forked from mindspore-Ecosystem/mindspore
1503 lines
57 KiB
1503 lines
57 KiB
* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "nnacl/winograd_transform.h"
// fp32 conv winograd
void WinogradInputTransform(const float *input_data, float *trans_input, float *tmp_data, int cal_num,
int out_tile_index, int out_w_block_num, ConvParameter *conv_param, InputTransFunc func) {
int input_unit = conv_param->input_unit_;
int output_unit = conv_param->output_unit_;
int in_channel = conv_param->input_channel_;
int ic4 = UP_DIV(in_channel, C4NUM);
int pad_h = conv_param->pad_u_;
int pad_w = conv_param->pad_l_;
int input_h = conv_param->input_h_;
int input_w = conv_param->input_w_;
if (out_w_block_num == 0) {
for (int c = 0; c < cal_num; c++) { // actual tiled number
int src_x_s = (out_tile_index % out_w_block_num) * output_unit - pad_w;
int src_y_s = (out_tile_index / out_w_block_num) * output_unit - pad_h;
int interval_x_s = src_x_s > 0 ? 0 : -src_x_s;
int interval_y_s = src_y_s > 0 ? 0 : -src_y_s;
int src_x_e = src_x_s + input_unit;
int src_y_e = src_y_s + input_unit;
int interval_x_e = src_x_e < input_w ? input_unit : (input_w - src_x_s);
int interval_y_e = src_y_e < input_h ? input_unit : (input_h - src_y_s);
int src_plane_offset = ic4 * C4NUM * (src_y_s * input_w + src_x_s);
int dst_plane_offset = c * C4NUM * ic4;
for (int ic = 0; ic < ic4; ic++) {
// clear tmp buffer
memset(tmp_data, 0, input_unit * input_unit * C4NUM * sizeof(float));
// get real input block with padding
int src_ic4_offset = src_plane_offset + ic * C4NUM;
for (int interval = interval_y_s; interval < interval_y_e; interval++) {
int src_y_offset = src_ic4_offset + (interval * input_w + interval_x_s) * ic4 * C4NUM;
int dst_y_offset = interval * input_unit * C4NUM + interval_x_s * C4NUM;
for (int j = 0; j < (interval_x_e - interval_x_s); j++) {
int src_x_offset = src_y_offset + j * ic4 * C4NUM;
int dst_x_offset = dst_y_offset + j * C4NUM;
float *src_addr = (float *)(input_data) + src_x_offset;
float *dst_addr = tmp_data + dst_x_offset;
vst1q_f32(dst_addr, vld1q_f32(src_addr));
for (int k = 0; k < C4NUM; k++) {
dst_addr[k] = src_addr[k];
// input transform
#ifdef ENABLE_ARM32
int tile_num = 4;
int tile_num = 12;
int dst_ic4_offset = dst_plane_offset + ic * C4NUM;
size_t dst_step = tile_num * ic4 * C4NUM;
float *trans_input_ptr = trans_input + dst_ic4_offset;
func(tmp_data, trans_input_ptr, C4NUM, dst_step);
// GeneralInputTransformUnit(tmp_data, trans_input_ptr, matrix_b, matrix_bt, C4NUM, dst_step, input_unit);
} // cal_tile_num loop
void WinogradOutputTransform(const float *gemm_out, float *tmp_out_data, const float *bias_data, int cal_num,
int out_tile_index, int output_unit_num, ConvParameter *conv_param, OutputTransFunc func) {
int output_unit = conv_param->output_unit_;
int output_w = conv_param->output_w_;
int output_h = conv_param->output_h_;
int output_w_unit_block = UP_DIV(output_w, output_unit);
int output_h_unit_block = UP_DIV(output_h, output_unit);
int output_channel = conv_param->output_channel_;
int oc4 = UP_DIV(output_channel, C4NUM);
int oc8 = UP_DIV(output_channel, C8NUM);
int input_unit = conv_param->input_unit_;
if (output_unit_num == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < cal_num; i++) {
int dst_x_s = out_tile_index % output_unit_num;
int dst_y_s = out_tile_index / output_unit_num;
int src_tile_offset = i * oc8 * C8NUM * input_unit * input_unit;
int dst_tile_offset = C4NUM * output_unit * (dst_x_s + dst_y_s * output_w_unit_block * output_unit);
for (int j = 0; j < oc4; j++) {
int c8_block = j / 2;
int c8_res = j % 2;
int src_oc4_offset = src_tile_offset + c8_block * input_unit * input_unit * C8NUM + c8_res * C4NUM;
int dst_oc4_offset =
dst_tile_offset + j * C4NUM * output_h_unit_block * output_w_unit_block * output_unit * output_unit;
const float *src_ptr = gemm_out + src_oc4_offset;
const float *bias_ptr = bias_data + j * C4NUM;
float *dst_ptr = tmp_out_data + dst_oc4_offset;
func(src_ptr, dst_ptr, bias_ptr, C8NUM, output_w_unit_block * output_unit);
// GeneralOutputTransformUnit(src_ptr, dst_ptr, bias_ptr, matrix_a, matrix_at, C8NUM,
// output_w_unit_block * output_unit, input_unit, output_unit);
// fp32 conv3x3
void Conv3x3Fp32InputUnit(const float *tmp_data, float *trans_input_data, size_t step) {
float32x4_t d00 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data);
float32x4_t d01 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 4);
float32x4_t d02 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 2 * 4);
float32x4_t d03 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 3 * 4);
float32x4_t d10 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 4 * 4);
float32x4_t d11 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 5 * 4);
float32x4_t d12 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 6 * 4);
float32x4_t d13 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 7 * 4);
float32x4_t d20 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 8 * 4);
float32x4_t d21 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 9 * 4);
float32x4_t d22 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 10 * 4);
float32x4_t d23 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 11 * 4);
float32x4_t d30 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 12 * 4);
float32x4_t d31 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 13 * 4);
float32x4_t d32 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 14 * 4);
float32x4_t d33 = vld1q_f32(tmp_data + 15 * 4);
float32x4_t t00 = vsubq_f32(d00, d20);
float32x4_t t01 = vsubq_f32(d01, d21);
float32x4_t t02 = vsubq_f32(d02, d22);
float32x4_t t03 = vsubq_f32(d03, d23);
float32x4_t t10 = vaddq_f32(d10, d20);
float32x4_t t11 = vaddq_f32(d11, d21);
float32x4_t t12 = vaddq_f32(d12, d22);
float32x4_t t13 = vaddq_f32(d13, d23);
float32x4_t t20 = vsubq_f32(d20, d10);
float32x4_t t21 = vsubq_f32(d21, d11);
float32x4_t t22 = vsubq_f32(d22, d12);
float32x4_t t23 = vsubq_f32(d23, d13);
float32x4_t t30 = vsubq_f32(d10, d30);
float32x4_t t31 = vsubq_f32(d11, d31);
float32x4_t t32 = vsubq_f32(d12, d32);
float32x4_t t33 = vsubq_f32(d13, d33);
float32x4_t m00 = vsubq_f32(t00, t02);
float32x4_t m01 = vaddq_f32(t01, t02);
float32x4_t m02 = vsubq_f32(t02, t01);
float32x4_t m03 = vsubq_f32(t01, t03);
float32x4_t m10 = vsubq_f32(t10, t12);
float32x4_t m11 = vaddq_f32(t11, t12);
float32x4_t m12 = vsubq_f32(t12, t11);
float32x4_t m13 = vsubq_f32(t11, t13);
float32x4_t m20 = vsubq_f32(t20, t22);
float32x4_t m21 = vaddq_f32(t21, t22);
