forked from mindspore-Ecosystem/mindspore
auto tune stage one: construct json
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""re construct json"""
import json
def common_op_info(json_file):
Create more detail info
:param json_file: origin json file
:return: origin json file
json_file["L1_addr_offset"] = 0
json_file["L1_fusion_type"] = -1
json_file["L1_workspace_size"] = -1
json_file["addr_type"] = 0
json_file["slice_offset"] = []
json_file["split_index"] = 0
json_file["total_shape"] = []
json_file["valid_shape"] = []
return json_file
def create_input(json_info):
Create input, type is "Data"
:param json_info: json file
:return: ops list
ops = []
if "inputs" in json_info and json_info["inputs"] is not None:
ori_inputs = json_info["inputs"]
for _, item in enumerate(ori_inputs):
op_info = {
"name": item[0]["name"],
"output_desc": [common_op_info(item[0])],
"type": "Data"
return ops
def create_inout_desc(ori_json):
Create input or output, insert "data_type" attr and other detail infos
:param ori_json: input or output list, the item in list is a dict
:return: list
if ori_json is None:
return "null"
out_list = []
for _, item in enumerate(ori_json):
item[0]["data_type"] = item[0]["dtype"] if "dtype" in item[0] else 0
if "ori_format" in item[0] or "ori_shape"in item[0]:
item[0]["L1_addr_offset"] = 0
item[0]["L1_fusion_type"] = -1
item[0]["L1_workspace_size"] = -1
item[0]["addr_type"] = 0
item[0]["slice_offset"] = []
item[0]["split_index"] = 0
item[0]["total_shape"] = []
item[0]["valid_shape"] = []
item[0]["shape"] = "NULL"
return out_list
def create_pre_build_attr(ori_json):
Create prebuild_outs_attrs
:param ori_json: origin json file
:return: dict
args = [create_inout_desc(ori_json["outputs"])[0]]
if "attrs" in ori_json and ori_json["attrs"] is not None:
ori_attrs = ori_json["attrs"]
for item in ori_attrs:
if "value" in item:
pre_build_attr = {"kwds_args": {},
"list_args": args
return pre_build_attr
def create_compute_op(ori_json):
Create compute op's in and out desc
:param ori_json: origin json file
:return: dict
func_name = ori_json["name"]
op_type = ori_json["Type"]
full_name = ori_json["full_name"]
pattern = ori_json["pattern"] if "pattern" in ori_json else ""
op_common_info = {
"func_name": func_name,
"input_desc": create_inout_desc(ori_json["inputs"]) if "inputs" in ori_json else "null",
"module_name": ori_json["module_name"],
"name": full_name,
"output_desc": create_inout_desc(ori_json["outputs"]) if "outputs" in ori_json else "null",
"output_data_desc": create_inout_desc(ori_json["outputs"]) if "outputs" in ori_json else "null",
"pattern": pattern,
"attr_desc": ori_json["attr_desc"] if "attr_desc" in ori_json else "null",
"py_module_path": ori_json["py_module_path"],
"type": op_type
return op_common_info
def single_to_fusion(json_file, tune_mode):
Change single op json to fusion op json for auto tune
:param json_file: origin json file
:param tune_mode: tune mode
:return: a fusion op json, which contain one op
ori_file = json.loads(json_file)
json_info = ori_file["op_info"]
soc_info = ori_file["SocInfo"]
soc_info["autoTilingMode"] = tune_mode
kernel_name = json_info["kernel_name"]
ops = create_input(json_info)
ops2 = create_compute_op(json_info)
end_file = {
"SocInfo": soc_info,
"fusion_op_name": kernel_name,
"l1_size": -1,
"op_list": ops
# op_info = {"fusion_op": end_file}
res = json.dumps(end_file, ensure_ascii=False)
return res
def fusion_to_fusion(json_str, tune_mode):
Add l1_size for fusion json
:param json_str: origin json file
:param tune_mode: tune mode
:return: fusion json info
json_info = json.loads(json_str)
json_info["fusion_op"]["l1_size"] = -1
json_info["SocInfo"]["autoTilingMode"] = tune_mode
end_file = json_info["fusion_op"]
end_file["SocInfo"] = json_info["SocInfo"]
res = json.dumps(end_file, ensure_ascii=False)
return res
