
260 lines
6.3 KiB

= ToDo
== Current
== Done
- generate resolved AST
- constant table
- types
- scope, frame
- integer literal
- 1, 2, 3, ...
- octal (010)
- hex (0x1f)
- 1U, 1L, 1UL
- character literal
- 'c'
- standard escape sequence ('\n', ...)
- octal escape sequence ('\077')
- string literal
- "string"
- standard escape sequence ('\n', ...)
- octal escape sequence ("\077")
- import
- single import
- recursive import
- import function
- import type
- build x86 test environment
- compile "Hello, World"
- write unit tests
- funcall
- 0 arg
- 1 arg
- 2 args
- 3
- 4 - 10 args
- variables
- param
- reference
- assign
- lvar
- assign
- reference
- initializer
- common symbol
- assign
- reference
- global variable
- define
- reference
- assign
- private common symbol
- assign
- reference
- private global variable
- define
- assign
- reference
- function-static variable
- assign
- reference
- initializer
- op
- +
- -
- *
- /
- %
- bitwise op
- ~
- &
- |
- ^
- >>
- <<
- unary op
- +@
- -@
- !
- comparison op
- ==
- !=
- >
- >=
- <
- <=
- self assignment
- +=, -=, *=, ...
- ++
- --
- control structure
- if
- while
- flow
- break
- continue
- for
- flow
- break
- continue
- do...while
- flow
- break
- continue
- switch
- goto
- valued control structure
- &&
- ||
- a ? b : c
- array
- as LHS
- as RHS
- reject negative length array definition
- struct
- as LHS
- as RHS
- recursive definition with pointer
- union
- as LHS
- as RHS
- recursive definition with pointer
- pointer
- *ptr
- *ptr = val
- ptr->memb
- ptr->memb = val
- &expr
- function pointer
- refer
- call ptr(arg)
- complex LHS
- local variable
- parameter
- global variables / common symbols
- static variables
- *arr[0] = ...
- *st.memb = ...
- *ptr++ = ...
- *(ptr + N) = ...
- their combination
- bare block ({...})
- cast
- semantic check (control)
- reject break from out of loop/switch
- reject continue from out of loop
- semantic check (reference)
- check all symbols are resolved
- check duplicated parameters
- check if the calling function exists
- warn unused static variables
- warn unused local variables
- warn unused static functions
- check if aref base expr is indexable (a must be indeable where a[0])
- check if funcall base expr is callable (a must be callable where a())
- semantic check (type)
- simple type check (binary ops, unary ops)
- a[0]
- *ptr
- ct.memb
- ptr->memb
- funcall args
- prohibit circular struct/union definition
- implicit cast
- validate struct/union member (ct.memb)
- validate struct/union member (ct->memb)
- check duplicated struct/union members
- ptr + int; ptr - int
- check return type
- check if &expr is assignable
- use user type instead of struct/union
- do not use #equals for type check
- check if void is not used with array, struct, union.
- op for various types
- signed char
- signed short
- signed int
- signed long
- unsigned char
- unsigned short
- unsigned int
- unsigned long
- Multibyte input
- parse command line option
- --dump-tokens
- --dump-ast
- print node location in error message
- parse command line option more precisely
- --dump-reference
- --dump-semantic
- add standard load path (use -I option)
- call GNU as and GNU ld instead of gcc.
- rename asm methods
- lvar overlapped allocation
- pointer comparison
- ptr==ptr should work
- ptr&&ptr should work
- cond?ptr:ptr should work
- !ptr should work
- implement NULL as reserved word
- duplicated import did not propagate symbols
- test if static function is really static
- test switch stmt
- remove FIXME from Entity.java
- implement cast
- dump UTF-8 string byte by byte.
- sizeof
- calculate address on AX register.
- prohibit multi-dimension array without size
- extern gvar access
- implement source repository
- handle multiple arguments (source files, assembly files, object files)
- -l
- -L
- -Wl, -Xlinker
- -Wa, -Xassembler
- write install.sh
- va_list
- objectify instruction
- fix &puts
- AsmEntity -> AsmOperand
- Symbol -> LabelRef
- Literal should not inherit AsmEntity
- toString -> toSource
- reject struct/union/array on stmt context
- ComplexType -> CompositeType
- impelement -O options
- -O (peephole optimization)
- movl $0, %eax => xorl %eax, %eax
- addl $1, %eax => incl %eax
- addl $-1, %eax => decl %eax
- subl $1, %eax => decl %eax
- subl $-1, %eax => incl %eax
- addl $0, %eax => NONE
- subl $0, %eax => NONE
- imull $0, %eax => xorl %eax, %eax
- imull $1, %eax => NONE
- generate prologue/epilogue after function body.
- -O (fast immediate load)
- check "puts = str"
- -O (jump elimination)
- useless label elimination
- -fPIC (PIC generation)
- -shared
- Java 5
- label refactoring
- Label -> Symbol
- all Symbols should be got from objects
- implement unnamed (code) Label
- bin/cbc: resolve symbolic link
- --readonly-plt
- -fPIE, -pie
- implement difference against PIC
- check opassign semantic as operator
- use enum for compiler mode.
- type handling
- "extern char*[] sys_errlist" is array, not pointer
- &puts should be typed as int(*)(char*)*, not int(*)(char*)**