i-robot 66f2793ba3
!49247 修改norm算子测试样例(Tensor.norm)
Merge pull request !49247 from hujingsong/norm_test
2023-02-25 07:36:07 +00:00
test_H.py fix tensor.H bug 2022-12-22 08:38:51 +08:00
test_absolute.py add ops.arccos, ops.absolute, tensor.arccos, tensor.absolute st 2022-11-24 21:02:29 +08:00
test_addbmm.py add tensor APIs 2022-11-08 14:40:46 +08:00
test_addmm.py add tensor APIs 2022-11-08 14:40:46 +08:00
test_adjoint.py Fix I6EFUY 2023-02-12 16:32:31 +08:00
test_angle.py fix api bug 2022-12-15 17:08:08 +08:00
test_arccos.py transposed to transpose 2022-11-29 15:57:48 +08:00
test_arccosh.py tensor_arccosh_arcsin_arctan_arctan2_master 2022-11-05 09:03:22 +08:00
test_arcsin.py tensor_arccosh_arcsin_arctan_arctan2_master 2022-11-05 09:03:22 +08:00
test_arcsinh.py support arcsinh arctanh 2022-10-25 20:32:23 +08:00
test_arctan.py tensor_arccosh_arcsin_arctan_arctan2_master 2022-11-05 09:03:22 +08:00
test_arctan2.py tensor_arccosh_arcsin_arctan_arctan2_master 2022-11-05 09:03:22 +08:00
test_arctanh.py support arcsinh arctanh 2022-10-25 20:32:23 +08:00
test_argsort.py add Tensor and function api argsort 2022-12-16 16:09:00 +08:00
test_argwhere.py add ops function 2023-01-31 19:36:43 +08:00
test_baddmm.py add tensor.baddmm, doc and st test 2022-11-10 22:27:57 +08:00
test_bincount.py api: cat,hammint_window, bincount 2022-12-05 20:19:12 +08:00
test_bitwise_left_right_shift.py add leftshift and rightshift 2022-12-02 15:26:34 +08:00
test_chunk.py api: full, chunk 2022-12-26 15:09:50 +08:00
test_clamp.py add function and Tensor clip clamp 2022-11-25 17:39:29 +08:00
test_copysign.py add Tensor.copysign 2022-11-22 09:49:16 +08:00
test_cov.py fix cov error 2023-02-18 14:51:34 +08:00
test_deg2rad.py add Tensor.rad2deg deg2rad 2022-11-11 11:24:41 +08:00
test_det.py add tensor.det and tensor.ndimension 2022-10-26 10:46:29 +08:00
test_diagflat.py tensor_diagflat_master 2023-01-06 17:43:08 +08:00
test_diff.py fix docs spi 2023-01-20 11:30:25 +08:00
test_digamma.py tensor_digamma_lgamma_master 2022-12-15 11:54:38 +08:00
test_divide.py tensor divide op 2022-11-17 17:14:34 +08:00
test_flip.py modify flip support 2023-02-22 16:56:35 +08:00
test_fliplr.py modify flip support 2023-02-22 16:56:35 +08:00
test_flipud.py modify flip support 2023-02-22 16:56:35 +08:00
test_float_power.py modify the logic of float_power for complex 2023-02-08 22:29:34 +08:00
test_fmod.py add ops.is_complex, ops.float_power, ops.fmod, 2022-12-01 19:56:37 +08:00
test_frac.py add tensor frac diff 2023-01-12 11:19:59 +08:00
test_heaviside.py add i0, heaviside, hypot. 2022-11-21 00:01:48 +08:00
test_hypot.py add support platform of ops/Tensor hypot 2023-02-01 15:55:15 +08:00
test_i0.py add i0, heaviside, hypot. 2022-11-21 00:01:48 +08:00
test_index_select.py add ops.index_select/Tensor.index_select, ops.lt/Tensor.lt 2023-01-09 21:25:15 +08:00
test_inner.py Add inner 2022-12-08 09:42:13 +08:00
test_inverse.py tensor_inverse_master 2022-11-28 07:19:58 +08:00
test_is_complex.py add ops.is_complex, ops.float_power, ops.fmod, 2022-12-01 19:56:37 +08:00
test_is_floating_point.py support flip isf issigned 2022-11-07 17:48:25 +08:00
test_is_signed.py support flip isf issigned 2022-11-07 17:48:25 +08:00
test_isneginf.py tensor_isneginf_isposinf_isreal_master 2022-11-25 14:56:34 +08:00
test_isposinf.py tensor_isneginf_isposinf_isreal_master 2022-11-25 14:56:34 +08:00
test_isreal.py tensor_isneginf_isposinf_isreal_master 2022-11-25 14:56:34 +08:00
test_lcm.py add api of Tensor.lcm Tensor.ldexp 2022-11-08 21:16:20 +08:00
test_ldexp.py add api of Tensor.lcm Tensor.ldexp 2022-11-08 21:16:20 +08:00
test_lgamma.py tensor_digamma_lgamma_master 2022-12-15 11:54:38 +08:00
test_log.py add api of Tensor.log10, Tensor.log2 and Tensor.multiply 2022-11-10 17:44:52 +08:00
test_logaddexp.py tensor_log_isneginf_master 2022-11-21 19:42:46 +08:00
test_logaddexp2.py tensor_log_isneginf_master 2022-11-21 19:42:46 +08:00
test_logdet.py add tensor.logdet & ops.logdet 2022-11-26 21:40:58 +08:00
test_logsumexp.py tensor_log_isneginf_master 2022-11-21 19:42:46 +08:00
