@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def zip(datasets):
>>> ds1 = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir1, num_parallel_workers=8)
>>> ds2 = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir2, num_parallel_workers=8)
>>> # creates a dataset which is the combination of ds1 and ds2
>>> # Create a dataset which is the combination of ds1 and ds2
>>> data = ds.zip((ds1, ds2))
if len(datasets) <= 1:
@ -218,18 +218,19 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object.
>>> # creates a dataset where every 100 rows is combined into a batch
>>> # Create a dataset where every 100 rows is combined into a batch
>>> # and drops the last incomplete batch if there is one.
>>> column_names = ["col1", "col2"]
>>> buket_boundaries = [5, 10]
>>> bucket_batch_sizes = [5, 1, 1]
>>> element_length_function = (lambda col1, col2: max(len(col1), len(col2)))
>>> # will pad col1 to shape [2, bucket_boundaries[i]] where i is the
>>> # Will pad col1 to shape [2, bucket_boundaries[i]] where i is the
>>> # index of the bucket that is currently being batched.
>>> # will pad col2 to a shape where each dimension is the longest in all
>>> # Will pad col2 to a shape where each dimension is the longest in all
>>> # the elements currently being batched.
>>> pad_info = {"col1", ([2, None], -1)}
>>> pad_to_bucket_boundary = True
@ -291,8 +292,10 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object.
>>> # creates a dataset where every 100 rows is combined into a batch
>>> # Create a dataset where every 100 rows is combined into a batch
>>> # and drops the last incomplete batch if there is one.
>>> data = data.batch(100, True)
@ -314,6 +317,7 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object.
>>> data = data.sync_wait("callback1")
>>> data = data.batch(batch_size)
@ -349,11 +353,12 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object
>>> # optionally set the seed for the first epoch
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object.
>>> # Optionally set the seed for the first epoch
>>> ds.config.set_seed(58)
>>> # creates a shuffled dataset using a shuffle buffer of size 4
>>> # Create a shuffled dataset using a shuffle buffer of size 4
>>> data = data.shuffle(4)
return ShuffleDataset(self, buffer_size)
@ -375,12 +380,13 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> import mindspore.dataset.text as text
>>> # declare a function which returns a Dataset object
>>> # Declare a function which returns a Dataset object
>>> def flat_map_func(x):
>>> data_dir = text.to_str(x[0])
>>> d = ds.ImageFolderDataset(data_dir)
>>> return d
>>> # data is a Dataset object
>>> # data is an instance of a Dataset object.
>>> data = ds.TextFileDataset(DATA_FILE)
>>> data = data.flat_map(flat_map_func)
@ -460,16 +466,17 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset.vision.c_transforms as c_transforms
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset which has 2 columns, "image" and "label".
>>> # ds_pyfunc is an instance of Dataset which has 3 columns, "col0", "col1", and "col2". Each column is
>>> # a 2d array of integers.
>>> # ds_pyfunc is an instance of Dataset which has 3 columns, "col0", "col1", and "col2".
>>> # Each column is a 2D array of integers.
>>> # This config is a global setting, meaning that all future operations which
>>> # uses this config value will use 2 worker threads, unless if specified
>>> # otherwise in their constructor. set_num_parallel_workers can be called
>>> # again later if a different number of worker threads are needed.
>>> # Set the global configuration value for num_parallel_workers to be 2.
>>> # Operations which use this configuration value will use 2 worker threads,
>>> # unless otherwise specified in the operator's constructor.
>>> # set_num_parallel_workers can be called again later if a different
>>> # global configuration value for the number of worker threads is desired.
>>> ds.config.set_num_parallel_workers(2)
>>> # Two operations, which takes 1 column for input and outputs 1 column.
>>> # Define two operations, where each operation accepts 1 input column and outputs 1 column.
>>> decode_op = c_transforms.Decode(rgb_format=True)
>>> random_jitter_op = c_transforms.RandomColorAdjust((0.8, 0.8), (1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0))
@ -478,12 +485,12 @@ class Dataset:
>>> operations = [decode_op]
>>> input_columns = ["image"]
>>> # Applies decode_op on column "image". This column will be replaced by the outputed
>>> # Apply decode_op on column "image". This column will be replaced by the outputted
>>> # column of decode_op. Since column_order is not provided, both columns "image"
>>> # and "label" will be propagated to the child node in their original order.
