
1140 lines
42 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "serving/acl/dvpp_process.h"
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include "include/infer_log.h"
namespace mindspore {
namespace inference {
DvppProcess::DvppProcess() {}
DvppProcess::~DvppProcess() {}
static uint32_t ToEven(uint32_t num) { return (num + 1) / 2 * 2; }
static uint32_t ToOdd(uint32_t num) {
if (num == 0) {
return 1;
return (num + 1) / 2 * 2 - 1;
class DvppJsonConfigParser {
DvppJsonConfigParser() = default;
~DvppJsonConfigParser() = default;
Status InitWithJsonConfig(const std::string &json_config);
DvppDecodePara GetDecodePara() const { return decode_para_; }
DvppResizePara GetResizePara() const { return resize_para_; }
DvppCropPara GetCropPara() const { return crop_para_; }
DvppCropAndPastePara GetCropAndPastePara() const { return crop_and_paste_para_; }
bool HasResizeConfig() const { return resize_flag_; }
bool HasCropConfig() const { return crop_flag_; }
bool HasCropAndPasteConfig() const { return crop_and_paste_flag_; }
DvppDecodePara decode_para_;
DvppResizePara resize_para_;
DvppCropPara crop_para_;
DvppCropAndPastePara crop_and_paste_para_;
bool resize_flag_ = false;
bool crop_flag_ = false;
bool crop_and_paste_flag_ = false;
Status GetStringValue(const nlohmann::json &json_item, const std::string &key, std::string &val);
Status GetIntValue(const nlohmann::json &json_item, const std::string &key, uint32_t &val);
Status ParseInputPara(const nlohmann::json &preprocess_item);
Status ParseDecodePara(const nlohmann::json &preprocess_item);
Status ParseResizePara(const nlohmann::json &json_item);
Status ParseCropPara(const nlohmann::json &json_item);
Status ParseCropAndPastePara(const nlohmann::json &json_item);
Status InitWithJsonConfigImp(const std::string &json_config);
Status DvppProcess::InitResource(aclrtStream stream) {
stream_ = stream;
aclError acl_ret;
dvpp_channel_desc_ = acldvppCreateChannelDesc();
if (dvpp_channel_desc_ == nullptr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppCreateChannelDesc failed";
return FAILED;
acl_ret = acldvppCreateChannel(dvpp_channel_desc_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppCreateChannel failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
return FAILED;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "End init dvpp process resource";
return SUCCESS;
void DvppProcess::DestroyResource() {
if (dvpp_channel_desc_ != nullptr) {
auto acl_ret = acldvppDestroyChannel(dvpp_channel_desc_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppDestroyChannel failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
acl_ret = acldvppDestroyChannelDesc(dvpp_channel_desc_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppDestroyChannelDesc failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
dvpp_channel_desc_ = nullptr;
void DvppProcess::Finalize() {
if (resize_config_ != nullptr) {
resize_config_ = nullptr;
if (crop_area_ != nullptr) {
crop_area_ = nullptr;
if (paste_area_ != nullptr) {
paste_area_ = nullptr;
if (input_pic_dev_buffer_ != nullptr) {
input_pic_buffer_size_ = 0;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "End dvpp process finalize";
Status DvppProcess::InitJpegDecodePara(const DvppDecodePara &decode_para) {
decode_para_ = decode_para;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Init decode para, pixel_format " << decode_para_.pixel_format;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::InitResizePara(const DvppResizePara &resize_para) {
resize_para_ = resize_para;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Init resize para, "
<< "output_width " << resize_para_.output_width << ", output_height " << resize_para_.output_height;
to_resize_flag_ = true;
to_crop_flag_ = false;
to_crop_and_paste_flag_ = false;
Status ret = InitResizeOutputDesc();
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "InitResizeOutputDesc failed";
return ret;
Status DvppProcess::InitCommonCropPara(DvppCropInfo &crop_info, uint32_t output_width, uint32_t output_height) {
if (crop_info.crop_type == kDvppCropTypeOffset) {
if (CheckAndAdjustRoiArea(crop_info.crop_area) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Check and adjust crop area failed";
return FAILED;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Init common crop para, crop type offset "
<< ", left " << crop_info.crop_area.left << ", right " << crop_info.crop_area.right << ", top "
<< crop_info.crop_area.top << ", bottom " << crop_info.crop_area.bottom << ", output_width "
<< output_width << ", output_height " << output_height;
} else {
crop_info.crop_width = ToEven(crop_info.crop_width);
crop_info.crop_height = ToEven(crop_info.crop_height);
if (CheckRoiAreaWidthHeight(crop_info.crop_width, crop_info.crop_height) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Check crop area width and height failed, actually width " << crop_info.crop_width << " height "
<< crop_info.crop_height;
return FAILED;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Init common crop para, crop type centre "
<< ", crop_width " << crop_info.crop_width << ", crop_height " << crop_info.crop_height
<< ", output_width " << output_width << ", output_height " << output_height;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::InitCropPara(const DvppCropPara &crop_para) {
