Robin-hood-hashing (
is considered faster then std::unordered_map/set,
so we use it to improve mindspore performance.
1. robin_hood head file in `third_party/robin_hood/include`;
2. In `utils/hash_map.h` and `utils/hash_set.h`, we define:
- mindspore::HashMap as an alias of robin_hood::unordered_map;
- mindspore::HashSet as an alias of robin_hood::unordered_set;
3. Replace:
- `#include <unordered_map>` --> `#include "utils/hash_map.h"`;
- `#include <unordered_set>` --> `#include "utils/hash_set.h"`;
- `std::unordered_map` --> `mindspore::HashMap`;
- `std::unordered_set` --> `mindspore::HashSet`;
- `map.insert(std::pair(key, value))` --> `map.emplace(key, value)`;
- `[] (const std::pair<K, V> &p) {..} ` --> `[] (const auto &p) {..} `;
4. Fix issues found by switch to robin_hood:
- AnfNodeConfig hash and equal;
- Fix a bug in `Slice::operator==()`;
- Fix a bug in `CNode::HasPrimalAttr()`;
- Fix map.erase() usage bugs: `map.erase(iter++)` --> `iter = map.erase(iter)`;
- Fix some iterator invalidated problem;
5. Some std::unordered_map/set can not replace by robin_hood:
- As parameter of functions that exposed to python by pybind11;
- Use bad hash that cause robin_hood::map over_flow, such as AbstractBasePtrListHasher;
6. Update cpp unit tests;
7. Add build option '-F' to enable robin_hood, default on.
1. Let 'isa<T>()' calls 'IsSameTypeId()' when T is final,
and we add 'final' mark to some final classes derived from Base;
2. Generate type id at compile time using constexpr hash function,
remove TypeIdManager and related code;
3. Add a tool script 'scripts/' to check tid uniqueness;
4. Improve type search in '' and '';
5. Add some missed MS_DECLARE_PARENT;
6. Ensure calls of 'parent_t::IsFromTypeId()' are all inlined.
only Linux system is supported now.
change the default value of `ENABLE_AKG` to off, and controlled by option `-K`.
the `ENABLE_AKG` is auto enabled when `ENABLE_GPU` or `ENABLE_D` is on.
since now, we can use `ENABLE_AKG` to control the compilation of graphkernel
and akg codes.
fix usage description for option "-K", it should be "[-K on|off]".
LLVM is required by akg for cpu kernels, so AKG for cpu is default disabled now.