  <%= render :partial => 'form_course', :locals => {:f => f, :replying => true} %>
+                <%= link_to l(:button_cancel), "javascript:void(0)", :onclick => 'course_board_canel_message_replay();', :class => "blue_btn grey_btn fr c_white mt10 mr5"  %>
+                <%= link_to l(:button_submit),"javascript:void(0)",:onclick => 'course_board_submit_message_replay();' ,:class => "blue_btn fr c_white mt10" ,:style=>"margin-left: 50px;"%>
+              <% end %>
+        <% end %>
+        <div class="cl"></div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <!--<div class="homepagePostReplyContainer borderBottomNone minHeight48">
+      <div class="homepagePostReplyPortrait mr15 imageFuzzy" id="reply_image_<%#= @topic.id%>"><%#= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(User.current), :width => "33", :height => "33"), user_path(User.current), :alt => "用户头像" %></div>
       <div class="homepagePostReplyInputContainer mb10">
-        <div nhname='new_message_<%= @topic.id%>' style="display:none;">
-          <%= form_for('new_form',:url =>  {:controller=>'messages',:action => 'reply', :id => @topic.id, :is_board => 'false'},:method => "post", :remote => true) do |f|%>
+        <div nhname='new_message_<%#= @topic.id%>' style="display:none;">
+          <%#= form_for('new_form',:url =>  {:controller=>'messages',:action => 'reply', :id => @topic.id, :is_board => 'false'},:method => "post", :remote => true) do |f|%>
               <input type="hidden" name="quote[quote]" value="">
-              <textarea placeholder="有问题或有建议,请直接给我留言吧!" style="display: none" nhname='new_message_textarea_<%= @topic.id%>' name="reply[content]"></textarea>
-              <div nhname='toolbar_container_<%= @topic.id%>' style="float:left; margin-left: 5px; padding-top:3px;"></div>
-              <a id="new_message_submit_btn_<%= @topic.id%>" href="javascript:void(0)" class="blue_n_btn fr" style="display:none;margin-top:6px;">发送</a>
+              <textarea placeholder="有问题或有建议,请直接给我留言吧!" style="display: none" nhname='new_message_textarea_<%#= @topic.id%>' name="reply[content]"></textarea>
+              <div nhname='toolbar_container_<%#= @topic.id%>' style="float:left; margin-left: 5px; padding-top:3px;"></div>
+              <a id="new_message_submit_btn_<%#= @topic.id%>" href="javascript:void(0)" class="blue_n_btn fr" style="display:none;margin-top:6px;">发送</a>
               <div class="cl"></div>
-              <p nhname='contentmsg_<%= @topic.id%>'></p>
-          <% end%>
+              <p nhname='contentmsg_<%#= @topic.id%>'></p>
+          <%# end%>
         <div class="cl"></div>
       <div class="cl"></div>
-    </div>
+    </div>-->
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/messages/_course_show_old.html.erb b/app/views/messages/_course_show_old.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de9205433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/messages/_course_show_old.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+<div class="project_r_h">
+  <h2 class="project_h2">
+    <%= l(:label_board) %>
+  </h2>
+<div class="topbar_info02 fl">
+  <p class="hiddent">
+    <%= l(:label_user_location) %> :
+    <%= link_to l(:label_borad_course), course_boards_path(@course) %>
+    >
+    <%= link_to @topic.subject, course_board_path(@course, @board) %>
+  </p>
+<div class="cl"></div>
+<div class="problem_main">
+  <div class="ping_dispic">
+    <%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(@topic.author),:width => '46',:height => '46'), user_path(@topic.author) %>
+  </div>
+  <div class="talk_txt fl">
+    <p class="problem_tit fl fb c_dblue break_word" >
+      <%= @topic.subject %>
+    </p>
+    <br/>
+    <p>
+      由<%= link_to_user_header @topic.author,false,:class=> 'problem_name' %>
+      添加于<%= format_time(@topic.created_on) %>
+    </p>
+  </div>
+  <%= link_to(
+              l(:button_delete),
+              {:action => 'destroy', :id => @topic},
+              :method => :post,
+              :data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
+              :class => 'talk_edit fr'
+      ) if @message.course_destroyable_by?(User.current) %>
+  <%= link_to(
+              l(:button_edit),
+              {:action => 'edit', :id => @topic},
+              :class => 'talk_edit fr'
+      ) if @message.course_editable_by?(User.current) %>
+  <div class="cl"></div>
+  <div class="talk_info mb10 upload_img break_word"><%= @topic.content.html_safe %></div>
+  <div class="talk_info mb10"><%= link_to_attachments_course @topic, :author => false %></div>