crop_para_ = crop_para;
if (InitCommonCropPara(crop_para_.crop_info, crop_para_.output_width, crop_para_.output_height) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init common crop para failed in InitCropPara";
return FAILED;
to_crop_flag_ = true;
to_resize_flag_ = false;
to_crop_and_paste_flag_ = false;
Status ret = InitCropOutputDesc();
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "InitCropOutputDesc failed";
return ret;
Status DvppProcess::InitCropAndPastePara(const DvppCropAndPastePara &crop_and_paste_para) {
crop_and_paste_para_ = crop_and_paste_para;
if (InitCommonCropPara(crop_and_paste_para_.crop_info, crop_and_paste_para_.output_width,
crop_and_paste_para_.output_height) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init common crop para failed in InitCropAndPastePara";
return FAILED;
auto &paste_area = crop_and_paste_para_.paste_area;
if (CheckAndAdjustRoiArea(paste_area) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Check and adjust paste area failed";
return FAILED;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Init crop and paste para, paste info: "
<< ", left " << paste_area.left << ", right " << paste_area.right << ", top " << paste_area.top
<< ", bottom " << paste_area.bottom;
to_crop_and_paste_flag_ = true;
to_crop_flag_ = false;
to_resize_flag_ = false;
Status ret = InitCropAndPasteOutputDesc();
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "InitCropAndPasteOutputDesc failed";
return ret;
Status DvppProcess::InputInputBuffer(const void *pic_buffer, size_t pic_buffer_size) {
aclError acl_ret;
if (pic_buffer_size != input_pic_buffer_size_) {
input_pic_buffer_size_ = 0;
acl_ret = acldvppMalloc(&input_pic_dev_buffer_, pic_buffer_size);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppMalloc input picture buffer on device failed, buffer size " << pic_buffer_size;
return FAILED;
input_pic_buffer_size_ = pic_buffer_size;
acl_ret =
aclrtMemcpy(input_pic_dev_buffer_, input_pic_buffer_size_, pic_buffer, pic_buffer_size, ACL_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "aclrtMemcpy input picture buffer to device, buffer size " << pic_buffer_size;
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
static void JpegErrorExitCustom(j_common_ptr cinfo) {
char jpeg_last_error_msg[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX];
if (cinfo != nullptr && cinfo->err != nullptr && cinfo->err->format_message != nullptr) {
(*(cinfo->err->format_message))(cinfo, jpeg_last_error_msg);
throw std::runtime_error(jpeg_last_error_msg);
Status DvppProcess::GetJpegWidthHeight(const void *pic_buffer, size_t pic_buffer_size, uint32_t &image_width,
uint32_t &image_height) {
struct jpeg_decompress_struct jpeg_header;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jpeg_error;
jpeg_header.err = jpeg_std_error(&jpeg_error);
jpeg_error.error_exit = JpegErrorExitCustom;
try {
jpeg_mem_src(&jpeg_header, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(pic_buffer), pic_buffer_size);
(void)jpeg_read_header(&jpeg_header, TRUE);
} catch (std::runtime_error &e) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "jpeg images read failed, " << e.what();
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "jpeg images decode failed";
image_width = jpeg_header.image_width;
image_height = jpeg_header.image_height;
if (jpeg_header.jpeg_color_space != JCS_YCbCr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Expect color space YUV(YCbCr), current " << jpeg_header.jpeg_color_space;
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "Expect color space YUV(YCbCr), current " << jpeg_header.jpeg_color_space;
if (jpeg_header.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[0] == nullptr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Only support Huffman code";
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "Only support Huffman code";
const uint32_t min_width = 32;
const uint32_t max_width = 8192;
const uint32_t min_height = 32;
const uint32_t max_height = 8192;
if (image_width < min_width || image_width > max_width) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "expect image width [" << min_width << ", " << max_width << "], the real image width is "
<< image_width;
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "expect image width [" << min_width << ", " << max_width
<< "], the real image width is " << image_width;
if (image_height < min_height || image_height > max_height) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "expect image height [" << min_height << ", " << max_height << "], the real image height is "
<< image_height;
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "expect image height [" << min_height << ", " << max_height
<< "], the real image height is " << image_height;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::Process(const void *pic_buffer, size_t pic_buffer_size, void *&output_device_buffer,
size_t &output_size) {
if (dvpp_channel_desc_ == nullptr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Process failed, dvpp not inited";
return FAILED;
uint32_t image_width = 0;
uint32_t image_height = 0;
Status ret = GetJpegWidthHeight(pic_buffer, pic_buffer_size, image_width, image_height);
