forked from mindspore-Ecosystem/mindspore
add find error operator in source code tool.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# 算子报错定位对应脚本源码
## 文档功能与适用场景
在MindSpore进行计算调试,遇到算子报错时,用户希望能够通过报错信息查找到对应的Python源码。现有的算子编译(PreCompileProcessFailed)和执行失败(run task error)只是将算子名字打印到终端,无法直接指出用户代码中算子调用处的行号。本文的主要目的为指导用户通过算子的报错信息,然后在ANF图文件里找到对应算子的源码。
此指导文档适合运行在 **Ascend硬件** 环境下的计算,且忽略算子融合场景和算子反向报错的情况。
## 解析流程与辅助工具使用
1. 查找对应源码行号的主要解析流程为:
① 获取报错算子的全称full_name(full_name由scope和算子名组成,scope名会以Default或Gradients开头,Default表示正向,Gradients表示反向,这里我们只关注Default的情况)。
② 获取报错算子的输入输出属性等信息。
③ 通过full_name和输入输出信息在[0-10]_py_pre_ad.dat(优先)或[0-10]_validate.dat文件中找到对应的算子和对应的代码行号。
2. 算子报错时使用脚本的3步操作:
① 用户在训练脚本里设置context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, save_graphs=True),进行图文件的保存。
② 用户在执行代码时将日志信息定向到文件中,使用方法为:python &> log_name &
③ 通过辅助脚本解析报错算子全称、输入输出信息,同时尝试查找对应代码行号。
脚本名: ****
--log_path [the path of log, default is the current path](option)
--log_name [the file name of log](required, log_name)
3. 解析效果
① 全匹配(算子名称、输入输出的shape与dtype都匹配时):
[INFO] Detect "task exception error". 【检测报错类型】
[INFO] Find operation 1 times! 【在python源码中查找匹配到的次数】
[INFO] In file return self.mul(x, y) 【查找到的文件名、行号与该行号的代码内容】
[INFO] Exception operator is "Default/Mul". 【出错的算子】
[INFO] Have 2 input in operator: 【该出错算子有2个输入】
input 1/1th: dtype is float16, shape is [526338, 21]. 【第一个输入的dtype和shape,1/1th表示第一个输入的第1个值】
input 1/2th: dtype is float16, shape is [526338, 1]. 【第二个输入的dtype和shape】
[INFO] Have 1 output in operator: 【该出错算子有1个输出】
output 1/1th: dtype is float16, shape is [526338, 21]. 【第一个输出的dtype和shape,1/1th表示第一个输出的第1个值】
② 单匹配(算子名称匹配、但只匹配输入或输出的shape与dtype都匹配时):
[INFO] Detect "compile error". 【检测报错类型】
[INFO] Find operation 1 times! 【在python源码中查找匹配到的次数】
[INFO] In file return 【查找到的文件名、行号与该行号的代码内容】
[INFO] Exception operator is "Default/Split". 【出错的算子】
[INFO] Have 1 input in operator: 【该出错算子有1个输入】
input 1/1th: dtype is float32, shape is [32, 192, 56, 56]. 【第一个输入的dtype和shape,1/1th表示第一个输入的第1个值】
[WARNING] Cannot match output information! Please check whether the operator's output is: 【输出未完全匹配告警】
[INFO] Have 1 output in operator: 【该出错算子有1个输出】
output 1/1th: dtype is float32, shape is [32, 6, 56, 56]. 【第一个输出的dtype和shape,1/1th表示第一个输出的第1个值】
output 2/1th: dtype is float32, shape is [32, 6, 56, 56]. 【第一个输出的dtype和shape,2/1th表示第一个输出的第2个值】
output 3/1th: dtype is float32, shape is [32, 6, 56, 56]. 【第一个输出的dtype和shape,3/1th表示第一个输出的第3个值】
③ 未匹配(未匹配到算子名称,或者匹配算子名称但输入输出未匹配时):
[INFO] Detect "task exception error". 【检测报错类型】
[WARNING] Cannot find operation! Need to find in the script based on the following information: 【未在源码中匹配到算子告警】
[INFO] Exception operator full name is "Default/test". 【出错的算子】
[INFO] Have 2 input in operator: 【该出错算子有2个输入】
input 1/1th: dtype is float16, shape is [526338, 21]. 【第一个输入的dtype和shape,1/1th表示第一个输入的第1个值】
input 1/2th: dtype is float16, shape is [526338, 1]. 【第二个输入的dtype和shape】
[INFO] Have 1 output in operator: 【该出错算子有1个输出】
output 1/1th: dtype is float16, shape is [526338, 21]. 【第一个输出的dtype和shape,1/1th表示第一个输出的第1个值】
[WARNING] Do you want to research in source code? set source code path to research or press enter to research in current path, input n/no to exit.
