Some minor scaladoc tweaks and deletion of incorrect scaladoc docs,

no review.

git-svn-id: 5e8d7ff9-d8ef-0310-90f0-a4852d11357a
This commit is contained in:
extempore 2011-07-15 22:00:28 +00:00
parent 4314d6314a
commit debee3275f
4 changed files with 70 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -393,6 +393,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
final def isPredefModule = this == PredefModule
final def isScalaPackage = (this == ScalaPackage) || (isPackageObject && owner == ScalaPackageClass)
final def isScalaPackageClass = skipPackageObject == ScalaPackageClass
def inDefaultNamespace = owner.isPredefModule || owner.isScalaPackageClass
/** If this is a package object or package object class, its owner: otherwise this.

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@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ import symtab.Flags
import model.{ RootPackage => RootPackageEntity }
/** This trait extracts all required information for documentation from compilation units */
class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory: ModelFactory with CommentFactory with TreeFactory =>
class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) {
thisFactory: ModelFactory with CommentFactory with TreeFactory =>
import global._
import definitions.{ ObjectClass, ScalaObjectClass, RootPackage, EmptyPackage, NothingClass, AnyClass, AnyValClass, AnyRefClass }
@ -24,6 +25,20 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
private var modelFinished = false
private var universe: Universe = null
private def dbg(msg: String) = if (sys.props contains "scala.scaladoc.debug") println(msg)
private def closestPackage(sym: Symbol) = {
if (sym.isPackage || sym.isPackageClass) sym
else sym.enclosingPackage
private def printWithoutPrefix(memberSym: Symbol, templateSym: Symbol) = {
"memberSym " + memberSym + " templateSym " + templateSym + " encls = " +
closestPackage(memberSym) + ", " + closestPackage(templateSym)
memberSym.inDefaultNamespace || (closestPackage(memberSym) == closestPackage(templateSym))
private lazy val noSubclassCache = Set(AnyClass, AnyRefClass, ObjectClass, ScalaObjectClass)
@ -33,10 +48,10 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
thisFactory.universe = thisUniverse
val settings = thisFactory.settings
private val rootPackageMaybe = makeRootPackage
val rootPackage = rootPackageMaybe getOrElse null
val rootPackage = rootPackageMaybe.orNull
modelFinished = true
if (universe.rootPackage != null) Some(universe) else None
Some(universe) filter (_.rootPackage != null)
/** */
@ -44,7 +59,7 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, DocTemplateImpl]
def findTemplate(query: String): Option[DocTemplateImpl] = {
if (!modelFinished) throw new Error("cannot find template in unfinished universe")
if (!modelFinished) sys.error("cannot find template in unfinished universe")
templatesCache.values find { tpl => tpl.qualifiedName == query && !tpl.isObject }
@ -53,8 +68,7 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
/* ============== IMPLEMENTATION PROVIDING ENTITY TYPES ============== */
/** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `Entity` type. */
abstract class EntityImpl(val sym: Symbol, inTpl: => TemplateImpl) extends Entity {
abstract class EntityImpl(val sym: Symbol, inTpl: => TemplateImpl) extends Entity {
val name = optimize(sym.nameString)
def inTemplate: TemplateImpl = inTpl
def toRoot: List[EntityImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
@ -63,8 +77,6 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
def annotations =
/** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `WeakTemplateEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
* `SymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity. */
trait TemplateImpl extends EntityImpl with TemplateEntity {
override def qualifiedName: String =
if (inTemplate.isRootPackage) name else optimize(inTemplate.qualifiedName + "." + name)
@ -77,14 +89,10 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
def selfType = if (sym.thisSym eq sym) None else Some(makeType(sym.thisSym.typeOfThis, this))
/** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `WeakTemplateEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
* `SymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity. */
class NoDocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => TemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with NoDocTemplate {
def isDocTemplate = false
/** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `MemberEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
* `SymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity. */
abstract class MemberImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with MemberEntity {
lazy val comment =
if (inTpl == null) None else thisFactory.comment(sym, inTpl)
@ -152,14 +160,9 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
def isTemplate = false
/** Provides a default implementation for instances of the `TemplateEntity` type. It must be instantiated as a