@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ class TbeProcess:
del self.__pool
def init_auto_tune_env(self, mode):
return "Success"
def init_process_num(self):
init compile process num
@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ class TbeBuilder:
def __init__(self):
self.tbe_builder = create_tbe_parallel_process()
def init_auto_tune_env(self, mode):
return self.tbe_builder.init_auto_tune_env(mode)
def create(self):
return self.tbe_builder.init_process_num()
@ -75,6 +78,11 @@ class AscendMessager(Messager):
if arg == 'TBE/PRE':
ans = self.tbe_builder.create()
elif arg == "TBE/TUNE":
tune_mode = self.get_message()
ans = self.tbe_builder.init_auto_tune_env(tune_mode)
elif arg == 'TBE/START':
json = self.get_message()
@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ std::map<int64_t, KernelModPtr> KernelFusion(const std::vector<FusionScopeInfo>
std::map<int64_t, KernelModPtr> kernel_mod_ret;
auto build_manger = std::make_shared<ParallelBuildManager>();
auto context_ptr = MsContext::GetInstance();
auto device_id = context_ptr->get_param<uint32_t>(MS_CTX_DEVICE_ID);
auto tune_mode = context_ptr->get_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_TUNE_MODE);
std::string offline_tune = common::GetEnv("ENABLE_TUNE_DUMP");
if (!offline_tune.empty()) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < offline_tune.length(); j++) {
offline_tune[j] = tolower(offline_tune[j]);
if (!(offline_tune == "true" || offline_tune == "false")) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "The value of ENABLE_TUNE_DUMP must be 'true' or 'false'";
for (const auto &fusion_scope_iter : fusion_scopes) {
string fusion_kernel_name;
nlohmann::json fusion_op;
@ -64,11 +78,9 @@ std::map<int64_t, KernelModPtr> KernelFusion(const std::vector<FusionScopeInfo>
// gen kernel_name & check cache
size_t hash_id = GenFusionJsonHash(fusion_op);
auto context_ptr = MsContext::GetInstance();
auto device_id = context_ptr->get_param<uint32_t>(MS_CTX_DEVICE_ID);
auto json_name =
fusion_op["graph_id"] = fusion_scope_iter.graph_id;
fusion_op["fusion_op_name"] = json_name;
// get io size
std::vector<size_t> input_size_list;
@ -79,7 +91,7 @@ std::map<int64_t, KernelModPtr> KernelFusion(const std::vector<FusionScopeInfo>
// search cache
auto kernel_pack = TbeUtils::SearchCache(json_name, tbe::kProcessorAiCore);
if (kernel_pack != nullptr) {
if (kernel_pack != nullptr && ((!offline_tune.empty() && offline_tune != "true") || tune_mode == "NO_TUNE")) {
auto kernel_mod =
build_manger->GenKernelMod(json_name, tbe::kProcessorAiCore, input_size_list, output_size_list, kernel_pack);
if (kernel_mod != nullptr) {
@ -87,9 +99,16 @@ std::map<int64_t, KernelModPtr> KernelFusion(const std::vector<FusionScopeInfo>
// generate soc info json
nlohmann::json soc_info_json;
soc_info_json["autoTilingMode"] = tune_mode;
auto soc_version = TbeKernelJsonCreator::GetSocVersion();
soc_info_json["socVersion"] = soc_version;
// fusion build
nlohmann::json fusion_json;
fusion_json["fusion_op"] = fusion_op;
fusion_json["SocInfo"] = soc_info_json;
auto task_id = build_manger->StartCompileOp(fusion_json);
TbeUtils::SaveJsonInfo(json_name, fusion_json.dump());
if (task_id < 0) {
@ -26,9 +26,15 @@ namespace kernel {
* @brief fuse op and return a callable mod
struct FusionScopeInfo {
FusionScopeInfo(int64_t id, std::vector<AnfNodePtr> in, std::vector<AnfNodePtr> comp, std::vector<AnfNodePtr> out)
: scope_id(id), input_nodes(std::move(in)), compute_nodes(std::move(comp)), output_nodes(std::move(out)) {}
FusionScopeInfo(int64_t id, uint32_t g_id, std::vector<AnfNodePtr> in, std::vector<AnfNodePtr> comp,
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> out)
: scope_id(id),
output_nodes(std::move(out)) {}
int64_t scope_id{};
uint32_t graph_id{};
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> input_nodes;
