ms_yan 36a8886ca2 Revert "[feat] [assistant] [I3T96T] add new Dataset operator CMUARCTICDataset"
This reverts commit b077aa1cab.

Revert "[feat] [assistant] [I3T96X] add new Dataset operator LibriSpeechDataset"

This reverts commit 4e6f7dc97d.

delete pass_registry_test.cc

comment  hiai_nlu_model_multi.pb related  line
2021-08-23 01:46:38 +08:00
README.md fixed the bad links 2021-08-12 20:25:42 +08:00



SiamFC Description

Siamfc proposes a new full convolution twin network as the basic tracking algorithm, which is trained end-to-end on ilsvrc15 target tracking video data set. Our tracker exceeds the real-time requirement in frame rate. Although it is very simple, it achieves the best performance on multiple benchmarks.

paper Luca Bertinetto Jack Valmadre Jo˜ao F. Henriques Andrea Vedaldi Philip H. S. Torr Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

Model Architecture

Siamfc first uses full convolution alexnet for feature extraction online and offline, and uses twin network to train the template and background respectively. On line, after getting the box of the first frame, it carries out centrrop, and then loads checkpoint to track the subsequent frames. In order to find the box, it needs to carry out a series of penalties on the score graph, Finally, the final prediction point is obtained by twice trilinear interpolation.


used Dataset :ILSVRC2015-VID

  • Dataset size : 85GB ,total 30 type
    • Training set: a total of 3862 videos and their corresponding frame pictures and box positions
    • Verification set: 555 videos and corresponding pictures and box locations
    • Test set: a total of 973 videos and corresponding pictures and box locations
  • Data format: the image is in hwC format, the box position includes the coordinates of the lower left corner and the upper right corner, the format is XML, and the XML needs to be parsed

Environmental requirements

quick start

After installing mindspree through the official website, you can follow the following steps to train and evaluate:

  • Run the python script to preprocess the data set

    python src/create_dataset_ILSVRC.py -d data_dir -o output_dir

  • Run Python script to create LMDB

    python src/create_lmdb.py -d data_dir -o output_dir

    for example data_dir = '/data/VID/ILSVRC_VID_CURATION_train' output_dir = '/data/VID/ILSVRC_VID_CURATION_train.lmdb'

    Remarks:The encrypted pathname is used as the index.Therefore,you cannot change the location of the dataset after creating it, because you need to find the corresponding image according to the index.

  • Run the script for training

    bash run_standalone_train_ascend.sh [Device_ID] [Dataset_path] Remarks:For the training set position after preprocessing

  • more

    This example is single card training.

  • Run the script for evaluation

    python eval.py,need got10k toolkit,the dataset is OTB2013(50) or OTB2015(100)

Script description

Script and sample code

    ├── SiamFC
        ├── README.md                    // Notes on siamfc
        ├── scripts
           ├──ma-pre-start.sh          // Create environment before modelarts training
           ├──run_standalone_train_ascend.sh             // Single card training in ascend
           ├──run_distribution_ascend.sh          // Multi card distributed training in ascend
        ├── src
           ├──alexnet.py             // Create dataset
           ├──config.py              // Alexnet architecture
           ├──custom_transforms.py   //Data set processing
           ├──dataset.py            //GeneratorDataset
           ├──Groupconv.py        //Mindpore does not support group convolution at present. This is an alternative
           ├──lr_generator.py       //Dynamic learning rate
           ├──tracker.py           //Trace script
           ├──utils.py             // utils
           ├──create_dataset_ILSVRC.py     // Create dataset
           ├──create_lmdb.py               //Create LMDB
        ├── train.py               // Training script
        ├── eval.py               //  Evaluation script

Script parameters

python train.py and config.py The main parameters are as follows:

  • data_pathAn absolutely complete path to training and evaluation data sets.
  • epoch_sizeTotal training rounds
  • batch_sizeTraining batch size.
  • image_heightThe image height is used as the model input.
  • image_widthThe image width is used as the model input.
  • exemplar_sizeTemplate size
  • instance_sizeSample size.
  • lrLearning rate.
  • frame_rangeSelect the frame interval of the template and sample.
  • response_scaleScaling factor of score chart.

Training process


  • Running in ascend processor environment
  python train.py  --device_id=${DEVICE_ID} --data_path=${DATASET_PATH}
  • After training, the loss value is as follows:
  grep "loss is " log
  epoch: 1 step: 1, loss is 1.14123213
  epoch: 1 step: 1536, loss is 0.5234123
  epoch: 1 step: 1537, loss is 0.4523326
  epoch: 1 step: 1538, loss is 0.6235748
  • Model checkpoints are saved in the current directory.

  • After training, the loss value is as follows:

  grep "loss is " log:
  epoch: 30 step: 1, loss is 0.12534634
  epoch: 30 step: 1560, loss is 0.2364573
  epoch: 30 step: 1561, loss is 0.156347
  epoch: 30 step: 1561, loss is 0.173423

Evaluation process

Check the checkpoint path used for evaluation before running the following command.

  • Running in ascend processor environment
  python eval.py  --device_id=${DEVICE_ID} --model_path=${MODEL_PATH}

The results were as follows:

  SiamFC_159_50_6650.ckpt -prec_score:0.777 -succ_score:0.589 _succ_rate:0.754

Model description


Evaluate performance

parameter Ascend
resources Ascend 910CPU 2.60GHz, 192corememory755G
Upload date 2021.5.20
mindspore version mindspore1.2.0
training parameter epoch=50,step=6650,batch_size=8,lr_init=1e-2,lr_endl=1e-5
optimizer SGD optimizermomentum=0.0,weight_decay=0.0
loss function BCEWithLogits
training speed epoch time285693.557 ms per step time :42.961 ms
total time about 5 hours
Script URL https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/tree/master/model_zoo/research/cv/SiamFC
Random number seed set_seed = 1234