float32x4_t m22 = vsubq_f32(t22, t21);
float32x4_t m23 = vsubq_f32(t21, t23);
float32x4_t m30 = vsubq_f32(t30, t32);
float32x4_t m31 = vaddq_f32(t31, t32);
float32x4_t m32 = vsubq_f32(t32, t31);
float32x4_t m33 = vsubq_f32(t31, t33);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data, m00);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + step, m01);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 2 * step, m02);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 3 * step, m03);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 4 * step, m10);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 5 * step, m11);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 6 * step, m12);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 7 * step, m13);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 8 * step, m20);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 9 * step, m21);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 10 * step, m22);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 11 * step, m23);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 12 * step, m30);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 13 * step, m31);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 14 * step, m32);
vst1q_f32(trans_input_data + 15 * step, m33);
for (int i = 0; i < C4NUM; i++) {
const float *local_ptr = tmp_data + i;
float d00 = local_ptr[0];
float d01 = (local_ptr + C4NUM)[0];
float d02 = (local_ptr + 2 * C4NUM)[0];
float d03 = (local_ptr + 3 * C4NUM)[0];
float d10 = (local_ptr + 4 * C4NUM)[0];
float d11 = (local_ptr + 5 * C4NUM)[0];
float d12 = (local_ptr + 6 * C4NUM)[0];
float d13 = (local_ptr + 7 * C4NUM)[0];
float d20 = (local_ptr + 8 * C4NUM)[0];
float d21 = (local_ptr + 9 * C4NUM)[0];
float d22 = (local_ptr + 10 * C4NUM)[0];
float d23 = (local_ptr + 11 * C4NUM)[0];
float d30 = (local_ptr + 12 * C4NUM)[0];
float d31 = (local_ptr + 13 * C4NUM)[0];
float d32 = (local_ptr + 14 * C4NUM)[0];
float d33 = (local_ptr + 15 * C4NUM)[0];
float t00 = d00 - d20;
float t01 = d01 - d21;
float t02 = d02 - d22;
float t03 = d03 - d23;
float t10 = d10 + d20;
float t11 = d11 + d21;
float t12 = d12 + d22;
float t13 = d13 + d23;
float t20 = d20 - d10;
float t21 = d21 - d11;
float t22 = d22 - d12;
float t23 = d23 - d13;
float t30 = d10 - d30;
float t31 = d11 - d31;
float t32 = d12 - d32;
float t33 = d13 - d33;
float m00 = t00 - t02;
float m01 = t01 + t02;
float m02 = t02 - t01;
float m03 = t01 - t03;
float m10 = t10 - t12;
float m11 = t11 + t12;
float m12 = t12 - t11;
float m13 = t11 - t13;
float m20 = t20 - t22;
float m21 = t21 + t22;
float m22 = t22 - t21;
float m23 = t21 - t23;
float m30 = t30 - t32;
float m31 = t31 + t32;
float m32 = t32 - t31;
float m33 = t31 - t33;
(trans_input_data + i)[0] = m00;
(trans_input_data + i + step)[0] = m01;
(trans_input_data + i + 2 * step)[0] = m02;
(trans_input_data + i + 3 * step)[0] = m03;
(trans_input_data + i + 4 * step)[0] = m10;
(trans_input_data + i + 5 * step)[0] = m11;
(trans_input_data + i + 6 * step)[0] = m12;
(trans_input_data + i + 7 * step)[0] = m13;
(trans_input_data + i + 8 * step)[0] = m20;
(trans_input_data + i + 9 * step)[0] = m21;
(trans_input_data + i + 10 * step)[0] = m22;
(trans_input_data + i + 11 * step)[0] = m23;
(trans_input_data + i + 12 * step)[0] = m30;
(trans_input_data + i + 13 * step)[0] = m31;
(trans_input_data + i + 14 * step)[0] = m32;
(trans_input_data + i + 15 * step)[0] = m33;
void Conv3x3Fp32InputTransform(const float *input_data, float *trans_input, float *tmp_data, int start_index,
int real_cal_num, int out_w_block, ConvParameter *conv_param) {
// input data format : nhwc
int input_channel = conv_param->input_channel_;
int input_width = conv_param->input_w_;
int input_height = conv_param->input_h_;
int pad_w = conv_param->pad_l_;
int pad_h = conv_param->pad_u_;
int ic4 = UP_DIV(input_channel, C4NUM);
const int input_unit = 4;
if (out_w_block == 0) {
for (int cal_id = 0; cal_id < real_cal_num; cal_id++) {
int x_id = start_index + cal_id;
int origin_x = (x_id % out_w_block) * OUPUT_UNIT - pad_w;
int origin_y = (x_id / out_w_block) * OUPUT_UNIT - pad_h;
int real_x_start = origin_x > 0 ? 0 : -origin_x;
int real_x_end = (origin_x + input_unit) < input_width ? input_unit : (input_width - origin_x);
int real_y_start = origin_y > 0 ? 0 : -origin_y;
int real_y_end = (origin_y + input_unit) < input_height ? input_unit : (input_height - origin_y);
int src_plane_offset = ic4 * C4NUM * (origin_y * input_width + origin_x);
int dst_plane_offset = cal_id * C4NUM * ic4;
for (int ic = 0; ic < ic4; ic++) {
// clear tmp buffer
memset(tmp_data, 0, input_unit * input_unit * C4NUM * sizeof(float));
// get real input block with padding
int src_ic4_offset = src_plane_offset + ic * C4NUM;
for (int interval = real_y_start; interval < real_y_end; interval++) {
int src_y_offset = src_ic4_offset + (interval * input_width + real_x_start) * ic4 * C4NUM;
int dst_y_offset = interval * input_unit * C4NUM + real_x_start * C4NUM;
for (int j = 0; j < (real_x_end - real_x_start); j++) {
int src_x_offset = src_y_offset + j * ic4 * C4NUM;
int dst_x_offset = dst_y_offset + j * C4NUM;
float *src_addr = (float *)(input_data) + src_x_offset;
float *dst_addr = tmp_data + dst_x_offset;
vst1q_f32(dst_addr, vld1q_f32(src_addr));
for (int k = 0; k < C4NUM; k++) {
(dst_addr + k)[0] = (src_addr + k)[0];
// input transform
#ifdef ENABLE_ARM32
int tile_num = 4;
int tile_num = 12;
int dst_ic4_offset = dst_plane_offset + ic * C4NUM;
size_t dst_step = tile_num * ic4 * C4NUM;
float *trans_input_ptr = trans_input + dst_ic4_offset;
Conv3x3Fp32InputUnit(tmp_data, trans_input_ptr, dst_step);
void Conv3x3Fp32FilterTransform(float *weight_data, float *trans_weight, int iC4, int output_channel, int kernel_plane,
int oc_block) {
int oc_plane_block = UP_DIV(output_channel, oc_block);
int dst_step = iC4 * C4NUM * oc_block * oc_plane_block;
if (oc_block == 0) {
for (int o = 0; o < output_channel; o++) {
int oc_block_num = o / oc_block;
int oc_block_rem = o % oc_block;
int src_oc_offset = o * iC4 * C4NUM * kernel_plane;
int dst_oc_offset = oc_block_num * oc_block * iC4 * C4NUM + oc_block_rem;
for (int i = 0; i < iC4; i++) {
float *src_ic4_ptr = weight_data + src_oc_offset + i * kernel_plane * C4NUM;
float *dst_ic4_ptr = trans_weight + dst_oc_offset + i * oc_block * C4NUM;
float32x4_t g00 = vld1q_f32(src_ic4_ptr);
float32x4_t g01 = vld1q_f32(src_ic4_ptr + 4);
float32x4_t g02 = vld1q_f32(src_ic4_ptr + 2 * 4);
float32x4_t g10 = vld1q_f32(src_ic4_ptr + 3 * 4);