>>> ds_decoded = data.map(operations, input_columns)
>>> # Rename column "image" to "decoded_image"
>>> # Rename column "image" to "decoded_image".
>>> output_columns = ["decoded_image"]
>>> ds_decoded = data.map(operations, input_columns, output_columns)
@ -501,7 +508,7 @@ class Dataset:
>>> output_columns = ["decoded_image"]
>>> ds_decoded = data.map(operations, input_columns, output_columns, column_order)
>>> # Simple example using pyfunc. Renaming columns and specifying column order
>>> # A simple example using pyfunc: Renaming columns and specifying column order
>>> # work in the same way as the previous examples.
>>> input_columns = ["col0"]
>>> operations = [(lambda x: x + 1)]
@ -515,7 +522,7 @@ class Dataset:
>>> input_columns = ["image"]
>>> # Creates a dataset where the images are decoded, then randomly color jittered.
>>> # Create a dataset where the images are decoded, then randomly color jittered.
>>> # decode_op takes column "image" as input and outputs one column. The column
>>> # outputted by decode_op is passed as input to random_jitter_op.
>>> # random_jitter_op will output one column. Column "image" will be replaced by
@ -524,13 +531,13 @@ class Dataset:
>>> # columns will remain the same.
>>> ds_mapped = data.map(operations, input_columns)
>>> # Creates a dataset that is identical to ds_mapped, except the column "image"
>>> # Create a dataset that is identical to ds_mapped, except the column "image"
>>> # that is outputted by random_jitter_op is renamed to "image_transformed".
>>> # Specifying column order works in the same way as examples in 1).
>>> output_columns = ["image_transformed"]
>>> ds_mapped_and_renamed = data.map(operation, input_columns, output_columns)
>>> # Multiple operations using pyfunc. Renaming columns and specifying column order
>>> # Multiple operations using pyfunc: Renaming columns and specifying column order
>>> # work in the same way as examples in 1).
>>> input_columns = ["col0"]
>>> operations = [(lambda x: x + x), (lambda x: x - 1)]
@ -543,15 +550,15 @@ class Dataset:
>>> # operations[1] is a lambda that takes 3 columns as input and outputs 1 column.
>>> # operations[1] is a lambda that takes 1 column as input and outputs 4 columns.
>>> #
>>> # Note: the number of output columns of operation[i] must equal the number of
>>> # Note: The number of output columns of operation[i] must equal the number of
>>> # input columns of operation[i+1]. Otherwise, this map call will also result
>>> # in an error.
>>> operations = [(lambda x y: (x, x + y, x + y + 1)),
>>> (lambda x y z: x * y * z),
>>> (lambda x: (x % 2, x % 3, x % 5, x % 7))]
>>> # Note: because the number of input columns is not the same as the number of
>>> # output columns, the output_columns and column_order parameter must be
>>> # Note: Since the number of input columns is not the same as the number of
>>> # output columns, the output_columns and column_order parameters must be
>>> # specified. Otherwise, this map call will also result in an error.
>>> input_columns = ["col2", "col0"]
>>> output_columns = ["mod2", "mod3", "mod5", "mod7"]
@ -614,15 +621,17 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object.
>>> # creates a dataset where the dataset is repeated for 50 epochs
>>> # Create a dataset where the dataset is repeated for 50 epochs
>>> repeated = data.repeat(50)
>>> # creates a dataset where each epoch is shuffled individually
>>> # Create a dataset where each epoch is shuffled individually
>>> shuffled_and_repeated = data.shuffle(10)
>>> shuffled_and_repeated = shuffled_and_repeated.repeat(50)
>>> # creates a dataset where the dataset is first repeated for
>>> # Create a dataset where the dataset is first repeated for
>>> # 50 epochs before shuffling. The shuffle operator will treat
>>> # the entire 50 epochs as one big dataset.