Input: 【未匹配到代码时会提示是否在脚本中进行搜索,n/no表示不搜索,传入代码路径在指定路径搜索,回车默认表示当前路径搜索】
4. 手动代码查找
举个例子说明如何手动在代码中查找指定full_name和shape的算子,例如full_name为: Default/network/network/aspp/aspp_pooling/ResizeNearestNeighbor,输入的shape为[8, 256, 1, 1], dtype为float32。
可以观察到其scope为: Default/network/network/aspp/aspp_pooling,算子名为: ResizeNearestNeighbor。注意:scope中会存在Default、network自动填充,Default表示正向,network为网络名。
查看以下用户定义的代码,首先我们先分析scope: Default/network/network/aspp/aspp_pooling。由network/aspp可定位到算子的定义与调用处分别为26行与31行,继续由network/aspp/aspp_pooling,可以定位到定义与调用处分别为4行与8行,然后通过算子名ResizeNearestNeighbor可以定位至定义与调用处分别为16行与19行。最后若存在相同scope下存在相同的算子名时,需要通过输入的shape和dtype进行进一步判断。
1 class ASPP(nn.Cell):
2 def __init__(self):
3 super(ASPP, self).__init__()
4 self.aspp_pooling = ASPPPooling()
5 self.drop = nn.Dropout(0.3)
7 def construct(self, x):
8 x5 = self.aspp_pooling(x)
9 x = self.drop(x)
10 return x
12 class ASPPPooling(nn.Cell):
13 def __init__(self):
14 super(ASPPPooling, self).__init__()
15 self.shape = P.Shape()
16 self.resizenearestneighbor = P.ResizeNearestNeighbor((size[2], size[3]), True)
17 def construct(self, x):
18 size = self.shape(x)
19 out = self.resizenearestneighbor(out)
20 return out
22 # 主结构
23 class DeepLabV3(nn.Cell):
24 def __init__(self, phase='train', num_classes=21, output_stride=16, freeze_bn=False):
25 super(DeepLabV3, self).__init__()
26 self.aspp = ASPP()
27 self.shape = P.Shape()
29 def construct(self, x):
30 size = self.shape(x)
31 out = self.aspp(out)
32 return out
@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=UTF-8
# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""find error operator in code"""
import os
import json
import argparse
# step 1: get error_full_name, error_kernel_name, error_context, and trace_back_log.
def get_log_error_and_traceback(log_file):
get error_full_name, error_kernel_name, error_context, and trace_back_log.
with open(log_file, 'r+') as log:
log_context_list = log.readlines()
# get error log, error full_name, kernel_name, stream_id and task_id in log
task_stream_log = []
error_context = ""
error_stream_id = ""
error_task_id = ""
error_kernel_name = ""
for log_context in log_context_list:
if "stream_id" in log_context and "task_id" in log_context:
if "[ERROR]" not in log_context:
error_context = error_context + log_context
if "fault kernel_name" in log_context and "stream_id" in log_context and "task_id" in log_context:
error_stream_id = log_context.split("stream_id")[-1].split(",")[0].split("=")[-1]
error_task_id = log_context.split("task_id")[-1].split(",")[0].split("=")[-1]
error_kernel_name = log_context.split("kernel_name")[-1].split(",")[0].split("=")[-1]
# get full name
error_full_name = ""
for task_stream in task_stream_log:
if "[ERROR]" in task_stream:
if "stream_id:" + error_stream_id in task_stream and "task_id:" + error_task_id in task_stream:
error_full_name = task_stream.split("ask name:")[-1].split(" ")[0]
if error_full_name == "":
exit("[ERROR] Find full name in task exception need to "
"set the log level to warning at least [export GLOG_v=2].")
