!10341 new add mass and unet chinese readme.

From: @linqingke
Reviewed-by: @oacjiewen,@c_34
Signed-off-by: @c_34
This commit is contained in:
mindspore-ci-bot 2020-12-23 16:43:24 +08:00 committed by Gitee
commit ca182f0131
3 changed files with 1021 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
# 目录
<!-- TOC -->
- [目录](#目录)
- [U-Net说明](#u-net说明)
- [模型架构](#模型架构)
- [数据集](#数据集)
- [环境要求](#环境要求)
- [快速入门](#快速入门)
- [脚本说明](#脚本说明)
- [脚本及样例代码](#脚本及样例代码)
- [脚本参数](#脚本参数)
- [训练过程](#训练过程)
- [用法](#用法)
- [分布式训练](#分布式训练)
- [评估过程](#评估过程)
- [评估](#评估)
- [模型描述](#模型描述)
- [性能](#性能)
- [评估性能](#评估性能)
- [用法](#用法-1)
- [推理](#推理)
- [继续训练预训练模型](#继续训练预训练模型)
- [随机情况说明](#随机情况说明)
- [ModelZoo主页](#modelzoo主页)
<!-- /TOC -->
# U-Net说明
U-Net医学模型基于二维图像分割。实现方式见论文[UNetConvolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.04597)。在2015年ISBI细胞跟踪竞赛中U-Net获得了许多最佳奖项。论文中提出了一种用于医学图像分割的网络模型和数据增强方法有效利用标注数据来解决医学领域标注数据不足的问题。U型网络结构也用于提取上下文和位置信息。
[论文](https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.04597) Olaf Ronneberger, Philipp Fischer, Thomas Brox. "U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation." *conditionally accepted at MICCAI 2015*. 2015.
# 模型架构
# 数据集
使用的数据集: [ISBI Challenge](http://brainiac2.mit.edu/isbi_challenge/home)
- 说明训练和测试数据集为两组30节果蝇一龄幼虫腹神经索VNC的连续透射电子显微镜ssTEM数据集。微立方体的尺寸约为2 x 2 x 1.5微米分辨率为4x4x50纳米/像素。
- 许可证您可以免费使用这个数据集来生成或测试非商业图像分割软件。若科学出版物使用此数据集则必须引用TrakEM2和以下出版物 Cardona A, Saalfeld S, Preibisch S, Schmid B, Cheng A, Pulokas J, Tomancak P, Hartenstein V. 2010. An Integrated Micro- and Macroarchitectural Analysis of the Drosophila Brain by Computer-Assisted Serial Section Electron Microscopy. PLoS Biol 8(10): e1000502. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000502.
- 数据集大小22.5 MB
- 训练集15 MB30张图像训练数据包含2个多页TIF文件每个文件包含30张2D图像。train-volume.tif和train-labels.tif分别包含数据和标签。
- 验证集我们随机将训练数据分成5份通过5折交叉验证来评估模型。
- 测试集7.5 MB30张图像测试数据包含1个多页TIF文件文件包含30张2D图像。test-volume.tif包含数据。
- 数据格式二进制文件TIF
- 注意数据在src/data_loader.py中处理
# 环境要求
- 硬件Ascend
- 准备Ascend处理器搭建硬件环境。如需试用昇腾处理器请发送[申请表](https://obs-9be7.obs.cn-east-2.myhuaweicloud.com/file/other/Ascend%20Model%20Zoo%E4%BD%93%E9%AA%8C%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E7%94%B3%E8%AF%B7%E8%A1%A8.docx)至ascend@huawei.com审核通过即可获得资源。
- 框架
- [MindSpore](https://www.mindspore.cn/install)
- 如需查看详情,请参见如下资源:
- [MindSpore教程](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/zh-CN/master/index.html)
- [MindSpore Python API](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_python/zh-CN/master/index.html)
# 快速入门
- Ascend处理器环境运行
# 训练示例
python train.py --data_url=/path/to/data/ > train.log 2>&1 &
bash scripts/run_standalone_train.sh [DATASET]
# 分布式训练示例
bash scripts/run_distribute_train.sh [RANK_TABLE_FILE] [DATASET]
# 评估示例
python eval.py --data_url=/path/to/data/ --ckpt_path=/path/to/checkpoint/ > eval.log 2>&1 &
bash scripts/run_standalone_eval.sh [DATASET] [CHECKPOINT]
# 脚本说明
## 脚本及样例代码
├── model_zoo
├── README.md // 所有模型相关说明
├── unet
├── README.md // U-Net相关说明
├── scripts
│ ├──run_standalone_train.sh // Ascend分布式shell脚本
│ ├──run_standalone_eval.sh // Ascend评估shell脚本
├── src
│ ├──config.py // 参数配置
│ ├──data_loader.py // 创建数据集
│ ├──loss.py // 损失
│ ├──utils.py // 通用组件(回调函数)
│ ├──unet.py // U-Net架构
├──__init__.py // 初始化文件
├──unet_model.py // U-Net模型
├──unet_parts.py // U-Net部分
├── train.py // 训练脚本
├──launch_8p.py // 训练8P脚本
├── eval.py // 评估脚本
## 脚本参数
- U-Net配置ISBI数据集
'name': 'Unet', # 模型名称
'lr': 0.0001, # 学习率
'epochs': 400, # 运行1p时的总训练轮次
'distribute_epochs': 1600, # 运行8p时的总训练轮次
'batchsize': 16, # 训练批次大小
'cross_valid_ind': 1, # 交叉验证指标
'num_classes': 2, # 数据集类数
'num_channels': 1, # 通道数
'keep_checkpoint_max': 10, # 只保留最后一个keep_checkpoint_max检查点
'weight_decay': 0.0005, # 权重衰减值
'loss_scale': 1024.0, # 损失放大
'FixedLossScaleManager': 1024.0, # 固定损失放大
'resume': False, # 是否使用预训练模型训练
'resume_ckpt': './', # 预训练模型路径
## 训练过程
### 用法
- Ascend处理器环境运行
python train.py --data_url=/path/to/data/ > train.log 2>&1 &
bash scripts/run_standalone_train.sh [DATASET]
# grep "loss is " train.log
step: 1, loss is 0.7011719, fps is 0.25025035060906264
step: 2, loss is 0.69433594, fps is 56.77693756377044
step: 3, loss is 0.69189453, fps is 57.3293877244179
