!22412 fix posenet gradients overflow problem

Merge pull request !22412 from JichenZhao/master
This commit is contained in:
i-robot 2021-08-28 08:32:53 +00:00 committed by Gitee
commit 619bc60992
11 changed files with 125 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ PoseNet是剑桥大学提出的一种鲁棒、实时的6DOF单目六自由度
bash run_standalone_train.sh [DATASET_NAME] [DEVICE_ID]
# 运行分布式训练示例
bash run_distribute_train.sh [DATASET_NAME] [RANK_SIZE]
bash run_distribute_train.sh [DATASET_NAME] [RANK_TABLE]
# 运行评估示例
bash run_eval.sh [DEVICE_ID] [DATASET_NAME] [CKPT_PATH]
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ PoseNet是剑桥大学提出的一种鲁棒、实时的6DOF单目六自由度
bash run_standalone_train_gpu.sh [DATASET_NAME] [DEVICE_ID]
# 运行分布式训练示例
bash run_distribute_train_gpu.sh [DATASET_NAME] [RANK_SIZE]
bash run_distribute_train_gpu.sh [DATASET_NAME] [RANK_TABLE]
# 运行评估示例
bash run_eval_gpu.sh [DEVICE_ID] [DATASET_NAME] [CKPT_PATH]
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ PoseNet是剑桥大学提出的一种鲁棒、实时的6DOF单目六自由度
- Ascend处理器环境运行
bash run_distribute_train.sh [DATASET_NAME] [RANK_SIZE]
bash run_distribute_train.sh [DATASET_NAME] [RANK_TABLE]

View File

@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument('--is_modelarts', type=ast.literal_eval, default=False, help='Train in Modelarts.')
parser.add_argument('--data_url', default=None, help='Location of data.')
parser.add_argument('--train_url', default=None, help='Location of training outputs.')
parser.add_argument('--device_target', type=str, default='Ascend',
choices=['Ascend', 'GPU'],
help='Name of device target.')
args_opt = parser.parse_args()
cfg = common_config
@ -49,8 +52,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif args_opt.dataset == "StMarysChurch":
dataset_cfg = StMarysChurch
device_target = cfg.device_target
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=cfg.device_target)
device_target = args_opt.device_target
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=args_opt.device_target)
if args_opt.device_id is not None:

View File

@ -17,37 +17,30 @@
echo "=============================================================================================================="
echo "Please run the script as: "
echo "bash run.sh DATASET_NAME RANK_SIZE"
echo "For example: bash run_distribute.sh dataset_name 8"
echo "For example: bash run_distribute.sh dataset_name rank_table"
echo "It is better to use the absolute path."
echo "=============================================================================================================="
set -e
if [ "${1:0:1}" == "/" ]; then
echo "$1"
echo "$(realpath -m $PWD/$1)"
export RANK_SIZE
export RANK_TABLE_FILE=$(get_real_path $2)
export RANK_SIZE=8
echo "$EXEC_PATH"
export RANK_TABLE_FILE=${EXEC_PATH}/rank_table_8pcs.json
export RANK_SIZE=8
export RANK_TABLE_FILE=${EXEC_PATH}/rank_table_2pcs.json
export RANK_SIZE=2
cd ../
rm -rf device$i
mkdir device$i
@ -61,7 +54,10 @@ do
export RANK_ID=$i
echo "start training for device $i"
env > env$i.log
python train.py --run_distribute True --dataset $1 --device_num $2 --is_modelarts False > train$i.log 2>&1 &
python train.py --run_distribute True \
--dataset $1 --device_num $2 \
--is_modelarts False \
--device_target "Ascend" > train$i.log 2>&1 &
echo "$i finish"
cd ../

View File

@ -39,5 +39,8 @@ cd ./train_parallel
env > env.log
echo "start training"
mpirun -n $1 --allow-run-as-root \
python train.py --device_num $1 --dataset $2 --is_modelarts False --run_distribute True > train.log 2>&1 &
python train.py --device_num $1 \
--dataset $2 --is_modelarts False \
--run_distribute True \
--device_target "GPU" > train.log 2>&1 &

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ cd ./eval
env > env0.log
echo "Eval begin."
python eval.py --device_id $1 --dataset $2 --ckpt_url $3 --is_modelarts False > ./eval.log 2>&1 &
python eval.py --device_id $1 --dataset $2 --ckpt_url $3 --is_modelarts False --device_target "GPU" > ./eval.log 2>&1 &
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
echo "evaling success"

View File

@ -45,7 +45,10 @@ cd ./train
env > env0.log
echo "Standalone train begin."
python train.py --run_distribute False --device_id $2 --dataset $1 --device_num 1 --is_modelarts False > ./train_alone.log 2>&1 &
python train.py --run_distribute False \
--device_id $2 --dataset $1 \
--device_num 1 --is_modelarts False \
--device_target "Ascend" > ./train_alone.log 2>&1 &
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
echo "training success"

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ cd ./train
env > env0.log
echo "Standalone train begin."
python train.py --run_distribute False --device_id $2 --dataset $1 --device_num 1 --is_modelarts False > ./train_alone.log 2>&1 &
python train.py --run_distribute False --device_id $2 --dataset $1 --device_num 1 --is_modelarts False --device_target "Ascend" > ./train_alone.log 2>&1 &
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
echo "training success"