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Get jpeg image height and width failed";
return ret;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Get jpeg width " << image_width << ", height " << image_height;
ret = InitDecodeOutputDesc(image_width, image_height);
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "InitDecodeOutputDesc failed";
return FAILED;
ret = UpdateCropArea(image_width, image_height);
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Update crop area failed";
return ret;
ret = CheckResizeImageInfo(image_width, image_height);
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Check resize para failed";
return ret;
if (InputInputBuffer(pic_buffer, pic_buffer_size) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "InputInputBuffer failed";
return FAILED;
if (ProcessDecode() != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Process Decode failed";
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "Decode image failed";
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Process Decode success";
if (to_resize_flag_) {
if (ProcessResize() != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Process Resize failed";
return INFER_STATUS(FAILED) << "Resize image failed";
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Process Resize success";
} else if (to_crop_flag_) {
if (ProcessCrop() != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Process Crop failed";
return INFER_STATUS(FAILED) << "Crop image failed";
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Process Crop success";
} else if (to_crop_and_paste_flag_) {
if (ProcessCropAndPaste() != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Process Crop And Paste failed";
return INFER_STATUS(FAILED) << "Crop And Paste image failed";
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Process Crop And Paste success";
if (vpc_output_buffer_dev_ == nullptr) {
output_device_buffer = decode_output_buffer_dev_;
output_size = decode_output_buffer_size_;
} else {
output_device_buffer = vpc_output_buffer_dev_;
output_size = vpc_output_buffer_size_;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Process dvpp success";
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::Process(const std::vector<const void *> &pic_buffer_list,
const std::vector<size_t> &pic_buffer_size_list, void *&output_device_buffer,
size_t &output_size) {
auto batch_size = pic_buffer_list.size();
if (batch_size == 0 || batch_size != pic_buffer_size_list.size()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "invalid batch size " << batch_size << ", pic size count" << pic_buffer_size_list.size();
return FAILED;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Begin dvpp process, batch size " << batch_size;
if (batch_size == 1) {
return Process(pic_buffer_list[0], pic_buffer_size_list[0], output_device_buffer, output_size);
size_t total_buffer_size = vpc_output_buffer_size_ * batch_size;
if (batch_size_ != batch_size) {
if (batch_vpc_output_buffer_dev_ != nullptr) {
batch_vpc_output_buffer_dev_ = nullptr;
batch_size_ = batch_size;
auto acl_rt = acldvppMalloc(&batch_vpc_output_buffer_dev_, total_buffer_size);
if (acl_rt != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppMalloc failed, buffer size " << total_buffer_size;
return FAILED;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
const void *pic_buffer = pic_buffer_list[i];
uint32_t pic_size = pic_buffer_size_list[i];
if (pic_buffer == nullptr || pic_size == 0) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Get " << 0 << "th images failed";
return FAILED;
void *output_dev_buffer_tmp = nullptr;
size_t output_buffer_size_tmp = 0;
Status ret = Process(pic_buffer, pic_size, output_dev_buffer_tmp, output_buffer_size_tmp);
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "dvpp process failed";
return ret;
aclrtMemcpy(static_cast<uint8_t *>(batch_vpc_output_buffer_dev_) + vpc_output_buffer_size_ * i,
total_buffer_size - vpc_output_buffer_size_ * i, output_dev_buffer_tmp, vpc_output_buffer_size_,
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Dvpp process " << i << " th images success, input pic size " << pic_size << " output buffer size "
<< output_buffer_size_tmp;
output_device_buffer = batch_vpc_output_buffer_dev_;
output_size = total_buffer_size;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "End dvpp process, batch size " << batch_size << ", output size " << output_size;
return SUCCESS;
uint32_t DvppProcess::AlignmentHelper(uint32_t org_size, uint32_t alignment) const {
if (alignment == 0) {
return 0;
return (org_size + alignment - 1) / alignment * alignment;
uint32_t DvppProcess::GetImageBufferSize(uint32_t stride_width, uint32_t stride_height,
acldvppPixelFormat pixel_format) const {
if (stride_height == 0 || stride_width == 0) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "invalid stride height or width, stride_width " << stride_width << " stride_height "
<< stride_height;
return 0;
if (UINT32_MAX / 3 < stride_height || UINT32_MAX / (3 * stride_height) < stride_width) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "invalid stride height or width, stride_width " << stride_width << " stride_height "
<< stride_height;
return 0;
if (pixel_format == PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_420 || pixel_format == PIXEL_FORMAT_YVU_SEMIPLANAR_420) {
