!9206 fix memory exceed bug in Robustness and ValueError in Occlusion.

From: @yuhanshi
This commit is contained in:
mindspore-ci-bot 2020-12-01 15:17:34 +08:00 committed by Gitee
commit ecc9f00c3c
4 changed files with 111 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -22,15 +22,14 @@ from ..._utils import calc_correlation
class ClassSensitivity(LabelAgnosticMetric):
Class sensitivity metric used to evaluate attribution-based explanations.
Reasonable atrribution-based explainers are expected to generate distinct saliency maps for different labels,
especially for labels of highest confidence and low confidence. Class sensitivity evaluates the explainer through
especially for labels of highest confidence and low confidence. ClassSensitivity evaluates the explainer through
computing the correlation between saliency maps of highest-confidence and lowest-confidence labels. Explainer with
better class sensitivity will receive lower correlation score. To make the evaluation results intuitive, the
returned score will take negative on correlation and normalize.
def evaluate(self, explainer, inputs):
@ -46,12 +45,18 @@ class ClassSensitivity(LabelAgnosticMetric):
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore.explainer.benchmark import ClassSensitivity
>>> from mindspore.explainer.explanation import Gradient
>>> model = resnet(10)
>>> gradient = Gradient(model)
>>> x = ms.Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224), ms.float32)
>>> from mindspore.train.serialization import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net
>>> # prepare your network and load the trained checkpoint file, e.g., resnet50.
>>> network = resnet50(10)
>>> param_dict = load_checkpoint("resnet50.ckpt")
>>> load_param_into_net(network, param_dict)
>>> # prepare your explainer to be evaluated, e.g., Gradient.
>>> gradient = Gradient(network)
>>> input_x = ms.Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224), ms.float32)
>>> class_sensitivity = ClassSensitivity()
>>> res = class_sensitivity.evaluate(gradient, x)
>>> res = class_sensitivity.evaluate(gradient, input_x)
self._check_evaluate_param(explainer, inputs)

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class Robustness(LabelSensitiveMetric):
num_labels (int): Number of classes in the dataset.
>>> # Initialize a Robustness benchmarker passing num_labels of the dataset.
>>> from mindspore.explainer.benchmark import Robustness
>>> num_labels = 100
>>> robustness = Robustness(num_labels)
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ class Robustness(LabelSensitiveMetric):
self._perturb = RandomPerturb()
self._num_perturbations = 100 # number of perturbations used in evaluation
self._num_perturbations = 10 # number of perturbations used in evaluation
self._threshold = 0.1 # threshold to generate perturbation
self._activation_fn = activation_fn
@ -68,12 +69,17 @@ class Robustness(LabelSensitiveMetric):
ValueError: If batch_size is larger than 1.
>>> # init an explainer, the network should contain the output activation function.
>>> from mindspore.explainer.explanation import Gradient
>>> from mindspore.explainer.benchmark import Robustness
>>> from mindspore.train.serialization import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net
>>> # prepare your network and load the trained checkpoint file, e.g., resnet50.
>>> network = resnet50(10)
>>> param_dict = load_checkpoint("resnet50.ckpt")
>>> load_param_into_net(network, param_dict)
>>> # prepare your explainer to be evaluated, e.g., Gradient.
>>> gradient = Gradient(network)
>>> input_x = ms.Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224), ms.float32)
>>> target_label = 5
>>> target_label = ms.Tensor([0], ms.int32)
>>> robustness = Robustness(num_labels=10)
>>> res = robustness.evaluate(gradient, input_x, target_label)
@ -84,39 +90,48 @@ class Robustness(LabelSensitiveMetric):
inputs_np = inputs.asnumpy()
if isinstance(targets, int):
targets = ms.Tensor(targets, ms.int32)
targets = ms.Tensor([targets], ms.int32)
if saliency is None:
saliency = explainer(inputs, targets)
saliency_np = saliency.asnumpy()
norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(saliency_np), axis=tuple(range(1, len(saliency_np.shape)))))
if norm == 0:
if (norm == 0).any():
log.warning('Get saliency norm equals 0, robustness return NaN for zero-norm saliency currently.')