+  <!-- <a href="#" class=" link_file ml60">附件:爱覅俄方if.zip(27.5kB)</a>-->
+  <div class="cl"></div>
+  <% if User.current.logged? %>
+      <%= toggle_link l(:button_reply), "reply", :focus => 'message_subject',:class => 'talk_edit fr' %>
+  <% else %>
+      <%= link_to l(:button_reply), signin_path,:class => 'talk_edit fr' %>
+  <% end %>
+  <%= link_to(
+              l(:button_quote),
+              {:action => 'quote', :id => @topic},
+              :remote => true,
+              :method => 'get',
+              :class => 'talk_edit fr',
+              :remote => true) if !@topic.locked? && authorize_for('messages', 'reply') %>
+  <div class="cl"></div>
+</div><!--讨论主类容 end-->
+<% unless @replies.empty? %>
+    <% reply_count = 0 %>
+    <% @replies.each do |message| %>
+        <div class="ping_C mb10 ml50" id="<%= "message-#{message.id}" %>">
+          <div class="ping_dispic"><%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(message.author), :width => '46',:height => '46'), user_path(message.author) %></div>
+          <div class="ping_discon">
+            <div class="ping_distop upload_img break_word">
+              <%= link_to_user_header message.author,false,:class => 'c_blue fb fl mb10 ' %>
+              <span class="c_grey fr"><%= format_time(message.created_on) %></span>
+              <div class="cl"></div>
+              <p><%= textAreailizable message,:content,:attachments => message.attachments %></p>
+              <%= link_to_attachments_course message, :author => false %>
+            </div>
+            <div class="ping_disfoot">
+              <%= link_to(
+                          l(:button_quote),
+                          {:action => 'quote', :id => message},
+                          :remote => true,
+                          :method => 'get',
+                          :title => l(:button_quote)) if !@topic.locked? && authorize_for('messages', 'reply') %>
+              <%= link_to(
+                          #image_tag('edit.png'),
+                          l(:button_edit),
+                          {:action => 'edit', :id => message},
+                          :title => l(:button_edit)
+                  ) if message.course_editable_by?(User.current) %>
+              <%= link_to(
+                          #image_tag('delete.png'),
+                          l(:button_delete),
+                          {:action => 'destroy', :id => message},
+                          :method => :post,
+                          :data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
+                          :title => l(:button_delete)
+                  ) if message.course_destroyable_by?(User.current) %>
+            </div>
+            <div class="cl"></div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="cl"></div>
+        </div><!---留言内容-->
+    <% end %>
+<% end %>
+<% if !@topic.locked? && authorize_for_course('messages', 'reply') %>
+    <div id="reply" style="display:none;">
+      <%= form_for @reply, :as => :reply, :url => {:action => 'reply', :id => @topic}, :html => {:multipart => true, :id => 'message_form'} do |f| %>
+          <%= render :partial => 'form_course', :locals => {:f => f, :replying => true} %>
+          <%= link_to l(:button_submit),"javascript:void(0)",:onclick => 'course_board_submit_message_replay();' ,:class => "blue_btn fl c_white" ,:style=>"margin-left: 50px;"%>
+          <%= link_to l(:button_cancel), "javascript:void(0)", :onclick => 'course_board_canel_message_replay();', :class => "blue_btn grey_btn fl c_white"  %>
+      <% end %>
+    </div>
+<% end %>
+<div class="cl"></div>
+<ul class="wlist">
+  <%= pagination_links_full @obj_pages, @obj_count, :per_page_links => false, :remote => false, :flag => true%>
+<% html_title @topic.subject %>
diff --git a/app/views/messages/_form_course.html.erb b/app/views/messages/_form_course.html.erb
index 7952e4820..86a6df836 100644
--- a/app/views/messages/_form_course.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/messages/_form_course.html.erb
@@ -28,16 +28,17 @@
   <div id="message_quote" class="wiki" style="width: 92%;word-break: break-all;word-wrap: break-word;margin-left: 40px;"></div>
-  <label class="fl" >
+  <!--<label class="fl" >
     <span class="c_red">*</span>&nbsp;
-    <%= l(:field_description) %>&nbsp;&nbsp;:
-  </label>
+    <%#= l(:field_description) %>&nbsp;&nbsp;:
+  </label>-->
   <%= text_area :quote,:quote,:style => 'display:none' %>
   <%= hidden_field_tag :asset_id,params[:asset_id],:required => false,:style => 'display:none' %>
   <% if replying %>
   <%= f.kindeditor :content, :editor_id => 'message_content_editor',