float32x4_t g11 = vld1q_f32(src_ic4_ptr + 4 * 4);
float32x4_t g12 = vld1q_f32(src_ic4_ptr + 5 * 4);
float32x4_t g20 = vld1q_f32(src_ic4_ptr + 6 * 4);
float32x4_t g21 = vld1q_f32(src_ic4_ptr + 7 * 4);
float32x4_t g22 = vld1q_f32(src_ic4_ptr + 8 * 4);
float32x4_t dst00 = g00;
float32x4_t dst01 = g01;
float32x4_t dst02 = g02;
float32x4_t dst10 = vaddq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(g00, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(g10, 0.5));
dst10 = vaddq_f32(dst10, vmulq_n_f32(g20, 0.5));
float32x4_t dst11 = vaddq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(g01, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(g11, 0.5));
dst11 = vaddq_f32(dst11, vmulq_n_f32(g21, 0.5));
float32x4_t dst12 = vaddq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(g02, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(g12, 0.5));
dst12 = vaddq_f32(dst12, vmulq_n_f32(g22, 0.5));
float32x4_t dst20 = vsubq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(g00, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(g10, 0.5));
dst20 = vaddq_f32(dst20, vmulq_n_f32(g20, 0.5));
float32x4_t dst21 = vsubq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(g01, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(g11, 0.5));
dst21 = vaddq_f32(dst21, vmulq_n_f32(g21, 0.5));
float32x4_t dst22 = vsubq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(g02, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(g12, 0.5));
dst22 = vaddq_f32(dst22, vmulq_n_f32(g22, 0.5));
float32x4_t dst30 = g20;
float32x4_t dst31 = g21;
float32x4_t dst32 = g22;
float32x4_t m00 = dst00;
float32x4_t m01 = vaddq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(dst00, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(dst01, 0.5));
m01 = vaddq_f32(m01, vmulq_n_f32(dst02, 0.5));
float32x4_t m02 = vsubq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(dst00, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(dst01, 0.5));
m02 = vaddq_f32(m02, vmulq_n_f32(dst02, 0.5));
float32x4_t m03 = dst02;
float32x4_t m10 = dst10;
float32x4_t m11 = vaddq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(dst10, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(dst11, 0.5));
m11 = vaddq_f32(m11, vmulq_n_f32(dst12, 0.5));
float32x4_t m12 = vsubq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(dst10, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(dst11, 0.5));
m12 = vaddq_f32(m12, vmulq_n_f32(dst12, 0.5));
float32x4_t m13 = dst12;
float32x4_t m20 = dst20;
float32x4_t m21 = vaddq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(dst20, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(dst21, 0.5));
m21 = vaddq_f32(m21, vmulq_n_f32(dst22, 0.5));
float32x4_t m22 = vsubq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(dst20, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(dst21, 0.5));
m22 = vaddq_f32(m22, vmulq_n_f32(dst22, 0.5));
float32x4_t m23 = dst22;
float32x4_t m30 = dst30;
float32x4_t m31 = vaddq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(dst30, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(dst31, 0.5));
m31 = vaddq_f32(m31, vmulq_n_f32(dst32, 0.5));
float32x4_t m32 = vsubq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(dst30, 0.5), vmulq_n_f32(dst31, 0.5));
m32 = vaddq_f32(m32, vmulq_n_f32(dst32, 0.5));
float32x4_t m33 = dst32;
dst_ic4_ptr[0] = m00[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8] = m00[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16] = m00[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24] = m00[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + dst_step] = m01[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + dst_step] = m01[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + dst_step] = m01[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + dst_step] = m01[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[3];
dst_ic4_ptr[0 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[0];
dst_ic4_ptr[8 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[1];
dst_ic4_ptr[16 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[2];
dst_ic4_ptr[24 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[3];
for (int j = 0; j < C4NUM; j++) {
float *local_ptr = src_ic4_ptr + j;
float dst00 = local_ptr[0];
float dst01 = (local_ptr + 4)[0];
float dst02 = (local_ptr + 8)[0];
const float dst10 = 0.5f * local_ptr[0] + 0.5f * (local_ptr + 12)[0] + 0.5f * (local_ptr + 24)[0];
const float dst11 = 0.5f * (local_ptr + 4)[0] + 0.5f * (local_ptr + 16)[0] + 0.5f * (local_ptr + 28)[0];
const float dst12 = 0.5f * (local_ptr + 8)[0] + 0.5f * (local_ptr + 20)[0] + 0.5f * (local_ptr + 32)[0];
const float dst20 = 0.5f * local_ptr[0] - 0.5f * (local_ptr + 12)[0] + 0.5f * (local_ptr + 24)[0];
const float dst21 = 0.5f * (local_ptr + 4)[0] - 0.5f * (local_ptr + 16)[0] + 0.5f * (local_ptr + 28)[0];
const float dst22 = 0.5f * (local_ptr + 8)[0] - 0.5f * (local_ptr + 20)[0] + 0.5f * (local_ptr + 32)[0];
float dst30 = (local_ptr + 24)[0];
float dst31 = (local_ptr + 28)[0];
float dst32 = (local_ptr + 32)[0];
float m00 = dst00;
const float m01 = 0.5f * dst00 + 0.5f * dst01 + 0.5f * dst02;
const float m02 = 0.5f * dst00 - 0.5f * dst01 + 0.5f * dst02;
float m03 = dst02;
float m10 = dst10;
const float m11 = 0.5f * dst10 + 0.5f * dst11 + 0.5f * dst12;
const float m12 = 0.5f * dst10 - 0.5f * dst11 + 0.5f * dst12;
float m13 = dst12;
float m20 = dst20;
const float m21 = 0.5f * dst20 + 0.5f * dst21 + 0.5f * dst22;
const float m22 = 0.5f * dst20 - 0.5f * dst21 + 0.5f * dst22;
float m23 = dst22;
float m30 = dst30;
const float m31 = 0.5f * dst30 + 0.5f * dst31 + 0.5f * dst32;
const float m32 = 0.5f * dst30 - 0.5f * dst31 + 0.5f * dst32;
float m33 = dst32;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8) = m00;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + dst_step) = m01;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 2 * dst_step) = m02;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 3 * dst_step) = m03;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 4 * dst_step) = m10;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 5 * dst_step) = m11;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 6 * dst_step) = m12;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 7 * dst_step) = m13;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 8 * dst_step) = m20;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 9 * dst_step) = m21;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 10 * dst_step) = m22;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 11 * dst_step) = m23;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 12 * dst_step) = m30;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 13 * dst_step) = m31;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 14 * dst_step) = m32;