return stride_width * stride_height * 3 / 2; // 420
} else if (pixel_format == PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_422 || pixel_format == PIXEL_FORMAT_YVU_SEMIPLANAR_422) {
return stride_width * stride_height * 2; // 422
} else if (pixel_format == PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_444 || pixel_format == PIXEL_FORMAT_YVU_SEMIPLANAR_444) {
return stride_width * stride_height * 3; // 444
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Not support pixel format " << pixel_format;
return 0;
Status DvppProcess::GetPicDescStride(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t &stride_width, uint32_t &stride_height) {
const uint32_t width_alignment = 16;
const uint32_t height_alignment = 2;
const uint32_t stride_width_minimum = 32;
const uint32_t stride_width_maximum = 4096;
const uint32_t stride_height_minimum = 6;
const uint32_t stride_height_maximum = 4096;
stride_width = AlignmentHelper(width, width_alignment);
stride_height = AlignmentHelper(height, height_alignment);
if (stride_width == 0 || stride_height == 0) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init VPC output desc failed, get stride width or height failed";
return FAILED;
if (stride_width < stride_width_minimum || stride_width > stride_width_maximum) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Expect stride width [" << stride_width_minimum << ", " << stride_width_maximum
<< "], current stride width " << stride_width << " given width " << width;
return FAILED;
if (stride_height < stride_height_minimum || stride_height > stride_height_maximum) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Expect stride height [" << stride_height_minimum << ", " << stride_height_maximum
<< "], current stride height " << stride_height << " given height " << height;
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::GetPicDescStrideDecode(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t &stride_width,
uint32_t &stride_height) {
const uint32_t width_alignment = 128;
const uint32_t height_alignment = 16;
const uint32_t width_minimum = 32;
const uint32_t width_maximum = 4096; // decode support 8192, dvpp(resize/crop/crop&paste) support 4096
const uint32_t height_minimum = 32;
const uint32_t height_maximum = 4096; // decode support 8192, dvpp(resize/crop/crop&paste) support 4096
if (width < width_minimum || width > width_maximum) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Expect width [" << width_minimum << ", " << width_maximum << "], current width " << width;
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "Expect width [" << width_minimum << ", " << width_maximum
<< "], current width " << width;
if (height < height_minimum || height > height_maximum) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Expect height [" << height_minimum << ", " << height_maximum << "], current height " << height;
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "Expect height [" << height_minimum << ", " << height_maximum
<< "], current height " << height;
stride_width = AlignmentHelper(width, width_alignment);
stride_height = AlignmentHelper(height, height_alignment);
if (stride_width == 0 || stride_height == 0) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init decode output desc failed, get stride width or height failed";
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::InitVpcOutputDesc(uint32_t output_width, uint32_t output_height, acldvppPixelFormat pixel_format) {
uint32_t vpc_stride_width = 0;
uint32_t vpc_stride_height = 0;
if (GetPicDescStride(output_width, output_height, vpc_stride_width, vpc_stride_height) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init VPC output desc failed, get VPC output stride width/height failed";
return FAILED;
vpc_output_buffer_size_ = GetImageBufferSize(vpc_stride_width, vpc_stride_height, pixel_format);
if (vpc_output_buffer_size_ == 0) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init VPC output desc failed, get image buffer size failed";
return FAILED;
auto acl_ret = acldvppMalloc(&vpc_output_buffer_dev_, vpc_output_buffer_size_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init VPC output desc failed, malloc dvpp memory failed";
return FAILED;
vpc_output_desc_ = acldvppCreatePicDesc();
if (vpc_output_desc_ == nullptr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init VPC output desc failed, create pic desc failed";
return FAILED;
acldvppSetPicDescData(vpc_output_desc_, vpc_output_buffer_dev_);
acldvppSetPicDescSize(vpc_output_desc_, vpc_output_buffer_size_);
acldvppSetPicDescFormat(vpc_output_desc_, pixel_format);
acldvppSetPicDescWidth(vpc_output_desc_, output_width);
acldvppSetPicDescHeight(vpc_output_desc_, output_height);
acldvppSetPicDescWidthStride(vpc_output_desc_, vpc_stride_width);
acldvppSetPicDescHeightStride(vpc_output_desc_, vpc_stride_height);
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Init VPC output desc success";
return SUCCESS;
void DvppProcess::DestroyVpcOutputDesc() {
if (vpc_output_desc_ != nullptr) {
vpc_output_desc_ = nullptr;
if (vpc_output_buffer_dev_ != nullptr) {
vpc_output_buffer_dev_ = nullptr;
if (batch_vpc_output_buffer_dev_ != nullptr) {
batch_vpc_output_buffer_dev_ = nullptr;
