
171 lines
4.8 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpuMILibrary.h"
#include "gpuKnnLibrary.h"
#include "digamma.h"
#include "ctimer.h"
jidt_error_t MIKraskov_C(int N, float *source, int dimx, float *dest, int dimy,
int k, int thelier, int nb_surrogates, int returnLocals, int useMaxNorm,
int isAlgorithm1, float *result) {
return MIKraskovWithReorderings(N, source, dimx, dest, dimy, k, thelier, nb_surrogates,
returnLocals, useMaxNorm, isAlgorithm1, result, 0, NULL);
* Calculate Mutual Information using the KSG algorithm.
jidt_error_t MIKraskovWithReorderings(int N, float *source, int dimx, float *dest, int dimy,
int k, int thelier, int nb_surrogates, int returnLocals, int useMaxNorm,
int isAlgorithm1, float *result, int reorderingsGiven, int **reorderings) {
CPerfTimer pt = startTimer("Rearranging pointset");
// Allocate more space if surrogates are requested
int nchunks = nb_surrogates + 1;
int dims = dimx + dimy;
float *pointset = (float *) malloc(N * dims * nchunks * sizeof(float));
if (nb_surrogates == 0) {
memcpy( pointset, source, N*dimx*sizeof(float));
memcpy(pointset + nchunks*N*dimx, dest, N*dimy*sizeof(float));
if (nb_surrogates > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dimx; j++) {
pointset[j*N*nchunks+i] = source[N*j+i];
for (int j = 0; j < dimy; j++) {
pointset[nchunks*N*dimx + j*N*nchunks + i] = dest[N*j+i];
// If surrogates requested, copy permutations as well
int *order;
int perm[N];
if (!reorderingsGiven) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
perm[i] = i;
for (int s = 0; s < nb_surrogates; s++) {
if (reorderingsGiven) {
order = reorderings[s];
} else {
randperm(perm, N);
order = perm;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dimx; j++) {
pointset[(s+1)*N + N*j*nchunks + i] = source[N*j + order[i]];
for (int j = 0; j < dimy; j++) {
pointset[nchunks*N*dimx + (s+1)*N + N*j*nchunks + i] = dest[N*j + i];
jidt_error_t err = MIKraskovByPointsetChunks(N*nchunks, source, dimx,
dest, dimy, k, thelier,
nchunks, returnLocals, useMaxNorm,
isAlgorithm1, result, pointset);
return err;
jidt_error_t MIKraskovByPointsetChunks(int signalLength, float *source, int dimx,
float *dest, int dimy, int k, int thelier, int nchunks,
int returnLocals, int useMaxNorm, int isAlgorithm1, float *result,
float *pointset) {
int dims = dimx + dimy;
int err;
int trialLength = signalLength/((float) nchunks);
float *d_source, *d_dest, *d_distances, *d_radii, *d_digammas;
int *d_nx, *d_ny, *d_indexes;
CPerfTimer pt = startTimer("GPU_warmup");
// 1. Allocate space in GPU and transfer memory
// ======================
allocateDeviceMemory(signalLength, k, dimx, dimy, &d_source, &d_dest, &d_distances,
&d_indexes, &d_radii, &d_nx, &d_ny, &d_digammas, pointset);
// 2. Find nearest neighbours
// ======================
CPerfTimer pt = startTimer("kNN_full");
d_cudaFindKnn(d_indexes, d_distances, d_source, d_source, k,
thelier, nchunks, dims, signalLength, useMaxNorm);
// 4. Count points strictly within R in the X-space
// ======================
CPerfTimer pt = startTimer("RS_full");
d_cudaFindRSAll(d_nx, d_source, d_source, d_radii, thelier, nchunks, dimx, signalLength, useMaxNorm);
d_cudaFindRSAll(d_ny, d_dest, d_dest, d_radii, thelier, nchunks, dimy, signalLength, useMaxNorm);
// 6. Set locals, surrogates or digammas for return
// ======================
CPerfTimer pt = startTimer("Digammas_full");
if (returnLocals) {
float digammaK = cpuDigamma(k);
float digammaN = cpuDigamma(trialLength);
float digammas[trialLength];
d_parallelDigammas(digammas, d_digammas, d_nx, d_ny, signalLength);
for (int i = 0; i < trialLength; i++) {
result[i] = digammaK + digammaN - digammas[i];
} else {
float digammaK = cpuDigamma(k);
float digammaN = cpuDigamma(trialLength);
float sumDigammas[nchunks];
d_cudaSumDigammas(sumDigammas, d_nx, d_ny, d_digammas, trialLength, nchunks);
if (nchunks > 1) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < nchunks; ii++) {
result[ii] = digammaK + digammaN - sumDigammas[ii]/((float) trialLength);
} else {
result[0] = sumDigammas[0];
result[1] = -1;
result[2] = -1;
return err;