!4539 add op fp16 transpose

Merge pull request !4539 from zhaozhenlong/lite/ops/fp16/transpose
This commit is contained in:
mindspore-ci-bot 2020-08-17 15:36:28 +08:00 committed by Gitee
commit 51a38c04e9
4 changed files with 439 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/runtime/kernel/arm/fp16/transpose_fp16.h"
#include <vector>
#include "src/runtime/kernel/arm/nnacl/fp16/transpose_fp16.h"
#include "schema/model_generated.h"
#include "src/kernel_registry.h"
#include "include/errorcode.h"
#include "src/runtime/runtime_api.h"
#include "nnacl/fp16/cast_fp16.h"
using mindspore::lite::KernelRegistrar;
using mindspore::lite::RET_ERROR;
using mindspore::lite::RET_OK;
using mindspore::lite::RET_OP_EXECUTE_FAILURE;
using mindspore::schema::PrimitiveType_Transpose;
namespace mindspore::kernel {
namespace {
constexpr int kTransposeInputNum = 1;
constexpr int kTransposeOutputNum = 1;
} // namespace
int TransposeFp16CPUKernel::Init() {
TransposeParameter *param = reinterpret_cast<TransposeParameter *>(this->op_parameter_);
num_unit_ = static_cast<int>(in_tensors_[kInputIndex]->shape().at(param->perm_[kNHWC_H]));
thread_h_num_ = MSMIN(thread_num_, num_unit_);
thread_h_stride_ = UP_DIV(num_unit_, thread_h_num_);
if (!InferShapeDone()) {
return RET_OK;
return ReSize();
int TransposeFp16CPUKernel::ReSize() {
auto &inTensor = in_tensors_.front();
auto &outTensor = out_tensors_.front();
auto param = reinterpret_cast<TransposeParameter *>(op_parameter_);
auto in_shape = inTensor->shape();
auto out_shape = outTensor->shape();
param->strides_[param->num_axes_ - 1] = 1;
param->out_strides_[param->num_axes_ - 1] = 1;
param->data_size_ = inTensor->Size();
for (int i = param->num_axes_ - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
param->strides_[i] = in_shape[i + 1] * param->strides_[i + 1];
param->out_strides_[i] = out_shape[i + 1] * param->out_strides_[i + 1];
if (fp16_in_data_ != nullptr) {
fp16_in_data_ = nullptr;
fp16_in_data_ = reinterpret_cast<float16_t *>(malloc(sizeof(float16_t) * inTensor->ElementsNum()));
if (fp16_out_data_ != nullptr) {
fp16_out_data_ = nullptr;
fp16_out_data_ = reinterpret_cast<float16_t *>(malloc(sizeof(float16_t) * outTensor->ElementsNum()));
return RET_OK;
int TransposeFp16CPUKernel::TransposeParallel(int task_id) {
int num_unit_thread = MSMIN(thread_h_stride_, num_unit_ - task_id * thread_h_stride_);
if (num_unit_thread <= 0) {
return RET_OK;
int thread_offset = task_id * thread_h_stride_;
TransposeParameter *param = reinterpret_cast<TransposeParameter *>(this->op_parameter_);
auto ret = DoTranspose(fp16_in_data_, fp16_out_data_, in_shape_, out_shape_, param, thread_offset,
thread_offset + num_unit_thread);
if (ret != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Transpose error task_id[" << task_id << "] error_code[" << ret << "]";
return RET_ERROR;
return RET_OK;
int TransposeRun(int task_id, LiteParallelGroupEnv *penv, void *cdata) {
auto g_kernel = reinterpret_cast<TransposeFp16CPUKernel *>(cdata);
auto ret = g_kernel->TransposeParallel(task_id);
if (ret != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "TransposeRun error task_id[" << task_id << "] error_code[" << ret << "]";
return RET_OK;
int TransposeFp16CPUKernel::Run() {
auto ret = Prepare();
if (ret != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Prepare fail!ret: " << ret;
return ret;
MS_ASSERT(in_tensors_.size() == TransposeInputNum);
MS_ASSERT(out_tensors_.size() == TransposeOutputNum);
auto &in_tensor = in_tensors_.front();
auto &out_tensor = out_tensors_.front();
if (in_tensor == nullptr || out_tensor == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "null pointer dreferencing.";
return RET_ERROR;
in_data_ = reinterpret_cast<float *>(in_tensor->Data());
out_data_ = reinterpret_cast<float *>(out_tensor->Data());
Float32ToFloat16(in_data_, fp16_in_data_, in_tensor->ElementsNum());
in_shape_ = const_cast<int *>(in_tensor->shape().data());
out_shape_ = const_cast<int *>(out_tensor->shape().data());
ret = LiteBackendParallelLaunch(TransposeRun, this, thread_h_num_);
if (ret != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Tranpose error error_code[" << ret << "]";
return ret;
Float16ToFloat32(fp16_out_data_, out_data_, out_tensor->ElementsNum());