vpc_output_buffer_size_ = 0;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "End destroy vpc desc";
Status DvppProcess::InitDecodeOutputDesc(uint32_t image_width, uint32_t image_height) {
if (decode_output_buffer_dev_ != nullptr && image_width == pic_width_ && image_height == pic_height_) {
return SUCCESS;
pic_width_ = image_width;
pic_height_ = image_height;
uint32_t stride_width = 0;
uint32_t stride_height = 0;
Status ret = GetPicDescStrideDecode(pic_width_, pic_height_, stride_width, stride_height);
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init VPC output desc failed, get VPC output stride width/height failed";
return ret;
decode_output_buffer_size_ = GetImageBufferSize(stride_width, stride_height, decode_para_.pixel_format);
if (decode_output_buffer_size_ == 0) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init decode output desc failed, get image buffer size failed";
return FAILED;
auto acl_ret = acldvppMalloc(&decode_output_buffer_dev_, decode_output_buffer_size_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init decode output desc failed, malloc dvpp memory failed";
return FAILED;
decode_output_desc_ = acldvppCreatePicDesc();
if (decode_output_desc_ == nullptr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init decode output desc failed, create pic desc failed";
return FAILED;
acldvppSetPicDescData(decode_output_desc_, decode_output_buffer_dev_);
acldvppSetPicDescSize(decode_output_desc_, decode_output_buffer_size_);
acldvppSetPicDescFormat(decode_output_desc_, decode_para_.pixel_format);
acldvppSetPicDescWidth(decode_output_desc_, pic_width_);
acldvppSetPicDescHeight(decode_output_desc_, pic_height_);
acldvppSetPicDescWidthStride(decode_output_desc_, stride_width);
acldvppSetPicDescHeightStride(decode_output_desc_, stride_height);
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Init decode output desc success";
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::CheckRoiAreaWidthHeight(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
const uint32_t min_crop_width = 10;
const uint32_t max_crop_width = 4096;
const uint32_t min_crop_height = 6;
const uint32_t max_crop_height = 4096;
if (width < min_crop_width || width > max_crop_width) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Expect roi area width in [" << min_crop_width << ", " << max_crop_width << "], actually "
<< width;
return FAILED;
if (height < min_crop_height || height > max_crop_height) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Expect roi area height in [" << min_crop_height << ", " << max_crop_height << "], actually "
<< height;
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::CheckAndAdjustRoiArea(DvppRoiArea &area) {
if (area.right < area.left) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "check roi area failed, left " << area.left << ", right " << area.right;
return FAILED;
if (area.bottom < area.top) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "check roi area failed, top " << area.top << ", bottom " << area.bottom;
return FAILED;
area.left = ToEven(area.left);
area.top = ToEven(area.top);
area.right = ToOdd(area.right);
area.bottom = ToOdd(area.bottom);
auto width = area.right - area.left + 1;
auto height = area.bottom - area.top + 1;
if (CheckRoiAreaWidthHeight(width, height) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Check roi area width and height failed,"
<< " actually width " << width << " left " << area.left << ", right " << area.right
<< " actually height " << height << " top " << area.top << ", bottom " << area.bottom;
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::UpdateCropArea(uint32_t image_width, uint32_t image_height) {
DvppCropInfo *crop_info = nullptr;
if (to_crop_flag_) {
crop_info = &crop_para_.crop_info;
} else if (to_crop_and_paste_flag_) {
crop_info = &crop_and_paste_para_.crop_info;
} else {
return SUCCESS;
if (crop_info->crop_type != kDvppCropTypeCentre) {
return SUCCESS;
if (image_width < crop_info->crop_width) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Image width " << image_width << "smaller than crop width " << crop_info->crop_width;
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "Image width " << image_width << "smaller than crop width "
<< crop_info->crop_width;
if (image_height < crop_info->crop_height) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Image height " << image_height << "smaller than crop height " << crop_info->crop_height;
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "Image width " << image_width << "smaller than crop width "
<< crop_info->crop_width;
uint32_t left = ToEven((image_width - crop_info->crop_width) / 2);
uint32_t top = ToEven((image_height - crop_info->crop_height) / 2);
uint32_t right = ToOdd(left + crop_info->crop_width);
uint32_t bottom = ToOdd(top + crop_info->crop_height);
auto acl_ret = acldvppSetRoiConfig(crop_area_, left, right, top, bottom);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Update Crop Area failed";
return FAILED;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Update crop area, crop type centre, crop info: "
<< ", left " << left << ", right " << right << ", top " << top << ", bottom " << bottom;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::CheckResizeImageInfo(uint32_t image_width, uint32_t image_height) const {
