
This commit is contained in:
cxt 2015-09-25 16:29:47 +08:00
parent 15b45e6706
commit 223bac373f
11 changed files with 85 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -621,22 +621,22 @@ class CoursesController < ApplicationController
if params[:type].present?
case params[:type]
when "homework"
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'HomeworkCommon'").order('created_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'HomeworkCommon'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
when "news"
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'News'").order('created_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'News'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
when "message"
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'Message'").order('created_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'Message'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
when "poll"
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'Poll'").order('created_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'Poll'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
when "attachment"
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'Attachment'").order('created_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'Attachment'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
when "journalsForMessage"
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'JournalsForMessage'").order('created_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.where("course_act_type = 'JournalsForMessage'").order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.order('created_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.order('created_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@course_activities = course_activities.order('updated_at desc').limit(10).offset(@page * 10)
@type = params[:type]
respond_to do |format|

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class WordsController < ApplicationController
# 删除留言功能要调用destroy也记得在destroy.js中修改
# deny api. api useless
@parent_id = params[:reference_id]
parent_id = params[:reference_id]
author_id = User.current.id
reply_user_id = params[:reference_user_id]
reply_id = params[:reference_message_id] # 暂时不实现
@ -47,13 +47,21 @@ class WordsController < ApplicationController
@show_name = params[:show_name] == "true"
options = {:user_id => author_id,
:status => true,
:m_parent_id => @parent_id,
:m_parent_id => parent_id,
:m_reply_id => reply_id,
:reply_id => reply_user_id,
:notes => content,
:is_readed => false}
@jfm = add_reply_adapter options
@save_succ = true if @jfm.errors.empty?
if @save_succ
course_activity = CourseActivity.where("course_act_type='JournalsForMessage' and course_act_id =#{parent_id}").first
course_activity.updated_at = Time.now
user_activity = UserActivity.where("act_type='JournalsForMessage' and act_id =#{parent_id}").first
user_activity.updated_at = Time.now
respond_to do |format|
# format.html {
# if @jfm.errors.empty?
@ -63,18 +71,12 @@ class WordsController < ApplicationController
# end
# render 'test/index'
# }
@save_succ = true if @jfm.errors.empty?
format.js {
@user_activity_id = params[:user_activity_id] if
@activity = JournalsForMessage.find(parent_id)
if @save_succ
course_activity = CourseActivity.where("course_act_type='JournalsForMessage' and course_act_id =#{@parent_id}").first
course_activity.updated_at = Time.now
user_activity = UserActivity.where("act_type='JournalsForMessage' and act_id =#{@parent_id}").first
user_activity.updated_at = Time.now
def destroy

View File

@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class JournalsForMessage < ActiveRecord::Base
def act_as_course_activity
if self.jour_type == 'Course'
if self.jour_type == 'Course' && self.m_parent_id.nil?
self.course_acts << CourseActivity.new(:user_id => self.user_id,:course_id => self.jour_id)

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
def act_as_course_activity
if self.course
if self.course && self.parent_id.nil?
self.course_acts << CourseActivity.new(:user_id => self.author_id,:course_id => self.board.course_id)

View File

@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
<ul class="homepagePostType">
<ul class="homepagePostTypeHomework fl">
<li><%= link_to "全部动态", {:controller => "courses", :action => "show", :type => nil}, :class =>"homepagePostTypeAll postTypeGrey"%></li>
<li><%= link_to "作业动态", {:controller => "courses", :action => "show", :type => "homework"}, :class => "homepagePostTypeAssignment postTypeGrey"%></li>
<li><%= link_to "通知动态", {:controller => "courses", :action => "show", :type => "news"}, :class => "homepagePostTypeNotice postTypeGrey"%></li>
<li><%= link_to "资源库动态", {:controller => "courses", :action => "show", :type => "attachment"}, :class => "homepagePostTypeQuiz postTypeGrey"%></li>
<li><%= link_to "资源库动态", {:controller => "courses", :action => "show", :type => "attachment"}, :class => "resourcesTypeAtt resourcesGrey"%></li>
<li><%= link_to "论坛动态", {:controller => "courses", :action => "show", :type => "message"}, :class => "homepagePostTypeForum postTypeGrey"%></li>
<li><%= link_to "留言动态", {:controller => "courses", :action => "show", :type => "journalsForMessage"}, :class => "homepagePostTypeQuiz postTypeGrey"%></li>
<li><%= link_to "问卷动态", {:controller => "courses", :action => "show", :type => "poll"}, :class => "homepagePostTypeQuiz postTypeGrey"%></li>