* `TemplateSymbolicEntity` to access the compiler symbol that underlies the entity and to be registered with the
* `templatesCache` at the very start of its instantiation.
* The instantiation of `TemplateImpl` triggers the creation of the following entities.
* * The owner of the template (as a full template);
* * All ancestors of the template (as weak templates);
* * All non-package members (including other templates, as full templates). */
/** The instantiation of `TemplateImpl` triggers the creation of the following entities:
* All ancestors of the template and all non-package members.
abstract class DocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: => DocTemplateImpl) extends MemberImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with HigherKindedImpl with DocTemplateEntity {
//if (inTpl != null) println("mbr " + sym + " in " + (inTpl.toRoot map (_.sym)).mkString(" > "))
if (settings.verbose.value)
@ -176,10 +179,8 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
def sourceUrl = {
def fixPath(s: String) = s.replaceAll("\\" +, "/")
val assumedSourceRoot: String = {
val fixed = fixPath(settings.sourcepath.value)
if (fixed endsWith "/") fixed.dropRight(1) else fixed
val assumedSourceRoot = fixPath(settings.sourcepath.value) stripSuffix "/"
if (!settings.docsourceurl.isDefault)
inSource map { case (file, _) =>
val filePath = fixPath(file.path).replaceFirst("^" + assumedSourceRoot, "").stripSuffix(".scala")
@ -204,16 +205,16 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
val linearization: List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity)] = {
val acs = sym.ancestors filterNot (_ == ScalaObjectClass)
val tps = acs map (cls => makeType(, this))
val tpls = acs map makeTemplate
tpls foreach {
case dtpl: DocTemplateImpl => dtpl.registerSubClass(this)
case _ =>
sym.ancestors filter (_ != ScalaObjectClass) map { ancestor =>
val typeEntity = makeType(, this)
val tmplEntity = makeTemplate(ancestor) match {
case tmpl: DocTemplateImpl => tmpl registerSubClass this ; tmpl
case tmpl => tmpl
(tmplEntity, typeEntity)
tpls zip tps
def linearizationTemplates = linearization map { _._1 }
def linearizationTypes = linearization map { _._2 }
@ -545,7 +546,9 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
/** */
def makeType(aType: Type, inTpl: => TemplateImpl): TypeEntity =
def makeType(aType: Type, inTpl: => TemplateImpl): TypeEntity = {
def templatePackage = closestPackage(inTpl.sym)
new TypeEntity {
private val nameBuffer = new StringBuilder
private var refBuffer = new immutable.TreeMap[Int, (TemplateEntity, Int)]
@ -558,18 +561,15 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
nameBuffer append sep
appendTypes0(tps, sep)
private def checkFunctionType(tpe: TypeRef): Boolean = {
val TypeRef(_, sym, args) = tpe
(args.length > 0) && (args.length - 1 <= definitions.MaxFunctionArity) &&
(sym == definitions.FunctionClass(args.length - 1))
private def appendType0(tpe: Type): Unit = tpe match {
/* Type refs */
case tp: TypeRef if (checkFunctionType(tp)) =>
case tp: TypeRef if definitions.isFunctionType(tp) =>
val args = tp.normalize.typeArgs
nameBuffer append '('
appendTypes0(tp.args.init, ", ")
appendTypes0(args.init, ", ")
nameBuffer append ") ⇒ "
case tp: TypeRef if definitions.isScalaRepeatedParamType(tp) =>
nameBuffer append '*'
@ -581,6 +581,18 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
appendTypes0(tp.args, ", ")
nameBuffer append ')'
case TypeRef(pre, aSym, targs) =>
val preSym = pre.widen.typeSymbol
// There's a work in progress here trying to deal with the
// places where undesirable prefixes are printed.
// ...
// If the prefix is something worthy of printing, see if the prefix type
// is in the same package as the enclosing template. If so, print it
// unqualified and they'll figure it out.
// val stripPrefixes = List(templatePackage.fullName + ".", "package.", "java.lang.")
// if (!preSym.printWithoutPrefix) {
// nameBuffer append stripPrefixes.foldLeft(pre.prefixString)(_ stripPrefix _)
// }
val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
if (bSym.isNonClassType)
nameBuffer append
@ -597,7 +609,12 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
/* Refined types */
case RefinedType(parents, defs) =>
appendTypes0((if (parents.length > 1) parents filterNot (_ == ObjectClass.tpe) else parents), " with ")
val ignoreParents = Set(AnyClass, ObjectClass)
val filtParents = parents filterNot (x => ignoreParents(x.typeSymbol)) match {
case Nil => parents
case ps => ps
appendTypes0(filtParents, " with ")
// XXX Still todo: properly printing refinements.
// Since I didn't know how to go about displaying a multi-line type, I went with
// printing single method refinements (which should be the most common) and printing
@ -627,6 +644,7 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) { thisFactory
val refEntity = refBuffer
val name = optimize(nameBuffer.toString)
def templateShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol): Boolean = {
// TODO: document sourceless entities (e.g., Any, etc), based on a new Setting to be added