return ret;
} // namespace mindspore::kernel
kernel::LiteKernel *CpuTransposeFp16KernelCreator(const std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> &inputs,
const std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> &outputs,
OpParameter *opParameter, const lite::Context *ctx,
const kernel::KernelKey &desc, const lite::Primitive *primitive) {
MS_ASSERT(desc.type == schema::PrimitiveType_Transpose);
if (opParameter == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "desc type is not Transpose";
return nullptr;
auto *kernel = new (std::nothrow) TransposeFp16CPUKernel(opParameter, inputs, outputs, ctx, primitive);
if (kernel == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "New kernel fails.";
return nullptr;
auto ret = kernel->Init();
if (ret != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Init kernel failed, name: " << opParameter->name_ << ", type: "
<< schema::EnumNamePrimitiveType(static_cast<schema::PrimitiveType>(opParameter->type_));
delete kernel;
return nullptr;
return kernel;
REG_KERNEL(kCPU, kNumberTypeFloat16, PrimitiveType_Transpose, CpuTransposeFp16KernelCreator)
} // namespace mindspore::kernel

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lite_kernel.h"
#include "src/kernel_factory.h"
namespace mindspore::kernel {
class TransposeFp16CPUKernel : public LiteKernel {
explicit TransposeFp16CPUKernel(OpParameter *param, const std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> &inputs,
const std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> &outputs, const lite::Context *ctx,
const lite::Primitive *primitive)
: LiteKernel(param, inputs, outputs, ctx, primitive), thread_num_(ctx->thread_num_) {}
~TransposeFp16CPUKernel() {
if (fp16_in_data_ != nullptr) {
fp16_in_data_ = nullptr;
if (fp16_out_data_ != nullptr) {
fp16_out_data_ = nullptr;
int Init() override;
int ReSize() override;
int Run() override;
int TransposeParallel(int task_id);
int thread_num_;
int thread_h_stride_;
int thread_h_num_;
int num_unit_;
float *in_data_;
float *out_data_;
float16_t *fp16_in_data_ = nullptr;
float16_t *fp16_out_data_ = nullptr;
int *in_shape_;
int *out_shape_;
} // namespace mindspore::kernel

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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "nnacl/fp16/transpose_fp16.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "nnacl/errorcode.h"
void TransposeDim2(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *strides, int *out_strides, int *perm,
int *output_shape, int h_start, int h_end) {
const int stride0 = strides[perm[0]];
const int stride1 = strides[perm[1]];
const int output0 = output_shape[0];
const int output1 = output_shape[1];
for (int i = 0; i < output0; ++i) {
int out_stride0_i = i * output1;
int stride0_i = i * 1 * stride0;
for (int j = 0; j < output1; ++j) {
out_data[out_stride0_i + j] = in_data[stride0_i + j * stride1];
void TransposeDim3(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *strides, int *out_strides, int *perm,
int *output_shape, int h_start, int h_end) {
const int stride0 = strides[perm[0]];
const int stride1 = strides[perm[1]];
const int stride2 = strides[perm[2]];
const int out_stride0 = out_strides[0];
const int out_stride1 = out_strides[1];
const int output0 = output_shape[0];
const int output1 = output_shape[1];
const int output2 = output_shape[2];
for (int i = 0; i < output0; ++i) {
int out_stride0_i = i * out_stride0;
int stride0_i = i * stride0;
for (int j = 0; j < output1; ++j) {
int out_stride1_j = j * out_stride1;
int stride1_j = j * stride1;
for (int k = 0; k < output2; ++k) {
out_data[out_stride0_i + out_stride1_j + k] = in_data[stride0_i + stride1_j + k * stride2];
void TransposeDim4(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *strides, int *out_strides, int *perm,
int *output_shape, int h_start, int h_end) {
const int stride0 = strides[perm[0]];
const int stride1 = strides[perm[1]];
const int stride2 = strides[perm[2]];
const int stride3 = strides[perm[3]];
const int out_stride0 = out_strides[0];
const int out_stride1 = out_strides[1];
const int out_stride2 = out_strides[2];
const int output0 = output_shape[0];
const int output1 = output_shape[1];