return np.array([np.nan])
norm[norm == 0] = np.nan
perturbations = []
for sample in inputs_np:
sample = np.expand_dims(sample, axis=0)
perturbations_per_input = []
for _ in range(self._num_perturbations):
perturbation = self._perturb(sample)
perturbations_per_input = np.vstack(perturbations_per_input)
perturbations = np.stack(perturbations, axis=0)
perturbations = np.reshape(perturbations, (-1,) + inputs_np.shape[1:])
perturbations = ms.Tensor(perturbations, ms.float32)
repeated_targets = np.repeat(targets.asnumpy(), repeats=self._num_perturbations, axis=0)
repeated_targets = ms.Tensor(repeated_targets, ms.int32)
saliency_of_perturbations = explainer(perturbations, repeated_targets)
perturbations_saliency = saliency_of_perturbations.asnumpy()
repeated_saliency = np.repeat(saliency_np, repeats=self._num_perturbations, axis=0)
sensitivities = np.sum((repeated_saliency - perturbations_saliency) ** 2,
axis=tuple(range(1, len(repeated_saliency.shape))))
max_sensitivity = np.max(sensitivities.reshape((norm.shape[0], -1)), axis=1) / norm
model = nn.SequentialCell([explainer.model, self._activation_fn])
original_outputs = model(inputs).asnumpy()
sensitivities = []
for _ in range(self._num_perturbations):
perturbations = []
for j, sample in enumerate(inputs_np):
perturbation_on_single_sample = self._perturb_with_threshold(model,
np.expand_dims(sample, axis=0),
perturbations = np.vstack(perturbations)
perturbations_saliency = explainer(ms.Tensor(perturbations, ms.float32), targets).asnumpy()
sensitivity = np.sum((perturbations_saliency - saliency_np) ** 2,
axis=tuple(range(1, len(saliency_np.shape))))
sensitivities = np.stack(sensitivities, axis=-1)
max_sensitivity = np.max(sensitivities, axis=1) / norm
robustness_res = 1 / np.exp(max_sensitivity)
return robustness_res
def _perturb_with_threshold(self, model: nn.Cell, sample: np.ndarray, original_output: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Generate the perturbation until the L2-distance between original_output and perturbation_output is lower than
the given self._threshold or until the attempt reaches the max_attempt_time.
# the maximum time attempt to get a perturbation with perturb_error low than self._threshold
max_attempt_time = 3
perturbation = None
for _ in range(max_attempt_time):
perturbation = self._perturb(sample)
perturbation_output = self._activation_fn(model(ms.Tensor(sample, ms.float32))).asnumpy()
perturb_error = np.linalg.norm(original_output - perturbation_output)
if perturb_error <= self._threshold:
return perturbation
return perturbation

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@ -14,14 +14,11 @@
# ============================================================================
"""Occlusion explainer."""
import math
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
import mindspore as ms
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore import Tensor
from .ablation import Ablation
from .perturbation import PerturbationAttribution
from .replacement import Constant
@ -62,8 +59,8 @@ class Occlusion(PerturbationAttribution):
network (Cell): Specify the black-box model to be explained.
inputs (Tensor): The input data to be explained, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
targets (Tensor, int): The label of interest. It should be a 1D or 0D tensor, or an integer.
- **inputs** (Tensor) - The input data to be explained, a 4D tensor of shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
- **targets** (Tensor, int) - The label of interest. It should be a 1D or 0D tensor, or an integer.
If it is a 1D tensor, its length should be the same as `inputs`.
@ -72,13 +69,15 @@ class Occlusion(PerturbationAttribution):
>>> from mindspore.explainer.explanation import Occlusion
>>> from mindspore.train.serialization import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net
>>> # prepare your network and load the trained checkpoint file, e.g., resnet50.
>>> network = resnet50(10)
>>> param_dict = load_checkpoint("resnet50.ckpt")
>>> load_param_into_net(network, param_dict)
>>> # initialize Occlusion explainer and pass the pretrained model
>>> occlusion = Occlusion(network)
>>> x = Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224), ms.float32)
>>> label = 1
>>> saliency = occlusion(x, label)
>>> input_x = ms.Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224), ms.float32)
>>> label = ms.Tensor([1], ms.int32)
>>> saliency = occlusion(input_x, label)
def __init__(self, network, activation_fn=nn.Softmax()):
@ -88,62 +87,63 @@ class Occlusion(PerturbationAttribution):
self._aggregation_fn = abs_max
self._get_replacement = Constant(base_value=0.0)
self._num_sample_per_dim = 32 # specify the number of perturbations each dimension.
self._num_per_eval = 32 # number of perturbations each evaluation step.
self._num_per_eval = 2 # number of perturbations generate for each sample per evaluation step.
def __call__(self, inputs, targets):
"""Call function for 'Occlusion'."""