-                   :width => '89%',
-                   :height => 300,
+                   :width => '99%',
+                   :height => 100,
+                   :minHeight=>100,
                    :input_html => { :id => 'message_content',
                                     :class => 'talk_text fl',
                                     :maxlength => 5000 }%>
@@ -47,21 +48,24 @@
                    :owner_type => OwnerTypeHelper::MESSAGE,
                    :width => '90%',
                    :height => 300,
+                   :minHeight=>300,
                    :class => 'talk_text fl',
                    :input_html => { :id => 'message_content',
                                     :class => 'talk_text fl',
                                     :maxlength => 5000 }%>
   <% end %>
   <div class="cl"></div>
-  <p id="message_content_span"  class="ml55"></p>
+  <p id="message_content_span"></p>
 <div class="cl"></div>
-  <label class="fl mt10">&nbsp;&nbsp;<%= l(:label_attachment_plural) %>&nbsp;&nbsp;:</label>
-  <div  class="fl mt10">
-    <%= render :partial => 'attachments/form_course', :locals => {:container => @message,:isReply => @isReply} %>
-  </div>
+<% unless replying %>
+    <li>
+      <label class="fl mt10">&nbsp;&nbsp;<%= l(:label_attachment_plural) %>&nbsp;&nbsp;:</label>
+      <div  class="fl mt10">
+        <%= render :partial => 'attachments/form_course', :locals => {:container => @message,:isReply => @isReply} %>
+      </div>
+    </li>
+<% end %>
 <li >
   <div class="cl"></div>
diff --git a/app/views/messages/_reply_message.html.erb b/app/views/messages/_reply_message.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10fbee6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/messages/_reply_message.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<style type="text/css">
+    /*回复框*/
+    .ReplyToMessageInputContainer .ke-toolbar{display:none;width:400px;border:none;background:none;padding:0px 0px;}
+    .ReplyToMessageInputContainer .ke-toolbar-icon{line-height:26px;font-size:14px;padding-left:26px;}
+    .ReplyToMessageInputContainer .ke-toolbar-icon-url{background-image:url( /images/public_icon.png )}
+    .ReplyToMessageInputContainer .ke-outline{padding:0px 0px;line-height:26px;font-size:14px;}
+    .ReplyToMessageInputContainer .ke-icon-emoticons{background-position:0px -671px;width:50px;height:26px;}
+    .ReplyToMessageInputContainer .ke-icon-emoticons:hover{background-position:-79px -671px;width:50px;height:26px;}
+    .ReplyToMessageInputContainer .ke-outline{border:none;}
+    .ReplyToMessageInputContainer .ke-inline-block{display: none;}
+    .ReplyToMessageInputContainer .ke-container{float:left;}
+<div class="ReplyToMessageContainer borderBottomNone">
+  <div class="homepagePostReplyPortrait mr15 imageFuzzy" id="reply_image_<%= reply.id%>"><%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(User.current), :width => "33", :height => "33"), user_path(User.current), :alt => "用户头像" %></div>
+  <div class="ReplyToMessageInputContainer mb10">
+    <div nhname='new_message_<%= reply.id%>'>
+      <%= form_for('new_form',:url =>  {:controller=>'messages',:action => 'reply', :id => reply.id,},:method => "post", :remote => true) do |f|%>
+          <input type="hidden" name="quote[quote]" value="<%= temp.content %>">
+          <input type="hidden" name="reply[subject]" value="<%= subject %>">
+          <textarea placeholder="有问题或有建议,请直接给我留言吧!" style="display: none" nhname='new_message_textarea_<%= reply.id%>' name="reply[content]"></textarea>
+          <div nhname='toolbar_container_<%= reply.id%>' style="float:left; margin-left: 5px; padding-top:3px;"></div>
+          <a id="new_message_submit_btn_<%= reply.id%>" href="javascript:void(0)" class="blue_n_btn fr" style="display:none;margin-top:6px;">发送</a>
+          <div class="cl"></div>
+          <p nhname='contentmsg_<%= reply.id%>'></p>
+      <% end%>
+    </div>
+    <div class="cl"></div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="cl"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/messages/quote.js.erb b/app/views/messages/quote.js.erb
index e7ee0bca0..965c458e9 100644
--- a/app/views/messages/quote.js.erb
+++ b/app/views/messages/quote.js.erb
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-$('#message_subject').val("<%= raw escape_javascript(@subject) %>");
-$('#message_quote').html("<%= raw escape_javascript(@temp.content.html_safe) %>");
+/*$('#message_subject').val("<%#= raw escape_javascript(@subject) %>");
+$('#message_quote').html("<%#= raw escape_javascript(@temp.content.html_safe) %>");
