1.#1011 当添加资源标签为多个时,“新增”按钮被掩盖的问题解决

This commit is contained in:
zhanghaitao 2014-08-20 14:55:32 +08:00
parent 337f0ec270
commit 9bd22b1b99
2 changed files with 41 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<% id = "course_resources_ul_" + obj.id.to_s%>
<ul class="messages-for-user-reply" id = '<%= id %>' >
<%= form_for "tag_for_save",:remote=>true,:header=>"Accept: application/javascript",:url=>tag_path,
:update => "tags_show",
:complete => "$(\"#put-tag-form-#{obj.class}-#{obj.id}\").hide();" do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name ,:id => "name",:size=>"28",:require=>true,:maxlength => Setting.tags_max_length,:minlength=>Setting.tags_min_length,:style=>"width: 100px;"%>
<%= f.text_field :object_id,:value=> obj.id,:style=>"display:none"%>
<%= f.text_field :object_flag,:value=> object_flag,:style=>"display:none"%>
<%= f.submit l(:button_project_tags_add),:class => "small" %>
<div class='hidden'>
<% preTags = @preTags.nil? ? [] : @preTags %>
<% preTags.each do |tag|%>
<%= link_to tag, "
var $tagInputVal = $('#put-tag-form-"+obj.class.to_s+"-"+obj.id.to_s+"').find('#name');
var tagArr = [];
tagArr = tagArr.concat( $tagInputVal[0].value.split(',') );
tagArr = tagArr.concat('"+tag.to_s+"');
tagArr = cleanArray(tagArr);
<% end%>
<%#= link_to_function l(:button_cancel), "$(\"#put-tag-form-#{obj.class}-#{obj.id}\").hide();"%>
<% end %>
<%# journal.children.each do |reply|%>
<%#= render :partial => "journal_reply_items", :locals => {:reply => reply, :journal => journal, :m_reply_id => reply} %>
<%# end %>

View File

@ -43,32 +43,8 @@
<div id="tags_show-<%=obj.class%>-<%=obj.id%>" style="display:inline; ">
<%= render :partial => "tags/tag_name",:locals => {:obj => obj,:non_list_all => false ,:object_flag => object_flag} %>
<div id="put-tag-form-<%=obj.class%>-<%=obj.id%>" style="display: none">
<%= form_for "tag_for_save",:remote=>true,:header=>"Accept: application/javascript",:url=>tag_path,
:update => "tags_show",
:complete => "$(\"#put-tag-form-#{obj.class}-#{obj.id}\").hide();" do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name ,:id => "name",:size=>"28",:require=>true,:maxlength => Setting.tags_max_length,:minlength=>Setting.tags_min_length,:style=>"width: 100px;"%>
<%= f.text_field :object_id,:value=> obj.id,:style=>"display:none"%>
<%= f.text_field :object_flag,:value=> object_flag,:style=>"display:none"%>
<%= f.submit l(:button_project_tags_add),:class => "small" %>
<div class='hidden'>
<% preTags = @preTags.nil? ? [] : @preTags %>
<% preTags.each do |tag|%>
<%= link_to tag, "
var $tagInputVal = $('#put-tag-form-"+obj.class.to_s+"-"+obj.id.to_s+"').find('#name');
var tagArr = [];
tagArr = tagArr.concat( $tagInputVal[0].value.split(',') );
tagArr = tagArr.concat('"+tag.to_s+"');
tagArr = cleanArray(tagArr);
<% end%>
<%#= link_to_function l(:button_cancel), "$(\"#put-tag-form-#{obj.class}-#{obj.id}\").hide();"%>
<% end %>
<div id="put-tag-form-<%=obj.class%>-<%=obj.id%>" style="display: none;height: 100px;">
<%= render :partial => "courses/course_resources_html", :locals => {:obj => obj ,:object_flag => object_flag } %>
<% else %>