View File

@ -14,7 +14,11 @@
<%= link_to course.name.to_s+" | 课程留言", course_feedback_path(course), :class => "newsBlue ml15" %>
<div class="homepagePostTitle break_word">
<%= link_to activity.notes.to_s, course_feedback_path(course), :class => "postGrey" %>
<% if activity.m_parent_id.nil? %>
<%= link_to activity.notes.to_s, course_feedback_path(course), :class => "postGrey" %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to activity.parent.notes.to_s, course_feedback_path(course), :class => "postGrey" %>
<% end %>
<div class="homepagePostDate">
留言时间:<%= format_time(activity.created_on) %>
@ -22,7 +26,7 @@
<div class="cl"></div>
<% count=course.journals_for_messages.count %>
<% count=course.journals_for_messages.where('m_parent_id IS NULL').count %>
<div class="homepagePostReply">
<div class="topBorder" style="display: <%= count>0 ? 'none': '' %>"></div>
<div class="homepagePostReplyBanner" style="display: <%= count>0 ? '': 'none' %>">
@ -43,7 +47,7 @@
<% if count > 0 %>
<div class="" id="reply_div_<%= user_activity_id %>">
<% course.journals_for_messages.reorder("created_on desc").each do |comment| %>
<% course.journals_for_messages.where('m_parent_id IS NULL').reorder("created_on desc").each do |comment| %>
<% replies_all_i = replies_all_i + 1 %>
<li class="homepagePostReplyContainer" nhname="reply_rec" style="display:<%= replies_all_i > 2 ? 'none' : '' %>">
<div class="homepagePostReplyPortrait">
@ -59,6 +63,33 @@
<%= format_time(comment.created_on) %>
<div class="homepagePostReplyContent break_word list_style"><%= comment.notes.html_safe %></div>
<% fetch_user_leaveWord_reply(comment).each do |reply| unless fetch_user_leaveWord_reply(comment).nil? %>
<div class="recall">
<div class="homepagePostReplyPortrait">
<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(reply.user), :width => "33", :height => "33", :class =>"mt8"), user_path(reply.user_id), :alt => "用户头像" %>
<div class="homepagePostReplyjournal">
<div class="homepagePostReplyPublisher">
<% if reply.try(:user).try(:realname) == ' ' %>
<%= link_to reply.try(:user), user_path(reply.user_id), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14" %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to reply.try(:user).try(:realname), user_path(reply.user_id), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14" %>
<% end %>
<%= l(:label_reply_to)%>
<% if comment.try(:user).try(:realname) == ' ' %>
<%= link_to comment.try(:user), user_path(comment.user_id), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14 ml10" %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to comment.try(:user).try(:realname), user_path(comment.user_id), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14 ml10" %>
<% end %>
<%= format_time reply.created_on %>
<div class="homepagePostReplyContent break_word list_style"><%= reply.notes.html_safe %></div>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="cl"></div>
@ -76,7 +107,7 @@
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_user_id', params[:reference_user_id], :value => activity.user.id %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_message_id', params[:reference_message_id], :value => activity.id %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'show_name',params[:show_name],:value =>true %>
<input type="hidden" name="user_activity_id" value="<%=user_activity_id%>">
<%= hidden_field_tag 'user_activity_id',params[:user_activity_id],:value =>user_activity_id %>
<textarea placeholder="有问题或有建议,请直接给我留言吧!" style="display: none" nhname='new_message_textarea_<%= user_activity_id%>' name="user_notes"></textarea>
<div nhname='toolbar_container_<%= user_activity_id%>' style="float:left;padding-top:3px; margin-left: 5px;"></div>
<a id="new_message_submit_btn_<%= user_activity_id%>" href="javascript:void(0)" class="blue_n_btn fr" style="display:none;margin-top:6px;">发送</a>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
<% if @save_succ %>
<% if params[:user_activity_id] %>
<% @user_activity_id = params[:user_activity_id] %>
$("#user_activity_<%= @user_activity_id%>").replaceWith("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'users/course_journalsformessage', :locals => {:activity => JournalsForMessage.find(@parent_id),:user_activity_id =>@user_activity_id,:first_user_activity =>@first_user_activity,:page => @page}) %>");
<% if @user_activity_id %>
$("#user_activity_<%= @user_activity_id%>").replaceWith("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'users/course_journalsformessage', :locals => {:activity => @activity,:user_activity_id =>@user_activity_id}) %>");
init_activity_KindEditor_data('<%= @user_activity_id%>', "", "87%");
<% else %>
<% if !@jfm.nil? && @jfm.jour_type == 'Principal' %>