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> compute_nodes;
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> output_nodes;
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "backend/kernel_compiler/tbe/tbe_kernel_build.h"
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/core_ops.h"
#include "frontend/parallel/ops_info/ops_utils.h"
@ -93,9 +94,13 @@ constexpr auto kJPattern = "pattern";
constexpr auto kJPyModulePath = "py_module_path";
constexpr auto kJAttrDesc = "attr_desc";
constexpr auto kJSocVersion = "socVersion";
constexpr auto kAutoTilingMode = "autoTilingMode";
constexpr auto kSOC_VERSION = "SOC_VERSION";
constexpr auto kJIsDynamicShape = "is_dynamic_shape";
constexpr auto kJDynamicIndex = "dynamic_index";
constexpr auto kJSocInfo = "SocInfo";
const auto kPyPath = "/usr/local/Ascend/opp/op_impl/built-in/ai_core/tbe";
bool IsNeedChangeDefaultFormat(const CNodePtr &cnode) {
@ -114,11 +119,14 @@ bool TbeKernelJsonCreator::GenTbeSingleKernelJson(const std::shared_ptr<mindspor
auto op_info_ptr = mindspore::kernel::tbe::TbeDynamicShapeUtil::FindOp(op_name, anf_node);
(*kernel_json)[kPlatform] = kPlatTBE;
(*kernel_json)[kGenModel] = kSingle;
(*kernel_json)[kImplPath] = op_info_ptr->impl_path();
nlohmann::json op_info_json;
op_info_json[kJIsDynamicShape] = tbe::TbeDynamicShapeUtil::GetDynamicShapeAttr(anf_node->cast<CNodePtr>());
op_info_json[kJName] = op_info_ptr->kernel_name();
auto func_name = op_info_ptr->kernel_name();
op_info_json["graph_id"] = AnfAlgo::GetGraphId(anf_node.get());
op_info_json[kJName] = func_name;
op_info_json[kJModuleName] = std::string("impl.") + func_name;
op_info_json[kJPyModulePath] = kPyPath;
// generate inputs json
nlohmann::json inputs_json;
if (!GenTbeInputsJson(anf_node, op_info_ptr, &inputs_json)) {
@ -148,11 +156,33 @@ bool TbeKernelJsonCreator::GenTbeSingleKernelJson(const std::shared_ptr<mindspor
auto context_ptr = MsContext::GetInstance();
auto device_id = context_ptr->get_param<uint32_t>(MS_CTX_DEVICE_ID);
auto tune_mode = context_ptr->get_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_TUNE_MODE);
op_info_json[kJFullName] = anf_node->fullname_with_scope();
json_name_ = op_name + "_" + std::to_string(hash_id) + "_" + std::to_string(device_id);
json_info_ = json_str;
op_info_json["Type"] = op_name;
op_info_json[kJKernelName] = json_name_;
op_info_json[kGenModel] = kSingle;
op_info_json[kJFullName] = anf_node->fullname_with_scope();
// create attr_desc
nlohmann::json attr_desc;
for (const auto &attr : attrs_json) {
if (attr[kJName] != "isRef" && attr[kJValid] == true) {
if (!attr_desc.empty()) {
op_info_json[kJAttrDesc] = attr_desc;
// generate soc info json
nlohmann::json soc_info_json;
soc_info_json[kAutoTilingMode] = tune_mode;
soc_info_json[kJSocVersion] = soc_version;
(*kernel_json)[kJSocInfo] = soc_info_json;
(*kernel_json)[kJOpInfo] = op_info_json;
(*kernel_json)[kJFullName] = anf_node->fullname_with_scope();
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Operate type:" << creater_type_ << ", full scope name is :" << anf_node->fullname_with_scope()
<< ", json info name is : " << json_name_ << ", kernel json:" << kernel_json->dump();
@ -452,14 +482,22 @@ bool TbeKernelJsonCreator::GenTbeAttrJson(const std::shared_ptr<AnfNode> &anf_no
ParseAttrValue(type, value, &attr_obj);
attr_obj[kJValid] = true;
} else {
if (op_info->impl_path().empty()) {
attr_obj[kJValid] = false;
auto default_value = attr_ptr->default_value();
if (!default_value.empty()) {
std::string type = attr_ptr->type();
ParseAttrDefaultValue(type, default_value, &attr_obj);
attr_obj[kJValid] = true;
} else {
if (attr_ptr->param_type() == kParamRequred && creater_type_ == SINGLE_BUILD) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Op name: " << op_info->op_name() << " attr: " << attr_name
<< " is required, but not set.";
