forked from mindspore-Ecosystem/mindspore
optimize opencl winograd kernel performance
This commit is contained in:
@ -476,12 +476,10 @@ std::string ConvolutionOpenCLKernel::CodeGenWinograd4x4To36() {
std::string ConvolutionOpenCLKernel::CodeGenWinogradConvolution() {
return "#define CI_TILE 4\n"
"#define H 36\n"
"//#define W 256\n"
"//#define CI 96\n"
"#define IH 36\n"
"//#define IW 256\n"
"//#define CO 80\n"
"#define OH 36\n"
"//#define OW 256\n"
"//#define CO 80s\n"
"//#define CI_SLICES 24\n"
"//#define CO_SLICES 20\n"
@ -500,59 +498,71 @@ std::string ConvolutionOpenCLKernel::CodeGenWinogradConvolution() {
" int4 input_shape, // N 36 H/4*W/4 CI_SLICES\n"
" int4 output_shape) // N 36 H/4*W/4 CO_SLICES\n"
" int ow = get_global_id(0) * 2;\n"
" int oh = get_global_id(1);\n"
" int w = get_global_id(0) * 2;\n"
" int h = get_global_id(1);\n"
" int co_slice = get_global_id(2) * 2;\n"
" int CI_SLICES = input_shape.w;\n"
" int IW = input_shape.z;\n"
" int W = input_shape.z;\n"
" int CO_SLICES = output_shape.w;\n"
" int OW = IW;\n"
" if (oh >= OH || ow >= OW || co_slice >= CO_SLICES)\n"
" if (h >= H || w >= W || co_slice >= CO_SLICES)\n"
" {\n"
" return;\n"
" }\n"
" __global float16 *w_ptr = weight + (co_slice / 2 * 36 + oh) * CI_SLICES * 2;\n"
" int y_idx = oh;\n"
" FLT4 out00 = (FLT4)(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
" FLT4 out01 = (FLT4)(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
" FLT4 out10 = (FLT4)(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
" FLT4 out11 = (FLT4)(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
" int y_idx = h;\n"
" __global float16 *weight_ptr = weight + (co_slice / 2 * 36 + h) * CI_SLICES * 2;\n"
" for (int ci_slice = 0; ci_slice < CI_SLICES; ci_slice++)\n"
" {\n"
" FLT4 in0 = READ_FLT4(input, smp_none, (int2)(ow + 0, y_idx));\n"
" FLT4 in1 = READ_FLT4(input, smp_none, (int2)(ow + 1, y_idx));\n"
" FLT4 in0 = READ_FLT4(input, smp_none, (int2)(w + 0, y_idx));\n"
" FLT4 in1 = READ_FLT4(input, smp_none, (int2)(w + 1, y_idx));\n"
" y_idx += 36;\n"
" float16 w0 = w_ptr[0], w1 = w_ptr[1];\n"
" w_ptr += 2;\n"
" float16 weight0 = weight_ptr[0], weight1 = weight_ptr[1];\n"
" weight_ptr += 2;\n"
" out00 += in0.x * w0.s0123;\n"
" out00 += in0.y * w0.s4567;\n"
" out00 += in0.z * w0.s89ab;\n"
" out00 += in0.w * w0.scdef;\n"
" out01 += in1.x * w0.s0123;\n"
" out01 += in1.y * w0.s4567;\n"
" out01 += in1.z * w0.s89ab;\n"
" out01 += in1.w * w0.scdef;\n"
" out00 += in0.x * weight0.s0123;\n"
" out00 += in0.y * weight0.s4567;\n"
" out00 += in0.z * weight0.s89ab;\n"
" out00 += in0.w * weight0.scdef;\n"
" out10 += in0.x * w1.s0123;\n"
" out10 += in0.y * w1.s4567;\n"
" out10 += in0.z * w1.s89ab;\n"
" out10 += in0.w * w1.scdef;\n"
" out01 += in1.x * weight0.s0123;\n"
" out01 += in1.y * weight0.s4567;\n"
" out01 += in1.z * weight0.s89ab;\n"
" out01 += in1.w * weight0.scdef;\n"
" out11 += in1.x * w1.s0123;\n"
" out11 += in1.y * w1.s4567;\n"
" out11 += in1.z * w1.s89ab;\n"
" out11 += in1.w * w1.scdef;\n"
" out10 += in0.x * weight1.s0123;\n"
" out10 += in0.y * weight1.s4567;\n"
" out10 += in0.z * weight1.s89ab;\n"
" out10 += in0.w * weight1.scdef;\n"
" out11 += in1.x * weight1.s0123;\n"
" out11 += in1.y * weight1.s4567;\n"
" out11 += in1.z * weight1.s89ab;\n"
" out11 += in1.w * weight1.scdef;\n"
" }\n"
" WRITE_FLT4(output, (int2)(w + 0, (co_slice + 0) * H + h), out00);\n"
" if (w + 1 < W)\n"
" {\n"
" WRITE_FLT4(output, (int2)(w + 1, (co_slice + 0) * H + h), out01);\n"
" }\n"
" if (co_slice + 1 < CO_SLICES)\n"
" {\n"
" WRITE_FLT4(output, (int2)(w + 0, (co_slice + 1) * H + h), out10);\n"
" if (w + 1 < W)\n"
" {\n"
" WRITE_FLT4(output, (int2)(w + 1, (co_slice + 1) * H + h), out11);\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" WRITE_FLT4(output, (int2)(ow + 0, (co_slice + 0) * 36 + oh), out00);\n"
" WRITE_FLT4(output, (int2)(ow + 1, (co_slice + 0) * 36 + oh), out01);\n"
" WRITE_FLT4(output, (int2)(ow + 0, (co_slice + 1) * 36 + oh), out10);\n"
" WRITE_FLT4(output, (int2)(ow + 1, (co_slice + 1) * 36 + oh), out11);\n"
@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ class ConvolutionOpenCLKernel : public OpenCLKernel {
auto param = reinterpret_cast<ConvParameter *>(op_parameter_);
