forked from mindspore-Ecosystem/mindspore
add det method and st test cases.
This commit is contained in:
@ -649,3 +649,74 @@ def lu_solve(lu_and_piv, b, trans=0, overwrite_b=False, check_finite=True):
rhs_vector = m_lu.ndim == b.ndim + 1
x = lu_solve_core(m_lu, permutation, b, trans)
return x[..., 0] if rhs_vector else x
def _det_2x2(a):
return (a[..., 0, 0] * a[..., 1, 1] -
a[..., 0, 1] * a[..., 1, 0])
def _det_3x3(a):
return (a[..., 0, 0] * a[..., 1, 1] * a[..., 2, 2] +
a[..., 0, 1] * a[..., 1, 2] * a[..., 2, 0] +
a[..., 0, 2] * a[..., 1, 0] * a[..., 2, 1] -
a[..., 0, 2] * a[..., 1, 1] * a[..., 2, 0] -
a[..., 0, 0] * a[..., 1, 2] * a[..., 2, 1] -
a[..., 0, 1] * a[..., 1, 0] * a[..., 2, 2])
def det(a, overwrite_a=False, check_finite=True):
Compute the determinant of a matrix
The determinant of a square matrix is a value derived arithmetically
from the coefficients of the matrix.
The determinant for a 3x3 matrix, for example, is computed as follows::
a b c
d e f = A
g h i
det(A) = a*e*i + b*f*g + c*d*h - c*e*g - b*d*i - a*f*h
a (Tensor): A square matrix to compute. Note that if the input tensor is not a `float`,
then it will be casted to :class:`mstype.float32`.
overwrite_a (bool, optional): Allow overwriting data in a (may enhance performance).
check_finite (bool, optional): Whether to check that the input matrix contains
only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
ValueError: If :math:`a` is not square.
Tensor, Determinant of `a`.
>>> import numpy as onp
>>> from mindspore.common import Tensor
>>> from mindspore.scipy.linalg import det
>>> a = Tensor(onp.array([[0, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])).astype(onp.float64)
>>> det(a)
# special case
if a.ndim >= 2 and a.shape[-1] == 2 and a.shape[-2] == 2:
return _det_2x2(a)
if a.ndim >= 2 and a.shape[-1] == 3 and a.shape[-2] == 3:
return _det_3x3(a)
if a.ndim < 2 or a.shape[-1] != a.shape[-2]:
_raise_value_error("Arguments to det must be [..., n, n], but got shape {}.".format(a.shape))
if F.dtype(a) not in float_types:
a = F.cast(a, mstype.float32)
lu_matrix, pivot = lu_factor(a)
diag = lu_matrix.diagonal(axis1=-2, axis2=-1)
pivot_not_equal = (pivot != mnp.arange(a.shape[-1])).astype(mstype.int64)
pivot_sign = mnp.count_nonzero(pivot_not_equal, axis=-1)
sign = -2. * (pivot_sign % 2) + 1.
return sign * P.ReduceProd(keep_dims=False)(diag, -1)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore.scipy as msp
from mindspore import context, Tensor
import mindspore.numpy as mnp
from mindspore.scipy.linalg import det
from import match_array, create_full_rank_matrix, create_sym_pos_matrix, \
@ -328,6 +329,50 @@ def test_lu_solve(n: int, dtype):
assert onp.allclose(msp_x.asnumpy(), osp_x, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', [(3, 3), (5, 5), (10, 10), (20, 20)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', [onp.float32, onp.float64])
def test_det(shape, dtype):
Feature: ALL To ALL
Description: test cases for det
Expectation: the result match to scipy
a = onp.random.random(shape).astype(dtype)
sp_det = osp.linalg.det(a)
tensor_a = Tensor(a)
ms_det = msp.linalg.det(tensor_a)
rtol = 1.e-5
atol = 1.e-5
assert onp.allclose(ms_det.asnumpy(), sp_det, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', [(2, 3, 3), (2, 3, 5, 5)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', [onp.float32, onp.float64])
def test_batch_det(shape, dtype):
Feature: ALL To ALL
Description: test batch cases for det
Expectation: the result match to scipy
a = onp.random.random(shape).astype(dtype)
tensor_a = Tensor(a)
ms_det = msp.linalg.det(tensor_a)
sp_det = onp.empty(shape=ms_det.shape, dtype=dtype)
for index, _ in onp.ndenumerate(sp_det):
sp_det[index] = osp.linalg.det(a[index])
rtol = 1.e-5
atol = 1.e-5
assert onp.allclose(ms_det.asnumpy(), sp_det, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
@ -351,3 +396,30 @@ def test_block_diag_graph(args):
scipy_res = osp.linalg.block_diag(*args)
match_array(ms_res.asnumpy(), scipy_res)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', [(3, 3), (5, 5), (10, 10), (20, 20)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', [onp.float32, onp.float64])
def test_det_graph(shape, dtype):
Feature: ALL To ALL
Description: test cases for det in graph mode
Expectation: the result match to scipy
class TestNet(nn.Cell):
def construct(self, a):
return det(a)
a = onp.random.random(shape).astype(dtype)
sp_det = osp.linalg.det(a)
tensor_a = Tensor(a)
ms_det = TestNet()(tensor_a)
rtol = 1.e-5
atol = 1.e-5
assert onp.allclose(ms_det.asnumpy(), sp_det, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
Reference in New Issue