} else {
MS_LOG(INFO) << "op " << op_name << "'s attr \"" << attr_name << "\" should have a default value.";
if (op_info->impl_path().empty()) {
attr_obj[kJValid] = false;
} else {
if (attr_ptr->param_type() == kParamRequred && creater_type_ == SINGLE_BUILD) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Op name: " << op_info->op_name() << " attr: " << attr_name
<< " is required, but not set.";
} else {
attr_obj[kJValid] = false;
@ -567,6 +605,26 @@ void TbeKernelJsonCreator::ParseAttrValue(const std::string &type, const mindspo
void TbeKernelJsonCreator::ParseAttrDefaultValue(const std::string &type, const std::string &value,
nlohmann::json *attr_obj) {
if (type == kVTypeInt) {
(*attr_obj)[kJValue] = std::stoi(value);
} else if (type == kVTypeInt64) {
(*attr_obj)[kJValue] = std::stoll(value);
} else if (type == kVTypeStr) {
(*attr_obj)[kJValue] = value;
} else if (type == kVTypeBool) {
bool attr_value;
std::istringstream(value) >> std::boolalpha >> attr_value;
(*attr_obj)[kJValue] = attr_value;
} else if (type == kVTypeFloat) {
(*attr_obj)[kJValue] = std::stof(value);
} else {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Type: " << type << "not support";
std::vector<size_t> TbeKernelJsonCreator::GetDeviceInputShape(const AnfNodePtr &anf_node, size_t real_index) const {
std::vector<size_t> shape;
@ -792,7 +850,7 @@ void TbeKernelBuild::GenFusionComputeCommonJson(const mindspore::CNodePtr &cnode
(*compute_op_str)[kJModuleName] = std::string("impl.") + func_name;
(*compute_op_str)[kJName] = cnode->fullname_with_scope();
(*compute_op_str)[kJPattern] = GetNodeFusionType(cnode);
(*compute_op_str)[kJPyModulePath] = "/usr/local/Ascend/opp/op_impl/built-in/ai_core/tbe";
(*compute_op_str)[kJPyModulePath] = kPyPath;
// attr_desc
@ -899,12 +957,14 @@ void TbeKernelBuild::GenFusionOutputDescJson(const std::shared_ptr<mindspore::An
void TbeKernelBuild::GenReusedOutputDesc(const std::shared_ptr<mindspore::AnfNode> &anf_node, size_t index,
size_t output_index, nlohmann::json *output_desc) {
size_t output_index, nlohmann::json *output_desc, const size_t out_size) {
std::string output_desc_name = anf_node->fullname_with_scope() + "_" + std::to_string(index);
(*output_desc)[kJName] = output_desc_name;
(*output_desc)[kJOutputIndex] = output_index;
std::vector<size_t> shape;
(*output_desc)[kJShape] = shape;
auto type_id = AnfAlgo::GetOutputDeviceDataType(anf_node, out_size - 1);
(*output_desc)[kJDataType] = tbe::TypeIdToString(type_id);
bool TbeKernelBuild::GetSpecInputLayers(const std::string &op_name,
@ -1176,7 +1236,7 @@ bool TbeKernelBuild::GenFusionComputeOutputJson(const mindspore::CNodePtr &cnode
for (size_t j = output_size; j < desc_output_index.size(); ++j) {
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Fusion index: " << j << ", desc_output_index: " << desc_output_index[j];
nlohmann::json output_desc;
GenReusedOutputDesc(cnode, j, desc_output_index[j], &output_desc);
GenReusedOutputDesc(cnode, j, desc_output_index[j], &output_desc, output_size);
} else {
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class TbeKernelBuild {
nlohmann::json *output_data_desc);
static void GenSuffixDescJson(nlohmann::json *output_desc);
static void GenReusedOutputDesc(const std::shared_ptr<mindspore::AnfNode> &anf_node, size_t index,
size_t output_index, nlohmann::json *output_desc);
size_t output_index, nlohmann::json *output_desc, const size_t out_size);
static size_t GetIOSizeImpl(const nlohmann::json &desc);
static bool GetSpecInputLayers(const std::string &op_name, const std::vector<mindspore::AnfNodePtr> &reorder_layer,
std::map<const AnfNodePtr, FusionDataType> *spec_data_input);
@ -102,7 +102,9 @@ class TbeKernelJsonCreator {
nlohmann::json *inputs_json);
bool GenTbeOutputsJson(const std::shared_ptr<AnfNode> &anf_node, const std::shared_ptr<OpInfo> &op_info,