test_lt.py add ops.index_select/Tensor.index_select, ops.lt/Tensor.lt 2023-01-09 21:25:15 +08:00
test_mH.py support mH mm msort mT NanToNum 2022-11-22 14:11:34 +08:00
test_mT.py support mH mm msort mT NanToNum 2022-11-22 14:11:34 +08:00
test_matrix_power.py !48987 matrix_power:移除 n<0 场景下的测试用例 2023-02-17 02:17:55 +00:00
test_mm.py support mH mm msort mT NanToNum 2022-11-22 14:11:34 +08:00
test_moveaxis.py add ops function 2023-01-31 19:36:43 +08:00
test_movedim.py add ops function 2023-01-31 19:36:43 +08:00
test_msort.py support mH mm msort mT NanToNum 2022-11-22 14:11:34 +08:00
test_multiply.py add api of Tensor.log10, Tensor.log2 and Tensor.multiply 2022-11-10 17:44:52 +08:00
test_nan_to_num.py support mH mm msort mT NanToNum 2022-11-22 14:11:34 +08:00
test_nansum.py fix_nansum_master 2023-02-06 14:51:29 +08:00
test_ndimension.py add tensor.det and tensor.ndimension 2022-10-26 10:46:29 +08:00
test_negative.py tensor_neg_master 2022-10-26 10:47:24 +08:00
test_nelement.py tensor_nele_numel_permute_positive_remainder 2022-11-07 14:50:44 +08:00
test_new_ones.py Add tensor.new_zeros, ops.zeros, ops.zeros_like 2022-12-05 10:07:00 +08:00
test_new_zeros.py Add tensor.new_zeros, ops.zeros, ops.zeros_like 2022-12-05 10:07:00 +08:00
test_norm.py modify tensor.norm test example 2023-02-22 16:48:19 +08:00
test_not_equal.py add function and tensor not_equal 2022-11-29 10:29:04 +08:00
test_numel.py tensor_nele_numel_permute_positive_remainder 2022-11-07 14:50:44 +08:00
test_permute.py tensor_nele_numel_permute_positive_remainder 2022-11-07 14:50:44 +08:00
test_positive.py tensor_nele_numel_permute_positive_remainder 2022-11-07 14:50:44 +08:00
test_real.py support rsqrt reciprocal real 2022-11-26 18:08:48 +08:00
test_reciprocal.py support rsqrt reciprocal real 2022-11-26 18:08:48 +08:00
test_remainder.py tensor_nele_numel_permute_positive_remainder 2022-11-07 14:50:44 +08:00
test_repeat_interleave.py support repeat inter 2022-11-15 11:06:24 +08:00
test_reshape_as.py support tensor repeat elements 2022-11-01 20:22:50 +08:00
test_roll.py support tensor repeat elements 2022-11-01 20:22:50 +08:00
test_rot90.py support tensor repeat elements 2022-11-01 20:22:50 +08:00
test_rsqrt.py support rsqrt reciprocal real 2022-11-26 18:08:48 +08:00
test_scatter.py add api tensor.swapaxes/swapdims/det/matrix_power/scatter, tanhshrink add support int, repair some codechecks. 2023-02-08 10:17:00 +08:00
test_sgn.py Support sign sgn signbit 2022-12-09 17:28:47 +08:00
test_short.py support tensor repeat elements 2022-11-01 20:22:50 +08:00
test_sign.py Support sign sgn signbit 2022-12-09 17:28:47 +08:00
test_signbit.py Support sign sgn signbit 2022-12-09 17:28:47 +08:00
test_sin.py add tensor.sin tensor.sinc 2022-12-08 11:26:26 +08:00
test_sinc.py add tensor.sin tensor.sinc 2022-12-08 11:26:26 +08:00
test_slogdet.py api: slogdet tril 2022-12-19 16:28:01 +08:00
test_split.py add function and Tensor api: split 2022-12-03 15:34:11 +08:00
test_subtract.py add triu, true_divide, subtract to Tensor 2022-10-28 11:07:43 +08:00
test_sum_to_size.py tensor_sum_to_size_master 2022-12-09 17:35:39 +08:00
test_swapaxes.py add api tensor.swapaxes/swapdims/det/matrix_power/scatter, tanhshrink add support int, repair some codechecks. 2023-02-08 10:17:00 +08:00
test_swapdims.py add api tensor.swapaxes/swapdims/det/matrix_power/scatter, tanhshrink add support int, repair some codechecks. 2023-02-08 10:17:00 +08:00
test_t.py tensor_stft_dim_t_view_as_master 2022-12-09 11:13:45 +08:00
test_topk.py modify topk 2023-01-17 11:09:25 +08:00
test_tril.py modify python constexpr for dynamic shape features 2023-01-09 14:20:33 +08:00
test_triu.py modify python constexpr for dynamic shape features 2023-01-09 14:20:33 +08:00
test_true_divide.py add ops.true_divde, ops.subtract 2022-11-10 10:33:34 +08:00
test_unbind.py Tensor and fucntion api of unbind 2022-10-31 16:55:01 +08:00
test_view_as.py tensor_stft_dim_t_view_as_master 2022-12-09 11:13:45 +08:00
test_where.py add tensor.where 2022-11-25 15:03:08 +08:00