!27148 thor测试用例修改

Merge pull request !27148 from melody/master
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i-robot 2021-12-03 02:33:14 +00:00 committed by Gitee
commit cc5cdca5ca
1 changed files with 59 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -207,7 +207,65 @@ def train_process_thor(q, device_id, epoch_size, device_num, enable_hccl):
def test_resnet_thor_imagenet_8p():
def test_resnet_thor_imagenet_8p_0():
Feature: Resnet50 thor network
Description: Train and evaluate resnet50 thor network on imagenet dataset
Expectation: accuracy > 0.28, time cost < 25.
context.set_context(enable_graph_kernel=False, enable_sparse=False)
q = Queue()
# resnet50_thor
device_num = 8
epoch_size = 1
enable_hccl = True
process = []
for i in range(device_num):
device_id = i
args=(q, device_id, epoch_size, device_num, enable_hccl)))
cpu_count = os.cpu_count()
each_cpu_count = cpu_count // device_num
for i in range(device_num):
if each_cpu_count > 1:
cpu_start = each_cpu_count * i
cpu_end = each_cpu_count * (i + 1)
process_cpu = [x for x in range(cpu_start, cpu_end)]
pid = process[i].pid
os.sched_setaffinity(pid, set(process_cpu))
print("Waiting for all subprocesses done...")
for i in range(device_num):
thor_acc = 0.0
thor_cost = 0.0
for i in range(device_num):
output = q.get()
thor_acc += output['acc']
thor_cost += output['cost']
thor_acc = thor_acc / device_num
thor_cost = thor_cost / device_num
for i in range(0, device_num):
os.system("rm -rf " + str(i))
print("End training...")
assert thor_acc > 0.28
def test_resnet_thor_imagenet_8p_1():
Feature: Resnet50 thor network
Description: Train and evaluate resnet50 thor network on imagenet dataset