forked from mindspore-Ecosystem/mindspore
clean review bot warning
This commit is contained in:
@ -618,6 +618,5 @@ size_t AkgKernelBuild::GetOutputTensorIdxInc() {
size_t idx = output_tensor_idx_++;
return idx;
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace mindspore
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ void SetTensorName(const std::string &tag, const std::string &new_name, const st
nlohmann::json *const node_json);
std::string GetTensorName(const nlohmann::json &node_json, const std::string &tag,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &position);
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace mindspore
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
namespace mindspore {
namespace kernel {
constexpr int32_t PARALLEL_ARGS_SIZE = 3;
constexpr int32_t PROCESS_NUM = 16;
constexpr int32_t TIME_OUT = 300;
@ -48,6 +47,164 @@ constexpr auto kOutputDesc = "output_desc";
constexpr auto kTensorName = "tensor_name";
constexpr auto kCompileAkgKernelParallelFunc = "compile_akg_kernel_parallel";
constexpr auto kMultiProcModule = "mindspore._extends.parallel_compile.akg_compiler.multi_process_compiler";
namespace {
void UpdateTensorNameInJson(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes,
std::map<AnfNodePtr, nlohmann::json> *node_json_map) {
for (auto const &anf_node : anf_nodes) {
std::vector<int> dyn_input_sizes;
auto primitive = AnfAlgo::GetCNodePrimitive(anf_node);
if (primitive->GetAttr(kAttrDynInputSizes) != nullptr) {
dyn_input_sizes = GetValue<const std::vector<int>>(primitive->GetAttr(kAttrDynInputSizes));
bool is_dynamic_input = !dyn_input_sizes.empty();
size_t input_num = is_dynamic_input ? dyn_input_sizes.size() : AnfAlgo::GetInputTensorNum(anf_node);
size_t real_input_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_num; ++i) {
size_t input_tensor_num = is_dynamic_input ? IntToSize(dyn_input_sizes[i]) : 1;
for (size_t j = 0; j < input_tensor_num; ++j) {
auto tmp_input = GetKernelInput(anf_node, real_input_index);
std::string tensor_name = GetTensorName((*node_json_map)[anf_node], kInputDesc, std::make_pair(i, j));
if (node_json_map->find(tmp_input.first) != node_json_map->end()) {
std::string new_tensor_name =
GetTensorName((*node_json_map)[tmp_input.first], kOutputDesc, std::make_pair(0, tmp_input.second));
SetTensorName(kInputDesc, new_tensor_name, std::make_pair(i, j), &((*node_json_map)[anf_node]));
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Update [" << real_input_index << "] input [" << tensor_name << "] of ["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "] to [" << tmp_input.second << "] output ["
<< new_tensor_name << "] of [" << tmp_input.first->fullname_with_scope() << "].";
} else {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "[" << real_input_index << "] input " << tensor_name << "] of ["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "] is out input.";
nlohmann::json GetInputsJson(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes, const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &input_list,
std::map<AnfNodePtr, nlohmann::json> *node_json_map) {
nlohmann::json inputs_json;
auto input_index = GetInputIndex(anf_nodes, input_list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_index.size(); ++i) {
auto tmp_input = input_index[i];
auto type_id = AnfAlgo::GetInputDeviceDataType(tmp_input.first, tmp_input.second.first);
std::string dtype = TypeId2String(type_id);
nlohmann::json input_desc_json;
input_desc_json[kTensorName] = GetTensorName((*node_json_map)[tmp_input.first], kInputDesc, tmp_input.second);
input_desc_json[kDataType] = dtype;
input_desc_json[kShape] = AnfAlgo::GetInputDeviceShape(tmp_input.first, tmp_input.second.first);
return inputs_json;
nlohmann::json GetOutputsJson(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes, const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &input_list,
const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &output_list, const nlohmann::json &inputs_json,
std::map<AnfNodePtr, nlohmann::json> *node_json_map) {
nlohmann::json outputs_json;
auto output_index = GetOutputIndex(anf_nodes, input_list, output_list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_index.size(); ++i) {
auto tmp_output = output_index[i];
bool found = false;
nlohmann::json output_desc_json;
for (size_t input_i = 0; input_i < input_list.size(); ++input_i) {
if (tmp_output.first == input_list[input_i]) {
output_desc_json = inputs_json[input_i][0];
found = true;
if (!found) {
auto type_id = AnfAlgo::GetOutputDeviceDataType(tmp_output.first, tmp_output.second);
std::string dtype = TypeId2String(type_id);
output_desc_json[kTensorName] =
GetTensorName((*node_json_map)[tmp_output.first], kOutputDesc, std::make_pair(0, tmp_output.second));
output_desc_json[kDataType] = dtype;
auto output_shape = AnfAlgo::GetOutputDeviceShape(tmp_output.first, tmp_output.second);
if (output_shape.empty()) {
output_desc_json[kShape] = output_shape;
return outputs_json;
std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::pair<AkgAscendKernelBuilder, AnfNodePtr>>> PreProcessJsonForBuild(
const std::vector<std::pair<AkgAscendKernelBuilder, AnfNodePtr>> &build_args) {
// Remove cached nodes, gether unique nodes, and collect repeated nodes which need postprecess.
