diff --git a/app/helpers/users_helper.rb b/app/helpers/users_helper.rb index e65fe174e..58935dd11 100644 --- a/app/helpers/users_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/users_helper.rb @@ -258,4 +258,24 @@ module UsersHelper end return result end + + #获取用户参与的公开的课程列表 + def user_public_course_list user + membership = user.coursememberships.all#@user.coursememberships.all(:conditions => Course.visible_condition(User.current)) + membership.sort! {|older, newer| newer.created_on <=> older.created_on } + memberships = [] + membership.collect { |e| + memberships.push(e) + } + ## 判断课程是否过期 [需封装] + memberships_doing = [] + memberships_done = [] + memberships.map { |e| + if course_endTime_timeout?(e.course) + memberships_done.push e + else + memberships_doing.push e + end + } + end end diff --git a/app/views/boards/_course_show.html.erb b/app/views/boards/_course_show.html.erb index c9f78d8e1..25d35d407 100644 --- a/app/views/boards/_course_show.html.erb +++ b/app/views/boards/_course_show.html.erb @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ - + - + "}]},{type:"vbox",padding:1,children:[{type:"text",id:"txtBorder",requiredContent:"img{border-width}",width:"60px",label:c.lang.image.border,"default":"",onKeyUp:function(){g(this.getDialog())}, -onChange:function(){i.call(this,"advanced:txtdlgGenStyle")},validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer(c.lang.image.validateBorder),setup:function(a,b){if(a==f){var d;d=(d=(d=b.getStyle("border-width"))&&d.match(/^(\d+px)(?: \1 \1 \1)?$/))&&parseInt(d[1],10);isNaN(parseInt(d,10))&&(d=b.getAttribute("border"));this.setValue(d)}},commit:function(a,b,d){var c=parseInt(this.getValue(),10);a==f||4==a?(isNaN(c)?!c&&this.isChanged()&&b.removeStyle("border"):(b.setStyle("border-width",CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(c)), -b.setStyle("border-style","solid")),!d&&a==f&&b.removeAttribute("border")):8==a&&(b.removeAttribute("border"),b.removeStyle("border-width"),b.removeStyle("border-style"),b.removeStyle("border-color"))}},{type:"text",id:"txtHSpace",requiredContent:"img{margin-left,margin-right}",width:"60px",label:c.lang.image.hSpace,"default":"",onKeyUp:function(){g(this.getDialog())},onChange:function(){i.call(this,"advanced:txtdlgGenStyle")},validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer(c.lang.image.validateHSpace), -setup:function(a,b){if(a==f){var d,c;d=b.getStyle("margin-left");c=b.getStyle("margin-right");d=d&&d.match(o);c=c&&c.match(o);d=parseInt(d,10);c=parseInt(c,10);d=d==c&&d;isNaN(parseInt(d,10))&&(d=b.getAttribute("hspace"));this.setValue(d)}},commit:function(a,b,c){var e=parseInt(this.getValue(),10);a==f||4==a?(isNaN(e)?!e&&this.isChanged()&&(b.removeStyle("margin-left"),b.removeStyle("margin-right")):(b.setStyle("margin-left",CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(e)),b.setStyle("margin-right",CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(e))), -!c&&a==f&&b.removeAttribute("hspace")):8==a&&(b.removeAttribute("hspace"),b.removeStyle("margin-left"),b.removeStyle("margin-right"))}},{type:"text",id:"txtVSpace",requiredContent:"img{margin-top,margin-bottom}",width:"60px",label:c.lang.image.vSpace,"default":"",onKeyUp:function(){g(this.getDialog())},onChange:function(){i.call(this,"advanced:txtdlgGenStyle")},validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer(c.lang.image.validateVSpace),setup:function(a,b){if(a==f){var c,e;c=b.getStyle("margin-top");e= -b.getStyle("margin-bottom");c=c&&c.match(o);e=e&&e.match(o);c=parseInt(c,10);e=parseInt(e,10);c=c==e&&c;isNaN(parseInt(c,10))&&(c=b.getAttribute("vspace"));this.setValue(c)}},commit:function(a,b,c){var e=parseInt(this.getValue(),10);a==f||4==a?(isNaN(e)?!e&&this.isChanged()&&(b.removeStyle("margin-top"),b.removeStyle("margin-bottom")):(b.setStyle("margin-top",CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(e)),b.setStyle("margin-bottom",CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(e))),!c&&a==f&&b.removeAttribute("vspace")):8==a&&(b.removeAttribute("vspace"), -b.removeStyle("margin-top"),b.removeStyle("margin-bottom"))}},{id:"cmbAlign",requiredContent:"img{float}",type:"select",widths:["35%","65%"],style:"width:90px",label:c.lang.common.align,"default":"",items:[[c.lang.common.notSet,""],[c.lang.common.alignLeft,"left"],[c.lang.common.alignRight,"right"]],onChange:function(){g(this.getDialog());i.call(this,"advanced:txtdlgGenStyle")},setup:function(a,b){if(a==f){var c=b.getStyle("float");switch(c){case "inherit":case "none":c=""}!c&&(c=(b.getAttribute("align")|| -"").toLowerCase());this.setValue(c)}},commit:function(a,b,c){var e=this.getValue();if(a==f||4==a){if(e?b.setStyle("float",e):b.removeStyle("float"),!c&&a==f)switch(e=(b.getAttribute("align")||"").toLowerCase(),e){case "left":case "right":b.removeAttribute("align")}}else 8==a&&b.removeStyle("float")}}]}]},{type:"vbox",height:"250px",children:[{type:"html",id:"htmlPreview",style:"width:95%;",html:"