if (!to_resize_flag_) {
return SUCCESS;
// resize ratio required [1/32, 16]
auto check_resize_ratio = [](uint32_t before_resize, uint32_t after_resize) {
if (before_resize == 0 || after_resize == 0) {
return false;
if (before_resize / after_resize > 32) {
return false;
if (after_resize / before_resize > 16) {
return false;
return true;
if (!check_resize_ratio(image_width, resize_para_.output_width)) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Resize ratio required [1/32, 16], current width resize from " << image_width << " to "
<< resize_para_.output_width;
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "Resize ratio required [1/32, 16], current width resize from " << image_width
<< " to " << resize_para_.output_width;
if (!check_resize_ratio(image_height, resize_para_.output_height)) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Resize ratio required [1/32, 16], current height resize from " << image_height << " to "
<< resize_para_.output_height;
return INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "Resize ratio required [1/32, 16], current height resize from "
<< image_height << " to " << resize_para_.output_height;
return SUCCESS;
void DvppProcess::DestroyDecodeDesc() {
if (decode_output_desc_ != nullptr) {
decode_output_desc_ = nullptr;
if (decode_output_buffer_dev_ != nullptr) {
decode_output_buffer_dev_ = nullptr;
decode_output_buffer_size_ = 0;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "End destroy decode desc";
Status DvppProcess::InitResizeOutputDesc() {
if (InitVpcOutputDesc(resize_para_.output_width, resize_para_.output_height, decode_para_.pixel_format) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init VPC output desc failed";
return FAILED;
if (resize_config_ == nullptr) {
resize_config_ = acldvppCreateResizeConfig();
if (resize_config_ == nullptr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Create Resize config failed";
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::InitRoiAreaConfig(acldvppRoiConfig *&roi_area, const DvppRoiArea &init_para) {
if (roi_area == nullptr) {
roi_area = acldvppCreateRoiConfig(init_para.left, init_para.right, init_para.top, init_para.bottom);
if (roi_area == nullptr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Create Roi config failed";
return FAILED;
} else {
auto acl_ret = acldvppSetRoiConfig(roi_area, init_para.left, init_para.right, init_para.top, init_para.bottom);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Set Roi config failed";
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::InitCropOutputDesc() {
if (InitVpcOutputDesc(crop_para_.output_width, crop_para_.output_height, decode_para_.pixel_format) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init VPC output desc failed";
return FAILED;
if (InitRoiAreaConfig(crop_area_, crop_para_.crop_info.crop_area) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init crop area failed";
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::InitCropAndPasteOutputDesc() {
if (InitVpcOutputDesc(crop_and_paste_para_.output_width, crop_and_paste_para_.output_height,
decode_para_.pixel_format) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init VPC output desc failed";
return FAILED;
if (InitRoiAreaConfig(crop_area_, crop_and_paste_para_.crop_info.crop_area) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init crop area failed";
return FAILED;
if (InitRoiAreaConfig(paste_area_, crop_and_paste_para_.paste_area) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Init paste area failed";
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::ProcessDecode() {
aclError acl_ret;
acl_ret = acldvppJpegDecodeAsync(dvpp_channel_desc_, input_pic_dev_buffer_, input_pic_buffer_size_,
decode_output_desc_, stream_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppJpegDecodeAsync failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
return FAILED;
acl_ret = aclrtSynchronizeStream(stream_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "aclrtSynchronizeStream failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::ProcessResize() {
aclError acl_ret;
acl_ret = acldvppVpcResizeAsync(dvpp_channel_desc_, decode_output_desc_, vpc_output_desc_, resize_config_, stream_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppVpcResizeAsync failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
return FAILED;
acl_ret = aclrtSynchronizeStream(stream_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "aclrtSynchronizeStream failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::ProcessCrop() {
aclError acl_ret;
acl_ret = acldvppVpcCropAsync(dvpp_channel_desc_, decode_output_desc_, vpc_output_desc_, crop_area_, stream_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppVpcCropAsync failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
return FAILED;
acl_ret = aclrtSynchronizeStream(stream_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "aclrtSynchronizeStream failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::ProcessCropAndPaste() {
aclError acl_ret;
acl_ret = acldvppVpcCropAndPasteAsync(dvpp_channel_desc_, decode_output_desc_, vpc_output_desc_, crop_area_,
paste_area_, stream_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "acldvppVpcCropAndPasteAsync failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