step: 4, loss is 0.6894531, fps is 57.840651522059716
step: 5, loss is 0.6850586, fps is 57.89903776054361
step: 6, loss is 0.6777344, fps is 58.08073627299014
step: 597, loss is 0.19030762, fps is 58.28088370287449
step: 598, loss is 0.19958496, fps is 57.95493929352674
step: 599, loss is 0.18371582, fps is 58.04039977720966
step: 600, loss is 0.22070312, fps is 56.99692546024671
### 分布式训练
bash scripts/run_distribute_train.sh [RANK_TABLE_FILE] [DATASET]
# grep "loss is" logs/device0/log.log
step: 1, loss is 0.70524895, fps is 0.15914689861221412
step: 2, loss is 0.6925452, fps is 56.43668656967454
step: 299, loss is 0.20551169, fps is 58.4039329983891
step: 300, loss is 0.18949677, fps is 57.63118508760329
## 评估过程
### 评估
- Ascend处理器环境运行评估ISBI数据集
python eval.py --data_url=/path/to/data/ --ckpt_path=/path/to/checkpoint/ > eval.log 2>&1 &
bash scripts/run_standalone_eval.sh [DATASET] [CHECKPOINT]
# grep "Cross valid dice coeff is:" eval.log
============== Cross valid dice coeff is: {'dice_coeff': 0.9085704886070473}
# 模型描述
## 性能
### 评估性能
| 参数 | Ascend |
| -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 模型版本 | U-Net |
| 资源 | Ascend 910CPU2.60GHz192核内存755 GB |
| 上传日期 | 2020-9-15 |
| MindSpore版本 | 1.0.0 |
| 数据集 | ISBI |
| 训练参数 | 1pc: epoch=400, total steps=600, batch_size = 16, lr=0.0001 |
| | 8pc: epoch=1600, total steps=300, batch_size = 16, lr=0.0001 |
| 优化器 | ADAM |
| 损失函数 | Softmax交叉熵 |
| 输出 | 概率 |
| 损失 | 0.22070312 |
| 速度 | 1卡267毫秒/步8卡280毫秒/步 |
| 总时长 | 1卡2.67分钟8卡1.40分钟 |
| 参数(M) | 93M |
| 微调检查点 | 355.11M (.ckpt文件) |
| 脚本 | [U-Net脚本](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/tree/master/model_zoo/official/cv/unet) |
## 用法
### 推理
如果您需要使用训练好的模型在Ascend 910、Ascend 310等多个硬件平台上进行推理上进行推理可参考此[链接](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/zh-CN/master/advanced_use/migrate_3rd_scripts.html)。下面是一个简单的操作步骤示例:
- Ascend处理器环境运行
# 设置上下文
device_id = int(os.getenv('DEVICE_ID'))
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="Ascend",save_graphs=True,device_id=device_id)
# 加载未知数据集进行推理
_, valid_dataset = create_dataset(data_dir, 1, 1, False, cross_valid_ind, False)
# 定义模型并加载预训练模型
net = UNet(n_channels=cfg['num_channels'], n_classes=cfg['num_classes'])
param_dict= load_checkpoint(ckpt_path)
load_param_into_net(net , param_dict)
criterion = CrossEntropyWithLogits()
model = Model(net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt, metrics={'acc'})
# 对未知数据集进行预测
print("============== Starting Evaluating ============")
dice_score = model.eval(valid_dataset, dataset_sink_mode=False)
print("============== Cross valid dice coeff is:", dice_score)
### 继续训练预训练模型
- Ascend处理器环境运行
# 定义模型
net = UNet(n_channels=cfg['num_channels'], n_classes=cfg['num_classes'])
if cfg['resume']:
param_dict = load_checkpoint(cfg['resume_ckpt'])
load_param_into_net(net, param_dict)
# 加载数据集
train_dataset, _ = create_dataset(data_dir, epochs, batch_size, True, cross_valid_ind, run_distribute)
train_data_size = train_dataset.get_dataset_size()
optimizer = nn.Adam(params=net.trainable_params(), learning_rate=lr, weight_decay=cfg['weight_decay'],
criterion = CrossEntropyWithLogits()
loss_scale_manager = mindspore.train.loss_scale_manager.FixedLossScaleManager(cfg['FixedLossScaleManager'], False)
model = Model(net, loss_fn=criterion, loss_scale_manager=loss_scale_manager, optimizer=optimizer, amp_level="O3")
# 设置回调
ckpt_config = CheckpointConfig(save_checkpoint_steps=train_data_size,
ckpoint_cb = ModelCheckpoint(prefix='ckpt_unet_medical_adam',
print("============== Starting Training ==============")
model.train(1, train_dataset, callbacks=[StepLossTimeMonitor(batch_size=batch_size), ckpoint_cb],
print("============== End Training ==============")
# 随机情况说明
# ModelZoo主页

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Contexts
<!-- TOC -->
@ -38,10 +38,9 @@
<!-- /TOC -->
# MASS: Masked Sequence to Sequence Pre-training for Language Generation Description
[MASS: Masked Sequence to Sequence Pre-training for Language Generation](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2019/06/MASS-paper-updated-002.pdf) was released by MicroSoft in June 2019.