*(dst_ic4_ptr + j * 8 + 15 * dst_step) = m33;
void Conv3x3Fp32OutputUnit(const float *gemm_out, const float *bias_data, float *output_data, bool h_not_bound,
bool w_not_bound, int output_w) {
float32x4_t bias_ptr = vld1q_f32(bias_data);
float32x4_t s00 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out);
float32x4_t s01 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 8);
float32x4_t s02 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 16);
float32x4_t s03 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 24);
float32x4_t s10 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 32);
float32x4_t s11 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 40);
float32x4_t s12 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 48);
float32x4_t s13 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 56);
float32x4_t s20 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 64);
float32x4_t s21 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 72);
float32x4_t s22 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 80);
float32x4_t s23 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 88);
float32x4_t s30 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 96);
float32x4_t s31 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 104);
float32x4_t s32 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 112);
float32x4_t s33 = vld1q_f32(gemm_out + 120);
float32x4_t t00 = vaddq_f32(vaddq_f32(s00, s10), s20);
float32x4_t t01 = vaddq_f32(vaddq_f32(s01, s11), s21);
float32x4_t t02 = vaddq_f32(vaddq_f32(s02, s12), s22);
float32x4_t t03 = vaddq_f32(vaddq_f32(s03, s13), s23);
float32x4_t t10 = vsubq_f32(vsubq_f32(s10, s20), s30);
float32x4_t t11 = vsubq_f32(vsubq_f32(s11, s21), s31);
float32x4_t t12 = vsubq_f32(vsubq_f32(s12, s22), s32);
float32x4_t t13 = vsubq_f32(vsubq_f32(s13, s23), s33);
float32x4_t d00 = vaddq_f32(vaddq_f32(vaddq_f32(t00, t01), t02), bias_ptr);
float32x4_t d01 = vaddq_f32(vsubq_f32(vsubq_f32(t01, t02), t03), bias_ptr);
float32x4_t d10 = vaddq_f32(vaddq_f32(vaddq_f32(t10, t11), t12), bias_ptr);
float32x4_t d11 = vaddq_f32(vsubq_f32(vsubq_f32(t11, t12), t13), bias_ptr);
vst1q_f32(output_data, d00);
if (w_not_bound) {
vst1q_f32(output_data + 4, d01);
if (h_not_bound) {
vst1q_f32(output_data + output_w * 4, d10);
if (w_not_bound) {
vst1q_f32(output_data + output_w * 4 + 4, d11);
for (int i = 0; i < C4NUM; i++) {
const float *local_ptr = gemm_out + i;
const float *bias_ptr = bias_data + i;
float s00 = local_ptr[0];
float s01 = (local_ptr + 8)[0];
float s02 = (local_ptr + 16)[0];
float s03 = (local_ptr + 24)[0];
float s10 = (local_ptr + 32)[0];
float s11 = (local_ptr + 40)[0];
float s12 = (local_ptr + 48)[0];
float s13 = (local_ptr + 56)[0];
float s20 = (local_ptr + 64)[0];
float s21 = (local_ptr + 72)[0];
float s22 = (local_ptr + 80)[0];
float s23 = (local_ptr + 88)[0];
float s30 = (local_ptr + 96)[0];
float s31 = (local_ptr + 104)[0];
float s32 = (local_ptr + 112)[0];
float s33 = (local_ptr + 120)[0];
float t00 = s00 + s10 + s20;
float t01 = s01 + s11 + s21;
float t02 = s02 + s12 + s22;
float t03 = s03 + s13 + s23;
float t10 = s10 - s20 - s30;
float t11 = s11 - s21 - s31;
float t12 = s12 - s22 - s32;
float t13 = s13 - s23 - s33;
float d00 = t00 + t01 + t02 + bias_ptr[0];
float d01 = t01 - t02 - t03 + bias_ptr[0];
float d10 = t10 + t11 + t12 + bias_ptr[0];
float d11 = t11 - t12 - t13 + bias_ptr[0];
(output_data + i)[0] = d00;
if (w_not_bound) {
(output_data + i + C4NUM)[0] = d01;
if (h_not_bound) {
(output_data + i + output_w * C4NUM)[0] = d10;
if (w_not_bound) {
(output_data + i + output_w * C4NUM + C4NUM)[0] = d11;
void Conv3x3Fp32OutputTransform(const float *gemm_out, float *out_data, const float *bias_data, int start_index,
int real_cal_num, int out_w_block, ConvParameter *conv_param) {
int output_channel = conv_param->output_channel_;
int output_w = conv_param->output_w_;
int output_h = conv_param->output_h_;
int oc4 = UP_DIV(output_channel, C4NUM);
int oc8 = UP_DIV(output_channel, C8NUM);
const int input_unit = 4;
if (out_w_block == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < real_cal_num; i++) {
int out_w_index = (start_index + i) % out_w_block;
int out_h_index = (start_index + i) / out_w_block;
int src_tile_offset = i * oc8 * C8NUM * input_unit * input_unit;
int dst_tile_offset = C4NUM * (out_w_index * OUPUT_UNIT + out_h_index * OUPUT_UNIT * output_w);
for (int j = 0; j < oc4; j++) {
int c8_block = j / 2;
int c8_res = j % 2;
int src_oc4_offset = src_tile_offset + c8_block * input_unit * input_unit * C8NUM + c8_res * C4NUM;
int dst_oc4_offset = dst_tile_offset + j * C4NUM * output_h * output_w;
const float *src_ptr = gemm_out + src_oc4_offset;
const float *bias_ptr = bias_data + j * C4NUM;
float *dst_ptr = out_data + dst_oc4_offset;
// output transform
bool w_not_bound = out_w_index * OUPUT_UNIT + 1 < output_w;
bool h_not_bound = out_h_index * OUPUT_UNIT + 1 < output_h;
Conv3x3Fp32OutputUnit(src_ptr, bias_ptr, dst_ptr, h_not_bound, w_not_bound, output_w);
// int8 conv3x3
void Conv3x3Int8InputUnit(int16_t *tmp_data, int16_t *trans_input_data, size_t step, int input_zp) {
int16x8_t zp = vdupq_n_s16(input_zp);
int16x8_t d00 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data), zp);
int16x8_t d01 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 8), zp);
int16x8_t d02 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 2 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d03 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 3 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d10 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 4 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d11 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 5 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d12 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 6 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d13 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 7 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d20 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 8 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d21 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 9 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d22 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 10 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d23 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 11 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d30 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 12 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d31 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 13 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d32 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 14 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t d33 = vsubq_s16(vld1q_s16(tmp_data + 15 * 8), zp);