return FAILED;
acl_ret = aclrtSynchronizeStream(stream_);
if (acl_ret != ACL_ERROR_NONE) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "aclrtSynchronizeStream failed, acl return " << acl_ret;
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppJsonConfigParser::GetStringValue(const nlohmann::json &json_item, const std::string &key, std::string &val) {
auto it = json_item.find(key);
if (it == json_item.end()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "get string item " << key << " failed";
return FAILED;
if (!it->is_string()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "item " << key << " value is not string type";
return FAILED;
val = it->get<std::string>();
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppJsonConfigParser::GetIntValue(const nlohmann::json &json_item, const std::string &key, uint32_t &val) {
auto it = json_item.find(key);
if (it == json_item.end()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "get string item " << key << " failed";
return FAILED;
if (!it->is_number_integer()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "item " << key << " value is not integer type";
return FAILED;
val = it->get<uint32_t>();
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppJsonConfigParser::ParseInputPara(const nlohmann::json &preprocess_item) {
auto input = preprocess_item.find("input");
if (input == preprocess_item.end()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "get input failed";
return FAILED;
if (!input->is_object()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "input is not object";
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppJsonConfigParser::ParseDecodePara(const nlohmann::json &preprocess_item) {
auto decode_para = preprocess_item.find("decode_para");
if (decode_para == preprocess_item.end()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "get input failed";
return FAILED;
if (!decode_para->is_object()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "input is not object";
return FAILED;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, acldvppPixelFormat> pixel_format_map = {
std::string pixel_format;
if (GetStringValue(*decode_para, "out_pixel_format", pixel_format) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "get op out_pixel_format failed";
return FAILED;
auto format = pixel_format_map.find(pixel_format);
if (format == pixel_format_map.end()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "unsupported out_pixel_format " << pixel_format;
return FAILED;
decode_para_.pixel_format = format->second;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppJsonConfigParser::ParseResizePara(const nlohmann::json &json_item) {
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "out_width", resize_para_.output_width) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "out_height", resize_para_.output_height) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
resize_flag_ = true;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppJsonConfigParser::ParseCropPara(const nlohmann::json &json_item) {
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "out_width", crop_para_.output_width) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "out_height", crop_para_.output_height) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
auto &crop_info = crop_para_.crop_info;
std::string crop_type = "crop_type";
if (GetStringValue(json_item, "crop_type", crop_type) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (crop_type == "offset") {
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Crop type is 'offset'";
crop_info.crop_type = kDvppCropTypeOffset;
auto &crop_area = crop_info.crop_area;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_left", crop_area.left) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_top", crop_area.top) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_right", crop_area.right) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_bottom", crop_area.bottom) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
} else if (crop_type == "centre") {
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Crop type is 'centre'";
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_width", crop_info.crop_width) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_height", crop_info.crop_height) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
crop_info.crop_type = kDvppCropTypeCentre;
} else {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Invalid crop type " << crop_type << ", expect offset or centre";
return FAILED;
crop_flag_ = true;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppJsonConfigParser::ParseCropAndPastePara(const nlohmann::json &json_item) {
// crop info
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "out_width", crop_and_paste_para_.output_width) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "out_height", crop_and_paste_para_.output_height) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
auto &crop_info = crop_and_paste_para_.crop_info;
std::string crop_type = "crop_type";
if (GetStringValue(json_item, "crop_type", crop_type) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (crop_type == "offset") {
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Crop type is 'offset'";
