forked from mindspore-Ecosystem/mindspore
!18421 Update code warning fixing on master
Merge pull request !18421 from xiaotianci/update_code_warning_master
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,31 +59,41 @@ uint32_t parse_bytes(const uint8_t *buf, bool intel_align) {
int parseExif(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) {
bool intel_align = true;
uint32_t offset = 0;
if (!buf || len < 6) return UNKNOW_ORIENTATION;
if (!buf || len < 6) {
if (!std::equal(buf, buf + 6, "Exif\0\0")) return UNKNOW_ORIENTATION;
if (!std::equal(buf, buf + 6, "Exif\0\0")) {
offset += 6;
if (offset + 8 > len) return UNKNOW_ORIENTATION;
if (offset + 8 > len) {
if (buf[offset] == 'I' && buf[offset + 1] == 'I') {
intel_align = true;
} else if (buf[offset] == 'M' && buf[offset + 1] == 'M') {
intel_align = false;
} else {
if (buf[offset] == 'M' && buf[offset + 1] == 'M')
intel_align = false;
offset += 2;
if (parse_bytes<uint16_t>(buf + offset, intel_align) != 0x2a) return UNKNOW_ORIENTATION;
if (parse_bytes<uint16_t>(buf + offset, intel_align) != 0x2a) {
offset += 2;
uint32_t first_ifd_offset = parse_bytes<uint32_t>(buf + offset, intel_align);
offset += first_ifd_offset - 4;
if (offset >= len) return UNKNOW_ORIENTATION;
if (offset >= len || offset + 2 > len) {
if (offset + 2 > len) return UNKNOW_ORIENTATION;
int num_entries = parse_bytes<uint16_t>(buf + offset, intel_align);
if (offset + 6 + 12 * num_entries > len) return UNKNOW_ORIENTATION;
if (offset + 6 + 12 * num_entries > len) {
offset += 2;
while (num_entries > 0) {
uint16_t tag = parse_bytes<uint16_t>(buf + offset, intel_align);
@ -26,8 +26,11 @@
#define ANGLE_22_5 0.39269908169872414
#define ANGLE_67_5 1.1780972450961724
constexpr float kAngle22_5 = 0.39269908169872414;
constexpr float kAngle67_5 = 1.1780972450961724;
constexpr int kCertainBorder = 2;
constexpr int kUncertainBorder = 1;
constexpr int kNotBorder = 0;
namespace mindspore {
namespace dataset {
@ -153,8 +156,8 @@ static void NonMaximumSuppression(const LiteMat &gx, const LiteMat &gy, LiteMat
float angle_value = atan2(gy_value_abs, gx_value_abs);
float edge_value = temp[y * gx.width_ + x];
float edge_pre, edge_nex;
if (angle_value < ANGLE_22_5 || angle_value > ANGLE_67_5) {
if (angle_value < ANGLE_22_5) {
if (angle_value < kAngle22_5 || angle_value > kAngle67_5) {
if (angle_value < kAngle22_5) {
edge_pre = GetEdge(temp, gx.width_, gx.height_, x - 1, y);
edge_nex = GetEdge(temp, gx.width_, gx.height_, x + 1, y);
} else {
@ -196,12 +199,12 @@ static void Hysteresis(const LiteMat &edges, uint8_t *dst, double low_thresh, do
int pos = y * edges.width_ + x;
float edge_value = edges_ptr[pos];
if (edge_value > high_thresh) {
buffer[pos] = 2;
buffer[pos] = kCertainBorder;
} else if (edge_value <= low_thresh) {
buffer[pos] = 0;
buffer[pos] = kNotBorder;
} else {
buffer[pos] = 1;
buffer[pos] = kUncertainBorder;
@ -220,8 +223,8 @@ static void Hysteresis(const LiteMat &edges, uint8_t *dst, double low_thresh, do
int next = next_y * buffer_step + next_x;
if (buffer[next] == 1) {
buffer[next] = 2;
if (buffer[next] == kUncertainBorder) {