>>> repeat_and_shuffle = data.repeat(50)
@ -645,8 +654,9 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object.
>>> # creates a dataset which skips first 3 elements from data
>>> # Create a dataset which skips first 3 elements from data
>>> data = data.skip(3)
return SkipDataset(self, count)
@ -670,8 +680,9 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object.
>>> # creates a dataset where the dataset including 50 elements.
>>> # Create a dataset where the dataset includes 50 elements.
>>> data = data.take(50)
if count == -1:
@ -781,11 +792,11 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/text_file.txt"
>>> dataset_files = "/path/to/text_file/*"
>>> # TextFileDataset is not a mappable dataset, so this non optimized split will be called.
>>> # many datasets have shuffle on by default, set shuffle to False if split will be called!
>>> data = ds.TextFileDataset(dataset_dir, shuffle=False)
>>> # TextFileDataset is not a mappable dataset, so this non-optimized split will be called.
>>> # Since many datasets have shuffle on by default, set shuffle to False if split will be called!
>>> data = ds.TextFileDataset(dataset_files, shuffle=False)
>>> train, test = data.split([0.9, 0.1])
if self.is_shuffled():
@ -829,8 +840,9 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # ds1 and ds2 are instances of Dataset object
>>> # creates a dataset which is the combination of ds1 and ds2
>>> # Create a dataset which is the combination of ds1 and ds2
>>> data = ds1.zip(ds2)
if isinstance(datasets, tuple):
@ -858,10 +870,12 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # ds1 and ds2 are instances of Dataset object
>>> # creates a dataset by concatenating ds1 and ds2 with "+" operator
>>> # Create a dataset by concatenating ds1 and ds2 with "+" operator
>>> data1 = ds1 + ds2
>>> # creates a dataset by concatenating ds1 and ds2 with concat operation
>>> # Create a dataset by concatenating ds1 and ds2 with concat operation
>>> data1 = ds1.concat(ds2)
if isinstance(datasets, Dataset):
@ -886,11 +900,12 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object.
>>> input_columns = ["input_col1", "input_col2", "input_col3"]
>>> output_columns = ["output_col1", "output_col2", "output_col3"]
>>> # creates a dataset where input_col1 is renamed to output_col1, and
>>> # Create a dataset where input_col1 is renamed to output_col1, and
>>> # input_col2 is renamed to output_col2, and input_col3 is renamed
>>> # to output_col3.
>>> data = data.rename(input_columns=input_columns, output_columns=output_columns)
@ -914,10 +929,11 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object
>>> columns_to_project = ["column3", "column1", "column2"]
>>> # creates a dataset that consist of column3, column1, column2
>>> # Create a dataset that consists of column3, column1, column2
>>> # in that order, regardless of the original order of columns.
>>> data = data.project(columns=columns_to_project)
@ -945,12 +961,15 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object
>>> # declare an apply_func function which returns a Dataset object
>>> # Declare an apply_func function which returns a Dataset object
>>> def apply_func(ds):
>>> ds = ds.batch(2)
>>> return ds
>>> # use apply to call apply_func
>>> # Use apply to call apply_func
>>> data = data.apply(apply_func)
@ -1150,8 +1169,10 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object
>>> # create an iterator
>>> # Create an iterator
>>> # The columns in the data obtained by the iterator will not be changed.
>>> iterator = data.create_tuple_iterator()
>>> for item in iterator:
@ -1171,8 +1192,6 @@ class Dataset:
num_epochs (int, optional): Maximum number of epochs that iterator can be iterated
(default=-1, iterator can be iterated infinite number of epochs).
num_epochs (int, optional): maximum epochs that iterator can be iteratered,
if num_epochs = -1, iterator can be iteratered infinite epochs (default=-1)
output_numpy (bool, optional): Whether or not to output NumPy datatype,
if output_numpy=False, iterator will output MSTensor (default=False).
@ -1181,14 +1200,15 @@ class Dataset:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # data is an instance of Dataset object
>>> # create an iterator
>>> # The columns in the data obtained by the iterator might be changed.