nlohmann::json *outputs_json);
void GenSocInfo(nlohmann::json *soc_info_json);
static void ParseAttrValue(const std::string &type, const ValuePtr &value, nlohmann::json *attr_obj);
static void ParseAttrDefaultValue(const std::string &type, const std::string &value, nlohmann::json *attr_obj);
bool GenInputDescJson(const std::shared_ptr<AnfNode> &anf_node, size_t real_input_index, bool value,
const std::shared_ptr<OpIOInfo> &input_ptr, const string &op_input_name, size_t input_i,
std::vector<nlohmann::json> *input_list);
@ -37,6 +37,20 @@ bool TbeOpParallelBuild(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes) {
auto build_manger = std::make_shared<ParallelBuildManager>();
set<std::string> processed_kernel;
auto context_ptr = MsContext::GetInstance();
auto tune_mode = context_ptr->get_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_TUNE_MODE);
std::string offline_tune = common::GetEnv("ENABLE_TUNE_DUMP");
if (!offline_tune.empty()) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < offline_tune.length(); j++) {
offline_tune[j] = tolower(offline_tune[j]);
if (!(offline_tune == "true" || offline_tune == "false")) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "The value of ENABLE_TUNE_DUMP must be 'true' or 'false'";
return false;
for (const auto &anf_node : anf_nodes) {
// gen kernel json
if (AnfAlgo::GetKernelMod(anf_node) != nullptr) {
@ -56,7 +70,8 @@ bool TbeOpParallelBuild(const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &anf_nodes) {
(void)TbeKernelBuild::GetIOSize(kernel_json, &input_size_list, &output_size_list, anf_node);
// search cache
const std::string &json_name = creator.json_name();
if (build_manger->SearchInCache(json_name, processor, input_size_list, output_size_list, anf_node.get())) {
if (build_manger->SearchInCache(json_name, processor, input_size_list, output_size_list, anf_node.get()) &&
((!offline_tune.empty() && offline_tune != "true") || tune_mode == "NO_TUNE")) {
// same op not need build, but need wait build finish to set kernel mode
@ -227,7 +242,8 @@ KernelModPtr ParallelBuildManager::GenKernelMod(const string &json_name, const s
int ParallelBuildManager::StartCompileOp(const nlohmann::json &kernel_json) {
return AscendKernelBuildClient::Instance().TbeStart(kernel_json.dump());
auto tune_mode = kernel_json["SocInfo"]["autoTilingMode"];
return AscendKernelBuildClient::Instance().TbeStart(kernel_json.dump(), tune_mode);
bool ParallelBuildManager::WaitOne(int *task_id, std::string *task_result, std::string *pre_build_result) {
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
@ -26,7 +28,9 @@
#include "runtime/kernel.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "utils/ms_utils.h"
#include "utils/ms_context.h"
#include "ir/dtype/type.h"
#include "backend/session/anf_runtime_algorithm.h"
#include "backend/kernel_compiler/tbe/tbe_convert_utils.h"
#include "securec/include/securec.h"
@ -40,6 +44,19 @@ constexpr auto kInfoSuffix = ".info";
uintptr_t KernelManager::kernel_stub_gen_ = 0;
std::unordered_map<string, KernelMetaPtr> KernelManager::info_table_ = {};
void TbeUtils::GenSocInfo(nlohmann::json *soc_info_json) {
std::list<int64_t> list;
(*soc_info_json)["coreNum"] = "";
(*soc_info_json)["coreType"] = "";
(*soc_info_json)["l1Fusion"] = "false";
(*soc_info_json)["l2Fusion"] = "false";
(*soc_info_json)["l2Mode"] = "2";
(*soc_info_json)["op_debug_level"] = "";
(*soc_info_json)["op_impl_mode"] = "";
(*soc_info_json)["op_impl_mode_list"] = list;
void TbeUtils::SaveJsonInfo(const std::string &json_name, const std::string &info) {
char real_path[PATH_MAX] = {0};
std::string path = kCceKernelMeta + json_name + kInfoSuffix;
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include "backend/session/kernel_graph.h"
#include "ir/anf.h"
@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ class TbeUtils {
