diff --git a/cmake/external_libs/openssl.cmake b/cmake/external_libs/openssl.cmake
index dad9f12fdb9..447c35377df 100644
--- a/cmake/external_libs/openssl.cmake
+++ b/cmake/external_libs/openssl.cmake
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ if(BUILD_LITE)
                 CONFIGURE_COMMAND ./Configure android-arm64 -D__ANDROID_API__=29 no-zlib
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-3711.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-3712.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-4160.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-0778.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-1292.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-2068.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-2097.patch
@@ -46,7 +49,10 @@ if(BUILD_LITE)
                 CONFIGURE_COMMAND ./Configure android-arm -D__ANDROID_API__=19 no-zlib
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-3711.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-3712.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-4160.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-0778.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-1292.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-2068.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-2097.patch
@@ -59,7 +65,10 @@ if(BUILD_LITE)
                 CONFIGURE_COMMAND ./config no-zlib no-shared
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-3711.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-3712.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-4160.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-0778.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-1292.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-2068.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-2097.patch
@@ -79,7 +88,10 @@ else()
                 CONFIGURE_COMMAND ./config no-zlib no-shared
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-3711.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-3712.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2021-4160.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-0778.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-1292.patch
+                PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-2068.patch
                 PATCHES ${OPENSSL_PATCH_ROOT}/CVE-2022-2097.patch
diff --git a/third_party/patch/openssl/CVE-2021-4160.patch b/third_party/patch/openssl/CVE-2021-4160.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c5773f5b9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/patch/openssl/CVE-2021-4160.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/mips.pl b/crypto/bn/asm/mips.pl
+index 95cb227dc5..91b7aac6e7 100644
+--- a/crypto/bn/asm/mips.pl
++++ b/crypto/bn/asm/mips.pl
+@@ -1986,6 +1986,8 @@ $code.=<<___;
+ 	sltu	$at,$c_2,$t_1
+ 	$ADDU	$c_3,$t_2,$at
+ 	$ST	$c_2,$BNSZ($a0)
++	sltu	$at,$c_3,$t_2
++	$ADDU	$c_1,$at
+ 	mflo	($t_1,$a_2,$a_0)
+ 	mfhi	($t_2,$a_2,$a_0)
+ ___
+@@ -2196,6 +2198,8 @@ $code.=<<___;
+ 	sltu	$at,$c_2,$t_1
+ 	$ADDU	$c_3,$t_2,$at
+ 	$ST	$c_2,$BNSZ($a0)
++	sltu	$at,$c_3,$t_2
++	$ADDU	$c_1,$at
+ 	mflo	($t_1,$a_2,$a_0)
+ 	mfhi	($t_2,$a_2,$a_0)
+ ___
+diff --git a/test/bntest.c b/test/bntest.c
+index 87e5c4065b..fa9fc07cef 100644
+--- a/test/bntest.c
++++ b/test/bntest.c
+@@ -630,6 +630,51 @@ static int test_modexp_mont5(void)
+     if (!TEST_BN_eq(c, d))
+         goto err;
++    /*
++     * Regression test for overflow bug in bn_sqr_comba4/8 for
++     * mips-linux-gnu and mipsel-linux-gnu 32bit targets.