>>> iterator = data.create_dict_iterator()
>>> for item in iterator:
>>> # print the data in column1
>>> print(item["column1"])
if self._noop_mode():
return DummyIterator(self, 'dict')
@ -1426,10 +1446,10 @@ class MappableDataset(SourceDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/imagefolder_directory"
>>> # a SequentialSampler is created by default
>>> # Note: A SequentialSampler is created by default
>>> data = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir)
>>> # use a DistributedSampler instead of the SequentialSampler
>>> # Use a DistributedSampler instead of the SequentialSampler
>>> new_sampler = ds.DistributedSampler(10, 2)
>>> data.use_sampler(new_sampler)
@ -1514,15 +1534,15 @@ class MappableDataset(SourceDataset):
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/imagefolder_directory"
>>> # many datasets have shuffle on by default, set shuffle to False if split will be called!
>>> # Since many datasets have shuffle on by default, set shuffle to False if split will be called!
>>> data = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir, shuffle=False)
>>> # sets the seed, and tells split to use this seed when randomizing. This
>>> # is needed because we are sharding later
>>> # Set the seed, and tell split to use this seed when randomizing.
>>> # This is needed because sharding will be done later
>>> ds.config.set_seed(58)
>>> train, test = data.split([0.9, 0.1])
>>> # if we want to shard the train dataset, we can use a DistributedSampler
>>> # To shard the train dataset, use a DistributedSampler
>>> train_sampler = ds.DistributedSampler(10, 2)
>>> train.use_sampler(train_sampler)
@ -1990,7 +2010,7 @@ class _PythonCallable:
class MapDataset(DatasetOp):
The result of applying Map operator to the input Dataset.
The result of applying the Map operator to the input Dataset.
input_dataset (Dataset): Input Dataset to be mapped.
@ -2756,14 +2776,19 @@ class ImageFolderDataset(MappableDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # path to imagefolder directory. This directory needs to contain sub-directories which contain the images
>>> # Set path to the imagefolder directory.
>>> # This directory needs to contain sub-directories which contain the images
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/imagefolder_directory"
>>> # 1) read all samples (image files) in dataset_dir with 8 threads
>>> # 1) Read all samples (image files) in dataset_dir with 8 threads
>>> imagefolder_dataset = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir, num_parallel_workers=8)
>>> # 2) read all samples (image files) from folder cat and folder dog with label 0 and 1
>>> imagefolder_dataset = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir,class_indexing={"cat":0,"dog":1})
>>> # 3) read all samples (image files) in dataset_dir with extensions .JPEG and .png (case sensitive)
>>> imagefolder_dataset = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir, extensions=[".JPEG",".png"])
>>> # 2) Read all samples (image files) from folder cat and folder dog with label 0 and 1
>>> imagefolder_dataset = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir, class_indexing={"cat":0, "dog":1})
>>> # 3) Read all samples (image files) in dataset_dir with extensions .JPEG and .png (case sensitive)
>>> imagefolder_dataset = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir, extensions=[".JPEG", ".png"])
@ -2912,10 +2937,11 @@ class MnistDataset(MappableDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/mnist_folder"
>>> # 1) read 3 samples from mnist_dataset
>>> # Read 3 samples from MNIST dataset
>>> mnist_dataset = ds.MnistDataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir, num_samples=3)
>>> # in mnist_dataset dataset, each dictionary has keys "image" and "label"
>>> # Note: In mnist_dataset dataset, each dictionary has keys "image" and "label"
@ -3418,35 +3444,39 @@ class GeneratorDataset(MappableDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # 1) Multidimensional generator function as callable input
>>> def generator_md():
>>> def GeneratorMD():
>>> for i in range(64):
>>> yield (np.array([[i, i + 1], [i + 2, i + 3]]),)
>>> # create multi_dimension_generator_dataset with GeneratorMD and column name "multi_dimensional_data"
>>> multi_dimension_generator_dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(generator_md, ["multi_dimensional_data"])