static void LoadCache();
static void GenSocInfo(nlohmann::json *soc_info_json);
static KernelPackPtr SearchCache(const std::string &kernel_name, const std::string &processor);
static KernelPackPtr InsertCache(const std::string &kernel_name, const std::string &processor);
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ const int8_t MULTI_ELTWISE_SIZE = 4;
using FusedNodeRecord = std::vector<std::unordered_set<AnfNodePtr>>;
struct BufferFusionInfo_t {
uint32_t graph_id;
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> anf_nodes;
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> inputs_list;
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> outputs_list;
@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ void RemoveCircle(const session::KernelGraph &kernel_graph,
void UbPatternFusion::GetBufferFusionInfo(session::KernelGraph *kernel_graph,
std::unordered_map<int64_t, BufferFusionInfo_t> *buffer_fusion_infos) const {
auto graph_id = kernel_graph->graph_id();
GetFusionScopeComputeNodeList(kernel_graph, buffer_fusion_infos);
GetFusionScopeInputNodeList(*kernel_graph, buffer_fusion_infos);
GetFusionScopeOutputNodeList(kernel_graph, buffer_fusion_infos);
@ -390,6 +391,7 @@ void UbPatternFusion::GetBufferFusionInfo(session::KernelGraph *kernel_graph,
for (auto &buffer_fusion_info : *buffer_fusion_infos) {
buffer_fusion_info.second.kernel_build_info =
CreateFusionOpKernelInfo(buffer_fusion_info.second.inputs_list, buffer_fusion_info.second.outputs_list);
buffer_fusion_info.second.graph_id = graph_id;
@ -403,9 +405,9 @@ bool UbPatternFusion::FuseBufferFusionPattern(session::KernelGraph *kernel_graph
buffer_fusion_infos.begin(), buffer_fusion_infos.end(), std::back_inserter(fusion_scope_infos),
[](const std::pair<int64_t, BufferFusionInfo_t> &buffer_fusion_info) -> mindspore::kernel::FusionScopeInfo {
return mindspore::kernel::FusionScopeInfo(buffer_fusion_info.first, buffer_fusion_info.second.inputs_list,
return mindspore::kernel::FusionScopeInfo(
buffer_fusion_info.first, buffer_fusion_info.second.graph_id, buffer_fusion_info.second.inputs_list,
buffer_fusion_info.second.anf_nodes, buffer_fusion_info.second.outputs_list);
auto kernel_mods = mindspore::kernel::KernelFusion(fusion_scope_infos);
std::set<int64_t> fusion_ids;
@ -28,18 +28,28 @@ void ReplaceStr(std::string *dest, const std::string &replace, char new_char) {
bool AscendKernelBuildClient::TbePre() {
bool AscendKernelBuildClient::TbePre(const std::string &mode) {
auto res = SendRequest(kTbePre);
if (res.find(kSuccess) == res.npos) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "PRE failed, res: " << res;
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Pre " << res;
// init env for auto tune
res = SendRequest(kTbeTune);
if (res != kAck) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Send tune single failed, res: " << res;
res = SendRequest(mode);
if (res != kSuccess) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "PRE failed, res: " << res;
return true;
int AscendKernelBuildClient::TbeStart(const std::string &json) {
int AscendKernelBuildClient::TbeStart(const std::string &json, const std::string &mode) {
if (!init_flag) {
if (!TbePre()) {
if (!TbePre(mode)) {
init_flag = true;
@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ class AscendKernelBuildClient : public KernelBuildClient {
constexpr inline static auto kAkgStart = "AKG/START";
constexpr inline static auto kAkgData = "AKG/DATA";
constexpr inline static auto kAkgWait = "AKG/WAIT";
constexpr inline static auto kTbeTune = "TBE/TUNE";
// Send server info. query to server
constexpr inline static auto kFormat = "FORMAT";
@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ class AscendKernelBuildClient : public KernelBuildClient {
bool CheckSupported(const std::string &json);
// Run TBE building.