 //$('#message_content').val("<#%= raw escape_javascript(@content) %>");
-$('#quote_quote').html("<%= raw escape_javascript(@temp.content.html_safe) %>");
+$('#quote_quote').html("<%#= raw escape_javascript(@temp.content.html_safe) %>");
 showAndScrollTo("reply", "message_content");
 $('#message_content').scrollTop = $('#message_content').scrollHeight - $('#message_content').clientHeight;
+$("#reply_message_<%= @message.id%>").replaceWith("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'reply_message', :locals => {:reply => @message,:temp =>@temp,:subject =>@subject}) %>");
+        init_activity_KindEditor_data(<%= @message.id%>,null,"87%");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index d6c36212a..2b16bacec 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ RedmineApp::Application.routes.draw do
   post '/users/:id/user_activities', :to => 'users#show', :as => "user_activities"
   post '/courses/:id/course_activity', :to => 'courses#show', :as => 'course_activity'
+  get '/boards/:id/boards_topic', :to =>'boards#show', :as => 'boards_topic'
   #added by young
   resources :users do
@@ -801,7 +802,11 @@ RedmineApp::Application.routes.draw do
     resources :news, :except => [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
-    resources :boards
+    # resources :boards do
+    #   member do
+    #     match 'boards_topic', :to => 'boards#boards_topic',  :via => :get, :as => "boards_topic"
+    #   end
+    # end
     match '/homework', :to => 'courses#homework', :as => 'homework', :via => :get
     resources :activity_notifys do
       collection do
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/courses.css b/public/stylesheets/courses.css
index 28d820ba2..54416e7f4 100644
--- a/public/stylesheets/courses.css
+++ b/public/stylesheets/courses.css
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ a.postTypeGrey:hover {color:#269ac9;}
 .borderBottomNone {border-bottom:none !important;}
 .topBorder {border-top: 1px solid #e4e4e4;}
 div.minHeight48{min-height: 48px;}
-.homepagePostReplyBannerCount{width:255px; display:inline-block; margin-left:20px;}
+.homepagePostReplyBannerCount{width:255px; display:inline-block; margin-left:15px;}
 .homepagePostReplyBannerTime{width:85px; display:inline-block;}
 .homepagePostReplyBannerMore{width:330px; display:inline-block; text-align:right;}
 .homepagePostReplyInputContainer {width:630px; float:left;}
@@ -1072,3 +1072,6 @@ a:hover.AnnexBtn{background: url(images/homepage_icon2.png) -90px -343px no-repe
 .postRouteContainer {padding:10px 15px; background-color:#ffffff; border:1px solid #dddddd; margin-top:10px; font-size:14px;}
 a.postRouteLink {font-weight:bold; color:#484848;}
 a.postRouteLink:hover {text-decoration:underline;}
+.ReplyToMessageContainer {border-bottom:1px solid #e3e3e3; width:632px; margin:0px auto; margin-top:15px; min-height:60px;}
+.ReplyToMessageInputContainer {width:282px; float:left;}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/new_user.css b/public/stylesheets/new_user.css
index 180e8b6ca..5b32121a4 100644
--- a/public/stylesheets/new_user.css
+++ b/public/stylesheets/new_user.css
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ a.postTypeGrey:hover {color:#269ac9;}
 .borderBottomNone {border-bottom:none !important;}
 .topBorder {border-top: 1px solid #e4e4e4;}
 div.minHeight48{min-height: 48px;}
-.homepagePostReplyBannerCount{width:255px; display:inline-block; margin-left:20px;}
+.homepagePostReplyBannerCount{width:255px; display:inline-block; margin-left:15px;}
 .homepagePostReplyBannerTime{width:85px; display:inline-block;}
 .homepagePostReplyBannerMore{width:330px; display:inline-block; text-align:right;}
 .homepagePostReplyInputContainer {width:630px; float:left;}
diff --git a/public/stylesheets/public.css b/public/stylesheets/public.css
index dc2fecbba..e907ce697 100644
--- a/public/stylesheets/public.css
+++ b/public/stylesheets/public.css
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ a.postTypeGrey:hover {color:#269ac9;}
 .homepagePostReplyBanner {width:708px; height:33px; border:1px solid #e4e4e4; line-height:33px; vertical-align:middle; font-size:12px; color:#888888;}
 .borderBottomNone {border-bottom:none !important;}
 .topBorder {border-top: 1px solid #e4e4e4;}
-.homepagePostReplyBannerCount{width:255px; display:inline-block; margin-left:20px;}
+.homepagePostReplyBannerCount{width:255px; display:inline-block; margin-left:15px;}
 .homepagePostReplyBannerTime{width:85px; display:inline-block;}
 .homepagePostReplyBannerMore{width:330px; display:inline-block; text-align:right;}
 .homepagePostReplyInputContainer {width:690px; margin:0px auto;}