const bool attr_valid = param->kernel_h_ == 3 && param->kernel_w_ == 3 && param->dilation_h_ == 1 &&
param->dilation_w_ == 1 && param->stride_h_ == 1 && param->stride_w_ == 1;
const bool channel_good = CO_SLICES % 4 == 0 && CI_SLICES >= 16 && CO_SLICES >= 16;
const bool hw_good = TILES_X * TILES_Y >= 32;
const bool channel_good = CI_SLICES >= 12 && CO_SLICES >= 12;
const bool hw_good = TILES_X * TILES_Y >= 16;
return attr_valid && channel_good && hw_good;
@ -77,33 +77,33 @@ void TEST_MAIN(schema::Format input_format, schema::Format output_format, const
auto testcase_path = data_path + "/" + attr_str + "/";
auto input_file = testcase_path + (input_format == schema::Format_NHWC4 ? "input_NHWC4.bin" : "input_NHWC.bin");
auto weight_file = testcase_path + "weight_OHWI.bin";
auto bias_file = testcase_path + "bias_C4.bin";
auto bias_file = testcase_path + "bias_C.bin";
auto expect_file = testcase_path + (output_format == schema::Format_NHWC4 ? "expect_NHWC4.bin" : "expect_NHWC.bin");
std::cout << input_file << std::endl;
std::cout << weight_file << std::endl;
std::cout << bias_file << std::endl;
std::cout << expect_file << std::endl;
std::cout << "input_file:" << input_file << std::endl;
std::cout << "weight_file:" << weight_file << std::endl;
std::cout << "bias_file:" << bias_file << std::endl;
std::cout << "expect_file:" << expect_file << std::endl;
std::cout << "initialize OpenCLRuntime";
auto ocl_runtime = lite::opencl::OpenCLRuntime::GetInstance();
auto allocator = ocl_runtime->GetAllocator();
std::cout << "create inputs/weights/outputs Tensors(framework do)";
std::cout << "create Tensors(framework will do!!!)";
std::vector<int> input_shape = {param->input_batch_, param->input_h_, param->input_w_, param->input_channel_};
std::vector<int> weight_shape = {param->output_channel_, param->kernel_h_, param->kernel_w_, param->input_channel_};
std::vector<int> bias_shape = {param->output_channel_};
std::vector<int> output_shape = {param->output_batch_, param->output_h_, param->output_w_, param->output_channel_};
auto data_type = kNumberTypeFloat32;
auto tensorType = schema::NodeType_ValueNode;
auto input_tensor = new lite::tensor::Tensor(data_type, input_shape, input_format, tensorType);
auto weight_tensor = new lite::tensor::Tensor(data_type, weight_shape, schema::Format_KHWC, tensorType);
auto bias_tensor = new lite::tensor::Tensor(data_type, bias_shape, schema::Format_KHWC, tensorType);
auto output_tensor = new lite::tensor::Tensor(data_type, output_shape, output_format, tensorType);
auto tensor_type = schema::NodeType_ValueNode;
auto input_tensor = new lite::tensor::Tensor(data_type, input_shape, input_format, tensor_type);
auto weight_tensor = new lite::tensor::Tensor(data_type, weight_shape, schema::Format_KHWC, tensor_type);
auto bias_tensor = new lite::tensor::Tensor(data_type, bias_shape, schema::Format_KHWC, tensor_type);
auto output_tensor = new lite::tensor::Tensor(data_type, output_shape, output_format, tensor_type);
std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> inputs{input_tensor, weight_tensor, bias_tensor};
std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> outputs{output_tensor};
std::cout << "initialize weight Tensors data(framework do)";
std::cout << "allocate and initialize weight/bias memory by hand here(framework will do!!!)";
std::vector<float> weight_vec(weight_tensor->ElementsNum());
std::vector<float> bias_vec(weight_tensor->ElementsNum());
@ -111,25 +111,18 @@ void TEST_MAIN(schema::Format input_format, schema::Format output_format, const
LoadData(weight_tensor->Data(), weight_tensor->Size(), weight_file);
LoadData(bias_tensor->Data(), bias_tensor->Size(), bias_file);
std::cout << "create OpenCL Kernel"; // weight has been allcated by framework
std::cout << "create OpenCL Kernel"; // weight/bias has been allcated by framework
auto *conv_kernel = new ConvolutionOpenCLKernel(reinterpret_cast<OpParameter *>(param), inputs, outputs);
std::vector<LiteKernel *> kernels{conv_kernel};
// freamework to do!!! allocate memory by hand
std::cout << "create SubGraphOpenCLKernel";
auto *sub_graph = new SubGraphOpenCLKernel({input_tensor}, outputs, kernels, kernels, kernels);
inputs[0]->MallocData(allocator); // allocate input memory by hand here, framework will do!!!