# get Traceback log
log_context_str = "".join(log_context_list)
trace_back_log = "Traceback" + log_context_str.split("Traceback")[-1]
return error_full_name, error_kernel_name, error_context, trace_back_log
# step 2.1: get error operator shape and dytpe in kernel_meta.
def get_shape_dtyep_in_kernel_meta(log_file_path, kernel_meta):
get error operator shape and dytpe in kernel_meta.
error_full_name, error_kernel_name, _, _ = get_log_error_and_traceback(log_file_path)
# the hash value of error kernel name
oper_info_dict = {}
error_kernel_name_file = error_kernel_name.split("__kernel")[0] + ".info"
error_kernel_name_file_path = os.path.join(kernel_meta, error_kernel_name_file)
with open(error_kernel_name_file_path, 'r+') as kernel_info:
kernel_info_str = kernel_info.readline()
kernel_info_json = json.loads(kernel_info_str)
oper_info_dict["full_name"] = error_full_name
oper_info_dict["inputs"] = kernel_info_json["inputs"]
oper_info_dict["input_num"] = len(kernel_info_json["inputs"])
oper_info_dict["outputs"] = kernel_info_json["outputs"]
oper_info_dict["output_num"] = len(oper_info_dict["outputs"])
return oper_info_dict
# step 2.2: get error operator shape and dytpe in tbe compile.
def get_shape_dtyep_in_tbe_compile(tbe_compile_log):
get error operator shape and dytpe in tbe compile.
oper_info = ""
oper_info_dict = {}
with open(tbe_compile_log, 'r+') as log:
log_context_list = log.readlines()
for compile_log in log_context_list:
if compile_log.startswith("input_args:"):
oper_info = compile_log.split("input_args:")[-1]
oper_info_json = json.loads(oper_info)
oper_info_dict["full_name"] = oper_info_json["full_name"]
oper_info_dict["inputs"] = oper_info_json["op_info"]["inputs"]
oper_info_dict["input_num"] = len(oper_info_dict["inputs"])
oper_info_dict["outputs"] = oper_info_json["op_info"]["outputs"]
oper_info_dict["output_num"] = len(oper_info_dict["outputs"])
return oper_info_dict
# step 3: show full name, input_ouput_atts info and the line in source code.
def read_all_source_code(full_name):
research operation in source code
code_path = input("[WARNING] Do you want to research in source code? set source code path to research or "
"press enter to research in current path, input n/no to exit.\nInput: ")
if code_path.lower() == "n" or code_path.lower() == "no":
exit("[INFO] Exit.")
code_path = code_path
if code_path == '':
code_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
print("[INFO] Research in {}".format(code_path))
current_script_file = os.path.basename(__file__)
last_scope = full_name.split("/")[-2]
oper_name = full_name.split("/")[-1]
find_name = last_scope if last_scope not in ("Default", "network") else oper_name
source_code_file = []
for code_path, _, file_list in os.walk(code_path):
for file_name in file_list:
if file_name.endswith(".py") and file_name != current_script_file:
code_file_path = os.path.join(code_path, file_name)
find_code_flag = False
for code_file_path in source_code_file:
with open(code_file_path, 'r+') as code:
code_context_list = code.readlines()
for line, code_context in enumerate(code_context_list):
if find_name in code_context:
find_code_flag = True
print("[INFO] find in {}\nLine: {}\nCode: {}\n".format(code_file_path, line + 1, code_context))
if not find_code_flag:
exit("[WARNING] Cannot find error operation in source code!")
