added in the original spiking estimator code

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David Shorten 2018-12-10 17:12:15 +11:00
parent 2ba27f30ac
commit fa9a45a9cf
5 changed files with 2711 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
* Java Information Dynamics Toolkit (JIDT)
* Copyright (C) 2012, Joseph T. Lizier
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package infodynamics.measures.spiking;
import infodynamics.utils.EmpiricalMeasurementDistribution;
* <p>Interface for implementations of the <b>transfer entropy</b> (TE),
* which may be applied to spiking time-series data.
* That is, it is applied to <code>double[]</code> data, as an array
* of time stamps at which spikes were recorded.
* See Schreiber below for the definition of transfer entropy,
* and Lizier et al. for the definition of local transfer entropy,
* and (To be published) for how to measure transfer entropy on spike trains.
* Specifically, this class implements the pairwise or <i>apparent</i>
* transfer entropy; i.e. we compute the transfer that appears to
* come from a single source variable, without examining any other
* potential sources
* (see Lizier et al, PRE, 2008).</p>
* <p>
* Usage of the child classes implementing this interface is intended to follow this paradigm:
* </p>
* <ol>
* <li>Construct the calculator;</li>
* <li>Set properties using {@link #setProperty(String, String)}
* e.g. including properties describing
* the source and destination embedding;</li>
* <li>Initialise the calculator using
* {@link #initialise()} or {@link #initialise(int, int)};</li>
* <li>Provide the observations/samples for the calculator
* to set up the PDFs, using:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #setObservations(double[], double[])}
* for calculations based on single recordings, OR</li>
* <li>The following sequence:<ol>
* <li>{@link #startAddObservations()}, then</li>
* <li>One or more calls to
* {@link #addObservations(double[], double[])}, then</li>
* <li>{@link #finaliseAddObservations()};</li>
* </ol></li>
* </ul></li>
* <li>Compute the required quantities, being one or more of:
* <ul>
* <li>the average TE: {@link #computeAverageLocalOfObservations()};</li>
* <li>the local TE values for these samples: {@link #computeLocalOfPreviousObservations()}</li>
* <li>the distribution of TE values under the null hypothesis
* of no relationship between source and
* destination values: {@link #computeSignificance(int)} or
* {@link #computeSignificance(int[][])}.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>
* Return to step 2 or 3 to re-use the calculator on a new data set.
* </li>
* </ol>
* </p>
* <p><b>References:</b><br/>
* <ul>
* <li>T. Schreiber, <a href="">
* "Measuring information transfer"</a>,
* Physical Review Letters 85 (2) pp.461-464, 2000.</li>
* <li>J. T. Lizier, M. Prokopenko and A. Zomaya,
* <a href="">
* "Local information transfer as a spatiotemporal filter for complex systems"</a>
* Physical Review E 77, 026110, 2008.</li>
* <li>To be published</li>
* </ul>
* @author Joseph Lizier (<a href="joseph.lizier at">email</a>,
* <a href="">www</a>)
public interface TransferEntropyCalculatorSpiking {
* Property name to specify the destination history embedding length k
* (default value 1)
public static final String K_PROP_NAME = "k_HISTORY";
* Property name for embedding length for the source past history vector
* (default value 1)
public static final String L_PROP_NAME = "l_HISTORY";
/* Could try to do this one later. I think we would just consider the history
* of source as being up to this many units of time behind destination and
* no later.
* Property name for source-destination delay (default value is 0)
public static final String DELAY_PROP_NAME = "DELAY";
* Property name for whether each series of time stamps of spikes is sorted
* into temporal order. (default true)
public static final String TIMESORTED_PROP_NAME = "TIME_SORTED";
* Initialise the calculator for re-use with new observations.
* All parameters remain unchanged.
* @throws Exception
public void initialise() throws Exception;
* Initialise the calculator for re-use with new observations.
* A new history embedding length k can be supplied here; all other parameters
* remain unchanged.
* @param k destination history embedding length to be considered.