[MASS: Masked Sequence to Sequence Pre-training for Language Generation](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2019/06/MASS-paper-updated-002.pdf) was released by MicroSoft in June 2019.
BERT(Devlin et al., 2018) have achieved SOTA in natural language understanding area by pre-training the encoder part of Transformer(Vaswani et al., 2017) with masked rich-resource text. Likewise, GPT(Raddford et al., 2018) pre-trains the decoder part of Transformer with masked(encoder inputs are masked) rich-resource text. Both of them build a robust language model by pre-training with masked rich-resource text.
@ -53,32 +52,31 @@ Inspired by BERT, GPT and other language models, MicroSoft addressed [MASS: Mask
# Model Architecture
The MASS network is implemented by Transformer, which has multi-encoder layers and multi-decoder layers.
For pre-training, we use the Adam optimizer and loss-scale to get the pre-trained model.
During fine-turning, we fine-tune this pre-trained model with different dataset according to different tasks.
During testing, we use the fine-turned model to predict the result, and adopt a beam search algorithm to
The MASS network is implemented by Transformer, which has multi-encoder layers and multi-decoder layers.
For pre-training, we use the Adam optimizer and loss-scale to get the pre-trained model.
During fine-turning, we fine-tune this pre-trained model with different dataset according to different tasks.
During testing, we use the fine-turned model to predict the result, and adopt a beam search algorithm to
get the most possible prediction results.
# Dataset
Note that you can run the scripts based on the dataset mentioned in original paper or widely used in relevant domain/network architecture. In the following sections, we will introduce how to run the scripts using the related dataset below.
Dataset used:
Dataset used:
- monolingual English data from News Crawl dataset(WMT 2019) for pre-training.
- Gigaword Corpus(Graff et al., 2003) for Text Summarization.
- Cornell movie dialog corpus(DanescuNiculescu-Mizil & Lee, 2011).
Details about those dataset could be found in [MASS: Masked Sequence to Sequence Pre-training for Language Generation](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2019/06/MASS-paper-updated-002.pdf).
# Features
Mass is designed to jointly pre train encoder and decoder to complete the task of language generation.
Mass is designed to jointly pre train encoder and decoder to complete the task of language generation.
First of all, through a sequence to sequence framework, mass only predicts the blocked token, which forces the encoder to understand the meaning of the unshielded token, and encourages the decoder to extract useful information from the encoder.
Secondly, by predicting the continuous token of the decoder, the decoder can build better language modeling ability than only predicting discrete token.
Third, by further shielding the input token of the decoder which is not shielded in the encoder, the decoder is encouraged to extract more useful information from the encoder side, rather than using the rich information in the previous token.
# Script description
MASS script and code structure are as follow:
@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ MASS script and code structure are as follow:
│ ├──config.py // Configuration instance definition.
│ ├──config.json // Configuration file.
├── src
│ ├──dataset
│ ├──dataset
│ ├──bi_data_loader.py // Dataset loader for fine-tune or inferring.
│ ├──mono_data_loader.py // Dataset loader for pre-training.
│ ├──language_model
@ -129,7 +127,7 @@ MASS script and code structure are as follow:
│ ├──run_gpu.sh // GPU train & evaluate model script.
│ ├──learn_subword.sh // Learn BPE codes.
│ ├──stop_training.sh // Stop training.
├── requirements.txt // Requirements of third party package.
├── requirements.txt // Requirements of third party package.
├── train.py // Train API entry.
├── eval.py // Infer API entry.
├── tokenize_corpus.py // Corpus tokenization.
@ -141,40 +139,40 @@ MASS script and code structure are as follow:
## Data Preparation
The data preparation of a natural language processing task contains data cleaning, tokenization, encoding and vocabulary generation steps.
In our experiments, using [Byte Pair Encoding(BPE)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.07909) could reduce size of vocabulary, and relieve the OOV influence effectively.
Vocabulary could be created using `src/utils/dictionary.py` with text dictionary which is learnt from BPE.
Vocabulary could be created using `src/utils/dictionary.py` with text dictionary which is learnt from BPE.
For more detail about BPE, please refer to [Subword-nmt lib](https://www.cnpython.com/pypi/subword-nmt) or [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.07909).
In our experiments, vocabulary was learned based on 1.9M sentences from News Crawl Dataset, size of vocabulary is 45755.
Here, we have a brief introduction of data preparation scripts.
### Tokenization
Using `tokenize_corpus.py` could tokenize corpus whose text files are in format of `.txt`.
Major parameters in `tokenize_corpus.py`:
--corpus_folder: Corpus folder path, if multi-folders are provided, use ',' split folders.
--output_folder: Output folder path.
--corpus_folder: Corpus folder path, if multi-folders are provided, use ',' split folders.
--output_folder: Output folder path.
--tokenizer: Tokenizer to be used, nltk or jieba, if nltk is not installed fully, use jieba instead.
--pool_size: Processes pool size.
Sample code:
python tokenize_corpus.py --corpus_folder /{path}/corpus --output_folder /{path}/tokenized_corpus --tokenizer {nltk|jieba} --pool_size 16
### Byte Pair Encoding
After tokenization, BPE is applied to tokenized corpus with provided `all.bpe.codes`.
Apply BPE script can be found in `apply_bpe_encoding.py`.