std::vector<std::string> jsons;
std::vector<std::pair<AkgAscendKernelBuilder, AnfNodePtr>> repeat_nodes;
std::unordered_set<std::string> json_name_set;
for (const auto &[builder, anf_node] : build_args) {
auto json_name = builder.json_name();
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Akg start compile op: " << json_name;
auto cached_kernel_pack = tbe::TbeUtils::SearchCache(json_name, AkgKernelBuild::GetProcessor(anf_node));
if (cached_kernel_pack != nullptr) {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Use cached kernel, json_name_[" << json_name << "], fullname_with_scope["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "].";
auto kernel_mod_ptr = std::make_shared<AkgKernelMod>(cached_kernel_pack);
AnfAlgo::SetKernelMod(kernel_mod_ptr, anf_node.get());
if (json_name_set.count(json_name) != 0) {
repeat_nodes.push_back({builder, anf_node});
auto node_json = builder.kernel_json();
kernel::SaveJsonInfo(json_name, node_json);
return std::make_pair(jsons, repeat_nodes);
bool PostProcessAfterCompile(const std::vector<std::pair<AkgAscendKernelBuilder, AnfNodePtr>> &build_args,
const std::vector<std::pair<AkgAscendKernelBuilder, AnfNodePtr>> &repeat_nodes) {
for (const auto &[builder, anf_node] : build_args) {
auto json_name = builder.json_name();
auto new_kernel_pack = tbe::TbeUtils::InsertCache(json_name, AkgKernelBuild::GetProcessor(anf_node));
if (new_kernel_pack == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Insert to cache failed, json_name_[" << json_name << "], fullname_with_scope["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "].";
return false;
auto kernel_mod_ptr = std::make_shared<AkgKernelMod>(new_kernel_pack);
AnfAlgo::SetKernelMod(kernel_mod_ptr, anf_node.get());
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Akg compile " << json_name << " kernel and insert cache successfully!";
for (const auto &[builder, anf_node] : repeat_nodes) {
auto node_json = builder.kernel_json();
auto json_name = builder.json_name();
auto cached_kernel_pack = tbe::TbeUtils::SearchCache(json_name, AkgKernelBuild::GetProcessor(anf_node));
if (cached_kernel_pack == nullptr) {
return false;
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Use just compiled kernel, json_name_[" << json_name << "], fullname_with_scope["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "].";
auto kernel_mod_ptr = std::make_shared<AkgKernelMod>(cached_kernel_pack);
AnfAlgo::SetKernelMod(kernel_mod_ptr, anf_node.get());
return true;
} // namespace
bool AkgAscendKernelBuilder::CollectJson(const AnfNodePtr &anf_node) {
@ -73,19 +230,8 @@ bool AkgAscendKernelBuilder::CollectJson(const AnfNodePtr &anf_node) {
return true;
bool AkgAscendKernelBuilder::CollectFusedJson(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes,
const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &input_list,
const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &output_list) {
if (anf_nodes.empty() || input_list.empty()) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid input size, anf_nodes [" << anf_nodes.size() << "], input_list [" << input_list.size()
<< "].";
return false;
MS_LOG(INFO) << "anf_nodes [" << output_list.size() << "], input_list [" << anf_nodes.size() << "], output_list ["
<< input_list.size() << "].";
std::map<AnfNodePtr, nlohmann::json> node_json_map;
bool AkgAscendKernelBuilder::GenJsonAndPreprocess4Fused(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes,
std::map<AnfNodePtr, nlohmann::json> *node_json_map) {
for (auto const &anf_node : anf_nodes) {
std::string op_name = AnfAlgo::GetCNodeName(anf_node);
@ -115,90 +261,37 @@ bool AkgAscendKernelBuilder::CollectFusedJson(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf
node_json["fusion"] = primitive->GetAttr("fusion")->ToString();
node_json_map[anf_node] = node_json;
(*node_json_map)[anf_node] = node_json;
return true;
bool AkgAscendKernelBuilder::CollectFusedJson(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes,
const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &input_list,
const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &output_list) {
if (anf_nodes.empty() || input_list.empty()) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid input size, anf_nodes [" << anf_nodes.size() << "], input_list [" << input_list.size()
<< "].";
return false;