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(a && "0" != a && (a = Math.round(d.$.width * (a / d.$.height))), isNaN(a) || b.setValueOf("info", "txtWidth", a)) : (a && "0" != a && (a = Math.round(d.$.height * (a / d.$.width))), isNaN(a) || b.setValueOf("info", "txtHeight", a)))); + g(b) + }, g = function (a) { + if (!a.originalElement || !a.preview)return 1; + a.commitContent(4, a.preview); + return 0 + }, s, l = function (a, b) { + if (!a.getContentElement("info", "ratioLock"))return null; + var d = a.originalElement; + if (!d)return null; + if ("check" == b) { + if (!a.userlockRatio && "true" == d.getCustomData("isReady")) { + var e = a.getValueOf("info", "txtWidth"), c = a.getValueOf("info", "txtHeight"), d = 1E3 * d.$.width / d.$.height, f = 1E3 * e / c; + a.lockRatio = !1; + !e && !c ? a.lockRatio = !0 : !isNaN(d) && !isNaN(f) && Math.round(d) == Math.round(f) && (a.lockRatio = !0) + } + } else void 0 != b ? a.lockRatio = b : (a.userlockRatio = 1, a.lockRatio = !a.lockRatio); + e = CKEDITOR.document.getById(p); + a.lockRatio ? + e.removeClass("cke_btn_unlocked") : e.addClass("cke_btn_unlocked"); + e.setAttribute("aria-checked", a.lockRatio); + CKEDITOR.env.hc && e.getChild(0).setHtml(a.lockRatio ? CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "■" : "▣" : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "□" : "▢"); + return a.lockRatio + }, x = function (a) { + var b = a.originalElement; + if ("true" == b.getCustomData("isReady")) { + var d = a.getContentElement("info", "txtWidth"), e = a.getContentElement("info", "txtHeight"); + d && d.setValue(b.$.width); + e && e.setValue(b.$.height) + } + g(a) + }, y = function (a, b) { + function d(a, b) { + var d = a.match(k); + return d ? + ("%" == d[2] && (d[1] += "%", l(e, !1)), d[1]) : b + } + + if (a == f) { + var e = this.getDialog(), c = "", g = "txtWidth" == this.id ? "width" : "height", h = b.getAttribute(g); + h && (c = d(h, c)); + c = d(b.getStyle(g), c); + this.setValue(c) + } + }, t, q = function () { + var a = this.originalElement; + a.setCustomData("isReady", "true"); + a.removeListener("load", q); + a.removeListener("error", h); + a.removeListener("abort", h); + CKEDITOR.document.getById(m).setStyle("display", "none"); + this.dontResetSize || x(this); + this.firstLoad && CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function () { + l(this, "check") + }, + 0, this); + this.dontResetSize = this.firstLoad = !1 + }, h = function () { + var a = this.originalElement; + a.removeListener("load", q); + a.removeListener("error", h); + a.removeListener("abort", h); + a = CKEDITOR.getUrl(CKEDITOR.plugins.get("image").path + "images/noimage.png"); + this.preview && this.preview.setAttribute("src", a); + CKEDITOR.document.getById(m).setStyle("display", "none"); + l(this, !1) + }, n = function (a) { + return CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_" + a + }, p = n("btnLockSizes"), u = n("btnResetSize"), m = n("ImagePreviewLoader"), A = n("previewLink"), + z = n("previewImage"); + return{title: c.lang.image["image" == j ? "title" : "titleButton"], minWidth: 420, minHeight: 360, onShow: function () { + this.linkEditMode = this.imageEditMode = this.linkElement = this.imageElement = !1; + this.lockRatio = !0; + this.userlockRatio = 0; + this.dontResetSize = !1; + this.firstLoad = !0; + this.addLink = !1; + var a = this.getParentEditor(), b = a.getSelection(), d = (b = b && b.getSelectedElement()) && a.elementPath(b).contains("a", 1); + CKEDITOR.document.getById(m).setStyle("display", "none"); + t = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("img", a.document); + this.preview = CKEDITOR.document.getById(z); + this.originalElement = a.document.createElement("img"); + this.originalElement.setAttribute("alt", ""); + this.originalElement.setCustomData("isReady", "false"); + if (d) { + this.linkElement = d; + this.linkEditMode = !0; + var c = d.getChildren(); + if (1 == c.count()) { + var g = c.getItem(0).getName(); + if ("img" == g || "input" == g)this.imageElement = c.getItem(0), "img" == this.imageElement.getName() ? this.imageEditMode = "img" : "input" == this.imageElement.getName() && (this.imageEditMode = "input") + } + "image" == j && + this.setupContent(2, d) + } + if (this.customImageElement)this.imageEditMode = "img", this.imageElement = this.customImageElement, delete this.customImageElement; else if (b && "img" == b.getName() && !b.data("cke-realelement") || b && "input" == b.getName() && "image" == b.getAttribute("type"))this.imageEditMode = b.getName(), this.imageElement = b; + this.imageEditMode ? 