@ -192,6 +190,7 @@ Major parameters in `apply_bpe_encoding.py`:
Sample code:
python tokenize_corpus.py --codes /{path}/all.bpe.codes \
--src_folder /{path}/tokenized_corpus \
@ -201,9 +200,10 @@ python tokenize_corpus.py --codes /{path}/all.bpe.codes \
--processes 32
### Build Vocabulary
Support that you want to create a new vocabulary, there are two options:
1. Learn BPE codes from scratch, and create vocabulary with multi vocabulary files from `subword-nmt`.
2. Create from an existing vocabulary file which lines in the format of `word frequency`.
3. *Optional*, Create a small vocabulary based on `vocab/all_en.dict.bin` with method of `shink` from `src/utils/dictionary.py`.
@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ Major interface of `src/utils/dictionary.py` are as follow:
4. `persistence(self, path)`: Save vocabulary object to binary file.
Sample code:
from src.utils import Dictionary
@ -232,11 +233,12 @@ print([vocabulary.index[s] for s in sentence])
For more detail, please refer to the source file.
### Generate Dataset
As mentioned above, three corpus are used in MASS mode, dataset generation scripts for them are provided.
#### News Crawl Corpus
Script can be found in `news_crawl.py`.
Major parameters in `news_crawl.py`:
@ -265,8 +267,8 @@ python news_crawl.py --src_folder /{path}/news_crawl \
--processes 32
#### Gigaword Corpus
Script can be found in `gigaword.py`.
Major parameters in `gigaword.py`:
@ -296,8 +298,8 @@ python gigaword.py --train_src /{path}/gigaword/train_src.txt \
--max_len 64
#### Cornell Movie Dialog Corpus
Script can be found in `cornell_dialog.py`.
Major parameters in `cornell_dialog.py`:
@ -324,32 +326,37 @@ python cornell_dialog.py --src_folder /{path}/cornell_dialog \
--max_len 64
## Configuration
Json file under the path `config/` is the template configuration file.
Almost all of the options and arguments needed could be assigned conveniently, including the training platform, configurations of dataset and model, arguments of optimizer etc. Optional features such as loss scale and checkpoint are also available by setting the options correspondingly.
Json file under the path `config/` is the template configuration file.
Almost all of the options and arguments needed could be assigned conveniently, including the training platform, configurations of dataset and model, arguments of optimizer etc. Optional features such as loss scale and checkpoint are also available by setting the options correspondingly.
For more detailed information about the attributes, refer to the file `config/config.py`.
## Training & Evaluation process
For training a model, the shell script `run_ascend.sh` or `run_gpu.sh` is all you need. In this scripts, the environment variable is set and the training script `train.py` under `mass` is executed.
You may start a task training with single device or multiple devices by assigning the options and run the command in bash:
sh run_ascend.sh [--options]
sh run_gpu.sh [--options]
The usage of `run_ascend.sh` is shown as bellow:
Usage: run_ascend.sh [-h, --help] [-t, --task <CHAR>] [-n, --device_num <N>]
[-i, --device_id <N>] [-j, --hccl_json <FILE>]
[-c, --config <FILE>] [-o, --output <FILE>]
[-v, --vocab <FILE>]
-h, --help show usage
-t, --task select task: CHAR, 't' for train and 'i' for inference".
@ -361,14 +368,16 @@ options:
-v, --vocab set the vocabulary.
-m, --metric set the metric.
Notes: Be sure to assign the hccl_json file while running a distributed-training.
The usage of `run_gpu.sh` is shown as bellow:
Usage: run_gpu.sh [-h, --help] [-t, --task <CHAR>] [-n, --device_num <N>]
[-i, --device_id <N>] [-c, --config <FILE>]
[-o, --output <FILE>] [-v, --vocab <FILE>]
-h, --help show usage
-t, --task select task: CHAR, 't' for train and 'i' for inference".
@ -382,28 +391,32 @@ options:
The command followed shows a example for training with 2 devices.
sh run_ascend.sh --task t --device_num 2 --hccl_json /{path}/rank_table.json --config /{path}/config.json
ps. Discontinuous device id is not supported in `run_ascend.sh` at present, device id in `rank_table.json` must start from 0.
sh run_gpu.sh --task t --device_num 2 --config /{path}/config.json
If use a single chip, it would be like this:
sh run_ascend.sh --task t --device_num 1 --device_id 0 --config /{path}/config.json
sh run_gpu.sh --task t --device_num 1 --device_id 0 --config /{path}/config.json
## Weights average
@ -411,6 +424,7 @@ python weights_average.py --input_files your_checkpoint_list --output_file model
The input_files is a list of you checkpoints file. To use model.npz as the weights, add its path in config.json at "existed_ckpt".
@ -423,7 +437,6 @@ The input_files is a list of you checkpoints file. To use model.npz as the weigh
## Learning rate scheduler
Two learning rate scheduler are provided in our model:
@ -434,6 +447,7 @@ Two learning rate scheduler are provided in our model:
LR scheduler could be config in `config/config.json`.
For Polynomial decay scheduler, config could be like:
@ -451,6 +465,7 @@ For Polynomial decay scheduler, config could be like:
For Inverse square root scheduler, config could be like:
@ -468,19 +483,18 @@ For Inverse square root scheduler, config could be like:
More detail about LR scheduler could be found in `src/utils/lr_scheduler.py`.
# Environment Requirements
## Platform
- HardwareAscend/GPU
- Prepare hardware environment with Ascend or GPU processor. If you want to try Ascend , please send the [application form](https://obs-9be7.obs.cn-east-2.myhuaweicloud.com/file/other/Ascend%20Model%20Zoo%E4%BD%93%E9%AA%8C%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E7%94%B3%E8%AF%B7%E8%A1%A8.docx) to ascend@huawei.com. Once approved, you can get the resources.