>>> # Create multi_dimension_generator_dataset with GeneratorMD and column name "multi_dimensional_data"
>>> multi_dimension_generator_dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(GeneratorMD, ["multi_dimensional_data"])
>>> # 2) Multi-column generator function as callable input
>>> def generator_mc(maxid = 64):
>>> def GeneratorMC(maxid = 64):
>>> for i in range(maxid):
>>> yield (np.array([i]), np.array([[i, i + 1], [i + 2, i + 3]]))
>>> # create multi_column_generator_dataset with GeneratorMC and column names "col1" and "col2"
>>> multi_column_generator_dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(generator_mc, ["col1", "col2"])
>>> # Create multi_column_generator_dataset with GeneratorMC and column names "col1" and "col2"
>>> multi_column_generator_dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(GeneratorMC, ["col1", "col2"])
>>> # 3) Iterable dataset as iterable input
>>> class MyIterable():
>>> def __iter__(self):
>>> return # User implementation
>>> # create iterable_generator_dataset with MyIterable object
>>> # Create iterable_generator_dataset with MyIterable object
>>> iterable_generator_dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(MyIterable(), ["col1"])
>>> # 4) Random accessible dataset as Random accessible input
>>> # 4) Random accessible dataset as random accessible input
>>> class MyRA():
>>> def __getitem__(self, index):
>>> return # User implementation
>>> # create ra_generator_dataset with MyRA object
>>> # Create ra_generator_dataset with MyRA object
>>> ra_generator_dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(MyRA(), ["col1"])
>>> # List/Dict/Tuple is also random accessible
>>> list_generator = ds.GeneratorDataset([(np.array(0),), (np.array(1)), (np.array(2))], ["col1"])
>>> # 5) Built-in Sampler
>>> my_generator = ds.GeneratorDataset(my_ds, ["img", "label"], sampler=samplers.RandomSampler())
@ -3602,15 +3632,19 @@ class TFRecordDataset(SourceDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
>>> dataset_files = ["/path/to/1", "/path/to/2"] # contains 1 or multiple tf data files
>>> # 1) get all rows from dataset_files with no explicit schema:
>>> # 1) Get all rows from dataset_files with no explicit schema
>>> # The meta-data in the first row will be used as a schema.
>>> tfdataset = ds.TFRecordDataset(dataset_files=dataset_files)
>>> # 2) get all rows from dataset_files with user-defined schema:
>>> # 2) Get all rows from dataset_files with user-defined schema
>>> schema = ds.Schema()
>>> schema.add_column('col_1d', de_type=mindspore.int64, shape=[2])
>>> tfdataset = ds.TFRecordDataset(dataset_files=dataset_files, schema=schema)
>>> # 3) get all rows from dataset_files with schema file "./schema.json":
>>> # 3) Get all rows from dataset_files with schema file "./schema.json"
>>> tfdataset = ds.TFRecordDataset(dataset_files=dataset_files, schema="./schema.json")
@ -3773,10 +3807,14 @@ class ManifestDataset(MappableDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_file = "/path/to/manifest_file.manifest"
>>> # 1) read all samples specified in manifest_file dataset with 8 threads for training:
>>> # 1) Read all samples specified in manifest_file dataset with 8 threads for training
>>> manifest_dataset = ds.ManifestDataset(dataset_file, usage="train", num_parallel_workers=8)
>>> # 2) reads samples (specified in manifest_file.manifest) for shard 0 in a 2-way distributed training setup:
>>> # 2) Read samples (specified in manifest_file.manifest) for shard 0
>>> # in a 2-way distributed training setup
>>> manifest_dataset = ds.ManifestDataset(dataset_file, num_shards=2, shard_id=0)
@ -3951,14 +3989,19 @@ class Cifar10Dataset(MappableDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/cifar10_dataset_directory"
>>> # 1) get all samples from CIFAR10 dataset in sequence:
>>> dataset = ds.Cifar10Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir,shuffle=False)
>>> # 2) randomly select 350 samples from CIFAR10 dataset:
>>> dataset = ds.Cifar10Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir,num_samples=350, shuffle=True)
>>> # 3) get samples from CIFAR10 dataset for shard 0 in a 2 way distributed training:
>>> dataset = ds.Cifar10Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir,num_shards=2,shard_id=0)
>>> # in CIFAR10 dataset, each dictionary has keys "image" and "label"
>>> # 1) Get all samples from CIFAR10 dataset in sequence