++     */
++    {
++        static const char *ehex[] = {
++            "95564994a96c45954227b845a1e99cb939d5a1da99ee91acc962396ae999a9ee",
++            "38603790448f2f7694c242a875f0cad0aae658eba085f312d2febbbd128dd2b5",
++            "8f7d1149f03724215d704344d0d62c587ae3c5939cba4b9b5f3dc5e8e911ef9a",
++            "5ce1a5a749a4989d0d8368f6e1f8cdf3a362a6c97fb02047ff152b480a4ad985",
++            "2d45efdf0770542992afca6a0590d52930434bba96017afbc9f99e112950a8b1",
++            "a359473ec376f329bdae6a19f503be6d4be7393c4e43468831234e27e3838680",
++            "b949390d2e416a3f9759e5349ab4c253f6f29f819a6fe4cbfd27ada34903300e",
++            "da021f62839f5878a36f1bc3085375b00fd5fa3e68d316c0fdace87a97558465",
++            NULL};
++        static const char *phex[] = {
++            "f95dc0f980fbd22e90caa5a387cc4a369f3f830d50dd321c40db8c09a7e1a241",
++            "a536e096622d3280c0c1ba849c1f4a79bf490f60006d081e8cf69960189f0d31",
++            "2cd9e17073a3fba7881b21474a13b334116cb2f5dbf3189a6de3515d0840f053",
++            "c776d3982d391b6d04d642dda5cc6d1640174c09875addb70595658f89efb439",
++            "dc6fbd55f903aadd307982d3f659207f265e1ec6271b274521b7a5e28e8fd7a5",
++            "5df089292820477802a43cf5b6b94e999e8c9944ddebb0d0e95a60f88cb7e813",
++            "ba110d20e1024774107dd02949031864923b3cb8c3f7250d6d1287b0a40db6a4",
++            "7bd5a469518eb65aa207ddc47d8c6e5fc8e0c105be8fc1d4b57b2e27540471d5",
++            NULL};
++        static const char *mhex[] = {
++            "fef15d5ce4625f1bccfbba49fc8439c72bf8202af039a2259678941b60bb4a8f",
++            "2987e965d58fd8cf86a856674d519763d0e1211cc9f8596971050d56d9b35db3",
++            "785866cfbca17cfdbed6060be3629d894f924a89fdc1efc624f80d41a22f1900",
++            "9503fcc3824ef62ccb9208430c26f2d8ceb2c63488ec4c07437aa4c96c43dd8b",
++            "9289ed00a712ff66ee195dc71f5e4ead02172b63c543d69baf495f5fd63ba7bc",
++            "c633bd309c016e37736da92129d0b053d4ab28d21ad7d8b6fab2a8bbdc8ee647",
++            "d2fbcf2cf426cf892e6f5639e0252993965dfb73ccd277407014ea784aaa280c",
++            "b7b03972bc8b0baa72360bdb44b82415b86b2f260f877791cd33ba8f2d65229b",
++            NULL};
++        if (!TEST_true(parse_bigBN(&e, ehex))
++                || !TEST_true(parse_bigBN(&p, phex))
++                || !TEST_true(parse_bigBN(&m, mhex))
++                || !TEST_true(BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(d, e, p, m, ctx, NULL))
++                || !TEST_true(BN_mod_exp_simple(a, e, p, m, ctx))
++                || !TEST_BN_eq(a, d))
++            goto err;
++    }
+     /* Zero input */
+     if (!TEST_true(BN_bntest_rand(p, 1024, 0, 0)))
+         goto err;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/patch/openssl/CVE-2022-1292.patch b/third_party/patch/openssl/CVE-2022-1292.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d07162220b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/patch/openssl/CVE-2022-1292.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+diff --git a/tools/c_rehash.in b/tools/c_rehash.in
+index fa7c6c9fef..83c1cc80e0 100644
+--- a/tools/c_rehash.in
++++ b/tools/c_rehash.in
+@@ -152,6 +152,23 @@ sub check_file {
+ 	return ($is_cert, $is_crl);
+ }
++sub compute_hash {
++    my $fh;
++    if ( $^O eq "VMS" ) {
++        # VMS uses the open through shell
++        # The file names are safe there and list form is unsupported
++        if (!open($fh, "-|", join(' ', @_))) {
++            print STDERR "Cannot compute hash on '$fname'\n";
++            return;
++        }
++    } else {
++        if (!open($fh, "-|", @_)) {
++            print STDERR "Cannot compute hash on '$fname'\n";
++            return;
++        }
++    }
++    return (<$fh>, <$fh>);
+ # Link a certificate to its subject name hash value, each hash is of
+ # the form <hash>.<n> where n is an integer. If the hash value already exists
+@@ -161,10 +178,12 @@ sub check_file {
+ sub link_hash_cert {
+ 		my $fname = $_[0];
+-		$fname =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
+-		my ($hash, $fprint) = `"$openssl" x509 $x509hash -fingerprint -noout -in "$fname"`;
++		my ($hash, $fprint) = compute_hash($openssl, "x509", $x509hash,
++						   "-fingerprint", "-noout",
++						   "-in", $fname);
+ 		chomp $hash;
+ 		chomp $fprint;
++		return if !$hash;