int16x8_t t00 = vsubq_s16(d00, d20);
int16x8_t t01 = vsubq_s16(d01, d21);
int16x8_t t02 = vsubq_s16(d02, d22);
int16x8_t t03 = vsubq_s16(d03, d23);
int16x8_t t10 = vaddq_s16(d10, d20);
int16x8_t t11 = vaddq_s16(d11, d21);
int16x8_t t12 = vaddq_s16(d12, d22);
int16x8_t t13 = vaddq_s16(d13, d23);
int16x8_t t20 = vsubq_s16(d20, d10);
int16x8_t t21 = vsubq_s16(d21, d11);
int16x8_t t22 = vsubq_s16(d22, d12);
int16x8_t t23 = vsubq_s16(d23, d13);
int16x8_t t30 = vsubq_s16(d10, d30);
int16x8_t t31 = vsubq_s16(d11, d31);
int16x8_t t32 = vsubq_s16(d12, d32);
int16x8_t t33 = vsubq_s16(d13, d33);
int16x8_t m00 = vsubq_s16(t00, t02);
int16x8_t m01 = vaddq_s16(t01, t02);
int16x8_t m02 = vsubq_s16(t02, t01);
int16x8_t m03 = vsubq_s16(t01, t03);
int16x8_t m10 = vsubq_s16(t10, t12);
int16x8_t m11 = vaddq_s16(t11, t12);
int16x8_t m12 = vsubq_s16(t12, t11);
int16x8_t m13 = vsubq_s16(t11, t13);
int16x8_t m20 = vsubq_s16(t20, t22);
int16x8_t m21 = vaddq_s16(t21, t22);
int16x8_t m22 = vsubq_s16(t22, t21);
int16x8_t m23 = vsubq_s16(t21, t23);
int16x8_t m30 = vsubq_s16(t30, t32);
int16x8_t m31 = vaddq_s16(t31, t32);
int16x8_t m32 = vsubq_s16(t32, t31);
int16x8_t m33 = vsubq_s16(t31, t33);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data, m00);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + step, m01);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 2 * step, m02);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 3 * step, m03);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 4 * step, m10);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 5 * step, m11);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 6 * step, m12);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 7 * step, m13);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 8 * step, m20);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 9 * step, m21);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 10 * step, m22);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 11 * step, m23);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 12 * step, m30);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 13 * step, m31);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 14 * step, m32);
vst1q_s16(trans_input_data + 15 * step, m33);
for (int i = 0; i < C8NUM; i++) {
int16_t *local_ptr = tmp_data + i;
int16_t d00 = local_ptr[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d01 = (local_ptr + C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d02 = (local_ptr + 2 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d03 = (local_ptr + 3 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d10 = (local_ptr + 4 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d11 = (local_ptr + 5 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d12 = (local_ptr + 6 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d13 = (local_ptr + 7 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d20 = (local_ptr + 8 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d21 = (local_ptr + 9 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d22 = (local_ptr + 10 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d23 = (local_ptr + 11 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d30 = (local_ptr + 12 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d31 = (local_ptr + 13 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d32 = (local_ptr + 14 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t d33 = (local_ptr + 15 * C8NUM)[0] - input_zp;
int16_t t00 = d00 - d20;
int16_t t01 = d01 - d21;
int16_t t02 = d02 - d22;
int16_t t03 = d03 - d23;
int16_t t10 = d10 + d20;
int16_t t11 = d11 + d21;
int16_t t12 = d12 + d22;
int16_t t13 = d13 + d23;
int16_t t20 = d20 - d10;
int16_t t21 = d21 - d11;
int16_t t22 = d22 - d12;
int16_t t23 = d23 - d13;
int16_t t30 = d10 - d30;
int16_t t31 = d11 - d31;
int16_t t32 = d12 - d32;
int16_t t33 = d13 - d33;
int16_t m00 = t00 - t02;
int16_t m01 = t01 + t02;
int16_t m02 = t02 - t01;
int16_t m03 = t01 - t03;
int16_t m10 = t10 - t12;
int16_t m11 = t11 + t12;
int16_t m12 = t12 - t11;
int16_t m13 = t11 - t13;
int16_t m20 = t20 - t22;
int16_t m21 = t21 + t22;
int16_t m22 = t22 - t21;
int16_t m23 = t21 - t23;
int16_t m30 = t30 - t32;
int16_t m31 = t31 + t32;
int16_t m32 = t32 - t31;
int16_t m33 = t31 - t33;
(trans_input_data + i)[0] = m00;
(trans_input_data + i + step)[0] = m01;
(trans_input_data + i + 2 * step)[0] = m02;
(trans_input_data + i + 3 * step)[0] = m03;
(trans_input_data + i + 4 * step)[0] = m10;
(trans_input_data + i + 5 * step)[0] = m11;
(trans_input_data + i + 6 * step)[0] = m12;
(trans_input_data + i + 7 * step)[0] = m13;
(trans_input_data + i + 8 * step)[0] = m20;
(trans_input_data + i + 9 * step)[0] = m21;
(trans_input_data + i + 10 * step)[0] = m22;
(trans_input_data + i + 11 * step)[0] = m23;
(trans_input_data + i + 12 * step)[0] = m30;
(trans_input_data + i + 13 * step)[0] = m31;
(trans_input_data + i + 14 * step)[0] = m32;
(trans_input_data + i + 15 * step)[0] = m33;
void Conv3x3Int8InputTransform(const int16_t *input_data, int16_t *trans_input, int16_t *tmp_data, int start_index,
int real_cal_num, int out_w_block, ConvParameter *conv_param) {
// input data format : nhwc
int input_channel = conv_param->input_channel_;
int input_width = conv_param->input_w_;
int input_height = conv_param->input_h_;
int pad_w = conv_param->pad_l_;
int pad_h = conv_param->pad_u_;
ConvQuantArg quant_arg = conv_param->conv_quant_arg_;
int input_zp = quant_arg.input_quant_args_[0].zp_;
const int ic8 = UP_DIV(input_channel, C8NUM);
const int input_unit = 4;
if (out_w_block == 0) {
for (int cal_id = 0; cal_id < real_cal_num; cal_id++) {
int x_id = start_index + cal_id;
int origin_x = (x_id % out_w_block) * OUPUT_UNIT - pad_w;
int origin_y = (x_id / out_w_block) * OUPUT_UNIT - pad_h;
int real_x_start = origin_x > 0 ? 0 : -origin_x;
int real_x_end = (origin_x + input_unit) < input_width ? input_unit : (input_width - origin_x);
