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Java Information Dynamics Toolkit (JIDT)
Copyright (C) 2012 Joseph T. Lizier
Version @VERSION@ (see release notes below)
JIDT provides a standalone, open source code Java implementation (usable in Matlab, Octave and Python) of information-theoretic measures of distributed computation in complex systems: i.e. information storage, transfer and modification.
This includes implementations for:
- both discrete and continuous-valued variables, principally for the measures transfer entropy, mutual information and active information storage;
- using various types of estimators (e.g. Kraskov-Stögbauer-Grassberger estimators, kernel estimation, linear-Gaussian).
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Full information on the JIDT (usage, etc) is provided at the project page on google code:
"Full" description of any required installation is at: http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/Installation
However, if you are reading this file, you've downloaded a distribution and you're halfway there!
There are no dependencies to download; unless:
a. You don't have java installed - download it from http://www.java.com/
b. You wish to build the project using the build.xml script - this requires ant: http://ant.apache.org/
c. You wish to run the JUnit test cases - this requires JUnit: http://www.junit.org/ - for how to run JUnit with our ant script see http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/JUnitTestCases
Then just put the jar in a relevant location in your file structure.
That's it.
A research paper describing the toolkit is included in the top level directory -- "InfoDynamicsToolkit.pdf".
Javadocs for the toolkit are included in the full distribution at javadocs.
They can also be generated using "ant javadocs" (useful if you are on an SVN view).
Further, they will soon be posted on the web.
The project wiki also contains further information on various aspects; see http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/ to start.
Further documentation is provided by the Usage examples below.
You can also join our email discussion group jidt-discuss at http://groups.google.com/d/forum/jidt-discuss
Several sets of demonstration code are distributed with the toolkit:
a. demos/java -- basic examples on easily using the Java toolkit -- run these from the shell scripts in this directory -- see description at http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/SimpleJavaExamples
b. Several demo sets mirror the SimpleJavaExamples to demonstrate the use of the toolkit in non-Java environments:
i. demos/octave -- basic examples on easily using the Java toolkit from Octave or Matlab environments -- see description at http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/OctaveMatlabExamples
ii. demos/python -- basic examples on easily using the Java toolkit from Python -- see description at http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/PythonExamples
iii. demos/r -- basic examples on easily using the Java toolkit from R -- see description at http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/R_Examples
c. demos/octave/CellularAutomata -- using the Java toolkit to plot local information dynamics profiles in cellular automata; the toolkit is run under Octave or Matlab -- see description at http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/CellularAutomataDemos
d. demos/octave/SchreiberTransferEntropyExamples -- recreates the transfer entropy examples in Schreiber's original paper presenting this measure; shows the correct parameter settings to reproduce these results -- see description at http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/SchreiberTeDemos
e. demos/octave/DetectingInteractionLags -- demonstration of using the transfer entropy with source-destination lags; the demo is run under Octave or Matlab -- see description at http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/DetectingInteractionLags
f. demos/java/InterregionalTransfer -- higher level example using collective transfer entropy to infer effective connections between "regions" of data -- see description at http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/InterregionalTransfer
g. demos/octave/NullDistributions -- investigating the correspondence between analytic and bootstrapped distributions for TE and MI under null hypotheses of no relationship; the demo is run under Octave or Matlab -- see description at https://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/NullDistributions
h. java/unittests -- the JUnit test cases for the Java toolkit are included in the distribution -- these case also be browsed to see simple use cases for the various calculators in the toolkit -- see description at http://code.google.com/p/information-dynamics-toolkit/wiki/JUnitTestCases
Please cite your use of this toolkit as:
Joseph T. Lizier, "JIDT: An information-theoretic toolkit for studying the dynamics of complex systems", 2014, arXiv:1408.3270
This project includes modified files from the Apache Commons Math library -- http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/
This Apache 2 software is now included as a derivative work in this GPLv3 licensed JIDT project, as per: http://www.apache.org/licenses/GPL-compatibility.html
Notices and license for this software are found in the notices/commons-math directory.
The project includes adapted code from the JAMA project -- http://math.nist.gov/javanumerics/jama/
Notices and license for this software are found in the notices/JAMA directory.
The project includes adapted code from the octave-java package of the Octave-Forge project -- http://octave.sourceforge.net/java/
Notices for this software are found in the notices/JAMA directory.
Release notes
v1.0 14/8/2014 at r434
Added the draft of the paper on the toolkit to the release;
Javadocs made ready for release;
Switched source->destination arguments for discrete TE calculators to be with source first in line with continuous calculators;
Renamed all discrete calculators to have Discrete suffix -- TE and conditional TE calculators also renamed to remove "Apparent" prefix and change "Complete" to "Conditional";
Kraskov estimators now using 4 nearest neighbours by default;
Unit test for Gaussian TE against ChaLearn Granger causality measurement;
Added Schreiber TE demos; Interregional transfer demos; documentation for Interaction lag demos; added examples 7 and 8 to Simple Java demos;
Added property to add noise to data for Kraskov MI;
Added derivation of Apache Commons Math code for chi square distribution, and included relevant notices in our release;
Inserted translation class for arrays between Octave and Java;
Added analytic statistical significance calculation to Gaussian calculators and discrete TE;
Corrected Kraskov algorithm 2 for conditional MI to follow equation in Wibral et al. 2014.
v0.2.0 20/4/2014 at r284
Rearchitected (most) Transfer Entropy and Multivariate TE calculators to use an underlying conditional mutual information calculator, and have arbitrary embedding delay, source-dest delay;
this includes moving Kraskov-Grassberger Transfer Entropy calculator to use a single conditional mutual information estimator instead of two mutual information estimators;
Rearchitected (most) Active Information Storage calculators to use an underlying mutual information calculator;
Added Conditional Transfer Entropy calculators using underlying conditional mutual information calculators;
Moved mixed discrete-continuous calculators to a new "mixed" package;
bug fixes.
v0.1.4 11/9/2013 at r241
added scripts to generate CA figures for 2013 book chapters;
added general Java demo code;
added Python demo code;
made Octave/Matlab demos and CA demos properly compatible for Matlab;
added extra Octave/Matlab general demos;
added more unit tests for MI and conditional MI calculators, including against results from Wibral's TRENTOOL;
bug fixes.
v0.1.3 13/1/2013 at r151
existing Octave/Matlab demo code made compatible with Matlab;
several bug fixes, including using max norm by default in Kraskov calculator (instead of requiring this to be set explicitly);
more unit tests (including against results from Kraskov's own MI implementation)
v0.1.2 19/11/2012 at r116
Includes demo code for two newly submitted papers
v0.1.1 31/10/2012 at r104
No notes
v0.1 24/10/2012 at r65?
First distribution
Joseph T. Lizier, @DATE@