buffer[next] = kCertainBorder;
@ -229,7 +232,7 @@ static void Hysteresis(const LiteMat &edges, uint8_t *dst, double low_thresh, do
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (buffer[i] == 2) {
if (buffer[i] == kCertainBorder) {
dst[i] = 255;
} else {
dst[i] = 0;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
#include "lite_cv/lite_mat.h"
#include "lite_cv/image_process.h"
@ -18,38 +18,36 @@
#include <cfloat>
#include <climits>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <random>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <arm_neon.h>
#define R2GRAY 9798
#define G2GRAY 19235
#define B2GRAY 3735
#define GRAYSHIFT 15
#define GRAYSHIFT_DELTA (1 << (GRAYSHIFT - 1))
#define U32TOU8CAST(value) ((uint8_t)std::min(value, (uint32_t)UCHAR_MAX))
#define YSCALE 0x0101
#define UTOB (-128)
#define UTOG 25
#define VTOR (-102)
#define VTOG 52
#define YTOG 18997
#define YTOGB (-1160)
#define BTOB (UTOB * 128 + YTOGB)
#define BTOG (UTOG * 128 + VTOG * 128 + YTOGB)
#define BTOR (VTOR * 128 + YTOGB)
#define Equ(a, b) ((std::fabs((a) - (b)) < 1e-6))
namespace mindspore {
namespace dataset {
constexpr uint32_t kR2Gray = 9798;
constexpr uint32_t kG2Gray = 19235;
constexpr uint32_t kB2Gray = 3735;
constexpr int32_t kGrayShift = 15;
constexpr int32_t kGrayShiftDelta = 1 << (kGrayShift - 1);
constexpr int32_t kYScale = 0x0101;
constexpr int32_t kU2B = -128;
constexpr int32_t kU2G = 25;
constexpr int32_t kV2R = -102;
constexpr int32_t kV2G = 52;
constexpr int32_t kY2G = 18997;
constexpr int32_t kY2GB = -1160;
constexpr int32_t kB2B = kU2B * 128 + kY2GB;
constexpr int32_t kB2G = kU2G * 128 + kV2G * 128 + kY2GB;
constexpr int32_t kB2R = kV2R * 128 + kY2GB;
static bool Equal(const float &a, const float &b) { return std::fabs(a - b) < 1e-6; }
static inline void InitBilinearWeight(int *data_ptr, int16_t *weight_ptr, double scale, int dst_length, int src_length,
int a) {
@ -240,7 +238,7 @@ static void ResizeBilinear1C(const unsigned char *src, int src_width, int src_he
delete[] data_buf;
static inline uint8_t clip(float value, int min = 0, int max = 255) {
static inline uint8_t clip(float value) {
int int_val = roundf(value);
return std::max<int32_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::min(),
std::min<int32_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max(), int_val));
@ -467,18 +465,18 @@ static bool ConvertYUV420SPToBGR(const uint8_t *data, LDataType data_type, bool
u = uv_buf[0];
v = uv_buf[1];
uint32_t tmp_y = (uint32_t)(y_buf[0] * YSCALE * YTOG) >> 16;
uint32_t tmp_y = (uint32_t)(y_buf[0] * kYScale * kY2G) >> 16;
// b
bgr_buf[0] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * UTOB) + tmp_y + BTOB) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[0] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * kU2B) + tmp_y + kB2B) >> 6, 0, 255);
// g
bgr_buf[1] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * UTOG + v * VTOG) + tmp_y + BTOG) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[1] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * kU2G + v * kV2G) + tmp_y + kB2G) >> 6, 0, 255);