int real_y_start = origin_y > 0 ? 0 : -origin_y;
int real_y_end = (origin_y + input_unit) < input_height ? input_unit : (input_height - origin_y);
int src_plane_offset = C8NUM * (origin_y * input_width + origin_x);
int dst_plane_offset = cal_id * C8NUM;
for (int ic = 0; ic < ic8; ic++) {
// copy data from origin input to tmp buffer
for (int i = 0; i < input_unit * input_unit * TILE_NUM; i++) tmp_data[i] = input_zp;
int src_c8_offset = src_plane_offset + ic * C8NUM * input_height * input_width;
for (int j = real_y_start; j < real_y_end; j++) {
const int16_t *src = input_data + src_c8_offset + C8NUM * (j * input_width + real_x_start);
int16_t *dst = tmp_data + C8NUM * (C4NUM * j + real_x_start);
memcpy(dst, src, (real_x_end - real_x_start) * C8NUM * sizeof(int16_t));
// input transform
int dst_ic8_offset = dst_plane_offset + ic * TILE_NUM * C8NUM;
size_t dst_step = ic8 * C8NUM * TILE_NUM;
int16_t *trans_input_ptr = trans_input + dst_ic8_offset;
Conv3x3Int8InputUnit(tmp_data, trans_input_ptr, dst_step, input_zp);
void Conv3x3Int8FilterTransform(const int16_t *weight_data, int16_t *trans_weight, int iC8, int output_channel,
int kernel_plane) {
const int input_unit = 4;
int dst_step = iC8 * C8NUM * C4NUM;
for (int o = 0; o < output_channel; o++) {
int oc4_block_num = o / C4NUM;
int oc4_block_rem = o % C4NUM;
int src_oc_offset = o * iC8 * C8NUM * kernel_plane;
int dst_oc_offset = oc4_block_num * C4NUM * iC8 * C8NUM * input_unit * input_unit + oc4_block_rem;
for (int i = 0; i < iC8; i++) {
const int16_t *src_ic8_ptr = weight_data + src_oc_offset + i * kernel_plane * C8NUM;
int16_t *dst_ic8_ptr = trans_weight + dst_oc_offset + i * C4NUM * C8NUM;
int16x8_t g00 = vld1q_s16(src_ic8_ptr);
int16x8_t g01 = vld1q_s16(src_ic8_ptr + 8);
int16x8_t g02 = vld1q_s16(src_ic8_ptr + 2 * 8);
int16x8_t g10 = vld1q_s16(src_ic8_ptr + 3 * 8);
int16x8_t g11 = vld1q_s16(src_ic8_ptr + 4 * 8);
int16x8_t g12 = vld1q_s16(src_ic8_ptr + 5 * 8);
int16x8_t g20 = vld1q_s16(src_ic8_ptr + 6 * 8);
int16x8_t g21 = vld1q_s16(src_ic8_ptr + 7 * 8);
int16x8_t g22 = vld1q_s16(src_ic8_ptr + 8 * 8);
int16x8_t dst00 = vmulq_n_s16(g00, 2);
int16x8_t dst01 = vmulq_n_s16(g01, 2);
int16x8_t dst02 = vmulq_n_s16(g02, 2);
int16x8_t dst10 = vaddq_s16(vaddq_s16(g00, g10), g20);
int16x8_t dst11 = vaddq_s16(vaddq_s16(g01, g11), g21);
int16x8_t dst12 = vaddq_s16(vaddq_s16(g02, g12), g22);
int16x8_t dst20 = vaddq_s16(vsubq_s16(g00, g10), g20);
int16x8_t dst21 = vaddq_s16(vsubq_s16(g01, g11), g21);
int16x8_t dst22 = vaddq_s16(vsubq_s16(g02, g12), g22);
int16x8_t dst30 = vmulq_n_s16(g20, 2);
int16x8_t dst31 = vmulq_n_s16(g21, 2);
int16x8_t dst32 = vmulq_n_s16(g22, 2);
int16x8_t m00 = vmulq_n_s16(dst00, 2);
int16x8_t m01 = vaddq_s16(vaddq_s16(dst00, dst01), dst02);
int16x8_t m02 = vaddq_s16(vsubq_s16(dst00, dst01), dst02);
int16x8_t m03 = vmulq_n_s16(dst02, 2);
int16x8_t m10 = vmulq_n_s16(dst10, 2);
int16x8_t m11 = vaddq_s16(vaddq_s16(dst10, dst11), dst12);
int16x8_t m12 = vaddq_s16(vsubq_s16(dst10, dst11), dst12);
int16x8_t m13 = vmulq_n_s16(dst12, 2);
int16x8_t m20 = vmulq_n_s16(dst20, 2);
int16x8_t m21 = vaddq_s16(vaddq_s16(dst20, dst21), dst22);
int16x8_t m22 = vaddq_s16(vsubq_s16(dst20, dst21), dst22);
int16x8_t m23 = vmulq_n_s16(dst22, 2);
int16x8_t m30 = vmulq_n_s16(dst30, 2);
int16x8_t m31 = vaddq_s16(vaddq_s16(dst30, dst31), dst32);
int16x8_t m32 = vaddq_s16(vsubq_s16(dst30, dst31), dst32);
int16x8_t m33 = vmulq_n_s16(dst32, 2);
dst_ic8_ptr[0] = m00[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4] = m00[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8] = m00[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12] = m00[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16] = m00[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20] = m00[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24] = m00[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28] = m00[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + dst_step] = m01[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + dst_step] = m01[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + dst_step] = m01[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + dst_step] = m01[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + dst_step] = m01[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + dst_step] = m01[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + dst_step] = m01[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + dst_step] = m01[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 2 * dst_step] = m02[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 3 * dst_step] = m03[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 4 * dst_step] = m10[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 5 * dst_step] = m11[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 6 * dst_step] = m12[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 7 * dst_step] = m13[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 8 * dst_step] = m20[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 9 * dst_step] = m21[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 10 * dst_step] = m22[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 11 * dst_step] = m23[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 12 * dst_step] = m30[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 13 * dst_step] = m31[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 14 * dst_step] = m32[7];
dst_ic8_ptr[0 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[0];
dst_ic8_ptr[4 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[1];
dst_ic8_ptr[8 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[2];
dst_ic8_ptr[12 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[3];
dst_ic8_ptr[16 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[4];
dst_ic8_ptr[20 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[5];
dst_ic8_ptr[24 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[6];
dst_ic8_ptr[28 + 15 * dst_step] = m33[7];
for (int j = 0; j < C8NUM; j++) {
const int16_t *local_ptr = src_ic8_ptr + j;
int16_t dst00 = local_ptr[0] * 2;
int16_t dst01 = (local_ptr + 8)[0] * 2;
int16_t dst02 = (local_ptr + 16)[0] * 2;
int16_t dst10 = local_ptr[0] + (local_ptr + 24)[0] + (local_ptr + 48)[0];
int16_t dst11 = (local_ptr + 8)[0] + (local_ptr + 32)[0] + (local_ptr + 56)[0];
int16_t dst12 = (local_ptr + 16)[0] + (local_ptr + 40)[0] + (local_ptr + 64)[0];
int16_t dst20 = local_ptr[0] - (local_ptr + 24)[0] + (local_ptr + 48)[0];