- Prepare hardware environment with Ascend or GPU processor. If you want to try Ascend , please send the [application form](https://obs-9be7.obs.cn-east-2.myhuaweicloud.com/file/other/Ascend%20Model%20Zoo%E4%BD%93%E9%AA%8C%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E7%94%B3%E8%AF%B7%E8%A1%A8.docx) to ascend@huawei.com. Once approved, you can get the resources.
- Framework
- [MindSpore](https://www.mindspore.cn/install/en)
- [MindSpore](https://www.mindspore.cn/install/en)
- For more information, please check the resources below
- [MindSpore Tutorials](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/en/master/index.html)
- [MindSpore Python API](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_python/en/master/index.html)
- [MindSpore Tutorials](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/en/master/index.html)
- [MindSpore Python API](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_python/en/master/index.html)
## Requirements
@ -490,19 +504,22 @@ subword-nmt
# Get started
MASS pre-trains a sequence to sequence model by predicting the masked fragments in an input sequence. After this, downstream tasks including text summarization and conversation response are candidated for fine-tuning the model and for inference.
Here we provide a practice example to demonstrate the basic usage of MASS for pre-training, fine-tuning a model, and the inference process. The overall process is as follows:
1. Download and process the dataset.
2. Modify the `config.json` to config the network.
3. Run a task for pre-training and fine-tuning.
4. Perform inference and validation.
## Pre-training
For pre-training a model, config the options in `config.json` firstly:
- Assign the `pre_train_dataset` under `dataset_config` node to the dataset path.
- Choose the optimizer('momentum/adam/lamb' is available).
- Assign the 'ckpt_prefix' and 'ckpt_path' under `checkpoint_path` to save the model files.
@ -524,7 +541,9 @@ sh run_gpu.sh -t t -n 1 -i 1 -c /mass/config/config.json
Get the log and output files under the path `./train_mass_*/`, and the model file under the path assigned in the `config/config.json` file.
## Fine-tuning
For fine-tuning a model, config the options in `config.json` firstly:
- Assign the `fine_tune_dataset` under `dataset_config` node to the dataset path.
- Assign the `existed_ckpt` under `checkpoint_path` node to the existed model file generated by pre-training.
- Choose the optimizer('momentum/adam/lamb' is available).
@ -546,8 +565,10 @@ sh run_gpu.sh -t t -n 1 -i 1 -c config/config.json
Get the log and output files under the path `./train_mass_*/`, and the model file under the path assigned in the `config/config.json` file.
## Inference
If you need to use the trained model to perform inference on multiple hardware platforms, such as GPU, Ascend 910 or Ascend 310, you can refer to this [Link](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/en/master/advanced_use/migrate_3rd_scripts.html).
For inference, config the options in `config.json` firstly:
- Assign the `test_dataset` under `dataset_config` node to the dataset path.
- Assign the `existed_ckpt` under `checkpoint_path` node to the model file produced by fine-tuning.
- Choose the optimizer('momentum/adam/lamb' is available).
@ -571,7 +592,8 @@ sh run_gpu.sh -t i -n 1 -i 1 -c config/config.json -o {outputfile}
## Results
### Fine-Tuning on Text Summarization
The comparisons between MASS and two other pre-training methods in terms of ROUGE score on the text summarization task
The comparisons between MASS and two other pre-training methods in terms of ROUGE score on the text summarization task
with 3.8M training data are as follows:
| Method | RG-1(F) | RG-2(F) | RG-L(F) |
@ -579,6 +601,7 @@ with 3.8M training data are as follows:
| MASS | Ongoing | Ongoing | Ongoing |
### Fine-Tuning on Conversational ResponseGeneration
The comparisons between MASS and other baseline methods in terms of PPL on Cornell Movie Dialog corpus are as follows:
| Method | Data = 10K | Data = 110K |
@ -603,10 +626,6 @@ The comparisons between MASS and other baseline methods in terms of PPL on Corne
| Speed | 611.45 sentences/s |
| Total time | --/-- |
| Params (M) | 44.6M |
| Checkpoint for Fine tuning | ---Mb, --, [A link]() |
| Model for inference | ---Mb, --, [A link]() |
| Scripts | [A link]() |
### Inference Performance
@ -622,17 +641,15 @@ The comparisons between MASS and other baseline methods in terms of PPL on Corne
| Accuracy | ppl=23.52 for conversation response, RG-1=29.79 for text summarization. |
| Speed | ---- sentences/s |
| Total time | --/-- |
| Model for inference | ---Mb, --, [A link]() |
# Description of random situation
MASS model contains dropout operations, if you want to disable dropout, please set related dropout_rate to 0 in `config/config.json`.
MASS model contains dropout operations, if you want to disable dropout, please set related dropout_rate to 0 in `config/config.json`.
# others
The model has been validated on Ascend environment, not validated on CPU and GPU.
The model has been validated on Ascend and GPU environments, not validated on CPU.