+ 		$fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
+ 		$fprint =~ tr/://d;
+ 		my $suffix = 0;
+@@ -202,10 +221,12 @@ sub link_hash_cert {
+ sub link_hash_crl {
+ 		my $fname = $_[0];
+-		$fname =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
+-		my ($hash, $fprint) = `"$openssl" crl $crlhash -fingerprint -noout -in '$fname'`;
++		my ($hash, $fprint) = compute_hash($openssl, "crl", $crlhash,
++						   "-fingerprint", "-noout",
++						   "-in", $fname);
+ 		chomp $hash;
+ 		chomp $fprint;
++		return if !$hash;
+ 		$fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
+ 		$fprint =~ tr/://d;
+ 		my $suffix = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/patch/openssl/CVE-2022-2068.patch b/third_party/patch/openssl/CVE-2022-2068.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fde78b92782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/patch/openssl/CVE-2022-2068.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+diff --git a/tools/c_rehash.in b/tools/c_rehash.in
+index cfd18f5da1..9d2a6f6db7 100644
+--- a/tools/c_rehash.in
++++ b/tools/c_rehash.in
+@@ -104,52 +104,78 @@ foreach (@dirlist) {
+ }
+ exit($errorcount);
++sub copy_file {
++    my ($src_fname, $dst_fname) = @_;
++    if (open(my $in, "<", $src_fname)) {
++        if (open(my $out, ">", $dst_fname)) {
++            print $out $_ while (<$in>);
++            close $out;
++        } else {
++            warn "Cannot open $dst_fname for write, $!";
++        }
++        close $in;
++    } else {
++        warn "Cannot open $src_fname for read, $!";
++    }
+ sub hash_dir {
+-	my %hashlist;
+-	print "Doing $_[0]\n";
+-	chdir $_[0];
+-	opendir(DIR, ".");
+-	my @flist = sort readdir(DIR);
+-	closedir DIR;
+-	if ( $removelinks ) {
+-		# Delete any existing symbolic links
+-		foreach (grep {/^[\da-f]+\.r{0,1}\d+$/} @flist) {
+-			if (-l $_) {
+-				print "unlink $_" if $verbose;
+-				unlink $_ || warn "Can't unlink $_, $!\n";
+-			}
+-		}
+-	}
+-	FILE: foreach $fname (grep {/\.(pem)|(crt)|(cer)|(crl)$/} @flist) {
+-		# Check to see if certificates and/or CRLs present.
+-		my ($cert, $crl) = check_file($fname);
+-		if (!$cert && !$crl) {
+-			print STDERR "WARNING: $fname does not contain a certificate or CRL: skipping\n";
+-			next;
+-		}
+-		link_hash_cert($fname) if ($cert);
+-		link_hash_crl($fname) if ($crl);
+-	}
++    my $dir = shift;
++    my %hashlist;
++    print "Doing $dir\n";
++    if (!chdir $dir) {
++        print STDERR "WARNING: Cannot chdir to '$dir', $!\n";
++        return;
++    }
++    opendir(DIR, ".") || print STDERR "WARNING: Cannot opendir '.', $!\n";
++    my @flist = sort readdir(DIR);
++    closedir DIR;
++    if ( $removelinks ) {
++        # Delete any existing symbolic links
++        foreach (grep {/^[\da-f]+\.r{0,1}\d+$/} @flist) {
++            if (-l $_) {
++                print "unlink $_\n" if $verbose;
++                unlink $_ || warn "Can't unlink $_, $!\n";
++            }
++        }
++    }
++    FILE: foreach $fname (grep {/\.(pem)|(crt)|(cer)|(crl)$/} @flist) {
++        # Check to see if certificates and/or CRLs present.
++        my ($cert, $crl) = check_file($fname);
++        if (!$cert && !$crl) {
++            print STDERR "WARNING: $fname does not contain a certificate or CRL: skipping\n";
++            next;
++        }
++        link_hash_cert($fname) if ($cert);
++        link_hash_crl($fname) if ($crl);
++    }
++    chdir $pwd;
+ }
+ sub check_file {
+-	my ($is_cert, $is_crl) = (0,0);
+-	my $fname = $_[0];
+-	open IN, $fname;
+-	while(<IN>) {
+-		if (/^-----BEGIN (.*)-----/) {
+-			my $hdr = $1;
+-			if ($hdr =~ /^(X509 |TRUSTED |)CERTIFICATE$/) {
+-				$is_cert = 1;
+-				last if ($is_crl);
+-			} elsif ($hdr eq "X509 CRL") {
+-				$is_crl = 1;
+-				last if ($is_cert);
+-			}
+-		}
+-	}
+-	close IN;
+-	return ($is_cert, $is_crl);
++    my ($is_cert, $is_crl) = (0,0);
++    my $fname = $_[0];
++    open(my $in, "<", $fname);
++    while(<$in>) {
++        if (/^-----BEGIN (.*)-----/) {
++            my $hdr = $1;
++            if ($hdr =~ /^(X509 |TRUSTED |)CERTIFICATE$/) {
++                $is_cert = 1;
++                last if ($is_crl);
++            } elsif ($hdr eq "X509 CRL") {
++                $is_crl = 1;
++                last if ($is_cert);
++            }
++        }
++    }
++    close $in;