// r
bgr_buf[2] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(v * VTOR) + tmp_y + BTOR) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[2] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(v * kV2R) + tmp_y + kB2R) >> 6, 0, 255);
tmp_y = (uint32_t)(y_buf[1] * YSCALE * YTOG) >> 16;
bgr_buf[3] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * UTOB) + tmp_y + BTOB) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[4] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * UTOG + v * VTOG) + tmp_y + BTOG) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[5] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(v * VTOR) + tmp_y + BTOR) >> 6, 0, 255);
tmp_y = (uint32_t)(y_buf[1] * kYScale * kY2G) >> 16;
bgr_buf[3] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * kU2B) + tmp_y + kB2B) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[4] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * kU2G + v * kV2G) + tmp_y + kB2G) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[5] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(v * kV2R) + tmp_y + kB2R) >> 6, 0, 255);
y_buf += 2;
uv_buf += 2;
@ -494,10 +492,10 @@ static bool ConvertYUV420SPToBGR(const uint8_t *data, LDataType data_type, bool
u = uv_buf[0];
v = uv_buf[1];
uint32_t tmp_y = (uint32_t)(y_buf[0] * YSCALE * YTOG) >> 16;
bgr_buf[0] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * UTOB) + tmp_y + BTOB) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[1] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * UTOG + v * VTOG) + tmp_y + BTOG) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[2] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(v * VTOR) + tmp_y + BTOR) >> 6, 0, 255);
uint32_t tmp_y = (uint32_t)(y_buf[0] * kYScale * kY2G) >> 16;
bgr_buf[0] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * kU2B) + tmp_y + kB2B) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[1] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(u * kU2G + v * kV2G) + tmp_y + kB2G) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_buf[2] = std::clamp((int32_t)(-(v * kV2R) + tmp_y + kB2R) >> 6, 0, 255);
bgr_ptr += bgr_stride;
@ -520,7 +518,7 @@ static bool ConvertRGBAToGRAY(const unsigned char *data, LDataType data_type, in
const unsigned char *data_ptr = data;
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
*ptr = (data_ptr[2] * B2GRAY + data_ptr[1] * G2GRAY + data_ptr[0] * R2GRAY + GRAYSHIFT_DELTA) >> GRAYSHIFT;
*ptr = (data_ptr[2] * kB2Gray + data_ptr[1] * kG2Gray + data_ptr[0] * kR2Gray + kGrayShiftDelta) >> kGrayShift;
data_ptr += 4;
@ -665,7 +663,7 @@ bool Crop(const LiteMat &src, LiteMat &dst, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
static bool CheckZero(const std::vector<float> &vs) {
for (int i = 0; i < vs.size(); i++) {
if (Equ(vs[i], 0.0f)) {
if (Equal(vs[i], 0.0f)) {
return true;
@ -804,6 +802,7 @@ static int PadFromPos(int p, int len, PaddBorderType pad_type) {
if (pad_type == PaddBorderType::PADD_BORDER_REPLICATE) {
return p < 0 ? 0 : len - 1;
} else {
// calculate the position of pixel in reflect mode like edcb|abcdef|edcb