* @throws Exception
public void initialise(int k) throws Exception;
* Initialise the calculator for re-use with new observations.
* New history embedding lengths k and l can be supplied here; all other parameters
* remain unchanged.
* @param k destination history embedding length to be considered.
* @param l source history embedding length to be considered.
* @throws Exception
public void initialise(int k, int l) throws Exception;
* Sets properties for the TE calculator.
* New property values are not guaranteed to take effect until the next call
* to an initialise method.
* <p>Valid property names, and what their
* values should represent, include:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #K_PROP_NAME} -- destination history embedding length k
* (default value 1)</li>
* <li>{@link #L_PROP_NAME} -- embedding length for the source past history vector
* (default value 1)</li>
* <li>{@link #TIMESORTED_PROP_NAME} -- whether each series of time stamps of spikes is sorted
* into temporal order. (default "true")</li>
* </ul>
* <p><b>Note:</b> further properties may be defined by child classes.</p>
* <p>Unknown property values are ignored.</p>
* @param propertyName name of the property
* @param propertyValue value of the property.
* @throws Exception if there is a problem with the supplied value,
* or if the property is recognised but unsupported (eg some
* calculators do not support all of the embedding properties).
public void setProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) throws Exception;
* Get current property values for the calculator.
* <p>Valid property names, and what their
* values should represent, are the same as those for
* {@link #setProperty(String, String)}</p>
* <p>Unknown property values are responded to with a null return value.</p>
* @param propertyName name of the property
* @return current value of the property
* @throws Exception for invalid property values
public String getProperty(String propertyName) throws Exception;
* Sets a single set of spiking observations from which to compute the PDF for transfer entropy.
* Cannot be called in conjunction with other methods for setting/adding
* observations.
* @param source series of time stamps of spikes for the source variable.
* @param destination series of time stamps of spikes for the destination
* variable. Length will generally be different to the <code>source</code>,
* unlike other transfer entropy implementations, e.g. for {@link infodynamics.measures.continuous.TransferEntropyCalculator}.
* <code>source</code> and <code>destination</code> must have the same reference time point,
* and each array is assumed to be sorted into temporal order unless
* the property {@link #TIMESORTED_PROP_NAME} has been set to false.
* @throws Exception
public void setObservations(double source[], double destination[]) throws Exception;
* Signal that we will add in the samples for computing the PDF
* from several disjoint time-series or trials via calls to
* {@link #addObservations(double[], double[])} rather than
* {@link #setObservations(double[], double[])} type methods
* (defined by the child interfaces and classes).
public void startAddObservations();
* <p>Adds a new set of spiking observations to update the PDFs with.
* It is intended to be called multiple times, and must
* be called after {@link #startAddObservations()}. Call
* {@link #finaliseAddObservations()} once all observations have
* been supplied.</p>
* <p><b>Important:</b> this does not append or overlay these observations to the previously
* supplied observations, but treats them as independent trials - i.e. measurements
* such as the transfer entropy will not join them up to examine k
* consecutive values in time.</p>
* <p>Note that the arrays source and destination must not be over-written by the user
* until after {@link #finaliseAddObservations()} has been called
* (they are not copied by this method necessarily, the method
* may simply hold a pointer to them).</p>
* @param source series of time stamps of spikes for the source variable.
* Will be returned in ascending sorted order.
* @param destination series of time stamps of spikes for the destination
* variable. Length will generally be different to the <code>source</code>,
* unlike other transfer entropy implementations, e.g. for {@link infodynamics.measures.continuous.TransferEntropyCalculator}.
* <code>source</code> and <code>destination</code> must have the same reference time point,
* and each array is assumed to be sorted into temporal order unless
* the property {@link #TIMESORTED_PROP_NAME} has been set to false.
* Will be returned in ascending sorted order.
* @throws Exception
public void addObservations(double[] source, double[] destination) throws Exception;
* Signal that the observations are now all added via
* {@link #addObservations(double[], double[])}, PDFs can now be constructed.