MS_LOG(INFO) << "anf_nodes [" << output_list.size() << "], input_list [" << anf_nodes.size() << "], output_list ["
<< input_list.size() << "].";
std::map<AnfNodePtr, nlohmann::json> node_json_map;
if (!GenJsonAndPreprocess4Fused(anf_nodes, &node_json_map)) {
return false;
for (auto const &anf_node : anf_nodes) {
std::vector<int> dyn_input_sizes;
auto primitive = AnfAlgo::GetCNodePrimitive(anf_node);
if (primitive->GetAttr(kAttrDynInputSizes) != nullptr) {
dyn_input_sizes = GetValue<const std::vector<int>>(primitive->GetAttr(kAttrDynInputSizes));
bool is_dynamic_input = !dyn_input_sizes.empty();
size_t input_num = is_dynamic_input ? dyn_input_sizes.size() : AnfAlgo::GetInputTensorNum(anf_node);
size_t real_input_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_num; ++i) {
size_t input_tensor_num = is_dynamic_input ? IntToSize(dyn_input_sizes[i]) : 1;
for (size_t j = 0; j < input_tensor_num; ++j) {
auto tmp_input = GetKernelInput(anf_node, real_input_index);
std::string tensor_name = GetTensorName(node_json_map[anf_node], kInputDesc, std::make_pair(i, j));
if (node_json_map.find(tmp_input.first) != node_json_map.end()) {
std::string new_tensor_name =
GetTensorName(node_json_map[tmp_input.first], kOutputDesc, std::make_pair(0, tmp_input.second));
SetTensorName(kInputDesc, new_tensor_name, std::make_pair(i, j), &(node_json_map[anf_node]));
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Update [" << real_input_index << "] input [" << tensor_name << "] of ["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "] to [" << tmp_input.second << "] output ["
<< new_tensor_name << "] of [" << tmp_input.first->fullname_with_scope() << "].";
} else {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "[" << real_input_index << "] input " << tensor_name << "] of ["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "] is out input.";
UpdateTensorNameInJson(anf_nodes, &node_json_map);
nlohmann::json fused_node_json;
std::vector<nlohmann::json> node_json_desc;
std::transform(anf_nodes.begin(), anf_nodes.end(), std::back_inserter(node_json_desc),
[&node_json_map](const AnfNodePtr &anf_node) { return node_json_map[anf_node]; });
fused_node_json[kOpDesc] = node_json_desc;
nlohmann::json inputs_json;
auto input_index = GetInputIndex(anf_nodes, input_list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_index.size(); ++i) {
auto tmp_input = input_index[i];
auto type_id = AnfAlgo::GetInputDeviceDataType(tmp_input.first, tmp_input.second.first);
std::string dtype = TypeId2String(type_id);
nlohmann::json input_desc_json;
input_desc_json[kTensorName] = GetTensorName(node_json_map[tmp_input.first], kInputDesc, tmp_input.second);
input_desc_json[kDataType] = dtype;
input_desc_json[kShape] = AnfAlgo::GetInputDeviceShape(tmp_input.first, tmp_input.second.first);
fused_node_json[kInputDesc] = inputs_json;
nlohmann::json outputs_json;
auto output_index = GetOutputIndex(anf_nodes, input_list, output_list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_index.size(); ++i) {
auto tmp_output = output_index[i];
bool found = false;
nlohmann::json output_desc_json;
for (size_t input_i = 0; input_i < input_list.size(); ++input_i) {
if (tmp_output.first == input_list[input_i]) {
output_desc_json = inputs_json[input_i][0];
found = true;
if (!found) {
auto type_id = AnfAlgo::GetOutputDeviceDataType(tmp_output.first, tmp_output.second);
std::string dtype = TypeId2String(type_id);
output_desc_json[kTensorName] =
GetTensorName(node_json_map[tmp_output.first], kOutputDesc, std::make_pair(0, tmp_output.second));
output_desc_json[kDataType] = dtype;
auto output_shape = AnfAlgo::GetOutputDeviceShape(tmp_output.first, tmp_output.second);
if (output_shape.empty()) {
output_desc_json[kShape] = output_shape;
fused_node_json[kOutputDesc] = outputs_json;
fused_node_json[kInputDesc] = GetInputsJson(anf_nodes, input_list, &node_json_map);
fused_node_json[kOutputDesc] =
GetOutputsJson(anf_nodes, input_list, output_list, fused_node_json[kInputDesc], &node_json_map);
size_t hash_id = std::hash<std::string>()(fused_node_json.dump());
json_name_ = "Fused_";
@ -243,36 +336,7 @@ void GenParallelCompileFuncArgs(const std::vector<std::string> &kernel_jsons, Py
bool AkgOpParallelBuild(const std::vector<std::pair<AkgAscendKernelBuilder, AnfNodePtr>> &build_args) {
// Remove cached nodes, gether unique nodes, and collect repeated nodes which need postprecess.