auto *sub_graph = new SubGraphOpenCLKernel({input_tensor}, outputs, {conv_kernel}, {conv_kernel}, {conv_kernel});
std::cout << "initialize input Tensors data"; // inputs has been allcated by sub_graph->Init()
LoadData(input_tensor->Data(), input_tensor->Size(), input_file);
LoadData(input_tensor->Data(), input_tensor->Size(), input_file); // initialize input Tensors data
printf("input[0] =%.3f\n", reinterpret_cast<float *>(input_tensor->Data())[0]);
printf("weight[0]=%.3f\n", reinterpret_cast<float *>(weight_tensor->Data())[0]);
printf("bias[0] =%.3f\n", reinterpret_cast<float *>(bias_tensor->Data())[0]);
std::cout << "sub_graph->Run()";
std::cout << "compare result";
@ -144,7 +137,7 @@ void TEST_MAIN(schema::Format input_format, schema::Format output_format, const
delete conv_kernel;
delete sub_graph;
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, in1x224x224x3_out1x112x112x32_k33_s22_p0101) {
@ -161,18 +154,53 @@ TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, in1x224x224x3_out1x112x112x32_k33_s22_p0101) {
// "1x1");
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_inputNHWC_1x16x256x96_outputNHWC_1x16x256x80) {
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_02_origin_inputNHWC_1x16x256x96_outputNHWC_1x16x256x80) {
TEST_MAIN(schema::Format_NHWC, schema::Format_NHWC4, "testcases/test_fp32/",
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_inputNHWC_1x16x256x100_outputNHWC_1x16x256x96) {
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_02_origin_inputNHWC_1x16x256x100_outputNHWC_1x16x256x96) {
TEST_MAIN(schema::Format_NHWC, schema::Format_NHWC4, "testcases/test_fp32/",
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_inputNHWC_1x480x480x128_outputNHWC_1x480x480x128) {
// TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_02_other_inputNHWC_1x32x512x1_outputNHWC_1x32x512x50) {
// TEST_MAIN(schema::Format_NHWC, schema::Format_NHWC4, "testcases/test_fp32/",
// "inputNHWC_1x32x512x1_outputNHWC_1x32x512x50_kernelHW_3x3_strideHW_1x1_padTopBottomLeftRight_1x1x1x1_"
// "dilationHW_1x1");
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_02_other_inputNHWC_1x32x512x50_outputNHWC_1x32x512x48) {
TEST_MAIN(schema::Format_NHWC, schema::Format_NHWC4, "testcases/02_fp32/",
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_02_other_inputNHWC_1x8x128x100_outputNHWC_1x8x128x250) {
TEST_MAIN(schema::Format_NHWC, schema::Format_NHWC4, "testcases/02_fp32/",
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_02_other_inputNHWC_1x8x128x100_outputNHWC_1x8x128x300) {
TEST_MAIN(schema::Format_NHWC, schema::Format_NHWC4, "testcases/02_fp32/",
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_02_other_inputNHWC_1x4x64x150_outputNHWC_1x4x64x350) {
TEST_MAIN(schema::Format_NHWC, schema::Format_NHWC4, "testcases/02_fp32/",
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_02_other_inputNHWC_1x4x64x150_outputNHWC_1x4x64x400) {
TEST_MAIN(schema::Format_NHWC, schema::Format_NHWC4, "testcases/02_fp32/",
TEST_F(TestConvolutionOpenCL, winograd_08_origin_inputNHWC_1x480x480x128_outputNHWC_1x480x480x128) {
TEST_MAIN(schema::Format_NHWC, schema::Format_NHWC4, "testcases/test_fp32/",
Reference in New Issue