crop_info.crop_type = kDvppCropTypeOffset;
auto &crop_area = crop_info.crop_area;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_left", crop_area.left) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_top", crop_area.top) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_right", crop_area.right) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_bottom", crop_area.bottom) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
} else if (crop_type == "centre") {
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Crop type is 'centre'";
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_width", crop_info.crop_width) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "crop_height", crop_info.crop_height) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
crop_info.crop_type = kDvppCropTypeCentre;
} else {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Invalid crop type " << crop_type << ", expect offset or centre";
return FAILED;
// paste info
auto &paste_area = crop_and_paste_para_.paste_area;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "paste_left", paste_area.left) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "paste_top", paste_area.top) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "paste_right", paste_area.right) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (GetIntValue(json_item, "paste_bottom", paste_area.bottom) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
crop_and_paste_flag_ = true;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppJsonConfigParser::InitWithJsonConfigImp(const std::string &json_config) {
std::ifstream fp(json_config);
if (!fp.is_open()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "read json config file failed";
return FAILED;
const auto &model_info = nlohmann::json::parse(fp);
auto preprocess_list = model_info.find("preprocess");
if (preprocess_list == model_info.end()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "get preprocess failed";
return FAILED;
if (!preprocess_list->is_array()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "preprocess is not array";
return FAILED;
if (preprocess_list->empty()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "preprocess size is 0";
return FAILED;
auto &preprocess = preprocess_list->at(0);
// input
if (ParseInputPara(preprocess) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "parse input failed";
return FAILED;
// decode para
if (ParseDecodePara(preprocess) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "parse decode failed";
return FAILED;
// ops
auto dvpp_process = preprocess.find("dvpp_process");
if (dvpp_process == preprocess.end()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "get dvpp_process failed";
return FAILED;
if (!dvpp_process->is_object()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "dvpp_process is not array";
return FAILED;
const auto &item = *dvpp_process;
std::string op_name;
if (GetStringValue(item, "op_name", op_name) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (op_name == "resize") {
if (ParseResizePara(item) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Parse resize para failed";
return FAILED;
} else if (op_name == "crop") {
if (ParseCropPara(item) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Parse crop para failed";
return FAILED;
} else if (op_name == "crop_and_paste") {
if (ParseCropAndPastePara(item) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Parse decode para failed";
return FAILED;
} else {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Unsupport op name " << op_name << ", expect resize, crop or crop_and_paste";
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppJsonConfigParser::InitWithJsonConfig(const std::string &json_config) {
try {
auto ret = InitWithJsonConfigImp(json_config);
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "init dvpp with json config failed, json config " << json_config;
return FAILED;
} catch (nlohmann::json::exception &e) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "init dvpp with json config failed, json config " << json_config << ", error: " << e.what();
return FAILED;
MSI_LOG_INFO << "Init with json config " << json_config << " success";
return SUCCESS;
Status DvppProcess::InitWithJsonConfig(const std::string &json_config) {
DvppJsonConfigParser parser;
if (parser.InitWithJsonConfig(json_config) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "init json config failed";
return FAILED;
if (InitJpegDecodePara(parser.GetDecodePara()) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "init decode para failed";
return FAILED;
if (parser.HasResizeConfig()) {
if (InitResizePara(parser.GetResizePara()) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "init resize para failed";
return FAILED;
} else if (parser.HasCropConfig()) {
if (InitCropPara(parser.GetCropPara()) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "init crop para failed";
return FAILED;
} else if (parser.HasCropAndPasteConfig()) {
if (InitCropAndPastePara(parser.GetCropAndPastePara()) != SUCCESS) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "init crop and paste para failed";
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
} // namespace inference
} // namespace mindspore