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20150918134804) do
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20150925060939) do
create_table "activities", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "act_id", :null => false
@ -490,26 +490,23 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20150918134804) do
add_index "documents", ["created_on"], :name => "index_documents_on_created_on"
add_index "documents", ["project_id"], :name => "documents_project_id"
create_table "dts", :primary_key => "Num", :force => true do |t|
t.string "Defect", :limit => 50
t.string "Category", :limit => 50
t.string "File"
t.string "Method"
t.string "Module", :limit => 20
t.string "Variable", :limit => 50
t.integer "StartLine"
t.integer "IPLine"
t.string "IPLineCode", :limit => 200
t.string "Judge", :limit => 15
t.integer "Review", :limit => 1
create_table "dts", :force => true do |t|
t.string "IPLineCode"
t.string "Description"
t.text "PreConditions", :limit => 2147483647
t.text "TraceInfo", :limit => 2147483647
t.text "Code", :limit => 2147483647
t.string "Num"
t.string "Variable"
t.string "TraceInfo"
t.string "Method"
t.string "File"
t.string "IPLine"
t.string "Review"
t.string "Category"
t.string "Defect"
t.string "PreConditions"
t.string "StartLine"
t.integer "project_id"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
t.integer "id", :null => false
t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
create_table "enabled_modules", :force => true do |t|

View File

@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ a.menuGrey {color:#808080;}
a.menuGrey:hover {color:#fe7d68;}
.navSearchTypeBox {width:368px; height:35px; position:absolute; border:1px solid #e1e1e1; background-color:#ffffff; padding-left:10px; display:none; color:#3e3e3e; font-size:14px;}
#navSearchAlert {display:none;}
.homepagePostReplyjournal{margin-left: 15px; float: left;}
.box_main{ width:345px; margin:0 auto;}
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ a:hover.ping_sub{ background:#14a8b9;}
.recall_head a{ display:block; width:30px; height:30px; border:1px solid #CCC; padding:1px;}
.recall_head a:hover{border:1px solid #15bccf;}
.recall_con{ float:left;color:#777777; width:520px; margin-left:10px;word-break: break-all;word-wrap: break-word; }
.recall_con a{ color:#15bccf; }
.recall_con a{ color:#269ac9; }
.ping_list{ margin-top:15px;}

View File

@ -642,6 +642,7 @@ a.postGrey {color:#484848;}
a.postGrey:hover {color:#000000;}
a.gz_btn{display:block; background:url(../images/pic_uersall.png) -318px -25px no-repeat; width:53px; height:18px; border:1px solid #cdcdcd; color:#333333; padding:0px 0 0 18px;margin-top: 2px;margin-right: 15px;}
a:hover.gz_btn{ color:#ff5722;}
.homepagePostReplyjournal{margin-left: 15px; float: left;}
.homepageCoursesType {width:75px; background-color:#ffffff; float:left; list-style:none; position:absolute; border:1px solid #eaeaea; border-radius:5px; top:15px; padding:5px 10px; left:-65px; font-size:12px; color:#4b4b4b; line-height:2; z-index:9999; display:none;}

View File

@ -648,6 +648,7 @@ a.postReplyCancel:hover {color:#ffffff;}
.postAttSize {color:#888888; font-size:12px;}
a.postGrey {color:#484848;}
a.postGrey:hover {color:#000000;}
.homepagePostReplyjournal{margin-left: 15px; float: left;}
.homepageCoursesType {width:75px; background-color:#ffffff; float:left; list-style:none; position:absolute; border:1px solid #eaeaea; border-radius:5px; top:15px; padding:5px 10px; left:-65px; font-size:12px; color:#4b4b4b; line-height:2; z-index:9999; display:none;}
@ -870,7 +871,7 @@ a.box_close{background:url(../images/img_floatbox.png) -22px 0 no-repeat;}
.tl{text-align: left;}
img,embed{max-width: 100%;}
.embed img,embed{max-width: 100%;}
.attachments {clear: both;}
.is_public_checkbox{margin-left: 15px;margin-right: 10px;}
.author_name{color: #3ca5c6 !important;}