std::vector<std::string> jsons;
std::unordered_set<std::string> json_name_set;
std::vector<std::pair<AkgAscendKernelBuilder, AnfNodePtr>> repeat_nodes;
for (const auto &[builder, anf_node] : build_args) {
auto json_name = builder.json_name();
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Akg start compile op: " << json_name;
auto cached_kernel_pack = tbe::TbeUtils::SearchCache(json_name, AkgKernelBuild::GetProcessor(anf_node));
if (cached_kernel_pack != nullptr) {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Use cached kernel, json_name_[" << json_name << "], fullname_with_scope["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "].";
auto kernel_mod_ptr = std::make_shared<AkgKernelMod>(cached_kernel_pack);
AnfAlgo::SetKernelMod(kernel_mod_ptr, anf_node.get());
if (json_name_set.count(json_name) != 0) {
repeat_nodes.push_back({builder, anf_node});
auto node_json = builder.kernel_json();
kernel::SaveJsonInfo(json_name, node_json);
// No nodes need to be compiled!
auto [jsons, repeat_nodes] = PreProcessJsonForBuild(build_args);
if (jsons.empty()) {
return true;
@ -307,34 +371,8 @@ bool AkgOpParallelBuild(const std::vector<std::pair<AkgAscendKernelBuilder, AnfN
return false;
// All unique done here, cache them and set kernel.
for (const auto &[builder, anf_node] : build_args) {
auto json_name = builder.json_name();
auto new_kernel_pack = tbe::TbeUtils::InsertCache(json_name, AkgKernelBuild::GetProcessor(anf_node));
if (new_kernel_pack == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Insert to cache failed, json_name_[" << json_name << "], fullname_with_scope["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "].";
return false;
auto kernel_mod_ptr = std::make_shared<AkgKernelMod>(new_kernel_pack);
AnfAlgo::SetKernelMod(kernel_mod_ptr, anf_node.get());
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Akg compile " << json_name << " kernel and insert cache successfully!";
// Handle repeated nodes.
for (const auto &[builder, anf_node] : repeat_nodes) {
auto node_json = builder.kernel_json();
auto json_name = builder.json_name();
auto cached_kernel_pack = tbe::TbeUtils::SearchCache(json_name, AkgKernelBuild::GetProcessor(anf_node));
if (cached_kernel_pack == nullptr) return false;
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Use just compiled kernel, json_name_[" << json_name << "], fullname_with_scope["
<< anf_node->fullname_with_scope() << "].";
auto kernel_mod_ptr = std::make_shared<AkgKernelMod>(cached_kernel_pack);
AnfAlgo::SetKernelMod(kernel_mod_ptr, anf_node.get());
if (!PostProcessAfterCompile(build_args, repeat_nodes)) {
return false;
return true;
@ -380,6 +418,5 @@ bool AkgAscendKernelParallelBuild(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes) {
return AkgOpParallelBuild(json_and_node);
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace mindspore
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "ir/anf.h"
#include "kernel/kernel.h"
#include "kernel/akg/akg_kernel_build.h"
@ -40,6 +41,9 @@ class AkgAscendKernelBuilder : public AkgKernelBuild {
const std::vector<size_t> &output_size_list() const { return output_size_list_; }
bool GenJsonAndPreprocess4Fused(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes,
std::map<AnfNodePtr, nlohmann::json> *node_json_map);
std::string kernel_json_;
std::vector<size_t> input_size_list_;
std::vector<size_t> output_size_list_;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ const std::vector<size_t> &AkgKernelMod::GetWorkspaceSizeList() const { return w
bool AkgKernelMod::Launch(const std::vector<AddressPtr> &inputs, const std::vector<AddressPtr> &,
const std::vector<AddressPtr> &outputs, void *stream_ptr) {
if (stream_ptr == 0) {
if (stream_ptr == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "stream_ptr should not be nullptr.";
return false;
Reference in New Issue