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(this.imageElement = c.document.createElement("input"), + this.imageElement.setAttributes({type: "image", alt: ""}), c.insertElement(this.imageElement)) : (this.imageElement = this.cleanImageElement, delete this.cleanImageElement) + } else"image" == j ? this.imageElement = c.document.createElement("img") : (this.imageElement = c.document.createElement("input"), this.imageElement.setAttribute("type", "image")), this.imageElement.setAttribute("alt", ""); + this.linkEditMode || (this.linkElement = c.document.createElement("a")); + this.commitContent(f, this.imageElement); + this.commitContent(2, this.linkElement); + this.imageElement.getAttribute("style") || this.imageElement.removeAttribute("style"); + this.imageEditMode ? !this.linkEditMode && this.addLink ? (c.insertElement(this.linkElement), this.imageElement.appendTo(this.linkElement)) : this.linkEditMode && !this.addLink && (c.getSelection().selectElement(this.linkElement), c.insertElement(this.imageElement)) : this.addLink ? this.linkEditMode ? c.insertElement(this.imageElement) : (c.insertElement(this.linkElement), this.linkElement.append(this.imageElement, !1)) : c.insertElement(this.imageElement) + }, + onLoad: function () { + "image" != j && this.hidePage("Link"); + var a = this._.element.getDocument(); + this.getContentElement("info", "ratioLock") && (this.addFocusable(a.getById(u), 5), this.addFocusable(a.getById(p), 5)); + this.commitContent = r + }, onHide: function () { + this.preview && this.commitContent(8, this.preview); + this.originalElement && (this.originalElement.removeListener("load", q), this.originalElement.removeListener("error", h), this.originalElement.removeListener("abort", h), this.originalElement.remove(), this.originalElement = !1); + delete this.imageElement + }, contents: [ + {id: "info", label: c.lang.image.infoTab, accessKey: "I", elements: [ + {type: "vbox", padding: 0, children: [ + {type: "hbox", widths: ["280px", "110px"], align: "right", children: [ + {id: "txtUrl", type: "text", label: c.lang.common.url, required: !0, onChange: function () { + var a = this.getDialog(), b = this.getValue(); + if (0 < b.length) { + var a = this.getDialog(), d = a.originalElement; + a.preview.removeStyle("display"); + d.setCustomData("isReady", "false"); + var c = CKEDITOR.document.getById(m); + c && c.setStyle("display", + ""); + d.on("load", q, a); + d.on("error", h, a); + d.on("abort", h, a); + d.setAttribute("src", b); + t.setAttribute("src", b); + a.preview.setAttribute("src", t.$.src); + g(a) + } else a.preview && (a.preview.removeAttribute("src"), a.preview.setStyle("display", "none")) + }, setup: function (a, b) { + if (a == f) { + var d = b.data("cke-saved-src") || b.getAttribute("src"); + this.getDialog().dontResetSize = !0; + this.setValue(d); + this.setInitValue() + } + }, commit: function (a, b) { + a == f && (this.getValue() || this.isChanged()) ? (b.data("cke-saved-src", this.getValue()), b.setAttribute("src", + this.getValue())) : 8 == a && (b.setAttribute("src", ""), b.removeAttribute("src")) + }, validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty(c.lang.image.urlMissing)}, + {type: "button", id: "browse", style: "display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;", align: "center", label: c.lang.common.browseServer, hidden: !0, filebrowser: "info:txtUrl"} + ]} + ]}, + {id: "txtAlt", type: "text", label: c.lang.image.alt, accessKey: "T", "default": "", onChange: function () { + g(this.getDialog()) + }, setup: function (a, b) { + a == f && this.setValue(b.getAttribute("alt")) + }, commit: function (a, b) { + a == f ? 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(c ? b.setStyle("width", CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(c)) : b.removeStyle("width"), !d && b.removeAttribute("width")) : 4 == a ? c.match(k) ? b.setStyle("width", CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(c)) : (a = this.getDialog().originalElement, "true" == a.getCustomData("isReady") && b.setStyle("width", a.$.width + "px")) : 8 == a && (b.removeAttribute("width"), b.removeStyle("width")) + }}, + {type: "text", id: "txtHeight", + width: "45px", label: c.lang.common.height, onKeyUp: w, onChange: function () { + i.call(this, "advanced:txtdlgGenStyle") + }, validate: function () { + var a = this.getValue().match(v); + (a = !!(a && 0 !== parseInt(a[1], 10))) || alert(c.lang.common.invalidHeight); + return a + }, setup: y, commit: function (a, b, d) { + var c = this.getValue(); + a == f ? 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