!9414 [MS][LITE][GPU]fix bug: conv2d performance down, set profiling mode

From: @chenzupeng
Reviewed-by: @ddwsky,@zhanghaibo5
Signed-off-by: @ddwsky
This commit is contained in:
mindspore-ci-bot 2020-12-03 17:31:58 +08:00 committed by Gitee
commit 535ce5beb0
3 changed files with 16 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ __constant sampler_t smp_zero = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE | CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP
exp1 = exp(-data); \
data = (exp0 - exp1) / (exp0 + exp1);
#define DO_LEAKY_RELU(data) \
if (data.x < 0) data.x *= alpha; \
if (data.y < 0) data.y *= alpha; \
if (data.z < 0) data.z *= alpha; \
if (data.w < 0) data.w *= alpha;
#define DO_LEAKY_RELU(data) \
data.x = data.x > 0 ? data.x : data.x * alpha; \
data.y = data.y > 0 ? data.y : data.y * alpha; \
data.z = data.z > 0 ? data.z : data.z * alpha; \
data.w = data.w > 0 ? data.w : data.w * alpha;
__kernel void Conv2D_H1W1C1(__read_only image2d_t input, __write_only image2d_t output, __global FLT4 *weight,
__global FLT4 *bias, int4 input_shape, int4 output_shape, int4 kernel_stride, int4 pad,

View File

@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ int OpenCLSubGraph::Init() {
return ret;
auto opencl_exec = reinterpret_cast<lite::opencl::OpenCLExecutor *>(executor_);
// If tuning_mode is DEFAULT, just malloc memory for reuse.
ret = opencl_exec->RunOrTune(in_tensors_, out_tensors_, nodes_, allocator_, nullptr, nullptr, true);
if (ret != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Run opencl executor failed: " << ret;

View File

@ -31,8 +31,11 @@ int OpenCLExecutor::RunOrTune(std::vector<Tensor *> &inputs, std::vector<Tensor
std::vector<kernel::LiteKernel *> &kernels, Allocator *allocator,
const KernelCallBack &before, const KernelCallBack &after, bool is_tune) {
int ret{RET_OK};
auto opencl_runtime_ins = ocl_runtime.GetInstance();
auto profiling_tmp = opencl_runtime_ins->isProfiling();
if (is_tune) {
for (auto *kernel : kernels) {
@ -79,6 +82,10 @@ int OpenCLExecutor::RunOrTune(std::vector<Tensor *> &inputs, std::vector<Tensor
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "run kernel failed, name: " << kernel->name();
return ret;
if (profiling_tmp) {
MS_LOG(INFO) << "OpenCl kernel " << kernel->name() << "(" << kernel->type_str()
<< ") execute time is: " << op_kernel->GetProfilingTimeMs() << "ms";
if (after != nullptr) {
if (!after(TensorVectorCast(kernel->in_tensors()), TensorVectorCast(kernel->out_tensors()), callbackParam)) {
@ -92,16 +99,8 @@ int OpenCLExecutor::RunOrTune(std::vector<Tensor *> &inputs, std::vector<Tensor
MS_LOG(WARNING) << "DecOutTensorRefCount for kernel" << kernel->name() << " failed";
#ifdef Debug
MS_LOG(INFO) << "OpenCl kernel " << kernel->name() << "(" << kernel->type_str()
<< ") execute time is: " << op_kernel->GetProfilingTimeMs() << "ms";
#ifdef Debug
return ret;
} // namespace mindspore::lite::opencl