forked from mindspore-Ecosystem/mindspore
add version check of flatc for flclient
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,20 +57,49 @@ dependencies {
def getFlatVersion(path) {
def version = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
def cmd = path + ' --version'
exec {
ExecSpec execSpec ->
executable 'bash'
args '-c', cmd
standardOutput = version
return version.toString().split()[2]
import io.netifi.flatbuffers.plugin.tasks.FlatBuffers
import io.netifi.flatbuffers.plugin.tasks.FlatBuffers
flatbuffers {
flatbuffers {
String msLib = System.getenv("MSLIBS_CACHE_PATH").toString()
String msLib = System.getenv("MSLIBS_CACHE_PATH").toString()
FileTree msLibTree = fileTree(dir: msLib, include: ["flatbuffers_*/bin/flatc"]) //flatbuffers_*/bin/flatc
FileTree msLibTree = fileTree(dir: msLib, include: ["flatbuffers_*/bin/flatc"])
String msLibPath = ''
String msLibPath = ''
msLibTree.each {File file ->
String libPath = ''
msLibPath = file.toString()
msLibTree.find {File file ->
libPath = file.toString()
println('flatc Path: ' + libPath)
String version = getFlatVersion(libPath)
println('version: ' + version)
if ('1.11.0' == version) {
msLibPath = libPath
return true
if (msLibTree.empty) {
if (file('../../../build/_deps/flatbuffers-src/_build/flatc').exists()) {
String version = getFlatVersion('../../../build/_deps/flatbuffers-src/_build/flatc')
println('version: ' + version)
if ('1.11.0' == version) {
flatcPath = '../../../build/_deps/flatbuffers-src/_build/flatc'
flatcPath = '../../../build/_deps/flatbuffers-src/_build/flatc'
} else {
} else {
flatcPath = msLibPath
println('the version of build flatc is not valid, will find the other flatc')
} else if (msLibPath != '' && file(msLibPath).exists()){
flatcPath = msLibPath
} else {
println("the needed flatc of version 1.11.0 is not exist, please check")
println("the used flatc path: " + flatcPath)
task createFlatBuffers(type: FlatBuffers) {
task createFlatBuffers(type: FlatBuffers) {
Reference in New Issue