>>> dataset = ds.Cifar10Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir, shuffle=False)
>>> # 2) Randomly select 350 samples from CIFAR10 dataset
>>> dataset = ds.Cifar10Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir, num_samples=350, shuffle=True)
>>> # 3) Get samples from CIFAR10 dataset for shard 0 in a 2-way distributed training
>>> dataset = ds.Cifar10Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir, num_shards=2, shard_id=0)
>>> # In CIFAR10 dataset, each dictionary has keys "image" and "label"
@ -4093,12 +4136,16 @@ class Cifar100Dataset(MappableDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/cifar100_dataset_directory"
>>> # 1) get all samples from CIFAR100 dataset in sequence:
>>> cifar100_dataset = ds.Cifar100Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir,shuffle=False)
>>> # 2) randomly select 350 samples from CIFAR100 dataset:
>>> cifar100_dataset = ds.Cifar100Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir,num_samples=350, shuffle=True)
>>> # in CIFAR100 dataset, each dictionary has 3 keys: "image", "fine_label" and "coarse_label"
>>> # 1) Get all samples from CIFAR100 dataset in sequence
>>> cifar100_dataset = ds.Cifar100Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir, shuffle=False)
>>> # 2) Randomly select 350 samples from CIFAR100 dataset
>>> cifar100_dataset = ds.Cifar100Dataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir, num_samples=350, shuffle=True)
>>> # In CIFAR100 dataset, each dictionary has 3 keys: "image", "fine_label" and "coarse_label"
@ -4265,7 +4312,8 @@ class Schema:
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
>>> # create schema, specify column name, mindspore.dtype and shape of the column
>>> # Create schema; specify column name, mindspore.dtype and shape of the column
>>> schema = ds.Schema()
>>> schema.add_column('col1', de_type=mindspore.int64, shape=[2])
@ -4522,17 +4570,23 @@ class VOCDataset(MappableDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/voc_dataset_directory"
>>> # 1) read VOC data for segmenatation train
>>> # 1) Read VOC data for segmentatation training
>>> voc_dataset = ds.VOCDataset(dataset_dir, task="Segmentation", usage="train")
>>> # 2) read VOC data for detection train
>>> # 2) Read VOC data for detection training
>>> voc_dataset = ds.VOCDataset(dataset_dir, task="Detection", usage="train")
>>> # 3) read all VOC dataset samples in dataset_dir with 8 threads in random order:
>>> # 3) Read all VOC dataset samples in dataset_dir with 8 threads in random order
>>> voc_dataset = ds.VOCDataset(dataset_dir, task="Detection", usage="train", num_parallel_workers=8)
>>> # 4) read then decode all VOC dataset samples in dataset_dir in sequence:
>>> # 4) Read then decode all VOC dataset samples in dataset_dir in sequence
>>> voc_dataset = ds.VOCDataset(dataset_dir, task="Detection", usage="train", decode=True, shuffle=False)
>>> # in VOC dataset, if task='Segmentation', each dictionary has keys "image" and "target"
>>> # in VOC dataset, if task='Detection', each dictionary has keys "image" and "annotation"
>>> # In VOC dataset, if task='Segmentation', each dictionary has keys "image" and "target"
>>> # In VOC dataset, if task='Detection', each dictionary has keys "image" and "annotation"
@ -4722,17 +4776,23 @@ class CocoDataset(MappableDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/coco_dataset_directory/image_folder"
>>> annotation_file = "/path/to/coco_dataset_directory/annotation_folder/annotation.json"
>>> # 1) read COCO data for Detection task
>>> # 1) Read COCO data for Detection task
>>> coco_dataset = ds.CocoDataset(dataset_dir, annotation_file=annotation_file, task='Detection')
>>> # 2) read COCO data for Stuff task
>>> # 2) Read COCO data for Stuff task
>>> coco_dataset = ds.CocoDataset(dataset_dir, annotation_file=annotation_file, task='Stuff')
>>> # 3) read COCO data for Panoptic task
>>> # 3) Read COCO data for Panoptic task
>>> coco_dataset = ds.CocoDataset(dataset_dir, annotation_file=annotation_file, task='Panoptic')
>>> # 4) read COCO data for Keypoint task
>>> # 4) Read COCO data for Keypoint task
>>> coco_dataset = ds.CocoDataset(dataset_dir, annotation_file=annotation_file, task='Keypoint')
>>> # in COCO dataset, each dictionary has keys "image" and "annotation"
>>> # In COCO dataset, each dictionary has keys "image" and "annotation"
@ -4857,6 +4917,12 @@ class CelebADataset(MappableDataset):
into (default=None).