return p < 0 ? -p : 2 * len - p - 2;
@ -1621,7 +1620,7 @@ bool ConvertRgbToGray(const LiteMat &src, LDataType data_type, int w, int h, Lit
const unsigned char *data_ptr = src;
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
*ptr = (data_ptr[2] * B2GRAY + data_ptr[1] * G2GRAY + data_ptr[0] * R2GRAY + GRAYSHIFT_DELTA) >> GRAYSHIFT;
*ptr = (data_ptr[2] * kB2Gray + data_ptr[1] * kG2Gray + data_ptr[0] * kR2Gray + kGrayShiftDelta) >> kGrayShift;
data_ptr += 3;
@ -20,31 +20,42 @@
#include "lite_cv/lite_mat.h"
#include "lite_cv/image_process.h"
#define BITS 5
#define BITS1 15
#define TAB_SZ (1 << BITS)
#define TAB_SZ2 (TAB_SZ * TAB_SZ)
#define FLOATTOSHORT(value) (IntCastShort(round(value)))
#define REMAP_SCALE (1 << 15)
#define INTTOUCHAR(v) ((uint8_t)((unsigned)v <= UCHAR_MAX ? v : v > 0 ? UCHAR_MAX : 0))
#define SrcValue(y, x) (reinterpret_cast<double *>(src + y * 3))[x]
#define DstValue(y, x) (reinterpret_cast<double *>(dst + y * 3))[x]
constexpr int kBits = 5;
constexpr int kBits1 = 15;
constexpr int kTabSz = 1 << kBits;
constexpr int kTabSz2 = kTabSz * kTabSz;
constexpr int kRemapScale = 1 << 15;
namespace mindspore {
namespace dataset {
static int16_t BWBlock_i[TAB_SZ2][2][2];
static int16_t BWBlock_i[kTabSz2][2][2];
static double SrcValue(const double *src, const int &y, const int &x) { return (src + y * 3)[x]; }
static double &DstValue(double *dst, const int &y, const int &x) { return (dst + y * 3)[x]; }
static double GetDet3(double *src) {
double a1 = SrcValue(0, 0) * (SrcValue(1, 1) * SrcValue(2, 2) - SrcValue(1, 2) * SrcValue(2, 1));
double a2 = SrcValue(0, 1) * (SrcValue(1, 0) * SrcValue(2, 2) - SrcValue(1, 2) * SrcValue(2, 0));
double a3 = SrcValue(0, 2) * (SrcValue(1, 0) * SrcValue(2, 1) - SrcValue(1, 1) * SrcValue(2, 0));
double a1 =
SrcValue(src, 0, 0) * (SrcValue(src, 1, 1) * SrcValue(src, 2, 2) - SrcValue(src, 1, 2) * SrcValue(src, 2, 1));
double a2 =
SrcValue(src, 0, 1) * (SrcValue(src, 1, 0) * SrcValue(src, 2, 2) - SrcValue(src, 1, 2) * SrcValue(src, 2, 0));
double a3 =
SrcValue(src, 0, 2) * (SrcValue(src, 1, 0) * SrcValue(src, 2, 1) - SrcValue(src, 1, 1) * SrcValue(src, 2, 0));
return a1 - a2 + a3;
static int16_t IntCastShort(int value) {
return (int16_t)((unsigned)(value - SHRT_MIN) <= (unsigned)USHRT_MAX ? value : value > 0 ? SHRT_MAX : SHRT_MIN);
static uint8_t UIntToUChar(const uint32_t &v) {
return static_cast<uint8_t>(v <= UCHAR_MAX ? v : v > 0 ? UCHAR_MAX : 0);
static int16_t IntCastShort(const int &value) {
return static_cast<int16_t>(static_cast<unsigned>(value - SHRT_MIN) <= static_cast<unsigned>(USHRT_MAX)
? value
: value > 0 ? SHRT_MAX : SHRT_MIN);
static int16_t FloatToShort(float value) { return IntCastShort(round(value)); }
static void InitWBlockInter(float *wBlock, int wBlockSz) {
float scale = 1.f / wBlockSz;
for (int i = 0; i < wBlockSz; i++, wBlock += 2) {
@ -56,27 +67,27 @@ static void InitWBlockInter(float *wBlock, int wBlockSz) {
static const void *InitWBlock() {
static bool initWB = false;
int16_t *iWBlock = 0;
int16_t *iWBlock = nullptr;
int ks = 2;
iWBlock = BWBlock_i[0][0];
if (!initWB) {