const int output2 = output_shape[2];
const int output3 = output_shape[3];
for (int i = 0; i < output0; ++i) {
int out_stride0_i = i * out_stride0;
int stride0_i = i * stride0;
for (int j = 0; j < output1; ++j) {
int out_stride1_j = j * out_stride1;
int stride1_j = j * stride1;
for (int k = 0; k < output2; ++k) {
int out_stride2_k = k * out_stride2;
int stride2_k = k * stride2;
for (int m = 0; m < output3; ++m) {
out_data[out_stride0_i + out_stride1_j + out_stride2_k + m] =
in_data[stride0_i + stride1_j + stride2_k + m * stride3];
void TransposeDim5(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *strides, int *out_strides, int *perm,
int *output_shape, int h_start, int h_end) {
const int stride0 = strides[perm[0]];
const int stride1 = strides[perm[1]];
const int stride2 = strides[perm[2]];
const int stride3 = strides[perm[3]];
const int stride4 = strides[perm[4]];
const int out_stride0 = out_strides[0];
const int out_stride1 = out_strides[1];
const int out_stride2 = out_strides[2];
const int out_stride3 = out_strides[3];
const int output0 = output_shape[0];
const int output1 = output_shape[1];
const int output2 = output_shape[2];
const int output3 = output_shape[3];
const int output4 = output_shape[4];
for (int i = 0; i < output0; ++i) {
int out_stride0_i = i * out_stride0;
int stride0_i = i * stride0;
for (int j = 0; j < output1; ++j) {
int out_stride1_j = j * out_stride1;
int stride1_j = j * stride1;
for (int k = 0; k < output2; ++k) {
int out_stride2_k = k * out_stride2;
int stride2_k = k * stride2;
for (int m = 0; m < output3; ++m) {
int out_stride3_m = m * out_stride3;
int stride3_m = m * stride3;
for (int n = 0; n < output4; ++n) {
out_data[out_stride0_i + out_stride1_j + out_stride2_k + out_stride3_m + n] =
in_data[stride0_i + stride1_j + stride2_k + stride3_m + n * stride4];
int DoTranspose(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *input_shape, int *output_shape,
TransposeParameter *transpose_param, int h_start, int h_end) {
if (in_data == NULL || out_data == NULL) {
return NNACL_ERR;
int *perm = transpose_param->perm_;
int *strides = transpose_param->strides_;
int *out_strides = transpose_param->out_strides_;
int data_size = transpose_param->data_size_;
int num_axes = transpose_param->num_axes_;
if (num_axes < 2 || num_axes > 5) {
return NNACL_ERR;
// check if transpose is needed
bool needTranspose = false;
for (int i = 1; i < num_axes; ++i) {
if (perm[i] - perm[i - 1] != 1) {
needTranspose = true;
if (!needTranspose) {
(void)memcpy(out_data, in_data, data_size);
return NNACL_OK;
if (num_axes == 2) {
TransposeDim2(in_data, out_data, strides, out_strides, perm, output_shape, h_start, h_end);
} else if (num_axes == 3) {
TransposeDim3(in_data, out_data, strides, out_strides, perm, output_shape, h_start, h_end);
} else if (num_axes == 4) {
TransposeDim4(in_data, out_data, strides, out_strides, perm, output_shape, h_start, h_end);
} else if (num_axes == 5) {
TransposeDim5(in_data, out_data, strides, out_strides, perm, output_shape, h_start, h_end);
return NNACL_OK;

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* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "nnacl/op_base.h"
#include <arm_neon.h>
typedef struct TransposeParameter {
OpParameter op_parameter_;
int perm_[8];
bool conjugate_;
int num_axes_;
int strides_[8];
int out_strides_[8];
int data_size_;
} TransposeParameter;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int DoTranspose(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *input_shape, int *output_shape,
TransposeParameter *transpose_param, int h_start, int h_end);
void TransposeDim2(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *strides, int *out_strides, int *perm,
int *output_shape, int h_start, int h_end);
void TransposeDim3(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *strides, int *out_strides, int *perm,
int *output_shape, int h_start, int h_end);
void TransposeDim4(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *strides, int *out_strides, int *perm,
int *output_shape, int h_start, int h_end);
void TransposeDim5(float16_t *in_data, float16_t *out_data, int *strides, int *out_strides, int *perm,
int *output_shape, int h_start, int h_end);
#ifdef __cplusplus