int TbeStart(const std::string &json);
int TbeStart(const std::string &json, const std::string &mode);
bool TbeWait(int *task_id, std::string *task_result, std::string *pre_build_result);
void TbeReset();
@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ class AscendKernelBuildClient : public KernelBuildClient {
AscendKernelBuildClient &operator=(AscendKernelBuildClient &&) = delete;
bool TbePre();
bool TbePre(const std::string &mode);
AscendKernelBuildClient() { Open(); }
~AscendKernelBuildClient() override { Close(); }
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ REGISTER_PYBIND_DEFINE(MsContextPy, ([](const py::module *m) {
.value("save_graphs_path", MsCtxParam::MS_CTX_SAVE_GRAPHS_PATH)
.value("variable_memory_max_size", MsCtxParam::MS_CTX_VARIABLE_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE)
.value("device_id", MsCtxParam::MS_CTX_DEVICE_ID)
.value("tune_mode", MsCtxParam::MS_CTX_TUNE_MODE)
.value("max_call_depth", MsCtxParam::MS_CTX_MAX_CALL_DEPTH)
.value("env_config_path", MsCtxParam::MS_CTX_ENV_CONFIG_PATH)
.value("grad_for_scalar", MsCtxParam::MS_CTX_GRAD_FOR_SCALAR);
@ -262,6 +262,13 @@ nlohmann::json ConstructTransDataKernelJson(const std::vector<size_t> &host_shap
op_info[kernel_name_str] = "";
op_info[name] = trans_data;
op_info[outputs_str] = ConstructOutputs(host_shape, type);
// construct soc_info
nlohmann::json soc_info;
auto ms_context = MsContext::GetInstance();
auto tune_mode = ms_context->get_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_TUNE_MODE);
soc_info["autoTilingMode"] = tune_mode;
kernel_json["SocInfo"] = soc_info;
kernel_json[op_info_str] = op_info;
kernel_json[platform_str] = platform_tbe;
std::string json_str = kernel_json[op_info_str].dump();
@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ constexpr auto kComputeAccidentalHitsOpName = "ComputeAccidentalHits";
constexpr auto kCTCGreedyDecoderOpName = "CTCGreedyDecoder";
constexpr auto kFour2FiveOpName = "Four2Five";
constexpr auto kFive2FourOpName = "Five2Four";
constexpr auto kConv3DOpName = "Conv3D";
constexpr auto kConv3DBackpropFilterOpName = "Conv3DBackpropFilter";
constexpr auto kConv3DBackpropInputOpName = "Conv3DBackpropInput";
constexpr auto kConv2DOpName = "Conv2D";
constexpr auto kConvBN1OpName = "ConvBN1";
constexpr auto kBN2AddReluOpName = "BN2AddRelu";
@ -204,6 +204,13 @@ class _Context:
if self.enable_debug_runtime and target == "CPU":
def set_auto_tune_mode(self, tune_mode):
candidate = ["NO_TUNE", "RL", "GA", "RL,GA", "GA,RL"]
if tune_mode in candidate:
self.set_param(ms_ctx_param.tune_mode, tune_mode)
raise ValueError(f"Tune mode must be in ['NO_TUNE', 'RL', 'GA', 'RL,GA', 'GA,RL'], but got {tune_mode}")
def set_device_id(self, device_id):
if device_id < 0 or device_id > 4095:
raise ValueError(f"Device id must be in [0, 4095], but got {device_id}")
@ -276,6 +283,7 @@ class _Context:
'save_graphs_path': set_save_graphs_path,
'device_target': set_device_target,
'device_id': set_device_id,
'auto_tune_mode': set_auto_tune_mode,
'max_call_depth': set_max_call_depth,
'profiling_options': set_profiling_options,
'variable_memory_max_size': set_variable_memory_max_size,
@ -480,6 +488,7 @@ def _check_target_specific_cfgs(device, arg_key):
'profiling_options': ['Ascend'],
'print_file_path': ['Ascend'],
'variable_memory_max_size': ['Ascend'],
'auto_tune_mode': ['Ascend'],
'max_device_memory': ['GPU']
# configs not in map device_cfgs are supposed to be suitable for all devices
@ -494,7 +503,7 @@ def _check_target_specific_cfgs(device, arg_key):