float *_wblock = new float[8 * TAB_SZ];
float *_wblock = new float[8 * kTabSz];
int i, j, h1, h2;
InitWBlockInter(_wblock, TAB_SZ);
for (i = 0; i < TAB_SZ; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < TAB_SZ; j++, iWBlock += ks * ks) {
InitWBlockInter(_wblock, kTabSz);
for (i = 0; i < kTabSz; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < kTabSz; j++, iWBlock += ks * ks) {
int sum_i = 0;
for (h1 = 0; h1 < ks; h1++) {
float vy = _wblock[i * ks + h1];
for (h2 = 0; h2 < ks; h2++) {
float v = vy * _wblock[j * ks + h2];
sum_i += iWBlock[h1 * ks + h2] = FLOATTOSHORT(v * REMAP_SCALE);
sum_i += iWBlock[h1 * ks + h2] = FloatToShort(v * kRemapScale);
if (sum_i != REMAP_SCALE) {
int df = sum_i - REMAP_SCALE;
if (sum_i != kRemapScale) {
int df = sum_i - kRemapScale;
int ks2 = 1;
int tk1 = ks2;
int tk2 = ks2;
@ -99,14 +110,14 @@ static const void *InitWBlock() {
iWBlock -= TAB_SZ2 * ks * ks;
iWBlock -= kTabSz2 * ks * ks;
delete[] _wblock;
initWB = true;
return (const void *)iWBlock;
static uint8_t CastToFixed(int v) { return INTTOUCHAR(((v + (1 << (BITS1 - 1))) >> BITS1)); }
static uint8_t CastToFixed(int v) { return UIntToUChar(((v + (1 << (kBits1 - 1))) >> kBits1)); }
static int BorderPolate(int value, int length, PaddBorderType borderType) {
if ((unsigned)value < (unsigned)length) {
@ -345,7 +356,7 @@ static void Remap(const LiteMat &src, LiteMat &dst, LiteMat &map1, const LiteMat
const uint16_t *sa_ptr = map2.ptr<uint16_t>(y + y1) + x;
x1 = 0;
for (; x1 < bwidth; x1++) {
t_a_ptr[x1] = (uint16_t)(sa_ptr[x1] & (TAB_SZ2 - 1));
t_a_ptr[x1] = (uint16_t)(sa_ptr[x1] & (kTabSz2 - 1));
RemapBilinear(src, lite_part, xy_ptr, a_ptr, wblock, borderType, borderValue);
@ -401,7 +412,7 @@ bool WarpAffineBilinear(const LiteMat &src, LiteMat &dst, const LiteMat &M, int
const int B_SIZE = 64;
int16_t WH[B_SIZE * B_SIZE * 2];
int16_t A_Ptr[B_SIZE * B_SIZE];
int r_delta = SCALE / TAB_SZ / 2;
int r_delta = SCALE / kTabSz / 2;
int x, y, x1, y1;
for (x = 0; x < dst.width_; x++) {
a[x] = round(IM[0] * x * SCALE);
@ -426,11 +437,11 @@ bool WarpAffineBilinear(const LiteMat &src, LiteMat &dst, const LiteMat &M, int
int16_t *t_a = A_Ptr + y1 * t_bw;
x1 = 0;
for (; x1 < t_bw; x1++) {
int X = (X0 + a[x + x1]) >> (10 - BITS);
int Y = (Y0 + b[x + x1]) >> (10 - BITS);
t_xy[x1 * 2] = IntCastShort(X >> BITS);
t_xy[x1 * 2 + 1] = IntCastShort(Y >> BITS);
t_a[x1] = (int16_t)((Y & (TAB_SZ - 1)) * TAB_SZ + (X & (TAB_SZ - 1)));
int X = (X0 + a[x + x1]) >> (10 - kBits);
int Y = (Y0 + b[x + x1]) >> (10 - kBits);
t_xy[x1 * 2] = IntCastShort(X >> kBits);
t_xy[x1 * 2 + 1] = IntCastShort(Y >> kBits);
t_a[x1] = (int16_t)((Y & (kTabSz - 1)) * kTabSz + (X & (kTabSz - 1)));
@ -449,27 +460,27 @@ static void PerspectiveInvert(double *src, double *dst) {
value = 1. / value;
double v[9];
v[0] = (SrcValue(1, 1) * SrcValue(2, 2) - SrcValue(1, 2) * SrcValue(2, 1)) * value;
v[1] = (SrcValue(0, 2) * SrcValue(2, 1) - SrcValue(0, 1) * SrcValue(2, 2)) * value;
v[2] = (SrcValue(0, 1) * SrcValue(1, 2) - SrcValue(0, 2) * SrcValue(1, 1)) * value;