shard_id (int, optional): The shard ID within num_shards (default=None). This
argument can only be specified when num_shards is also specified.
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_dir = "/path/to/celeba_directory"
>>> dataset = ds.CelebADataset(dataset_dir=dataset_dir, usage='train')
@ -4976,6 +5042,7 @@ class CLUEDataset(SourceDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_files = ["/path/to/1", "/path/to/2"] # contains 1 or multiple text files
>>> dataset = ds.CLUEDataset(dataset_files=dataset_files, task='AFQMC', usage='train')
@ -5162,7 +5229,7 @@ class CLUEDataset(SourceDataset):
class CSVDataset(SourceDataset):
A source dataset that reads and parses CSV datasets.
A source dataset that reads and parses comma-separated values (CSV) datasets.
dataset_files (Union[str, list[str]]): String or list of files to be read or glob strings to search
@ -5192,6 +5259,7 @@ class CSVDataset(SourceDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_files = ["/path/to/1", "/path/to/2"] # contains 1 or multiple text files
>>> dataset = ds.CSVDataset(dataset_files=dataset_files, column_names=['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'])
@ -5288,6 +5356,7 @@ class TextFileDataset(SourceDataset):
argument can only be specified when num_shards is also specified.
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> dataset_files = ["/path/to/1", "/path/to/2"] # contains 1 or multiple text files
>>> dataset = ds.TextFileDataset(dataset_files=dataset_files)
@ -5455,10 +5524,10 @@ class NumpySlicesDataset(GeneratorDataset):
data (Union[list, tuple, dict]) Input of given data. Supported data types include: list, tuple, dict and other
NumPy formats. Input data will be sliced in first dimension and generate many rows. Large data is not
recommended to be loaded in this way as data is loading into memory.
NumPy formats. Input data will be sliced along the first dimension and generate additional rows.
Large data is not recommended to be loaded in this way as data is loading into memory.
column_names (list[str], optional): List of column names of the dataset (default=None). If column_names is not
provided, when data is dict, column_names will be its key, otherwise it will be like column_1, column_2 ...
provided, when data is dict, column_names will be its keys, otherwise it will be like column_1, column_2 ...
num_samples (int, optional): The number of samples to be included in the dataset (default=None, all images).
num_parallel_workers (int, optional): Number of subprocesses used to fetch the dataset in parallel (default=1).
shuffle (bool, optional): Whether or not to perform shuffle on the dataset. Random accessible input is required.
@ -5472,16 +5541,20 @@ class NumpySlicesDataset(GeneratorDataset):
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> # 1) Input data can be a list
>>> data = [1, 2, 3]
>>> dataset1 = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data, column_names=["column_1"])
>>> # 2) Input data can be a dict, and column_names will be its key
>>> # 2) Input data can be a dictionary, and column_names will be its keys
>>> data = {"a": [1, 2], "b": [3, 4]}
>>> dataset2 = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data)
>>> # 3) Input data can be a tuple of lists (or NumPy arrays), each tuple element refers to data in each column
>>> data = ([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6])
>>> dataset3 = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(data, column_names=["column_1", "column_2", "column_3"])
>>> # 4) Load data from csv file
>>> # 4) Load data from CSV file
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv("file.csv")
>>> dataset4 = ds.NumpySlicesDataset(dict(df), shuffle=False)