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Testing Ngram in mindspore.dataset
import numpy as np
import mindspore.dataset as ds
import mindspore.dataset.text as text
def test_multiple_ngrams():
""" test n-gram where n is a list of integers"""
plates_mottos = ["WildRose Country", "Canada's Ocean Playground", "Land of Living Skies"]
n_gram_mottos = []
['WildRose', 'Country', '_ WildRose', 'WildRose Country', 'Country _', '_ _ WildRose', '_ WildRose Country',
'WildRose Country _', 'Country _ _'])
["Canada's", 'Ocean', 'Playground', "_ Canada's", "Canada's Ocean", 'Ocean Playground', 'Playground _',
"_ _ Canada's", "_ Canada's Ocean", "Canada's Ocean Playground", 'Ocean Playground _', 'Playground _ _'])
['Land', 'of', 'Living', 'Skies', '_ Land', 'Land of', 'of Living', 'Living Skies', 'Skies _', '_ _ Land',
'_ Land of', 'Land of Living', 'of Living Skies', 'Living Skies _', 'Skies _ _'])
def gen(texts):
for line in texts:
yield (np.array(line.split(" "), dtype='S'),)
dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(gen(plates_mottos), column_names=["text"])
dataset = dataset.map(input_columns=["text"], operations=text.Ngram([1, 2, 3], ("_", 2), ("_", 2), " "))
i = 0
for data in dataset.create_dict_iterator():
assert [d.decode("utf8") for d in data["text"]] == n_gram_mottos[i]
i += 1
def test_simple_ngram():
""" test simple gram with only one n value"""
plates_mottos = ["Friendly Manitoba", "Yours to Discover", "Land of Living Skies",
"Birthplace of the Confederation"]
n_gram_mottos = [[""]]
n_gram_mottos.append(["Yours to Discover"])
n_gram_mottos.append(['Land of Living', 'of Living Skies'])
n_gram_mottos.append(['Birthplace of the', 'of the Confederation'])
def gen(texts):
for line in texts:
yield (np.array(line.split(" "), dtype='S'),)
dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(gen(plates_mottos), column_names=["text"])
dataset = dataset.map(input_columns=["text"], operations=text.Ngram(3, separator=" "))
i = 0
for data in dataset.create_dict_iterator():
assert [d.decode("utf8") for d in data["text"]] == n_gram_mottos[i], i
i += 1
def test_corner_cases():
""" testing various corner cases and exceptions"""
def test_config(input_line, n, l_pad=("", 0), r_pad=("", 0), sep=" "):
def gen(texts):
yield (np.array(texts.split(" "), dtype='S'),)
dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(gen(input_line), column_names=["text"])
dataset = dataset.map(input_columns=["text"], operations=text.Ngram(n, l_pad, r_pad, separator=sep))
for data in dataset.create_dict_iterator():
return [d.decode("utf8") for d in data["text"]]
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
return str(e)
# test tensor length smaller than n
assert test_config("Lone Star", [2, 3, 4, 5]) == ["Lone Star", "", "", ""]
# test empty separator
assert test_config("Beautiful British Columbia", 2, sep="") == ['BeautifulBritish', 'BritishColumbia']
# test separator with longer length
assert test_config("Beautiful British Columbia", 3, sep="^-^") == ['Beautiful^-^British^-^Columbia']
# test left pad != right pad
assert test_config("Lone Star", 4, ("The", 1), ("State", 1)) == ['The Lone Star State']
# test invalid n
assert "gram[1] with value [1] is not of type (<class 'int'>,)" in test_config("Yours to Discover", [1, [1]])
assert "n needs to be a non-empty list" in test_config("Yours to Discover", [])
# test invalid pad
assert "padding width need to be positive numbers" in test_config("Yours to Discover", [1], ("str", -1))
assert "pad needs to be a tuple of (str, int)" in test_config("Yours to Discover", [1], ("str", "rts"))
# test 0 as in valid input
assert "gram_0 must be greater than 0" in test_config("Yours to Discover", 0)
assert "gram_0 must be greater than 0" in test_config("Yours to Discover", [0])
assert "gram_1 must be greater than 0" in test_config("Yours to Discover", [1, 0])
if __name__ == '__main__':