int16_t dst21 = (local_ptr + 8)[0] - (local_ptr + 32)[0] + (local_ptr + 56)[0];
int16_t dst22 = (local_ptr + 16)[0] - (local_ptr + 40)[0] + (local_ptr + 64)[0];
int16_t dst30 = (local_ptr + 48)[0] * 2;
int16_t dst31 = (local_ptr + 56)[0] * 2;
int16_t dst32 = (local_ptr + 64)[0] * 2;
int16_t m00 = dst00 * 2;
int16_t m01 = dst00 + dst01 + dst02;
int16_t m02 = dst00 - dst01 + dst02;
int16_t m03 = dst02 * 2;
int16_t m10 = dst10 * 2;
int16_t m11 = dst10 + dst11 + dst12;
int16_t m12 = dst10 - dst11 + dst12;
int16_t m13 = dst12 * 2;
int16_t m20 = dst20 * 2;
int16_t m21 = dst20 + dst21 + dst22;
int16_t m22 = dst20 - dst21 + dst22;
int16_t m23 = dst22 * 2;
int16_t m30 = dst30 * 2;
int16_t m31 = dst30 + dst31 + dst32;
int16_t m32 = dst30 - dst31 + dst32;
int16_t m33 = dst32 * 2;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4) = m00;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + dst_step) = m01;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 2 * dst_step) = m02;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 3 * dst_step) = m03;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 4 * dst_step) = m10;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 5 * dst_step) = m11;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 6 * dst_step) = m12;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 7 * dst_step) = m13;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 8 * dst_step) = m20;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 9 * dst_step) = m21;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 10 * dst_step) = m22;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 11 * dst_step) = m23;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 12 * dst_step) = m30;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 13 * dst_step) = m31;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 14 * dst_step) = m32;
*(dst_ic8_ptr + j * 4 + 15 * dst_step) = m33;
void Conv3x3Int8OutputUnit(const int32_t *gemm_out, const int32_t *bias_data, int8_t *output_data, bool h_not_bound,
bool w_not_bound, int output_w, int real_num, int oc_start, ConvParameter *conv_param) {
int32_t *left_shift = conv_param->conv_quant_arg_.left_shift_;
int32_t *right_shift = conv_param->conv_quant_arg_.right_shift_;
int32_t *quant_multiplier = conv_param->conv_quant_arg_.quant_multiplier_;
int output_zp = conv_param->conv_quant_arg_.output_quant_args_[0].zp_;
int out_min = conv_param->conv_quant_arg_.out_act_min_[0];
int out_max = conv_param->conv_quant_arg_.out_act_max_[0];
int32x4_t bias_ptr = vld1q_s32(bias_data);
int32x4_t s00 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out);
int32x4_t s01 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 4);
int32x4_t s02 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 8);
int32x4_t s03 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 12);
int32x4_t s10 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 16);
int32x4_t s11 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 20);
int32x4_t s12 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 24);
int32x4_t s13 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 28);
int32x4_t s20 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 32);
int32x4_t s21 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 36);
int32x4_t s22 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 40);
int32x4_t s23 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 44);
int32x4_t s30 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 48);
int32x4_t s31 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 52);
int32x4_t s32 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 56);
int32x4_t s33 = vld1q_s32(gemm_out + 60);
int32x4_t t00 = vshrq_n_s32(vaddq_s32(vaddq_s32(s00, s10), s20), 1);
int32x4_t t01 = vshrq_n_s32(vaddq_s32(vaddq_s32(s01, s11), s21), 1);
int32x4_t t02 = vshrq_n_s32(vaddq_s32(vaddq_s32(s02, s12), s22), 1);
int32x4_t t03 = vshrq_n_s32(vaddq_s32(vaddq_s32(s03, s13), s23), 1);
int32x4_t t10 = vshrq_n_s32(vsubq_s32(vsubq_s32(s10, s20), s30), 1);
int32x4_t t11 = vshrq_n_s32(vsubq_s32(vsubq_s32(s11, s21), s31), 1);
int32x4_t t12 = vshrq_n_s32(vsubq_s32(vsubq_s32(s12, s22), s32), 1);
int32x4_t t13 = vshrq_n_s32(vsubq_s32(vsubq_s32(s13, s23), s33), 1);
int32x4_t d00 = vaddq_s32(vshrq_n_s32(vaddq_s32(vaddq_s32(t00, t01), t02), 1), bias_ptr);
int32x4_t d01 = vaddq_s32(vshrq_n_s32(vsubq_s32(vsubq_s32(t01, t02), t03), 1), bias_ptr);
int32x4_t d10 = vaddq_s32(vshrq_n_s32(vaddq_s32(vaddq_s32(t10, t11), t12), 1), bias_ptr);
int32x4_t d11 = vaddq_s32(vshrq_n_s32(vsubq_s32(vsubq_s32(t11, t12), t13), 1), bias_ptr);
int32x4_t out_multiplier;
int32x4_t ls;
int32x4_t rs;
if ((conv_param->conv_quant_arg_.per_channel_ & FILTER_PER_CHANNEL)) {
out_multiplier = vld1q_s32(quant_multiplier + oc_start);
ls = vld1q_s32(left_shift + oc_start);
rs = vld1q_s32(right_shift + oc_start);
} else {
out_multiplier = vdupq_n_s32(quant_multiplier[0]);
ls = vdupq_n_s32(left_shift[0]);
rs = vdupq_n_s32(right_shift[0]);
int32x4_t out_zp = vdupq_n_s32(output_zp);
int32x4_t output_min = vdupq_n_s32(out_min);
int32x4_t output_max = vdupq_n_s32(out_max);
d00 = vqshlq_s32(d00, ls);
d00 = vqrdmulhq_s32(d00, out_multiplier);
d00 = vqrshlq_s32(d00, rs);
d00 = vaddq_s32(d00, out_zp);
d00 = vmaxq_s32(d00, output_min);
d00 = vminq_s32(d00, output_max);
d01 = vqshlq_s32(d01, ls);
d01 = vqrdmulhq_s32(d01, out_multiplier);
d01 = vqrshlq_s32(d01, rs);
d01 = vaddq_s32(d01, out_zp);
d01 = vmaxq_s32(d01, output_min);
d01 = vminq_s32(d01, output_max);
d10 = vqshlq_s32(d10, ls);
d10 = vqrdmulhq_s32(d10, out_multiplier);
d10 = vqrshlq_s32(d10, rs);
d10 = vaddq_s32(d10, out_zp);
d10 = vmaxq_s32(d10, output_min);
d10 = vminq_s32(d10, output_max);
d11 = vqshlq_s32(d11, ls);
d11 = vqrdmulhq_s32(d11, out_multiplier);
d11 = vqrshlq_s32(d11, rs);
d11 = vaddq_s32(d11, out_zp);
d11 = vmaxq_s32(d11, output_min);
d11 = vminq_s32(d11, output_max);
(output_data)[0] = (int8_t)d00[0];
(output_data + 1)[0] = (int8_t)d00[1];
(output_data + 2)[0] = (int8_t)d00[2];
(output_data + 3)[0] = (int8_t)d00[3];
if (w_not_bound) {
*(output_data + 4) = (int8_t)d01[0];
*(output_data + 5) = (int8_t)d01[1];
*(output_data + 6) = (int8_t)d01[2];
*(output_data + 7) = (int8_t)d01[3];
if (h_not_bound) {
*(output_data + output_w * 4) = (int8_t)d10[0];
*(output_data + output_w * 4 + 1) = (int8_t)d10[1];
*(output_data + output_w * 4 + 2) = (int8_t)d10[2];
*(output_data + output_w * 4 + 3) = (int8_t)d10[3];
if (w_not_bound) {
*(output_data + output_w * 4 + 4) = (int8_t)d11[0];