# ModelZoo Homepage

View File

@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
# 目录
<!-- TOC -->
- [目录](#目录)
- [掩式序列到序列MASS预训练语言生成](#掩式序列到序列mass预训练语言生成)
- [模型架构](#模型架构)
- [数据集](#数据集)
- [特性](#特性)
- [脚本说明](#脚本说明)
- [准备数据集](#准备数据集)
- [标记化](#标记化)
- [字节对编码](#字节对编码)
- [构建词汇表](#构建词汇表)
- [生成数据集](#生成数据集)
- [News Crawl语料库](#news-crawl语料库)
- [Gigaword语料库](#gigaword语料库)
- [Cornell电影对白语料库](#cornell电影对白语料库)
- [配置](#配置)
- [训练&评估过程](#训练评估过程)
- [权重平均值](#权重平均值)
- [学习速率调度器](#学习速率调度器)
- [环境要求](#环境要求)
- [平台](#平台)
- [其他要求](#其他要求)
- [快速上手](#快速上手)
- [预训练](#预训练)
- [微调](#微调)
- [推理](#推理)
- [性能](#性能)
- [结果](#结果)
- [文本摘要微调](#文本摘要微调)
- [会话应答微调](#会话应答微调)
- [训练性能](#训练性能)
- [推理性能](#推理性能)
- [随机情况说明](#随机情况说明)
- [其他](#其他)
- [ModelZoo主页](#modelzoo主页)
<!-- /TOC -->
# 掩式序列到序列MASS预训练语言生成
[MASS介绍 — 序列对序列语言生成任务中性能优于BERT和GPT的预训练方法](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/introduction-mass-a-pre-training-method-thing-forts-bert-and-gpt-in-sequence-to-sequence-language-generate-tasks/)
[论文](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2019/06/MASS-paper-updated-002.pdf): Song, Kaitao, Xu Tan, Tao Qin, Jianfeng Lu and Tie-Yan Liu.“MASS: Masked Sequence to Sequence Pre-training for Language Generation.”ICML (2019).
# 模型架构
# 数据集
- News Crawl数据集WMT2019年的英语单语数据用于预训练
- Gigaword语料库Graff等人2003年用于文本摘要
- Cornell电影对白语料库DanescuNiculescu-Mizil & Lee2011年
## 特性
## 脚本说明
├── mass
├── README.md // MASS模型介绍
├── config
│ ├──config.py // 配置实例定义
│ ├──config.json // 配置文件
│ ├──dataset
│ ├──bi_data_loader.py // 数据集加载器,用于微调或推理
│ ├──mono_data_loader.py // 预训练数据集加载器
│ ├──language_model
│ ├──noise_channel_language_model.p // 数据集生成噪声通道语言模型
│ ├──mass_language_model.py // 基于MASS论文的MASS语言模型
│ ├──loose_masked_language_model.py // 基于MASS发布代码的MASS语言模型
│ ├──masked_language_model.py // 基于MASS论文的MASS语言模型
│ ├──transformer
│ ├──create_attn_mask.py // 生成屏蔽矩阵,除去填充部分
│ ├──transformer.py // Transformer模型架构
│ ├──encoder.py // Transformer编码器组件
│ ├──decoder.py // Transformer解码器组件
│ ├──self_attention.py // 自注意块组件
│ ├──multi_head_attention.py // 多头自注意组件
│ ├──embedding.py // 嵌入组件
│ ├──positional_embedding.py // 位置嵌入组件
│ ├──feed_forward_network.py // 前馈网络
│ ├──residual_conn.py // 残留块
│ ├──beam_search.py // 推理所用的波束搜索解码器
│ ├──transformer_for_infer.py // 使用Transformer进行推理
│ ├──transformer_for_train.py // 使用Transformer进行训练
│ ├──utils
│ ├──byte_pair_encoding.py // 使用subword-nmt应用字节对编码BPE
│ ├──dictionary.py // 字典
│ ├──loss_moniter.py // 训练步骤中损失监控回调
│ ├──lr_scheduler.py // 学习速率调度器
│ ├──ppl_score.py // 基于N-gram的困惑度评分
│ ├──rouge_score.py // 计算ROUGE得分
│ ├──load_weights.py // 从检查点或者NPZ文件加载权重
│ ├──initializer.py // 参数初始化器
├── vocab
│ ├──all.bpe.codes // 字节对编码表(此文件需要用户自行生成)
│ ├──all_en.dict.bin // 已学习到的词汇表(此文件需要用户自行生成)
├── scripts
│ ├──run_ascend.sh // Ascend处理器上训练&评估模型脚本
│ ├──run_gpu.sh // GPU处理器上训练&评估模型脚本
│ ├──learn_subword.sh // 学习字节对编码
│ ├──stop_training.sh // 停止训练
├── requirements.txt // 第三方包需求
├── train.py // 训练API入口
├── eval.py // 推理API入口
├── tokenize_corpus.py // 语料标记化
├── apply_bpe_encoding.py // 应用BPE进行编码
├── weights_average.py // 将各模型检查点平均转换到NPZ格式
├── news_crawl.py // 创建预训练所用的News Crawl数据集
├── gigaword.py // 创建Gigaword语料库
├── cornell_dialog.py // 创建Cornell电影对白数据集用于对话应答
## 准备数据集
有关BPE的更多详细信息参见[Subword-nmt lib](https://www.cnpython.com/pypi/subword-nmt)或[论文](https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.07909)。
实验中根据News Crawl数据集的1.9万个句子学习到的词汇量为45755个单词。
### 标记化
--corpus_folder: Corpus folder path, if multi-folders are provided, use ',' split folders.
--output_folder: Output folder path.
--tokenizer: Tokenizer to be used, nltk or jieba, if nltk is not installed fully, use jieba instead.
--pool_size: Processes pool size.
python tokenize_corpus.py --corpus_folder /{path}/corpus --output_folder /{path}/tokenized_corpus --tokenizer {nltk|jieba} --pool_size 16
### 字节对编码
--codes: BPE codes file.
--src_folder: Corpus folders.
--output_folder: Output files folder.
--prefix: Prefix of text file in `src_folder`.
--vocab_path: Generated vocabulary output path.
--threshold: Filter out words that frequency is lower than threshold.