* @throws Exception
public void finaliseAddObservations() throws Exception;
* Query whether the user has added more than a single observation set via the
* {@link #startAddObservations()}, "addObservations" (defined by child interfaces
* and classes), {@link #finaliseAddObservations()} sequence.
* @return true if more than a single observation set was supplied
public boolean getAddedMoreThanOneObservationSet();
* Compute the TE from the previously-supplied samples.
* @return the estimate of the channel measure
public double computeAverageLocalOfObservations() throws Exception;
* This interface serves to indicate the return type of {@link TransferEntropyCalculator#computeLocalOfPreviousObservations()}
* as each child implementation will return something specific
* @author Joseph Lizier
public interface SpikingLocalInformationValues {
// Left empty intentionally
* @return an object containing a representation of
* the of local TE values. The precise contents of this representation
* will vary depending on the underlying implementation
public SpikingLocalInformationValues computeLocalOfPreviousObservations() throws Exception;
* Generate a bootstrapped distribution of what the TE would look like,
* under a null hypothesis that the source values of our
* samples had no temporal relation to the destination value.
* <p>See Section II.E "Statistical significance testing" of
* the JIDT paper below for a description of how this is done for MI and TE in general.
* </p>
* <p>Note that if several disjoint time-series have been added
* as observations using {@link #addObservations(double[])} etc.,
* then these separate "trials" will be mixed up in the generation
* of surrogates here.</p>
* <p>This method (in contrast to {@link #computeSignificance(int[][])})
* creates <i>random</i> shufflings of the source embedding vectors for the surrogate
* calculations.</p>
* @param numPermutationsToCheck number of surrogate samples to bootstrap
* to generate the distribution.
* @return the distribution of TE scores under this null hypothesis.
* @see "J.T. Lizier, 'JIDT: An information-theoretic
* toolkit for studying the dynamics of complex systems', 2014."
public EmpiricalMeasurementDistribution computeSignificance(int numPermutationsToCheck) throws Exception;
* Generate a bootstrapped distribution of what the TE would look like,
* under a null hypothesis that the source values of our
* samples had no relation to the destination value.
* <p>See Section II.E "Statistical significance testing" of
* the JIDT paper below for a description of how this is done for MI and TE.
* </p>
* <p>Note that if several disjoint time-series have been added
* as observations using {@link #addObservations(double[])} etc.,
* then these separate "trials" will be mixed up in the generation
* of surrogates here.</p>
* <p>This method (in contrast to {@link #computeSignificance(int)})
* allows the user to specify how to construct the surrogates,
* such that repeatable results may be obtained.</p>
* @param newOrderings a specification of how to shuffle the source embedding vectors
* between all of our samples to create the surrogates to generate the distribution with. The first
* index is the permutation number (i.e. newOrderings.length is the number
* of surrogate samples we use to bootstrap to generate the distribution here.)
* Each array newOrderings[i] should be an array of length N (where
* would be the value returned by {@link #getNumObservations()}),
* containing a permutation of the values in 0..(N-1).
* TODO Need to think this through a little more before implementing.
* @return the distribution of channel measure scores under this null hypothesis.
* @see "J.T. Lizier, 'JIDT: An information-theoretic
* toolkit for studying the dynamics of complex systems', 2014."
* @throws Exception where the length of each permutation in newOrderings
* is not equal to the number N samples that were previously supplied.
public EmpiricalMeasurementDistribution computeSignificance(
int[][] newOrderings) throws Exception;
* Set or clear debug mode for extra debug printing to stdout
* @param debug new setting for debug mode (on/off)
public void setDebug(boolean debug);
* Return the TE last calculated in a call to {@link #computeAverageLocalOfObservations()}
* or {@link #computeLocalOfPreviousObservations()} after the previous
* {@link #initialise()} call.
* @return the last computed channel measure value
public double getLastAverage();

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* @author joseph
package infodynamics.measures.spiking.integration;

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* @author joseph
package infodynamics.measures.spiking;