!10420 [ME]SparseGatherV2 throw exception when grad with 1D tensor input

From: @chenfei52
Reviewed-by: @ginfung,@zh_qh
Signed-off-by: @zh_qh
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mindspore-ci-bot 2020-12-24 15:08:03 +08:00 committed by Gitee
commit f7eda1118c
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@ -433,7 +433,10 @@ def get_bprop_sparse_gather_v2(self):
x_shp = shape_op(x)
if axis == 0:
indices_size = (size_op(indices),)
x_tail_shp = x_shp[1:]
if len(x_shp) <= 1:
x_tail_shp = ()
x_tail_shp = x_shp[1:]
values_shape = indices_size + x_tail_shp
values = reshape(dout, values_shape)
indices_new = reshape(indices, indices_size)