--processes: Size of process pool (to accelerate).Default: 2.
python tokenize_corpus.py --codes /{path}/all.bpe.codes \
--src_folder /{path}/tokenized_corpus \
--output_folder /{path}/tokenized_corpus/bpe \
--prefix tokenized \
--vocab_path /{path}/vocab_en.dict.bin
--processes 32
### 构建词汇表
1. 重新学习字节对编码,从`subword-nmt`的多个词汇表文件创建词汇表。
2. 基于现有词汇文件创建词汇表,该词汇文件行格式为`word frequency`。
3. *(可选)* 基于`vocab/all_en.dict.bin`,应用`src/utils/dictionary.py`中的`shink`方法创建一个小词汇表。
4. 应用`persistence()`方法将词汇表持久化到`vocab`文件夹。
1. `shrink(self, threshold=50)`:通过过滤词频低于阈值的单词来缩小词汇量,并返回一个新的词汇表。
2. `load_from_text(cls, filepaths: List[str])`:加载现有文本词汇表,行格式为`word frequency`。
3. `load_from_persisted_dict(cls, filepath)`:加载通过调用`persistence()`方法保存的持久化二进制词汇表。
4. `persistence(self, path)`:将词汇表对象保存为二进制文件。
from src.utils import Dictionary
vocabulary = Dictionary.load_from_persisted_dict("vocab/all_en.dict.bin")
tokens = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Convert ids to symbols.
print([vocabulary[t] for t in tokens])
sentence = ["Hello", "world"]
# Convert symbols to ids.
print([vocabulary.index[s] for s in sentence])
### 生成数据集
#### News Crawl语料库
Note that please provide `--existed_vocab` or `--dict_folder` at least one.
A new vocabulary would be created in `output_folder` when pass `--dict_folder`.
--src_folder: Corpus folders.
--existed_vocab: Optional, persisted vocabulary file.
--mask_ratio: Ratio of mask.
--output_folder: Output dataset files folder path.
--max_len: Maximum sentence length.If a sentence longer than `max_len`, then drop it.
--suffix: Optional, suffix of generated dataset files.
--processes: Optional, size of process pool (to accelerate).Default: 2.
python news_crawl.py --src_folder /{path}/news_crawl \
--existed_vocab /{path}/mass/vocab/all_en.dict.bin \
--mask_ratio 0.5 \
--output_folder /{path}/news_crawl_dataset \
--max_len 32 \
--processes 32
#### Gigaword语料库
--train_src: Train source file path.
--train_ref: Train reference file path.
--test_src: Test source file path.
--test_ref: Test reference file path.
--existed_vocab: Persisted vocabulary file.
--output_folder: Output dataset files folder path.
--noise_prob: Optional, add noise prob.Default: 0.
--max_len: Optional, maximum sentence length.If a sentence longer than `max_len`, then drop it.Default: 64.
--format: Optional, dataset format, "mindrecord" or "tfrecord".Default: "tfrecord".
python gigaword.py --train_src /{path}/gigaword/train_src.txt \
--train_ref /{path}/gigaword/train_ref.txt \
--test_src /{path}/gigaword/test_src.txt \
--test_ref /{path}/gigaword/test_ref.txt \
--existed_vocab /{path}/mass/vocab/all_en.dict.bin \
--noise_prob 0.1 \
--output_folder /{path}/gigaword_dataset \
--max_len 64
#### Cornell电影对白语料库
--src_folder: Corpus folders.
--existed_vocab: Persisted vocabulary file.
--train_prefix: Train source and target file prefix.Default: train.
--test_prefix: Test source and target file prefix.Default: test.
--output_folder: Output dataset files folder path.
--max_len: Maximum sentence length.If a sentence longer than `max_len`, then drop it.
--valid_prefix: Optional, Valid source and target file prefix.Default: valid.
python cornell_dialog.py --src_folder /{path}/cornell_dialog \
--existed_vocab /{path}/mass/vocab/all_en.dict.bin \
--train_prefix train \
--test_prefix test \
--noise_prob 0.1 \
--output_folder /{path}/cornell_dialog_dataset \
--max_len 64
## 配置
## 训练&评估过程
sh run_ascend.sh [--options]
sh run_gpu.sh [--options]
Usage: run_ascend.sh [-h, --help] [-t, --task <CHAR>] [-n, --device_num <N>]
[-i, --device_id <N>] [-j, --hccl_json <FILE>]
[-c, --config <FILE>] [-o, --output <FILE>]
[-v, --vocab <FILE>]
-h, --help show usage
-t, --task select task: CHAR, 't' for train and 'i' for inference".
-n, --device_num device number used for training: N, default is 1.
-i, --device_id device id used for training with single device: N, 0<=N<=7, default is 0.
-j, --hccl_json rank table file used for training with multiple devices: FILE.
-c, --config configuration file as shown in the path 'mass/config': FILE.
-o, --output assign output file of inference: FILE.
-v, --vocab set the vocabulary.
-m, --metric set the metric.
Usage: run_gpu.sh [-h, --help] [-t, --task <CHAR>] [-n, --device_num <N>]
[-i, --device_id <N>] [-c, --config <FILE>]
[-o, --output <FILE>] [-v, --vocab <FILE>]
-h, --help show usage
-t, --task select task: CHAR, 't' for train and 'i' for inference".
-n, --device_num device number used for training: N, default is 1.
-i, --device_id device id used for training with single device: N, 0<=N<=7, default is 0.
-c, --config configuration file as shown in the path 'mass/config': FILE.
-o, --output assign output file of inference: FILE.
-v, --vocab set the vocabulary.