def dtype_map(tensor_dtype, oper_name):
type map dict
dtype_dict = {"F8": "float8", "F16": "float16", "F32": "float32", "F64": "float64",
"I8": "int8", "I16": "int16", "I32": "int32", "I64": "int64",
"U8": "uint8", "U16": "uint16", "U32": "uint32", "U64": "uint64",
"TypeType": "TypeType", "Bool": "bool"}
if tensor_dtype not in dtype_dict:
if len(tensor_dtype) <= 10:
print("[WARNING] Type convert fail! {} not in dtype map in operator {}.".format(tensor_dtype, oper_name))
return tensor_dtype
return dtype_dict[tensor_dtype]
def operator_check(operator_name):
check operator name
block_list = ["tuple_getitem", "make_tuple", "Depend", "GetNext"]
return operator_name in block_list
def convert_validate_operator_info(input_tensor_str, oper_name, val_context):
convert operator info of validate.dat file
tensor_dtype, tensor_shape = "", ""
if "Tuple" in input_tensor_str:
elif "Ref[" in input_tensor_str:
tensor_dtype = dtype_map(input_tensor_str.split("sor(")[-1].split(")][")[0], oper_name)
tensor_shape = "[" + input_tensor_str.split(")][")[-1].split("]")[0] + "]"
tensor_dtype = dtype_map(input_tensor_str.split("sor(")[-1].split(")[")[0], oper_name)
tensor_shape = "[" + input_tensor_str.split(")[")[-1].split("]")[0] + "]"
if tensor_dtype == "TypeType":
tensor_dtype = dtype_map(val_context.split("DstT=")[-1].split(", ")[0], oper_name)
return tensor_dtype, tensor_shape
def get_operator_info(val_context, input_info_dict):
get full name, input shape and type from validate file
if "PrimitivePy::" in val_context:
oper_name = val_context.split("PrimitivePy::")[-1].split("@")[0].strip()
elif "Primitive" in val_context:
oper_name = val_context.split("Primitive::")[-1].split("(%")[0].strip()
scope_name = val_context.split("#scope:")[-1].split("#")[0].strip()
input_info = val_context.split("#scope:")[0].split("#")[-1].strip()
full_name = scope_name + "/" + oper_name
if "Tuple" in input_info:
input_info_dict["tuple_input"] = input_info
input_info_dict["tuple_input_name"] = full_name
input_info_list = input_info.lstrip("(").rstrip(")").split(", T")
input_info_dict["input_num"] = len(input_info_list)
output_info = val_context.split(" = Primitive")[0].split(":")[-1].strip()
if "Tuple" in output_info:
input_info_dict["tuple_output"] = output_info
input_info_dict["tuple_output_name"] = full_name
output_info_list = output_info.lstrip("(").rstrip(")").split(", T")
input_info_dict["output_num"] = len(output_info_list)
if not operator_check(oper_name):
for i, input_tensor_str in enumerate(input_info_list):
if i > 0: input_tensor_str = "T" + input_tensor_str
tensor_dtype, tensor_shape = convert_validate_operator_info(input_tensor_str, oper_name, val_context)
input_info_dict["input_" + str(i)] = [tensor_dtype, tensor_shape]
for i, output_tensor_str in enumerate(output_info_list):
if i > 0: output_tensor_str = "T" + output_tensor_str
tensor_dtype, tensor_shape = convert_validate_operator_info(output_tensor_str, oper_name, val_context)
input_info_dict["output_" + str(i)] = [tensor_dtype, tensor_shape]
input_info_dict["full_name"] = full_name
return input_info_dict
def py_pre_ad_parse(val_file):
parse the validate file and get code line
oper_start_info_num = 0
oper_end_char_flag = False
oper_start_char_flag = False
input_dict = {}
with open(val_file, 'r+') as val:
val_context_list = val.readlines()
input_info_dict = {}
for val_context in val_context_list:
val_context = val_context.strip()
if val_context.startswith(") {"):
oper_start_char_flag = True
oper_end_char_flag = False
if val_context == "}":
oper_end_char_flag = True
oper_start_info_flag = False
if val_context.startswith("%") and val_context[1].isdigit():
input_info_dict = {}
oper_start_info_num += 1
oper_start_info_flag = True
if oper_start_char_flag and not oper_end_char_flag:
if oper_start_info_num >= 1 and oper_start_info_flag:
if "PrimitivePy::" in val_context or "Primitive" in val_context:
input_info_dict = get_operator_info(val_context, input_info_dict)
if "In file" not in val_context or "in_file" in input_info_dict:
input_info_dict["in_file"] = val_context.split("#")[-1].strip().rstrip("/")
input_dict[oper_start_info_num] = input_info_dict
return input_dict
def show_input_output_info(kernel_info_json, show_name):
print input or ouput info to stdout
if show_name + "_num" in kernel_info_json:
print("[INFO] Have {} {} in operator:".format(kernel_info_json[show_name + "_num"], show_name))
for i in range(kernel_info_json[show_name + "_num"]):
for j in range(len(kernel_info_json[show_name + "s"][i])):
if "ori_shape" not in kernel_info_json[show_name + "s"][i][j] and "dtype" not in \
kernel_info_json[show_name + "s"][i][j]:
print(" {} {}/{}th: {}.".format(show_name, j + 1, i + 1,
kernel_info_json[show_name + "s"][i][j]))
kernel_dtype = kernel_info_json[show_name + "s"][i][j].setdefault("dtype", None)
kernel_shape = str(kernel_info_json[show_name + "s"][i][j].setdefault("ori_shape", None))
print(" {} {}/{}th: dtype is {}, shape is {}.".format(show_name, j + 1, i + 1,
kernel_dtype, kernel_shape))
def show_error_operator_info(val_file, kernel_info_json):
find error operator
error_full_name = kernel_info_json["full_name"].split("-op")[0]
input_dict = py_pre_ad_parse(val_file)
find_num = 0
for _, oper_info in input_dict.items():
if oper_info["full_name"] != error_full_name:
if kernel_info_json["input_num"] > oper_info["input_num"] \
or kernel_info_json["output_num"] > oper_info["output_num"]:
find_oper_input = True
for i in range(kernel_info_json["input_num"]):
for j in range(len(kernel_info_json["inputs"][i])):
kernel_dtype = kernel_info_json["inputs"][i][j].setdefault("dtype", None)
kernel_shape = str(kernel_info_json["inputs"][i][j].setdefault("ori_shape", None))
validate_dtype = oper_info["input_" + str(i)][0]
validate_shape = oper_info["input_" + str(i)][1]
if kernel_shape != validate_shape or kernel_dtype != validate_dtype:
find_oper_input = False
find_oper_output = True
for i in range(kernel_info_json["output_num"]):
for j in range(len(kernel_info_json["outputs"][i])):
kernel_dtype = kernel_info_json["outputs"][i][j].setdefault("dtype", None)
kernel_shape = str(kernel_info_json["outputs"][i][j].setdefault("ori_shape", None))
validate_dtype = oper_info["output_" + str(i)][0]
validate_shape = oper_info["output_" + str(i)][1]
if kernel_shape != validate_shape or kernel_dtype != validate_dtype:
find_oper_output = False
if find_oper_input or find_oper_output:
find_num += 1
print("[INFO] Find operation {} times!".format(find_num))
print("[INFO] {}".format(oper_info["in_file"]))
print("[INFO] Exception operator is \"{}\".".format(error_full_name))
if not find_oper_input:
print("[WARNING] Cannot match input information! Please check whether the operator's input is:")
show_input_output_info(kernel_info_json, "input")
if not find_oper_output:
print("[WARNING] Cannot match output information! Please check whether the operator's output is:")
show_input_output_info(kernel_info_json, "output")
if find_num == 0:
print("[WARNING] Cannot find operation! Need to find in the script based on the following information:")
print("[INFO] Exception operator full name is \"{}\".".format(error_full_name))
show_input_output_info(kernel_info_json, "input")
show_input_output_info(kernel_info_json, "output")
def get_task_type(log_file):
get the error type
with open(log_file, 'r+') as log:
log_context_list = log.readlines()
for log_context in log_context_list:
if "PreCompileProcessFailed" in log_context:
return "compile"
if "run task error" in log_context:
return "exception"
return None
def start_find(log_file_path, code_line_file_path, kernel_meta_path):
start find error operation in code.
task = get_task_type(log_file_path)
if task == "exception":
print("[INFO] Detect \"task exception error\".")
kernel_info_json = get_shape_dtyep_in_kernel_meta(log_file_path, kernel_meta_path)
show_error_operator_info(code_line_file_path, kernel_info_json)
elif task == "compile":
print("[INFO] Detect \"compile error\".")
the_kernel_json = get_shape_dtyep_in_tbe_compile(log_file_path)
show_error_operator_info(code_line_file_path, the_kernel_json)
exit("[ERROR] Currently only support task exception or tbe compile error!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Show error info')
parser.add_argument('--log_path', '-p', type=str.lower, default="", help='log file path (option)')
parser.add_argument('--log_name', '-n', type=str.lower, default="", required=True, help='log file name')
args_opt = parser.parse_args()
current_path = args_opt.log_path
if current_path == "":
print("[WARNING] No log_path parameter, use current path as log path.")
current_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
log_name_file = os.path.join(current_path, args_opt.log_name)
kernel_meta_file = os.path.join(current_path, "kernel_meta")
code_line_file = ""
for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(current_path)):
if "_validate.dat" in filename:
code_line_file = filename
if "_py_pre_ad.dat" in filename:
code_line_file = filename
if code_line_file == "":
exit("[ERROR] Please set \"save_graphs=True\" in context to save py_pre_ad.dat or validate.dat file!")
code_line_file = os.path.join(current_path, code_line_file)
start_find(log_name_file, code_line_file, kernel_meta_file)
Reference in New Issue