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@ -308,19 +308,19 @@ trait TypeDiagnostics {
def modifyName(f: String => String) = = newTypeName(f(
def scalaQualify() = {
val intersect = Set(trueOwner, aliasOwner) intersect Set(ScalaPackageClass, PredefModuleClass)
if (intersect.nonEmpty) preQualify()
// functions to manipulate the name
def preQualify() = modifyName(trueOwner.fullName + "." + _)
def postQualify() = modifyName(_ + "(in " + trueOwner + ")")
def scalaQualify() = if (inPredefOrScala) preQualify()
def typeQualify() = if (sym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) postQualify()
def nameQualify() = if (trueOwner.isPackageClass) preQualify() else postQualify()
def trueOwner = tp.typeSymbol.owner.skipPackageObject
def aliasOwner = tp.typeSymbolDirect.owner.skipPackageObject
def owners = List(trueOwner, aliasOwner)
private def scalaAndPredef = Set(ScalaPackageClass, PredefModuleClass)
def inPredefOrScala = owners exists scalaAndPredef
def sym_==(other: TypeDiag) = tp.typeSymbol ==
def owner_==(other: TypeDiag) = trueOwner == other.trueOwner
@ -339,9 +339,8 @@ trait TypeDiagnostics {
|tp.typeSymbol.owner = %s
|tp.typeSymbolDirect = %s
|tp.typeSymbolDirect.owner = %s
|inPredefOrScala = %s
tp, tp.typeSymbol, tp.typeSymbol.owner, tp.typeSymbolDirect, tp.typeSymbolDirect.owner, inPredefOrScala
tp, tp.typeSymbol, tp.typeSymbol.owner, tp.typeSymbolDirect, tp.typeSymbolDirect.owner

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ package object swing {
type Image = java.awt.Image
type Font = java.awt.Font
protected[swing] def ifNull[A](o: Object, a: A): A = if(o eq null) a else o.asInstanceOf[A]
protected[swing] def toOption[A](o: Object): Option[A] = if(o eq null) None else Some(o.asInstanceOf[A])
protected[swing] def toAnyRef(x: Any): AnyRef = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
private[swing] def ifNull[A](o: Object, a: A): A = if(o eq null) a else o.asInstanceOf[A]
private[swing] def toOption[A](o: Object): Option[A] = if(o eq null) None else Some(o.asInstanceOf[A])
private[swing] def toAnyRef(x: Any): AnyRef = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]