-m, --metric set the metric.
sh run_ascend.sh --task t --device_num 2 --hccl_json /{path}/rank_table.json --config /{path}/config.json
sh run_gpu.sh --task t --device_num 2 --config /{path}/config.json
sh run_ascend.sh --task t --device_num 1 --device_id 0 --config /{path}/config.json
sh run_gpu.sh --task t --device_num 1 --device_id 0 --config /{path}/config.json
## 权重平均值
python weights_average.py --input_files your_checkpoint_list --output_file model.npz
"checkpoint_options": {
"existed_ckpt": "/xxx/xxx/model.npz",
"save_ckpt_steps": 1000,
## 学习速率调度器
1. [多项式衰减调度器](https://towardsdatascience.com/learning-rate-schedules-and-adaptive-learning-rate-methods-for-deep-learning-2c8f433990d1)。
2. [逆平方根调度器](https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~dwharder/aads/Algorithms/Inverse_square_root/)。
"learn_rate_config": {
"optimizer": "adam",
"lr": 1e-4,
"lr_scheduler": "poly",
"poly_lr_scheduler_power": 0.5,
"decay_steps": 10000,
"warmup_steps": 2000,
"min_lr": 1e-6
"learn_rate_config": {
"optimizer": "adam",
"lr": 1e-4,
"lr_scheduler": "isr",
"decay_start_step": 12000,
"warmup_steps": 2000,
"min_lr": 1e-6
# 环境要求
## 平台
- 硬件Ascend或GPU
- 使用Ascend或GPU处理器准备硬件环境。- 如需试用昇腾处理器,请发送[申请表](https://obs-9be7.obs.cn-east-2.myhuaweicloud.com/file/other/Ascend%20Model%20Zoo%E4%BD%93%E9%AA%8C%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E7%94%B3%E8%AF%B7%E8%A1%A8.docx)至ascend@huawei.com申请通过即可获得资源。
- 框架
- [MindSpore](https://www.mindspore.cn/install)
- 更多关于Mindspore的信息请查看以下资源
- [MindSpore教程](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/zh-CN/master/index.html)
- [MindSpore Python API](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_python/zh-CN/master/index.html)
## 其他要求
# 快速上手
1. 下载并处理数据集。
2. 修改`config.json`文件,配置网络。
3. 运行预训练和微调任务。
4. 进行推理验证。
## 预训练
- 将`dataset_config`节点下的`pre_train_dataset`配置为数据集路径。
- 选择优化器(可采用'momentum/adam/lamb
- 在`checkpoint_path`下,指定'ckpt_prefix'和'ckpt_path'来保存模型文件。
- 配置其他参数,包括数据集配置和网络配置。
- 如果已经有训练好的模型,请将`existed_ckpt`配置为该检查点文件。
sh run_ascend.sh -t t -n 1 -i 1 -c /mass/config/config.json
sh run_gpu.sh -t t -n 1 -i 1 -c /mass/config/config.json
## 微调
- 将`dataset_config`节点下的`fine_tune_dataset`配置为数据集路径。
- 将`checkpoint_path`节点下的`existed_ckpt`赋值给预训练生成的已有模型文件。
- 选择优化器(可采用'momentum/adam/lamb
- 在`checkpoint_path`下,指定'ckpt_prefix'和'ckpt_path'来保存模型文件。
- 配置其他参数,包括数据集配置和网络配置。
sh run_ascend.sh -t t -n 1 -i 1 -c config/config.json
sh run_gpu.sh -t t -n 1 -i 1 -c config/config.json
## 推理
如果您需要使用此训练模型在GPU、Ascend 910、Ascend 310等多个硬件平台上进行推理可参考此[链接](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/zh-CN/master/advanced_use/migrate_3rd_scripts.html)。
- 将`dataset_config`节点下的`test_dataset`配置为数据集路径。
- 将`dataset_config`节点下的`test_dataset`配置为数据集路径。
- 选择优化器(可采用'momentum/adam/lamb
- 在`checkpoint_path`下,指定'ckpt_prefix'和'ckpt_path'来保存模型文件。
- 配置其他参数,包括数据集配置和网络配置。
sh run_ascend.sh -t i -n 1 -i 1 -c config/config.json -o {outputfile}
sh run_gpu.sh -t i -n 1 -i 1 -c config/config.json -o {outputfile}
# 性能
## 结果
### 文本摘要微调
| 方法| RG-1(F) | RG-2(F) | RG-L(F) |
| MASS | 进行中 | 进行中 | 进行中 |
### 会话应答微调
| 方法 | 数据 = 10K | 数据 = 110K |
| MASS | 进行中 | 进行中 |
### 训练性能
| 参数 | 掩式序列到序列预训练语言生成 |
| 模型版本 | v1 |
| 资源 | Ascend 910CPU2.60GHz192核内存755GB |
| 上传日期 | 2020-05-24 |
| MindSpore版本 | 0.2.0 |
| 数据集 | News Crawl 2007-2017英语单语语料库、Gigaword语料库、Cornell电影对白语料库 |
| 训练参数 | Epoch=50, steps=XXX, batch_size=192, lr=1e-4 |
| 优化器 | Adam |
| 损失函数 | 标签平滑交叉熵准则 |
| 输出 | 句子及概率 |
| 损失 | 小于2 |
| 准确性 | 会话应答PPL=23.52文本摘要RG-1=29.79|
| 速度 | 611.45句子/秒 |
| 总时长 | |
| 参数(M) | 44.6M |
### 推理性能
| 参数 | 掩式序列到序列预训练语言生成 |
|模型版本| V1 |
| 资源 | Ascend 910 |
| 上传日期 | 2020-05-24 |
| MindSpore版本 | 0.2.0 |
| 数据集 | Gigaword语料库、Cornell电影对白语料库 |
| batch_size | --- |
| 输出 | 句子及概率 |
| 准确度 | 会话应答PPL=23.52文本摘要RG-1=29.79|
| 速度 | ----句子/秒 |
| 总时长 | --/-- |
# 随机情况说明
# 其他
# ModelZoo主页