v[0] = (SrcValue(src, 1, 1) * SrcValue(src, 2, 2) - SrcValue(src, 1, 2) * SrcValue(src, 2, 1)) * value;
v[1] = (SrcValue(src, 0, 2) * SrcValue(src, 2, 1) - SrcValue(src, 0, 1) * SrcValue(src, 2, 2)) * value;
v[2] = (SrcValue(src, 0, 1) * SrcValue(src, 1, 2) - SrcValue(src, 0, 2) * SrcValue(src, 1, 1)) * value;
v[3] = (SrcValue(1, 2) * SrcValue(2, 0) - SrcValue(1, 0) * SrcValue(2, 2)) * value;
v[4] = (SrcValue(0, 0) * SrcValue(2, 2) - SrcValue(0, 2) * SrcValue(2, 0)) * value;
v[5] = (SrcValue(0, 2) * SrcValue(1, 0) - SrcValue(0, 0) * SrcValue(1, 2)) * value;
v[3] = (SrcValue(src, 1, 2) * SrcValue(src, 2, 0) - SrcValue(src, 1, 0) * SrcValue(src, 2, 2)) * value;
v[4] = (SrcValue(src, 0, 0) * SrcValue(src, 2, 2) - SrcValue(src, 0, 2) * SrcValue(src, 2, 0)) * value;
v[5] = (SrcValue(src, 0, 2) * SrcValue(src, 1, 0) - SrcValue(src, 0, 0) * SrcValue(src, 1, 2)) * value;
v[6] = (SrcValue(1, 0) * SrcValue(2, 1) - SrcValue(1, 1) * SrcValue(2, 0)) * value;
v[7] = (SrcValue(0, 1) * SrcValue(2, 0) - SrcValue(0, 0) * SrcValue(2, 1)) * value;
v[8] = (SrcValue(0, 0) * SrcValue(1, 1) - SrcValue(0, 1) * SrcValue(1, 0)) * value;
v[6] = (SrcValue(src, 1, 0) * SrcValue(src, 2, 1) - SrcValue(src, 1, 1) * SrcValue(src, 2, 0)) * value;
v[7] = (SrcValue(src, 0, 1) * SrcValue(src, 2, 0) - SrcValue(src, 0, 0) * SrcValue(src, 2, 1)) * value;
v[8] = (SrcValue(src, 0, 0) * SrcValue(src, 1, 1) - SrcValue(src, 0, 1) * SrcValue(src, 1, 0)) * value;
DstValue(0, 0) = v[0];
DstValue(0, 1) = v[1];
DstValue(0, 2) = v[2];
DstValue(1, 0) = v[3];
DstValue(1, 1) = v[4];
DstValue(1, 2) = v[5];
DstValue(2, 0) = v[6];
DstValue(2, 1) = v[7];
DstValue(2, 2) = v[8];
DstValue(dst, 0, 0) = v[0];
DstValue(dst, 0, 1) = v[1];
DstValue(dst, 0, 2) = v[2];
DstValue(dst, 1, 0) = v[3];
DstValue(dst, 1, 1) = v[4];
DstValue(dst, 1, 2) = v[5];
DstValue(dst, 2, 0) = v[6];
DstValue(dst, 2, 1) = v[7];
DstValue(dst, 2, 2) = v[8];
@ -532,15 +543,15 @@ bool WarpPerspectiveBilinear(const LiteMat &src, LiteMat &dst, const LiteMat &M,
int16_t *t_a = TA + y1 * tw;
for (int x1 = 0; x1 < tw; x1++) {
double W = WV + IM[6] * x1;
W = W ? TAB_SZ / W : 0;
W = W ? kTabSz / W : 0;
double fX = std::max((double)INT_MIN, std::min((double)INT_MAX, (XV + IM[0] * x1) * W)); // NOLINT
double fY = std::max((double)INT_MIN, std::min((double)INT_MAX, (YV + IM[3] * x1) * W)); // NOLINT
int X = round(fX);
int Y = round(fY);
xy[x1 * 2] = IntCastShort(X >> BITS);
xy[x1 * 2 + 1] = IntCastShort(Y >> BITS);
t_a[x1] = (int16_t)((Y & (TAB_SZ - 1)) * TAB_SZ + (X & (TAB_SZ - 1)));
xy[x1 * 2] = IntCastShort(X >> kBits);
xy[x1 * 2 + 1] = IntCastShort(Y >> kBits);
t_a[x1] = (int16_t)((Y & (kTabSz - 1)) * kTabSz + (X & (kTabSz - 1)));
LiteMat _matA(tw, th, 1, TA, LDataType::UINT16);
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ import subprocess
import sys
import mindspore
def main():
def main():
"""Entry point for cache service"""
cache_admin_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mindspore.__file__), "bin")
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
@ -190,4 +190,4 @@ class AlbumOp {
} // namespace dataset
} // namespace mindspore
Reference in New Issue