@args_type_check(mode=int, precompile_only=bool, device_target=str, device_id=int, save_graphs=bool,
save_graphs_path=str, enable_dump=bool,
save_graphs_path=str, enable_dump=bool, auto_tune_mode=str,
save_dump_path=str, enable_reduce_precision=bool, variable_memory_max_size=str,
enable_profiling=bool, profiling_options=str, enable_auto_mixed_precision=bool,
enable_graph_kernel=bool, check_bprop=bool, max_device_memory=str, print_file_path=str,
@ -531,7 +540,7 @@ def set_context(**kwargs):
mode enable_profiling
reserve_class_name_in_scope profiling_options
save_graphs variable_memory_max_size
save_graphs_path auto_tune_mode
=========================== =========================== =================
@ -603,6 +612,13 @@ def set_context(**kwargs):
enable_sparse (bool): Whether to enable sparsity feature. Default: False.
max_call_depth (int): Specify the maximum depth of function call. Default: 1000.
env_config_path (str): Config path for DFX.
auto_tune_mode (str): The mode of auto tune when op building, get the best tiling performance,
default: NO_TUNE. The value must be in ['RL', 'GA', 'RL,GA'].
RL: rl_tune;
GA: ga_tune;
RL,GA: rl_tune/ga_tune(Automatic selection).
- rl_tune: Reinforecement Learning tune.
- ga_tune: Genetic Algorithm tune.
grad_for_scalar (bool): Whether to get gradient for scalar. Default: False.
@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ MsContext::MsContext(const std::string &policy, const std::string &target) {
set_param<bool>(MS_CTX_ENABLE_DUMP, false);
set_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_SAVE_DUMP_PATH, ".");
set_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_ENV_CONFIG_PATH, "");
set_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_TUNE_MODE, "NO_TUNE");
set_param<uint32_t>(MS_CTX_TSD_REF, 0);
set_param<uint32_t>(MS_CTX_GE_REF, 0);
set_param<bool>(MS_CTX_IS_MULTI_GRAPH_SINK, false);
set_param<bool>(MS_CTX_IS_PYNATIVE_GE_INIT, false);
set_param<bool>(MS_CTX_ENABLE_REDUCE_PRECISION, true);
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ enum MsCtxParam : unsigned {
// parameter numbers of each type
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ conv2d_op_info = TBERegOp("Conv2D") \
.attr("dilation", "required", "listInt", "all") \
.attr("groups", "optional", "int", "all") \
.attr("format", "optional", "str", "all") \
.attr("offset_x", "optional", "int", "all", "0") \
.input(0, "x", False, "required", "all") \
.input(1, "filter", False, "required", "all") \
.input(2, "bias", False, "optional", "all") \
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ conv3d_op_info = TBERegOp("Conv3D") \
.attr("dilations", "required", "listInt", "all") \
.attr("groups", "optional", "int", "all") \
.attr("format", "optional", "str", "all") \
.attr("offset_x", "optional", "int", "all") \
.attr("offset_x", "optional", "int", "all", "0") \
.input(0, "x", False, "required", "all") \
.input(1, "filter", False, "required", "all") \
.input(2, "bias", False, "optional", "all") \
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ depthwise_conv2d_op_info = TBERegOp("DepthwiseConv2dNative") \
.attr("dilation", "required", "listInt", "all") \
.attr("pad_list", "required", "listInt", "all") \
.attr("format", "required", "str", "all") \
.attr("offset_a", "optional", "int", "all") \
.attr("offset_a", "optional", "int", "all", "0") \
.input(0, "x", False, "required", "all") \
.input(1, "filter", False, "required", "all") \
.input(2, "bias", False, "optional", "all") \
Reference in New Issue