self._verify_data(inputs, targets)
inputs = inputs.asnumpy()
targets = targets.asnumpy() if isinstance(targets, Tensor) else np.array([targets] * inputs.shape[0], np.int)
inputs_np = inputs.asnumpy()
targets_np = targets.asnumpy() if isinstance(targets, ms.Tensor) else np.array([targets], np.int)
# If spatial size of input data is smaller than self._num_sample_per_dim, window_size and strides will set to
# `(C, 3, 3)` and `(C, 1, 1)` separately.
window_size = tuple(
+ [x % self._num_sample_per_dim if x > self._num_sample_per_dim else 3 for x in inputs.shape[2:]])
strides = tuple(
+ [x // self._num_sample_per_dim if x > self._num_sample_per_dim else 1 for x in inputs.shape[2:]])
batch_size = inputs_np.shape[0]
window_size, strides = self._get_window_size_and_strides(inputs_np)
model = nn.SequentialCell([self._model, self._activation_fn])
original_outputs = model(Tensor(inputs, ms.float32)).asnumpy()[np.arange(len(targets)), targets]
original_outputs = model(ms.Tensor(inputs, ms.float32)).asnumpy()[np.arange(batch_size), targets_np]
total_attribution = np.zeros_like(inputs)
weights = np.ones_like(inputs)
masks = Occlusion._generate_masks(inputs, window_size, strides)
total_attribution = np.zeros_like(inputs_np)
weights = np.ones_like(inputs_np)
masks = Occlusion._generate_masks(inputs_np, window_size, strides)
num_perturbations = masks.shape[1]
original_outputs_repeat = np.repeat(original_outputs, repeats=num_perturbations, axis=0)
reference = self._get_replacement(inputs_np)
reference = self._get_replacement(inputs)
occluded_inputs = self._ablation(inputs, reference, masks)
targets_repeat = np.repeat(targets, repeats=num_perturbations, axis=0)
occluded_inputs = occluded_inputs.reshape((-1, *inputs.shape[1:]))
if occluded_inputs.shape[0] > self._num_per_eval:
cal_time = math.ceil(occluded_inputs.shape[0] / self._num_per_eval)
occluded_outputs = []
for i in range(cal_time):
occluded_input = occluded_inputs[i*self._num_per_eval
:min((i+1) * self._num_per_eval, occluded_inputs.shape[0])]
target = targets_repeat[i*self._num_per_eval
:min((i+1) * self._num_per_eval, occluded_inputs.shape[0])]
occluded_output = model(Tensor(occluded_input)).asnumpy()[np.arange(target.shape[0]), target]
occluded_outputs = np.concatenate(occluded_outputs)
occluded_outputs = model(Tensor(occluded_inputs)).asnumpy()[np.arange(len(targets_repeat)), targets_repeat]
outputs_diff = original_outputs_repeat - occluded_outputs
outputs_diff = outputs_diff.reshape(inputs.shape[0], -1)
total_attribution += (
outputs_diff.reshape(outputs_diff.shape + (1,) * (len(masks.shape) - 2)) * masks).sum(axis=1).clip(1e-6)
weights += masks.sum(axis=1)
attribution = self._aggregation_fn(Tensor(total_attribution / weights))
count = 0
while count < num_perturbations:
ith_masks = masks[:, count:min(count+self._num_per_eval, num_perturbations)]
actual_num_eval = ith_masks.shape[1]
num_samples = batch_size * actual_num_eval
occluded_inputs = self._ablation(inputs_np, reference, ith_masks)
occluded_inputs = occluded_inputs.reshape((-1, *inputs_np.shape[1:]))
targets_repeat = np.repeat(targets_np, repeats=actual_num_eval, axis=0)
occluded_outputs = model(
ms.Tensor(occluded_inputs, ms.float32)).asnumpy()[np.arange(num_samples), targets_repeat]
original_outputs_repeat = np.repeat(original_outputs, repeats=actual_num_eval, axis=0)
outputs_diff = original_outputs_repeat - occluded_outputs
total_attribution += (
outputs_diff.reshape(ith_masks.shape[:2] + (1,) * (len(masks.shape) - 2)) * ith_masks).sum(axis=1)
weights += ith_masks.sum(axis=1)
count += actual_num_eval
attribution = self._aggregation_fn(ms.Tensor(total_attribution / weights, ms.float32))
return attribution
def _get_window_size_and_strides(self, inputs):
Return window_size and strides.
# If spatial size of input data is smaller than self._num_sample_per_dim, window_size and strides will set to
# `(C, 3, 3)` and `(C, 1, 1)` separately. Otherwise, the window_size and strides will generated adaptively to
match self._num_sample_per_dim.
window_size = tuple(
+ [x // self._num_sample_per_dim if x > self._num_sample_per_dim else 3 for x in inputs.shape[2:]])
strides = tuple(
+ [x // self._num_sample_per_dim if x > self._num_sample_per_dim else 1 for x in inputs.shape[2:]])
return window_size, strides
def _generate_masks(inputs, window_size, strides):
"""Generate masks to perturb contiguous regions."""

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@ -72,3 +72,6 @@ class Attribution:
if len(targets.shape) > 1 or (len(targets.shape) == 1 and len(targets) != len(inputs)):
raise ValueError('Argument targets must be a 1D or 0D Tensor. If it is a 1D Tensor, '
'it should have the same length as inputs.')
elif inputs.shape[0] != 1:
raise ValueError('If targets have type of int, batch_size of inputs should equals 1. Receive batch_size {}'