++    return ($is_cert, $is_crl);
+ }
+ sub compute_hash {
+@@ -177,76 +203,48 @@ sub compute_hash {
+ # certificate fingerprints
+ sub link_hash_cert {
+-		my $fname = $_[0];
+-		my ($hash, $fprint) = compute_hash($openssl, "x509", $x509hash,
+-						   "-fingerprint", "-noout",
+-						   "-in", $fname);
+-		chomp $hash;
+-		chomp $fprint;
+-		return if !$hash;
+-		$fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
+-		$fprint =~ tr/://d;
+-		my $suffix = 0;
+-		# Search for an unused hash filename
+-		while(exists $hashlist{"$hash.$suffix"}) {
+-			# Hash matches: if fingerprint matches its a duplicate cert
+-			if ($hashlist{"$hash.$suffix"} eq $fprint) {
+-				print STDERR "WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate $fname\n";
+-				return;
+-			}
+-			$suffix++;
+-		}
+-		$hash .= ".$suffix";
+-		if ($symlink_exists) {
+-			print "link $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
+-			symlink $fname, $hash || warn "Can't symlink, $!";
+-		} else {
+-			print "copy $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
+-                        if (open($in, "<", $fname)) {
+-                            if (open($out,">", $hash)) {
+-                                print $out $_ while (<$in>);
+-                                close $out;
+-                            } else {
+-                                warn "can't open $hash for write, $!";
+-                            }
+-                            close $in;
+-                        } else {
+-                            warn "can't open $fname for read, $!";
+-                        }
+-		}
+-		$hashlist{$hash} = $fprint;
++    link_hash($_[0], 'cert');
+ }
+ # Same as above except for a CRL. CRL links are of the form <hash>.r<n>
+ sub link_hash_crl {
+-		my $fname = $_[0];
+-		my ($hash, $fprint) = compute_hash($openssl, "crl", $crlhash,
+-						   "-fingerprint", "-noout",
+-						   "-in", $fname);
+-		chomp $hash;
+-		chomp $fprint;
+-		return if !$hash;
+-		$fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
+-		$fprint =~ tr/://d;
+-		my $suffix = 0;
+-		# Search for an unused hash filename
+-		while(exists $hashlist{"$hash.r$suffix"}) {
+-			# Hash matches: if fingerprint matches its a duplicate cert
+-			if ($hashlist{"$hash.r$suffix"} eq $fprint) {
+-				print STDERR "WARNING: Skipping duplicate CRL $fname\n";
+-				return;
+-			}
+-			$suffix++;
+-		}
+-		$hash .= ".r$suffix";
+-		if ($symlink_exists) {
+-			print "link $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
+-			symlink $fname, $hash || warn "Can't symlink, $!";
+-		} else {
+-			print "cp $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
+-			system ("cp", $fname, $hash);
+-                        warn "Can't copy, $!" if ($? >> 8) != 0;
+-		}
+-		$hashlist{$hash} = $fprint;
++    link_hash($_[0], 'crl');
++sub link_hash {
++    my ($fname, $type) = @_;
++    my $is_cert = $type eq 'cert';
++    my ($hash, $fprint) = compute_hash($openssl,
++                                       $is_cert ? "x509" : "crl",
++                                       $is_cert ? $x509hash : $crlhash,
++                                       "-fingerprint", "-noout",
++                                       "-in", $fname);
++    chomp $hash;
++    chomp $fprint;
++    return if !$hash;
++    $fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
++    $fprint =~ tr/://d;
++    my $suffix = 0;
++    # Search for an unused hash filename
++    my $crlmark = $is_cert ? "" : "r";
++    while(exists $hashlist{"$hash.$crlmark$suffix"}) {
++        # Hash matches: if fingerprint matches its a duplicate cert
++        if ($hashlist{"$hash.$crlmark$suffix"} eq $fprint) {
++            my $what = $is_cert ? 'certificate' : 'CRL';
++            print STDERR "WARNING: Skipping duplicate $what $fname\n";
++            return;
++        }
++        $suffix++;
++    }
++    $hash .= ".$crlmark$suffix";
++    if ($symlink_exists) {
++        print "link $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
++        symlink $fname, $hash || warn "Can't symlink, $!";
++    } else {
++        print "copy $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
++        copy_file($fname, $hash);
++    }
++    $hashlist{$hash} = $fprint;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file