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ network config setting
from easydict import EasyDict as edict
common_config = edict({
'device_target': 'GPU',
'device_id': 0,
'pre_trained': True,
'max_steps': 30000,

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# ============================================================================
"""define evaluation loss function for network."""
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore.nn.loss.loss import _Loss
from mindspore.nn.loss.loss import LossBase
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.train.serialization import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class EuclideanDistance(nn.Cell):
return res
class PoseLoss(_Loss):
class PoseLoss(LossBase):
"""define loss function"""
def __init__(self, w1_x, w2_x, w3_x, w1_q, w2_q, w3_q):
super(PoseLoss, self).__init__()

View File

@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore.common.initializer import TruncatedNormal
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.ops import functional as F
from mindspore.ops import composite as C
from mindspore.context import ParallelMode
from mindspore.parallel._utils import (_get_device_num, _get_gradients_mean,
from mindspore.nn.wrap.grad_reducer import DistributedGradReducer
def weight_variable():
"""Weight variable."""
@ -172,3 +178,80 @@ class PoseNet(nn.Cell):
return cls1_fc_pose_xyz, cls1_fc_pose_wpqr, \
cls2_fc_pose_xyz, cls2_fc_pose_wpqr, \
cls3_fc_pose_xyz, cls3_fc_pose_wpqr
clip_grad = C.MultitypeFuncGraph("clip_grad")
@clip_grad.register("Number", "Number", "Tensor")
def _clip_grad(clip_type, clip_value, grad):
Clip gradients
clip_type: The way to clip, 0 for 'value', 1 for 'norm'
clip_value: Specifies how much to clip
grad: Gradients
tuple[Tensor], clipped gradients
if clip_type not in (0, 1):
return grad
dt = F.dtype(grad)
if clip_type == 0:
new_grad = C.clip_by_value(grad, F.cast(F.tuple_to_array((-clip_value,)), dt),
F.cast(F.tuple_to_array((clip_value,)), dt))
new_grad = nn.ClipByNorm()(grad, F.cast(F.tuple_to_array((clip_value,)), dt))
return new_grad
class PoseTrainOneStepCell(nn.Cell):
Network training package class.
Wraps the network with an optimizer. The resulting Cell is trained with input '\*inputs'.
The backward graph will be created in the construct function to update the parameter. Different
parallel modes are available for training.
network (Cell): The training network. The network only supports single output.
optimizer (Union[Cell]): Optimizer for updating the weights.
sens (numbers.Number): The scaling number to be filled as the input of backpropagation. Default value is 1.0.
- **(\*inputs)** (Tuple(Tensor)) - Tuple of input tensors with shape :math:`(N, \ldots)`.
Tensor, a tensor means the loss value, the shape of which is usually :math:`()`.
TypeError: If `sens` is not a number.
def __init__(self, network, optimizer, sens=1.0):
super(PoseTrainOneStepCell, self).__init__(auto_prefix=False)
self.network = network
self.optimizer = optimizer
self.weights = self.optimizer.parameters
self.grad = C.GradOperation(get_by_list=True, sens_param=True)
self.sens = sens
self.reducer_flag = False
self.grad_reducer = F.identity
self.hyper_map = C.HyperMap()
self.parallel_mode = _get_parallel_mode()
self.reducer_flag = self.parallel_mode in (ParallelMode.DATA_PARALLEL, ParallelMode.HYBRID_PARALLEL)
if self.reducer_flag:
self.mean = _get_gradients_mean()
self.degree = _get_device_num()
self.grad_reducer = DistributedGradReducer(self.weights, self.mean, self.degree)
def construct(self, *inputs):
loss = self.network(*inputs)
sens = F.fill(loss.dtype, loss.shape, self.sens)
grads = self.grad(self.network, self.weights)(*inputs, sens)
grads = self.hyper_map(F.partial(clip_grad, GRADIENT_CLIP_TYPE, GRADIENT_CLIP_VALUE), grads)
grads = self.grad_reducer(grads)
loss = F.depend(loss, self.optimizer(grads))
return loss

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ from mindspore.train.callback import ModelCheckpoint, CheckpointConfig, LossMoni
from src.config import common_config, KingsCollege, StMarysChurch
from src.dataset import data_to_mindrecord, create_posenet_dataset
from src.loss import PosenetWithLoss
from src.posenet import PoseTrainOneStepCell
@ -45,6 +46,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument('--is_modelarts', type=ast.literal_eval, default=False, help='Train in Modelarts.')
parser.add_argument('--data_url', default=None, help='Location of data.')
parser.add_argument('--train_url', default=None, help='Location of training outputs.')
parser.add_argument('--device_target', type=str, default='Ascend',
choices=['Ascend', 'GPU'],
help='Name of device target.')
args_opt = parser.parse_args()
cfg = common_config
@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif args_opt.dataset == "StMarysChurch":
dataset_cfg = StMarysChurch
device_target = cfg.device_target
device_target = args_opt.device_target
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=device_target)
if args_opt.run_distribute:
if device_target == "Ascend":
@ -104,7 +108,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
opt = Adagrad(params=net_with_loss.trainable_params(),
model = Model(net_with_loss, optimizer=opt)
net_with_grad = PoseTrainOneStepCell(net_with_loss, opt)
model = Model(net_with_grad)
time_cb = TimeMonitor(data_size=step_per_epoch)
loss_cb = LossMonitor()