*(output_data + output_w * 4 + 5) = (int8_t)d11[1];
*(output_data + output_w * 4 + 6) = (int8_t)d11[2];
*(output_data + output_w * 4 + 7) = (int8_t)d11[3];
if ((conv_param->conv_quant_arg_.per_channel_ & FILTER_PER_CHANNEL)) {
for (int i = 0; i < C4NUM; i++) {
const int32_t *local_ptr = gemm_out + i;
const int32_t *bias_ptr = bias_data + i;
int32_t s00 = local_ptr[0];
int32_t s01 = (local_ptr + 4)[0];
int32_t s02 = (local_ptr + 8)[0];
int32_t s03 = (local_ptr + 12)[0];
int32_t s10 = (local_ptr + 16)[0];
int32_t s11 = (local_ptr + 20)[0];
int32_t s12 = (local_ptr + 24)[0];
int32_t s13 = (local_ptr + 28)[0];
int32_t s20 = (local_ptr + 32)[0];
int32_t s21 = (local_ptr + 36)[0];
int32_t s22 = (local_ptr + 40)[0];
int32_t s23 = (local_ptr + 44)[0];
int32_t s30 = (local_ptr + 48)[0];
int32_t s31 = (local_ptr + 52)[0];
int32_t s32 = (local_ptr + 56)[0];
int32_t s33 = (local_ptr + 60)[0];
int32_t t00 = (s00 + s10 + s20) / 2;
int32_t t01 = (s01 + s11 + s21) / 2;
int32_t t02 = (s02 + s12 + s22) / 2;
int32_t t03 = (s03 + s13 + s23) / 2;
int32_t t10 = (s10 - s20 - s30) / 2;
int32_t t11 = (s11 - s21 - s31) / 2;
int32_t t12 = (s12 - s22 - s32) / 2;
int32_t t13 = (s13 - s23 - s33) / 2;
int32_t d00 = (t00 + t01 + t02) / 2 + bias_ptr[0];
int32_t d01 = (t01 - t02 - t03) / 2 + bias_ptr[0];
int32_t d10 = (t10 + t11 + t12) / 2 + bias_ptr[0];
int32_t d11 = (t11 - t12 - t13) / 2 + bias_ptr[0];
int oc_index = oc_start + i;
d00 = RoundingDivideByPOT(
SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(d00 * (1 << (unsigned int)left_shift[oc_index]), quant_multiplier[oc_index]),
d00 += output_zp;
d00 = d00 > out_min ? d00 : out_min;
d00 = d00 < out_max ? d00 : out_max;
d01 = RoundingDivideByPOT(
SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(d01 * (1 << (unsigned int)left_shift[oc_index]), quant_multiplier[oc_index]),
d01 += output_zp;
d01 = d01 > out_min ? d01 : out_min;
d01 = d01 < out_max ? d01 : out_max;
d10 = RoundingDivideByPOT(
SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(d10 * (1 << (unsigned int)left_shift[oc_index]), quant_multiplier[oc_index]),
d10 += output_zp;
d10 = d10 > out_min ? d10 : out_min;
d10 = d10 < out_max ? d10 : out_max;
d11 = RoundingDivideByPOT(
SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(d11 * (1 << (unsigned int)left_shift[oc_index]), quant_multiplier[oc_index]),
d11 += output_zp;
d11 = d11 > out_min ? d11 : out_min;
d11 = d11 < out_max ? d11 : out_max;
(output_data + i)[0] = (int8_t)d00;
if (w_not_bound) {
(output_data + i + C4NUM)[0] = (int8_t)d01;
if (h_not_bound) {
(output_data + i + output_w * C4NUM)[0] = (int8_t)d10;
if (w_not_bound) {
(output_data + i + output_w * C4NUM + C4NUM)[0] = (int8_t)d11;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < C4NUM; i++) {
const int32_t *local_ptr = gemm_out + i;
const int32_t *bias_ptr = bias_data + i;
int32_t s00 = local_ptr[0];
int32_t s01 = (local_ptr + 4)[0];
int32_t s02 = (local_ptr + 8)[0];
int32_t s03 = (local_ptr + 12)[0];
int32_t s10 = (local_ptr + 16)[0];
int32_t s11 = (local_ptr + 20)[0];
int32_t s12 = (local_ptr + 24)[0];
int32_t s13 = (local_ptr + 28)[0];
int32_t s20 = (local_ptr + 32)[0];
int32_t s21 = (local_ptr + 36)[0];
int32_t s22 = (local_ptr + 40)[0];
int32_t s23 = (local_ptr + 44)[0];
int32_t s30 = (local_ptr + 48)[0];
int32_t s31 = (local_ptr + 52)[0];
int32_t s32 = (local_ptr + 56)[0];
int32_t s33 = (local_ptr + 60)[0];
int32_t t00 = (s00 + s10 + s20) / 2;
int32_t t01 = (s01 + s11 + s21) / 2;
int32_t t02 = (s02 + s12 + s22) / 2;
int32_t t03 = (s03 + s13 + s23) / 2;
int32_t t10 = (s10 - s20 - s30) / 2;
int32_t t11 = (s11 - s21 - s31) / 2;
int32_t t12 = (s12 - s22 - s32) / 2;
int32_t t13 = (s13 - s23 - s33) / 2;
int32_t d00 = (t00 + t01 + t02) / 2 + bias_ptr[0];
int32_t d01 = (t01 - t02 - t03) / 2 + bias_ptr[0];
int32_t d10 = (t10 + t11 + t12) / 2 + bias_ptr[0];
int32_t d11 = (t11 - t12 - t13) / 2 + bias_ptr[0];
d00 = RoundingDivideByPOT(
SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(d00 * (1 << (unsigned int)left_shift[0]), quant_multiplier[0]),
d00 += output_zp;
d00 = d00 > out_min ? d00 : out_min;
d00 = d00 < out_max ? d00 : out_max;
d01 = RoundingDivideByPOT(
SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(d01 * (1 << (unsigned int)left_shift[0]), quant_multiplier[0]),
d01 += output_zp;
d01 = d01 > out_min ? d01 : out_min;
d01 = d01 < out_max ? d01 : out_max;
d10 = RoundingDivideByPOT(
SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(d10 * (1 << (unsigned int)left_shift[0]), quant_multiplier[0]),
d10 += output_zp;
d10 = d10 > out_min ? d10 : out_min;
d10 = d10 < out_max ? d10 : out_max;
d11 = RoundingDivideByPOT(
SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(d11 * (1 << (unsigned int)left_shift[0]), quant_multiplier[0]),
d11 += output_zp;
d11 = d11 > out_min ? d11 : out_min;
d11 = d11 < out_max ? d11 : out_max;
(output_data + i)[0] = (int8_t)d00;
if (w_not_bound) {
(output_data + i + C4NUM)[0] = (int8_t)d01;
if (h_not_bound) {
(output_data + i + output_w * C4NUM)[0] = (int8_t)d10;
if (w_not_bound) {
(output_data + i + output_w * C4NUM + C4NUM)[0] = (int8_t)d11;
void Conv3x3Int8OutputTransform(const int32_t *gemm_out, int8_t *out_data, const int32_t *bias_data, int start_index,
int real_cal_num, int out_w_block, ConvParameter *conv_param) {
int output_channel = conv_param->output_channel_;
int output_w = conv_param->output_w_;
int output_h = conv_param->output_h_;
const int oc4 = UP_DIV(output_channel, C4NUM);
const int input_unit = 4;
if (out_w_block == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < real_cal_num; i++) {
int out_w_index = (start_index + i) % out_w_block;
int out_h_index = (start_index + i) / out_w_block;
int src_tile_offset = i * oc4 * C4NUM * input_unit * input_unit;
int dst_tile_offset = C4NUM * (out_w_index * OUPUT_UNIT + out_h_index * OUPUT_UNIT * output_w);
for (int j = 0; j < oc4; j++) {
int src_oc4_offset = src_tile_offset + j * input_unit * input_unit * C4NUM;
int dst_oc4_offset = dst_tile_offset + j * C4NUM * output_h * output_w;
const int32_t *src_ptr = gemm_out + src_oc4_offset;
const int32_t *bias_ptr = bias_data + j * C4NUM;
int8_t *dst_ptr = out_data + dst_oc4_offset;
// output transform
int real_num = (output_channel - j * C4NUM) < C4NUM ? (output_channel - j * C4NUM) : C4NUM;
bool w_not_bound = out_w_index * OUPUT_UNIT + 1 < output_w;
bool h_not_bound = out_h_index * OUPUT_UNIT + 1 < output_h;
Conv3x3Int8OutputUnit(src_ptr, bias_ptr, dst_ptr, h_not_bound, w_not_bound, output_w, real_num, j * C4NUM,